HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-05-20, Page 6ti THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1881. The Pne!e' turner. :. H.. 1 „ r•.ttd. i... �' , ,• ...•:.y. NO? 41'. •'t , . It it „e ,:["rtar o.+. " N' rb ! •, : and t..- W. • ti. mover lee . •.•e t ss true Logi LA he quo c. e,. You msyd;•..me:he kiwi o(1' ' e; Yet it m ght he 'I•hat never f.r II Th. fain of the heart aheuld How many eo forth in . tie morn"Ig ". sat never oome home at uigbr; .4nd hearts ;,.ave broken use harsh o or le sp••kea That sorrs'v can oe'er met right. We have careful thnugFta fo" the stranger. And smiles for the sometime guest: But oft for "our own" The biter tour, Though we love "our own" th, bent. Ah! lips with the curs .• impatient; Ah! brow with that lookafseu...; 'Twere n cruel fate, Were the night too tate •1'o undo the wort of "he .ue rn. THE POETRY nF SLEEP. "an elderly gentleman, dressed in an old black coat and cocked hat, by the mune of Knickerbocker," had disappeared from his lodgings; amid "p ;mess of aewapepetl" were iptotmad that they would be aiding the cause of humanity if they should insert the notice. This was the preliminary tuneb W arouse public interest -vr what the print erw*cif near papers to -day would tall an vortising dodge which preceded the appearance of the history. On November II "A Traveller" wrote to the Pod that a per- son answering the description had bees seen resting by the road -side a little above Kingubride, on the Albany said; and un the 16th of November the Ima- ginary landlord 4 "the Independent Columbian Hotel, Mulberry Street," wrote that nothing had been heard of the old gentleman, but that a queer manuscript book had been found in his room, which the landlord said he would be obliged to dispose of to settle his ac- count. On the 28th 4 November, Inakeep and Bradford 128 Broadway, announced that they would shortly pub- lish the work found in Mr. Diedrich Knickerbocker a room, and called a His- tory of New York, in two volumes, duo- decimo, price three dollars; and on De- cember 6, 1809, it was, published. That this was the kind 4 bolder flight of American literary genius which Mr. Buckminster anticipated is improbable. But it is none the less a singular verifi- cation of his anticipation, fur it wag a distinctively American work, and of a quality which . has given it a permanent place in our literature. It was followed, ten years afterward; by Bryant's "Tha- natopeis," which seemed to Mr. R. H. Dana, to whom it was offered for the North American Rer'ie•o'—then more pro- perly a magrzine-to be so different from any strain 4 the American '!fuse that it could not have been written in this country. Those who remember Irving as he appeared in New Yorit'in his later days must often have recalled this prelimi- nary notice of Diedrich Knickerbocker. Poet. Dh• Y:n'e 3aing time Praises ulAlum- ber and Dreams. Blake's cradel-son;; is very pretty, but rather Geo bug, not too grauntical in the latter versos: Sweet drama, forst a shade O'er my lovely infant's head - S• at drams of pleasant streams By happy. Wield, moonei beams. Sweet sleep o it h Croft down %Wravc thy brows and infant crown ; Sweet sleep. angel mild, Hover o'er my happy child. There is something of the disconnected coherence 0 the vision of the night in Beddoe's "Drum Pedlary," which reads like a memory of a poem heard in sleep: Inhere were dreams to sell, What would you buy 7 Some costa pausing bell : Seine a Tight sigh, That shakes from Life's fresh crown. Only a rose-leaf`dow-n. If there were dreams. to sell, Merry and sad to tell. And the crier rand the bell, ;What would you buy 1 But a sleepier and more soothing song than this is Sidney D.tbell's chief success in vetei,e, a passage of drowsy and mon- Irving was 55 quaint a tigers. Thirty tonus music that rings years ago he might have been seen on On the margin gray an autumnal afternoon tripping with an "Twixt the soul's night and day. h oustistep alongBroadway, , `singing awake away pwith "low- Into sleep. quartered" shoes neatly tied, and a Tal - Probably a wider research than we tea cloak—a shurt garment titat hung have inade would discover ninny more from the shoulders like the cape •.f a lullabies and shoes of sleep which might coat. There was a chirping, cheery,old- make a charmed volume forwakefuleyes. school air in his appearance which was Mr. Tennyeon's cradel song in "Sea undeniably Dutch, and most harmottious Deems,' and the verses from the "Prin- with the vatyciatiuns of his writings He cess"— seemed, indeed, to have stepped out 4 tions la politics a