HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-05-20, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 20. 181. A corrwp,.udent has written us, desir- ing the Township Uoildoil'to'give •grunt tuwitrd oeleleatiss.eted►Rarr sl Hume' pairing the coming amthwar. W , aural)/ Rive the idea for what it is word.. Mr. G. W. Berry las purchae..i the stock of the Clendenuing estate and re- moved it to Luokaow. Fail, Waley. --The fall wheat in this section looks bad, and frau are enter- tained that s half yield wlll not )wail!. COVET or Rtvulos. -Te Goon elf Revision for the Tuwoshiy of Aihffeld. wiil be held at Manu*. H01o. hate os. Saturday, \fay 28th. Milburn • The recent• rains have freshened' up wheat sod hirovgltt "tat/1311191146.1111' 44114 the fiefs in thji neighbudt1pttk like a green carpet. GOOD tiaocL.-]Rine host of She Ex- cha a lass avid acalf of ony tweJvi �1 old so a Luckn„w cantle raiser -' ter . tone sem of $50. We understand that steps will be taken by our ratepayers to open out the sideline runniug to the !eke from the village. This is much needed for the thawing of gravel from the Leath 'fur statute labor and other purposes There was a successful learn raising (x► the farm of Mr. Hayden last week. /all prevent had a jolly time. and also dis- cussed the crops and the N. P. Garbralll, CoNv•uacgNT. -The many friends of Mr. Joseph Morro will be pleased to learn that he is around uuce more after a severe illness of three weeks' duration. Although pulled down considerably in flesh, he is as buoyant in spirits as ever before. A CHA1RON.-The old gravel pit has been plowed over and laid out as an orchard by its owner. There are but few residents of the township who have not at some time drawn, gravel from it for road purposes. Lots year the path - master in the Garbniid division had a troublesome time of it with some far- mers. Wishing justice dune to the township, it is said he made up his mind ' to call out the militia. On the way down, meeting an Irishman from 31i11 - burn, he told him his troubles. The Milesian advised him to try a keg of Well. ale instead of bayonets. The advice was taken, and the last days' work for the township on the old gravel pit was uproariously happy. A singing class has been organized in this place under the tutorship of Mr. Wand, of Kincardine. There are over sixty pupils in attendan:e. This vicinity has lately been mucic • pestered with tramps, one of whom fir- ed rather roughly from the hands of some drunken young men, who caught him and stripped hien of his clothing in ' a very unceremonious manner. The poor trarip implored them to let him go, but his persecutor only laughed the louder. There is however an old proverb which says. -"He laughs best who laughs last, ' and we think it would be suitable for the tramp to do so in this case: for when attacked. a legion of little insects -we say legion becausethey were many -sallied forth upon the dii- robers of him who had doubtless fed them and their [[posterity for many a day, and proceeded to wreak a venge- ance on the disturbers of their peace. by at once searching for their blood. The young men found out when sober that the tramp had not had the worst of the fun, and doubtless resolved to to keep out of such scrapes in fu- ture. DOMING in Its PERFECTION THE GRANDEST SHOW ON EARTH LEAVIItu YOTeise. eTt►,M ABU Lei t Dia . . ins null SHELBY PULLMAN & HAMILTON'3 GNI United Magnin Short GODERICE THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd. AiTEIN•D\ Vitt EVENING. Under it. - 120,000 :nils OF WATER Moor . ASi As In the full suarecllpeing bears of the wo.dorfuitacandescent ToT.„itsTRIC L.IQ T In a gorgeously appointed Pavilion of per - goody Water•proot('aavas, with a SEATING CAPACITY OF 6,000 A PERYE(T PALACE OF BEAUTY, Harting with MAUN IVl( ENT DECORATIONS. ILAN Nags, tUe•I'T- ( II&ONN, ORIFLAMMES. and ,MCLTIdVieMtEu EMBt.AZENMENT; a fitting anphnheatre fur the display of the 1.11iYAEALLELIU ARLT Or TALENT Which will be introduced et each perform atce, and which we ulaiw Is tar superior to the •reek absiity which any uthor establish- ment, be tt known by' whatever name it ma , can produce. 