The Brussels Post, 1968-02-15, Page 5ukiTAII40 '1: J:' ad, 1.51.14 1004 •t• URLI-11 IN Vii h.6 YOU 10 flEAR MR. t; l'4 WING1-1AM 5U , 18th AT i :30 A.M. It; -4 1 Ur...c,41.A14(.,k-: Liikcb l lANITY" Lunch And iiiscussion To Follow . „kl i • elfteboulaLL (do v% na. ..vbette:, reN tc.;wed •all 1)00,Cil'S till Lilt! GINA;SCl.iUO b. Ilt Su Lo 161.9.0u. [Ale eo.Li.k at. :ststatuni; ait- uitsonal l,)1.i sill,, Jur Zia LWe WuNI, ILL 1.)111S. SeiS WaS jut to Roffing- haus t'on,u.rlietAon 1,0, tor There were, two tenders. I lie Beard agreed to continue suppoi'L tun. Delgraye Scheel fair, and that a donation of i700,.(h.t the same as last year be given. h,e, Custodians were given. an increase in sautry for the present school year. e rent farm in Brussels distriet, with house and barn. Write Box 343, Wellesley, Ont. HAY FOR SALE 0000 bales of good quality, first cut hay. Apply: Blyth 5234413 R. Snell. ANNUAL FEB. SPECIAL CREAM OIL and. PROTEIN COLD WAVE $6,75 COMPLETE CALL 140 Goo. 3,11-cflutcheen Ralph Shaw VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Chairman Secretary The Bouque t Invitation Line toile needn't be expentive. Our beautiful f3ck.noc;: inv1atioi lino proves this with the most exciitii.::•tQ r'cii 7c Noe faces cind workmanship you could v./;-1'. teat:ire, ri,crina Lngraving—rich reisod 0\ c.rafl•srranshiO .yet costing co I r, ,• L )01.z *vec.,.4•Az tr/t rty EE OUR NEW CATALOGUE BRUSSELS POST 1 ttl U.IN 1 A LA i (dr ist,n 1.)rr..jatiiSt. rreu L,ltl, (; lurch aulluui Guest: 11,r • Gunther litena, WANE L 1:14k4.1A:\ CHURCIA miniswr REV. C. A, IvieCARRCLA. 10,00 tt,in uhurch Dasic Criritiamity 0.) The Biblical View of .Marriage Election of Elders at close of the :Morning Service Organist: Mrs. Moran Moffat THE ANGLiLAN OF CANA te• sn Priest, The R,''v F, u. SAINT JOHN'S Brwir,4lit MrD 0 Holy Eucharist 11:30 A.M. Matting SAINT ALBAN'S '*A 1 N T DAVID'S ATWOOD 111.00 a.m. Matting C:UMING EVENTS BINGO Ilowlek "lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, February", 1.6th,. . in Wroxuter Commtinity at 5.30 p.m. Admission $1. 12, regular games for 4;10; .2 "Share the Wealth"; one $25 Special. door prizes; jackpot or $00 in, in 0 calls. BAIL SET FOR ROBB E RY SUSPECTS ....Two youths -charged .a n con- nection with the robbery of the Bank ..of Montreal -branch ..at. Brucefield Jan 3 were each re- manded in custody until Feb.-19 When ,.they appeared ..in magis- trateiS .,court _Gocierich on Monday Morning ....Rober•t Stewart Smith au, RR 1, Brussels, _charged ,.with rob- bery was held on bait of $10,000 cash or $20,000 property bond. ...Smith was arrested in Nash. Tenn, last week ....James Yuill ,of Kitchener, charged with possession of mon- ey stolen in the robbery, was all esteo in Kitchener on Friday. Bail set for Yuill was $5,000 cash or $10,000 property bond __Both Smith and Yuill were re- presented by D. J. Murphy. who asked for the week's adjourn menk Police said last week that over . $5,000 of the $9,144 taken ha8 been recovered. sonars cc 11,41,13:6, Lnstowel, .•,,zart Evans. 2111.6 6 ILLI.::\A lle t.stnatitiou, er, V as home Cur the 1,1,0,1'. tor \ 01' tar ..the Compensation and tatiolt llosmital near Toronto. Ail 6, 0 wart Evans and Gary, .i... and Mrs. Doug Evans and and Mrs. '1 oaug attended the f1tii iu2U surviee in Varna United Charell on Sunday. • acqu elute. Patricia, infant daughter Mr. and Mrs. Barry Taylor, was baptised, Mrs, the former Patsy ,,irt.ary• Meeting '.Of i'-,1'(ernoon Group Miss, . Alice J. .Forrest was. hostess tor the February Meet- ing of the .Aftertioon group of the • WAS of E.n.ox. Clutch. Mrs. Ear Dunn, leader, read a poem and an article by . Padre Young on. -Tension". • The Seriptare ii it read i n unison and the med- ii<iclott g,von 'by the leader. Mrs. John Perri° led in prayer, .read- ngs ware given by Mrs. Calvin Ctudol.o.n. "Life Can be a Drag"r and 11118s VerreSI; who .react 014.