HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-02-22, Page 1THE. 1111,-ITSSELS POST, TTI URSDAY, -^. • - -• • ^ • $2.00 A Year In Advance $3.00 To U,S,A. ?RIB. 22nd, 1968 POST P Le131.1 SHING i0 fe ate tI with 1Tr. and :krioirtti, cam oron. Sarnia. VI. (11%.4, JAMES S. ARIVISTFlONG pEE WEES TRAMPLE. A We long resident of Uroy ZURICH HOCKEY TEAM Township, ,Jamos S. Arnastrong„ 9'40 'biggest edition of the . . , ' H fosse] s Pee Wees side- pfissed a way to W tnguaIn 1.4st- 'a nu Show ever °Uered will rict Hospital after a lengthy Nitre!r It ' h with a st "wing 8.°' open its doors on Tuesday, Feb-;tad uow nee to the illness, on Friday, February I titb. v'kt(trY 1c1 rinirl 27 in London. The show -H) year. WO. \ A League finals. The lirus- will open daily from. 10:30 in his 7,, sols -'oat(' displ-dyed precision. to 10:30 p.m. until closing on Mr. Armstrong was a faithful LIfi Still Lg. cad flaw less teamwork Prickly, March 1 at 4 : 30 p.m. .member of Melville Presbyter: as they completely outplayed the inn Church. He was an Elder oar. rig 'Zurich wain. Goa 1 tender A neW area opening this year 1110 (41 11 rPn f or 10 years and I f ugh Niutiol, handled only nine for (.110 first time, will be the s con rlooi- grandstand level. Tit is new area will house both the main theatre and a special (l ;elites' demonstratlion theatre. Also in this Area will be spec- ial edueational exhibits of futur- ist tc fnrniing methods by the Federal and povinci al Depart- m etas of AgrieUltUre. FARM SHOW NOW BIGGER THAN EVER Special farni education Od. grains will be held during the first three after nmens, designed to aid the progressive fernier. Tuesday, February 27 is Soils Day and a panel starting at 1:30 p.m. will be entitled, Help, inn your soil to help you'. On this panel will be Bill Grieve and Tom tame, Andy Stewart and 0 eorg e Morris. Wednesday, February 25 is Corn. Day and the 1:30 program that day "Management facts for profitable corn production" will have as speakers Dr, Sam Aidl rich, III i noise State lltivesity, and David parse Coon. Rapids, Iowa. Dean day on Thursday, Febr- uary 20 Will have a double bar- relled program starting at 1:30 pm. on "Crewing berms for profit". Dr. Wayne Adonis, Ai telt len n State University will talk on white beans and Dr, Stanley Young, University of Oltel ph will cover soya benne, The new ladies' deineeettetion theatre will hest a variety of afternoon' mem:anis designed to a pp eal to women. On Tuesday, Fehrunry 27 there will he a hair styling demonstration at 2:15 m The a fteroon program Wed- n esti ay. February 28 will com- mence at 2 : 30 p.m. with an educational film which will be followed at 3 00 p.m. by a cook- ing dem 0 'a strati on Two events ieg d o m on s teati on . Two eyents are all so planned for Thursday. February 20 with a floral demon- stration sell eduied at 2:15 pin. arid a. roll-on embroidery denim- et lee ion nt :15.. Varied programs with wide appeal will be offered evenings in the main theatre. Tueeday, Fehrn ivy 2'i evening program will start. at 8:00 p.m. with the "rowning of the Farm show( i-,rinet,ss, Baking Queen and the k tnr, Prinuess. This will lift Polio wed by' a nation piny. A ,Ili.41ce,r POrtift 0 'PO 0 OS 'Mineral Service' Was held. Sun- day afternoon froM the D, A, Ram. funeral home with temper- a ry eatorithenient In 'f3reseele Chapel. Rev. C, A. McCarroll of ficinted. Pallbearers were Norman Hoover, Douglas Hemingway, 'Miami Wilson, Maurice Laycock, Roy Consins and Clark Matheson, Plover Ilearers were Wilfred Shertreed, Crain= Work, Bill