Reformer, menifset- iung • great interest in the vinous events trap bring throughout the world,wheth- er or political. At home a genal est and charitable to • fault. The homeless and wanderer were never turn- ed away hungry. A vacant seat at his table was reserved for the stranger and • couch fur the weary. His funeral ocu- te,fe was nee of the larvest ever seen in this section, showing the esteem in which deceased was held. His family have the hearty sympathy 0 the community in their bereavement, deet regret being felt for his hose. -{Expositor. Two engineers, named Kay and Simp- son, had a narrow (*ape in a collision at Genanoque on Saturday night u the carelessness of the signal man. When the engines suet, Kay and his fireman jumped from their engine, and Simpson and his firemen only escaped by the ten- der being forced under the engine. Miss Ids Joy, of Tilsonburg, has just been a successful competitor, out of nine thousand artists, in having s portrait in oil hung in the great Salon Exhibition at Paris, France. It will be remember- ed that Miss Joy was the recipient 0 a similar honor some two years ago at the Royal Albert Hall, Loudon, England. .Now steeps the crt•naon penal now thewhite- books; and the cordial grace "Lotus Eaters," should not be omitted. and humor of his addre/k, if he stopped Shells) poem, "The Magnetic Lady to fur a passing chat, were delightfully Her Patient"— characteristic. He was then our must Slee on. sleep !forget thy pain, famous man of letters, but he was simply My hand is nn thy brow- free from all self-consciousness and as- I Would try the force of its mesmeric gumption and dogmatism. .tine day the spell. "Shelley's poem on "Night," too, Easy Chair met him st his publisher s, might claim a place in a volume of lulla- the elder Putnam, in Park Place. Put - hies for the grown-up children by virtue minis Monthly was just beginning. - With the languid choral music of the itis oven a Wonderful Dtseevery. For the speedy cure of Consumption and all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Bron- chitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and cheat, dry hacking cough, tickl- ing in the theist, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all chrrnic or lingering diseases of the thoat and lungs, Da. KING's New Dis- covzsv has no equal and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommend- ed by all medical journals. The :lergy and the press compliment it in the moat glowing tonna. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for 81. For sale by F. Jor- dan. Ooderich. PAY UP. PRINTS AT COLBORNE BRO` EERS resod. 5 CENTS A YARD UP. THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN. BEING r.ow out of businese on account of the fire, it is necessary that all debts owed me should be settled early. I take this oppor- tunity pposetunity of Sosiring all concerned to pay up at once. 1.78-2m GEORGE CATTLE. of its lines— Irving was very gay and cheerful, full Thy brother Death cable and cried: of encouragement, and said,' with his "-Would'stthou mei" • Thy sweet child sleep, the fileny-eed, twinkling eye and piping •trice. But I Murmured like n noontide bee : "Shall I nestle by thy elder we old ones had the advantage of you: Would'et thou me r and I replied: there are so many of you clever young fellows that you trip each other up." Like Longfellow in the later day, Irving I had always the warmest word of cheer and sympathy for every younger nr.,ther o.1 sister in letters. -{Editor's Easy 0 soft embalmer of the still midnight! Chair, in Harper's Magazine for June Shutting with careful misers and benign Denali of Duncan )•etwea. sr. "No, not thee!" AFTER THE FIRE. JOHN gTORY The Tiasmttb is still to the front. 8 vier itaximvs. mesas. woo Fur test is as Plats. as VS= ese with Coloflaws, el Pia ►Ms /1uw� wltk I Mrasowia. Only Veritable*. order W��� H rue •Ree 10 ciente. la the cents wards order to die wort/ Th. Y/ek's Keds aro the Fiera' Guido will tell w to set and grow them. tet'. /lower and T Pages, 6 Colored Mates, 10 seats in palet coven: $I.M l In German oarst�reitlNa► Page a Io Its sd P1si. 1..vlery nM b.r and many Ane Enproviage. Trios at its • year. Five Copies fes 014,111. 8p.clmen Number+ sent for 10 cents; I trial copses for St mawAddress. JAMES VICY Roel , N.Ina I have pleasure to state that despite the inccnvenienee I was put to in my business by the recent fire in my premises. that�innoi now full blast ieh ;again prepared to give the greatest STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line in the business, return1 would also ceesful efforts n1 saving my thanksch for the property n my absence from DOOM at the late fire. John Story. Garde,. 