•usiry". The topic "The 'tar, a Al o was given by Mrs. \\'111'red Strickler. The president, Mrs. Clare Veitch, conducted the business. Thirteen memb- ers and one visitor answered the roll call with a "Highlight of of Centennial Year". it was de- cided to accept the invitation from the Mouorieff group to jail' thorn for the World Day of Pray- er service in their church on March 1st. Mrs, Veitch was chosen to take part in the ser- vice. ('aids and Visits to sick and shut-ins were recorded by the see:refarYi MisS Forrest: MI'S. Moss Veitch is one of two Junior nutters chosen to Lae part in the lingb. Bailey Mem- orial Tour. The tour was Origin- ally established by the ITGO Board in memory of the late Itugh Bailey, General Manager from 1015 - uJ. He was a man who believed deeply and sincerely in the development of peopl0 to ~('r'u'st as leaders, Monday, Feb; Talks on History and De- velopment of Co,,Operative 'Due- ;loess in Ontario and also about. the "Ownership Control and maw agement of UCO in Ontario". ni,:;(lay: Tour Oak Street, tVeston Road, and also Live, stock Yards at the UCO head- quarters in. Toronto. WednetdaY: at tInelph to tout' Guelph Feed L'.l)PC Plant, CIA Build Poultry Plant, Farm Vigil, Thursday: Grain Faeitater Ctit- ford Branch, Tour Tillsanburg fertilizer plant, Tobacco Auction Baru, N;orrolk Co-Op at Sinidota and lumber yards, Hatdimand Co-Op and 1)unliVille faCilitiest, farm visit, BeattisVille branch, Ivid a y Return to *I'Orotito for 0iscw5sion With General Man aster, SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For alt kinds of untwiste±rhng Brustels Representative: SELWYN BAKER {'hone 4 c.!7 470 Ws t.Aood When It's HOT',, And Easy To Serve A. Breakfast, Atter School or After Winter Sport '11000LATE i ,h) .7( IV AK PO. ade right from the bottle. Just heat and serve it to your family when tht...y conic in from the cold. peal Chocolate Flavour combined with all the goodriresio of milk fresh from COUSINS DAIRY and your grocer who sells zie L PUKE DAIRY PRODUCTS NOTICE Young um Ilex. Le Leek atter children in her Own home. Phone 97W FOR SALE — • 1900 Ski-Doc, 10 h.p., in good Condition.. phone 431.)5. Ted eowan WANTED Morris, East Wawanosh School Board Meeting All meinbors were present at the regular' inoeting or this Board lilvussels School on FebTuary I ot each scheoi appointed attendance officer :tor that school, Carl Gow lug was appointed as representative of the Morris East Wawanosh Board to the In- Lenin School Organization Coin• mittue which will propane a com- prehensive report of the existing school systems to be adminiuter- ed hy the new County Board. Bill passed for payment.: Con, struel ion acConut $929.40 and truin ripint account bills amounting, to 41456.00 Next regular Meeting in. 13e1- grave School on March 4, at 5 .:;1) p.m. kt.v.JUK t;ett Stanley Fischer revolted on the Presbyter,ial meeting held in; Knox Church, Stratford, on jaw. nary 10th. The Mizpall B6ne- days with Mrs. dictiOn was pronounced in liaison. The lunch committee ;Ars. Stanley Fiseher, and Mrs. Riten- Mac Engel assisted the hostess week. in Serving refreshments. MI'S. Wes Flo -neva will be hostess who has been for the March meeting. mouth left on. Junior Farmer To \Norkmens Take Part In Tour Itehahili-