Stnith, Walter Kerr, Jan:mg nab. and Gerald Gibson, WORLD DAY O e' PRAYER The, Women's World Day of Prayer Service will be helild fiat St. John's Anglican Church on March 1st. at three All ladies of the commit pity p ro urged to attend. ADULT SKATING There will he adult skating , every Sunday night from 840 p,m, for die rommainder of the season.. .A d si on : 5()c, each couples, Feburary 25 show at 7:30 p.m. amid a I S:30 p.m. there will be an elementary school square Do acing competition. A special Junior Farmer prce gram on Th r8(1 ay. February' 89, This out ertainment program by' the Junior Partners Wilt bent . f.1 at. 8: 30 p.m. The largest display of tam elnipm en t and machinery ever • exhibited has all ehibit space cratnined to capacity. Thih gives. fern' families ai chance to shop Amid compare in oet makes of eon!piri.rant. without obligation, At the Sallie thee they can enjoy the entortn I nmen t features and itriNrit front the edueritlenel (Heel] ay lend Pro.gTeree, son. Brussels now Meets Paisley for the W GitatikPieT1414 in a hes f-tive series. The first g4tmO ' the serif.); will be played, 111. Pa lacy. The teams will return to :B russel s f or, th e second game on. Prhitty nigh 1, February 23, at 8 p.m. BRUSSELS STUDENT WINS TOP HONORS IN PUBLIC SPEAKING jud y '•aIlalnee. daughter of :\ kr. and firs. James Wilance of Prisisis, Had a 11 Nide 8 pupil 1irussels Public School, won the lop honors at the Tin ron County clement cry p 111 lc speaking contest. -bold in Clinton, 'Ind:1r defeated 14 other emu- petitors and will now contest. the zone f 10: al to he held tI ent 'Me colnoe.atien IN 0 Ft sponsor- ed by the Ontario School Trus- i on. 'Con r,ratu la Lions arid good 'ia'.i.slhfl5 for cone ined access• rrc extended to Judy. g ••••••••••••••• ..6.• -oar+ 4'-. C. S., NEWS Sports: Things IMMO reolly been rol- ling for the pupils of Brussels (;cau.tra.l Sdhool during Fehr.- nary. VS' 0 have been engaged in interschool volley ball and it has proved both worthwhile and fun., both boys and girls teams lal atyed against T3 e tgrave. Myth' :1 Hui tett schools. Public Speaking U , iles ye bOoli busy this mouth preparing addresses on all sorts of topics. e best Of those will he IoN1rd hi all i pupil our school contest nest kv OM' i'ongra Ulla I ions to Grail'' i fi(m(1en.t Julie. Valiance who tOok top honots at the Speaking Competition in Clinton, she co/0,110es iii St rat hroy of S'ainrclay Feb, 21. invitation To P'ar'ents Grade,: sevoim miens wohld like in invitob'e'lt (lam'e'nts et item el (helm 3 r: 10 l'ilf‘TO Atli(( Peee's of. ue ThePt) will be a POblie Speak- contest for Graxies 5. 3, T and S ran \V efln esd y 1,:ebruar3,r 28th. rrh p three top speakers tat gru cern pet.° at that rime With a, trophy to go to the „I nner ;in ('arm grade., Everyone who iniererded wetomo in attend CRANBROOK Knox ,Obureh Amia! Meeting A, pot-luck supper, followed by' the Annual in eeting of Knox Church wos hold the base- meet of litee, church oft Teemb d ay ,ve n Feb, 13th. Rev. C. A. op,,Hod the meeting with with prayer. ;Mfrs. Gordon 'Engel 'vial illil ,ointed to net as secre- tary and read the tn leu toe of Om previous mee,ting. All reports vine- midepted es printed. The trine Ina ;lagers, Alex flamer- a, Jack Rnight, iand Clare ''caul' W(TP repel reel by Gordon Ping"'. Leslie Knight and Rose e'm, Mrs, M. J. Rh gel was re- appointed secretary treasurer. Tine repairing of organ. and Sin itg P orgaelet was refer- eed to session, Vehers are Ja,ck te:almeli and T.),avid Perris, and as:4151:1111s Ca I'm DM Fischer