17) •lav For t uiuth SHIMS' VIRIETY STOIE. NEW GOODS. 5,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER TO THE PUBLIC:- JIarirg disposed of my Photo Business its Godertielt, I would take this unity to return thanks for the many stror received since ceminiencing business I hers neem years ago. Fur my cheesier, Mr. hallows, '1 bespeak a continuance of the patronage so kindly tendered me, and kaosrir.y him to possess superior ability, predict for hien a successful business career. Respectfully, R. R THOMPSON, Photo. I'ihcala s ode must not be forgotten, nor Cowley's nor Dentnan's song, "The Sophy." But Keats' sonnet may close the list of invocations which Homer made Hera begin : Oer gloom -pleased eyed, embower'd from the light 4uv Enshaded in forgetfulness divine : 0 soothcat sleep if iw 11. please thee, clone. In midst of this iiyntn. my willingeycs, - Or wait the nmen, ere thy poppy throws Around my bed its lulling characters ; Then save me, or the poised day will shine Upon my pillow. breeding' many woes : Save me from curious conscience. that still lords Its strength for darkness, burrowing like a mule : Torn the lit deftly in the oiled wards. And seal tate hushed casket of my" soul. In epite of Keate, rtii i of the proverb about the sleep of the just, we fancythat conscience keeps few people awake. Coffee and overwork and tobacco andthe noises of the night may demand choloral, int nut conscience.—[Snturdny Review. Iry Ing a. Diedrich h•irkerborker. �}t is a striking coincidence that the fill, certainly one of tht very first, most colt rated work, of our b.Pee tette, : lire- ratu:', or, as n recent critic calla it pure litersure, should have immediately fol- lowed out eloquent pn.phecy of its com- ing. (In the 31st of August, 1809, the Rev. Joseph Buckminster. ore of the moat eloquent Drat, Iv, accomplished scholars, aiel charming sten 4 his time, delivered the Phi Beta Kappa oration at Rarvard Cailege. His sul;ject wait the dangers std duties of then id letters; and after d eeribinl; the intellectual die- t urbane* awl. as he thought, the malign influence uv m literature of the French Re:obtt nun.;: says. -"The hien 'r let- ters alt,, arc - direst . •:ir t.tate, mould our genius, mil empire our emuktti<rn- the ;nen, in f. a •, e)ft.r.e cru Ings ere to he the depositnr.ts of our national great- ness -11101 not. t libow-n themselves the world Ru' f we aro net nti+talce`e in the signs of • ..t times, t':.e gee. us of our litelltture- les,: to ale ;w y'untenna t.f vigor. and to 1,.e a bolder flight • Ind the generation olliish 1+ to succeed Is will be forme,,.,, e'r lnotieh, end 'eat r a hfighter ti's-' Il�s++'+� Th» was ^n itis :'• Iter August. 11109; end on the 9th et .stoner Clewing • '„d.^e appeared ie • Save •.n; r..,f nf's•t,'•t `Distre.sinfj And etatsn that A most nielancholy occurrence tarok place &t Exeter. ori Thursday, May 5th. Mr Duncan McEwen. Sr., Of the Lon- don Road, Hay, near Heilman, was stay- ing at a h•.tel in Exeter for the night. He was sleeping in a ro..111 • n the eect.nd storey. During the night he raised the window of his room. and either stepited or fell out, and war found s.,me-hours afterwards in an insensible condition. Medical aid was summoned, and every- thing possible done fer hint, but all in vain, he died stun after. Deceased had 1 for some time been subject to sudden chills, followed y ever, tin I in a semi -unconscious state, and it is 1 supposed that it was durinv one of these spells the accident occurred. Mr.Mc- Erten intended retiring from farming anti going to Exeter t.• reside, and with I that object in view he hal pur,3ased . land there, and was having erected Moon it a comfortable iesidence. He was engag- With reference to the above, I would inform all iaterested that my aim will be to produce work at the Lowest Prices consistent with Good Quality, and shall spare no pains to give satisfaction. A fine assortment of Albums, Frames, &c., to hand in a few days. A call solicited. R. SALLOWS, ne-FRESH STOCK -114,,rArNEW STYLES.' WiNDOW SHADES, TRAVELLING BAGS, BASKETS BABY CARRIAGES.' . SES WHAT PHYSICIANS And People in Canada say about Scott's Emulsion Of Pure Crid Liver Oil WITH gypophoohiies of Lime & Soda AS A REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTING DISEASES etitcodlac, N. 11.. Nov. S. 1880. Messrs. SCOTT & BOW NE: -I have used and prescribed for some time "Scott's lstnulatun of Ood Liver Oti." and find it an exoeUeot prepa- ration, agreeing well with the stomach, easily taken. and its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. a. H. rata, IL D. Penn. Med. College. Amherst, Nova Scotia. Nov. 8, 188D. Messrs. SCOTT & BOWNE,-/lents: For nearly two years I have been acquainted with Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hype• phosphites, and consider it the finest prepara- tion now before the public. its permanency as an Emulsion with the pleasant flavor. tuakes It the great favorite for children. cid I do highly recommend it for all waiting diseases of the system. Yours, very truly, C. A. BLACK, Y. D. Halifax,- N. S.. Nov. 19, 1980. Messrs. SCOTT et DOWSE.. Gentleman I have prescribed your Emulsion for ti.e pest two years, and found it more agreeable to the stomach, and have better results from its use from any other preparation of the hind I have tried. A FINE STOCK, STYLISH AND CHEAP Note the Stand. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." Next door to the Post O®ce. If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS CROCKERY, or -GO TU - R, iL CA1611og, e. p: Belleville. (Mt. Messrs, SC01 T d BOWN E, - Dear :sin: I feel it a dutylowe not only to you but to the community, to make the following statement: About three years ago my eldest daughter was taken with a severe cold which settled oa her lungs, and not withstanding all that her medi- cal attendant could do, she got worse and worse, and appeared to be in the last sad hope- .GLASSWARE,I lees stage of oonsuruptlon. The t),.ctorsaid he could do no more. but recommended your Em- nlsion, and the effect of it was in the opinion of every one who knew her. simply marvelous. Before she had used the Aret bottle. she felt much better. and to the surprise of us all, she 1 continued to mend en rapidly that In three ' months she vena able to go about a., 'fetal, and I has contihued in such excellent health that she got married 18 months age, and has now as fine and healthy a son as you can find in the country. WILLIAM BLAND. D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. In addition to the ordinary lams of the Ore ery and Crockery Trade. I carry a fu stock of Flour. IRasLPark and Euea1 PoYis!olls Photo, Blake's Block, Ooderich. 1 1 tSuccessor to H. R. Thompson.) N.B.- Ae I have all the Negatives made by )11' MOTTO IS, R. R. Thompson previously to my taking the - sen Incppaartieswtshingduplicsteswillpease "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices.” send me their cedes. R. SAI.i.OWS, Fhotografo. Coal Oil also sold. See;my Stock and get my prices Sr.Yloods delivered to any part of the LIBERAL OFFERS FOR 1881_ Two Years for the Price of One ! THE REPRINTS OF Daniel O-ordon, D. Ferguson. THE aVIT1$H 41 ARTCRLY (Evangelical', OI HON Qi tRTF.RLi' (Conacrrali:e), Ems et-maof Hi ililieriaer FDI\RI RLR (11 -hip,, AND 888, 11118 INTER (Libtr,,1 REVIEWS, AND 8lackweed.'s Edinburgh Magazine, Present the best foreign periodicals in a con- !ve(ent form and without' nbridnrnent or alteration. Torso mor subscript i•■ Morbid Jag Pes/agr.1 ed in the superintendent.* of this work , when the rnelane:huly affairs which re- j suited in his death tusk /,lace The de- j ceased was born at Newton, u1 1:len Ammond, Perthshire, Scotland. and em- ' igrsted together with his father and other members of the family to this , country in the year 1018, settling for a time on the site 4 the City Of (Sltawa, then called the Peens. After a short sojourn there they moved int.. the town ship of Beckwith, then • &Pee and en- brOlten forest, molter* MI deem hewed out for themselves • comfortable home; and although beset with ddlticulties, u el1 pinneers .r , Ian emanyd t. , •vercome them by his 61041elitable tu.*r��y', a fea- ture which characterised his wh•rle life, and by industry anti eeenem♦ accumu- lated considerable wealth In 1867. when Ilia land -fever was $K its height. he eno'edd west• ant.: eestld in Hay. having purchased $ block of 4100 acres 0 uncleared land. This was a new gibers lot his exertuipe, and ,ere lung the iand wall cleats, Wilditapt .wscted, ami it is now one of the finest blocks "f I land in the county. He was a man .1 a ltt•werAil frame. iren constitution, tea misrkidhle vitality and vigor, and to the very last lacked n,-0110 of his ytsathful energy \ cry- few gounngg men enol. show morn ectiv try in relit(,nn a sunset Prelehytettan, hemp cert' ere, and ,!Peed ed in his relgi••ns principles and court( Blackwood or any one Review... $1.00 peran. Blackwood and any one Review. 7.110 " Blackwood and two Reviews. . . 10.00 " Blackwood and three Reviews . 13.e0 " 7.00 " Ahneyfowro,Rrec•ite.s . .. .. . 