and A ex. Cameron. Stanley iilwo et was. appoint r.if auditor, The 000 adjourned On Motion 'I' S ta e Fischer and. Prank `irilitll, :\11 NT the "oliodictinn. e rso nets 7,\T Kete et feealite trail is- arid -Nrvirs: MacDonald Toronto. spoil i rho wriekiiend .with lord \I'n's trolly '41n ui ITN Jos. Cameron, BORN ITfr;Cmtic-=".1'r and tilts Bob Fri:It:1ns wish to an noutice ti.'' hirra of their (I er. Sheri f or, 1-:`,11 hill} lied, I A4"0. '1'01 CRANBROOK COUPLE HONORED ON THEIR 50th ANNIVERSARY i„rgt: inn other of neighbours fdonds gathered at the C ra n brook lornmunity Ceutre omt 1: ridgy night to celebrate tit, eoill wedding anniversary of Mer, and Mrs Wes Meir4achert, An emejoyal4 e evening of ri5i• newt' g aequaintances, cards, and dant -lag t the music of A rel Ale orchestra WOO spent, Mrs. George Evans reed an address and. a radio, elook , and ether gifts were premenCell bye Mrs Frank Smith.7.1e,r4. Mrs, Stu art le:vans. u rraN ,Oaunt AT,P. called eariier etrta jboir residence and present scroll, also Messages of cell- p:ratulations w•ere, received from Prime Minister Lester Pearess, CI (MS ervattve.. • Leader Robert Stanfield and Robert McKinley NNAl;,e'Pe'le M . • .and Miss Mfe nary • Were- united I in marriage by Rev. bile- Cu Hough on February' 10th, 111 /e, et th,c home or the bride's par- te; ts, Mr. and Mrs. Robert • enure,. eal nun. (gr ey Township, The • first year of their married lire wee e pen t In Pilot. Mound- Man..then they returned t o. spend • to spend ari• Years in Grey Township. They: Inter moved to :mon, • near .Galt, and -to Ayr Ont. in iliSil, th.ey purchased the home in Cronbrook Where they mew reside, They had two sons, Winsome, of ((alt and Gerald who naid the supreme soorifice. lit World Wor e 14. Tilley also ve three gra nd('hildren and ono 'great imindehild. "Wes" wa s in ployed CPR, for 33 Attending the celebration from distance . V.V1•18 Mr. and Mrs, i'lrl-a y in In McMullen, Kim, Ind .Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Parry Otwison, all of Galt. Mr. and Ti's, John Reckett and daughter of presto.), end Mr. end Mrs. Wieeens of Clinton. tithe! WI 1. Meeting 'Mrs. Gctorge Hietastra tea s fO!' ''u'' Wonl eifs Ins ;tit I; e meet! 'u held at. her home with Mrs. kl-riber as co-host, ess, ..11! N.A. TIMSWC rOd the urine an old fashioned ion! ny intplemont and nirdorri ono that has verde] e r it. emee riles t Seri gee ,' the motto "Re kind to the -g-ed. you r (urn fn voine”. •“, hml tit 'ti topic Si. vt; I ems litee ,Naar, rCedi* Vend i) 111'1. };fil Secretary Treasurer of the SUI1,, sboUL ill picking; tiPI:end day School for over 5Q years. r shit loin of the s;,.ia soil while his also a Charter MreMber of the Busy team''-mate's blasted 3"i shots Brussels Lions Club, at they Zurich goal. Left-winger- , Allan Cardiff clicked for the hat lie is survi v ed by his wife, the tried: with Roger 'Humphries former Ada Fulton, sea James adding two more. Single goals at home. two daughters. Helen, were senrea Jolts 'Elliott, Rick iilMrs. Robert Joyce of Lorne Park acDona Id, and Dorothy, Mrs. Wilson Tihho, of Ottawa, and nine grand- children, a nd Robert Stephen- PuBULiC SPEAKING CONTEST AT BCS BROOM BALL TEAMS BR; NG HOME TROPHIES Beth tee Ladies and Mens I fttioln tedi reams, won top honors ibis season and Were .0,0 ,(11 .11 -trophies. .Per the ladies there • 2-0 err 1)101' 1 ',I-1 gra e '.5are theta the trophy for the emmeond $trgigh year. Men. ilerentnd 11eIgT2I4*e I in the Belgrave Memoir). Ton rnam en t to bring .home their 001; era I ula tions to both teams ••