13, Blackwood and the lour Iteviews 15.0000 Thew are about half the pew,* charged by the English Publi'hers. Circulare giving the Contents of the Period- icals for the year 135). and many other poetic- --- - uiars. may be had oil appUeation, :i'RFMIVMS- New subscribers may have the numbers for 1880 and Iit81 at the price of one years nthCarriage seiiptlom only. To any enMcriher. new or old. we will fur- nisL the pert,dleals for 1.'tip at hall price. All orders to tw sent en the euh11, Ation oMee. ()blest House to the ferrety, anti Lary st Mock this side London! PARLOR SC1T2s , Ban -Room Scrraa, SIDa-Bowarri, EASY CHAIRS, LoceoaS,'STC., ZTC. Cash Buyers will find 1! to tielr advantage to see my stock if they need a good article at close price. Il. QoRDON, West Street, near Post Office, Qoderieh.; NTAII To secure premiums apply promptly. The Leonard Scott pnblisht as Co., 41 RARCLAY ST.. t'4FW TISRt. ::fGARh1 t I til v A F I 'eADi fJM 11. s1i51 SitICI)s ' 01 /SOW ' • l'1 ♦+ n RRiI POINTER having lease,/ the ehop of Mr P. Bayne, is now engaged in the manufacta re n first clans t"y CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS, etc. ;fair- r M Give me a call. and 1 will give yew prices that cannot be neaten in th lg'g f R r aunty. ht "' REPAIRIITG & JOBBINC3 D ONE a KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, 144 B. POINTER •!I • a r;2 GLOBI TOBACCO 00., DITROf1, Mica,, anti RINDSOk, * GET YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS PkINTRIr tar. th,e, THSHUAI)N SIGNAL. Nortti ytrest, Uodanch Elora. Out. July. 1!180. This is to certify that my daughter has had Lung disease for sou.- time. and very much reduced in fleeeh, and had nit strength enough to walk across the street. She was advised by a lady friend to try Scott's Emulsion. mid to our great surprise before she had used three bottles her health was completely recovered. I recommend it to every one troubled with the same disease. JIBS R-. Bowes. THE GREATEST WON 1)F.E OF MODERN TIMES !-The Pills Purity the Blond, correct all disorders of the Liver. Stonuu•h, Kidneys and Bowels and are fnvalnahle in all complaints in- cidental to F cmalcs. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Le Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcera. of however standing. Forlironrhitls,Dlphtheria,('oughs, olds,Gout, Rheumatism and all Skin Diseases, it has no eQHEWnal. ARE OF AMERICAN COUNTER- FEITS.- I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the Public g.:neraUy to theft/et that eertaln Houses in New fork are sending to many parrs of he globe arcetous IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labile some whines in New York. I do not Alin. en Medicine to be sold In any part of the United Mates. i have no Agrntathere. My Medicines are onl made by me. at 1.11 Ox- ford Street, London. In t he'Booka of directions affixed to the spurloasmake 1s seaution warn- ing the Public against being deceived by (-min terfetts. int not be misled by this oat/clonetrick, na Miry are the,msnrer;feita they pretend to drnnunrr. Thew. reinterfef care purchased by unprincipled Vsliders at one-half the price of my I'lllnand Ointment and are 0°1.150700 se my genuine Medicines. f moat earnestly appeal to that sense of))ustice which i feel .urn 1 may ven- O'er upon spiking from all honotsbte persona. to assist me, and the Public, as far as may lie in their power,indenouncing this shameful Frand- Each Pot and Roe of the Genuine Medicine bears the British Government Stamp with the words "HoiioWsr•+ PILLS AND OtNTMg\T. LornsN," engraved thereon. On the label is the addreee, VII Oxford Street, Leaden. where alone they are Manufactured. HoUneayaPills and Ointment hearing only other address ore counterfeit. The Trade Marks of Lb.'s. Medi- cines are registered in Ottawa. Hence any one throughout the Rritieh Pne eevlone, who may keep the American ('onnterfelts for /Ole. will he ptneee,ibd. Mem-tit THOMAS HOLLOW A Y Oxford Street. London. Jas. 1. 1871- 1.,iNGALESE HAIR RENEWER The crowning r,nry of men or women se • hes at 1I1An ; r HAIR. This ran only be oh- tnined by tieing tIwp*Etch, which has roved itself to he the BEST FiAZR proved itself in the market. motes • healthy growth of the hair, render. 1 sof/ and silky..lrengthrn. Is. mots end pre rents Its falling net and arts with rapidity In RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try It betor .using any other. fold by al. drttswiats. Prleee,110 rte. a bottle. I751,ll, AGENTS %WorkWAnte4 Bi[ Pay Lte1t . t'nnatant ernptoy�eti( No (:apitai regnlred '..i's /Arlt k Our imos reel tjtteban. lid