'this MAMM(YI'H ItXI'USl- 1'ION of Novelties is divided into SIX DEPARTMENTS. IAHbarn,. The farmers in this vicinity are now about through seeding, the meadow- land looks well, and the fall wheat pro- mises a fair crop; the recent tains hav- ing produced rapid growth. TEMPERANCE. -At the last regular meeting of the Leeburn Lode No. 213 I. 0. G. T.; the following officers were installed for the ensuing quarter:-Bro. Wm. H. Aborn, W. C. T; Sister Louisa Lyons, W. V. T; Bro. John Linklater, W. T; Bro. Janie* Strong, W. F. 8; Bro. H'y. Horton, W. 8; Bro. Gavin H. Clutton, W. A. 8; Bro. James McMan- nue, W. M; Sister Lizzie Roine, W. D. M; Bro. D. Cumming, W. C; Sister Sarah Bogie, I. 0; Bro. Wm. McMan- nus, O. 0; Sister Mary A. Clutton, R. H. 8; Sister Martha McMannua L. H. 8; Bro. S. B. Williams, P. W. C. T; and Bro. D. Cumming, Lodge Deputy. The Lodge is now in a very flourishing condition having a membership of about forty sixteen of whish joined during the last tern. The members intend holding their annual pic-nic, on the 24th of May next; a number from a distance are to be invited, and a grand time is anticipated. The Grant ('osaopolitan and Tran marine Circus. The Iwmenee ugyptun Caravan and Oriental Menagerie. A vast SSA Aquarium. A tropical Aviary. A School of the World's Mechanical Marvels, and s Museum of 90,000 Curiosities, FOR ON* PRICE OF ADMISSION llTS�LilT1O of PiRTNERH!P; The larnership heretofore saistipg between EPHRAIM DOWNING and JOHN DOWNING, under the name and tale of Ea, & J. DOWNING, Boot and S!, a• dealers, Ontario, has this day 4 dissolved by mutual c. usent 'Ile business will be carried oh' by to whom all moneys owed E. 4; J. DOWNING roust be land, and who wail pay all debts contracted by the late firm. EPHRAIDA DOWI‘TINa.. JOHN DO'VCWNINC}_ 8. MALCOMSON, W.t:ese Goderich. May 10, 1881. TO THE PUBLIC, In thanking the public for the very large patronage bestowed uncle the Matte firm of E. t J. DOW 'HMI:, during the past seven year, 1 reepecifully solicit a continuance of that esteemed patronage It will be my aim always tc give satis- faction to all who may deal with me. and to still farther increase the excellent busi- neas which you have heretofore assists ui ectfrs ull p. EPHRAT M DOWNINtl. Comer of East Street, Court House Square, Guderich, Ontario. NOTICE_ Owlaitothe state ofhis b.elth, theundot�ssline,t has decided to give up his present bust sass, and ROW O&M e lu dispose of toss s•.se un LIBERAL TERMS. ppiieat/en eau be tenoned personally. The oc•k consists, ;besides good Map Ie Dr ig0000ddss lntported direct,) of a complete and well ectit i assortment of GROCERIE21, NEW, FRESH ND O GOD; and the stand befog ou Kinsmen sc.end oe1 oucwn of nch /en the S square. is one of the VERY BEST in the w GROCERY or GENERALuuJBUSINESS 1 ropt4etar is willing to enlarge t e premises If required. Meag.l1buskinss the buss will 1. canted un as hitherto end the ptueet4.wq . whish required.will be kept up by addltiuur wbea reettlrrd, will veld at reduced priors. JAMES WATSON. Mederiok, 17th May Isatin. IIr YOU WANT PURE DRCGS AND CHnIIeAL8, 1:1010•E AND CATTLE MEDICINts, PATENT MEDICI_QES, PERPT verity, fico, GO TO THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. IF 2 0 .T WAN T GOOD CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES. dire., • GO TO THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. A splendid assortment of FISHING TACKLE. just receiv(d,•and will be sold ('HE:11'. GEO. RHY111TAt!; Sureasor to GEORGE CATTLE. Rim'e's Htoeknear the Market, flo erieb. Prescriptions a Speciality - - - Night Bell on the Front Door. Tie Detroit, mac, and, Margette RaiIroad Coda y NOW OFFER FORS ALE OVER 1,300,000 ACRES Of the Choicest FARMING awl TIMBERED LANDS in the Northern Peninsula of Michigan, Destined to be die best wheat -producing region in the world. These lands are It anted in the emirates of Chippewa. Mackinac. B('hooleeaftand Marquette, and embrace many thousands of of the ttett icultaral mads in the State of Michigan. 'along those in the counties of (2ikppewa and Mackinac are trusts of what are known as the burnt or olsared' lands. Tease lands offer many advantages over the prairie lands of the West, as the timber lands adjoining insure a supply of fuel at little coot. The soil being a rich clay loam of great depth. The timber remaining upon the land being generally sufficient for the settees' use in building and fencing. These partially cleared lands are now offered at the low price of from $4 to $4.50 per acre. one-fourth cash, and the remainder at purchasers' option, at any time within nine years, with intareet yable annually at seven per omit. $pe de are helm opened means through [beer lands, rm. and intending tter purchasers will bit wise by avaever been iling t men oflsmall thio c aef steams good availing themsrlvee of this chance before prices advance, as the lands are icing rapidly taken and settled upon. The lands more immediately on the line of the Iletroit. Mackinac. and Marquette Railroad from the Straits of Mackinac to Marquette are more heavily timbered, and are almost unit cris all:4E00d agricultural lands. ieavieg splendid farms when ticiitinliber is re overt. Tao Iron and lumber interests of file upper peninsula are 4f Mich meg >ttuda as to call for all the charcoal and lumber that the timber and wood upon the lands will produce -this will enable the settler to make good wages while clearing the land. Latnber Mills and Charcoal Kilns will be built at carious points along the line. and Furn- aces are now being erected along the line of the road at Point St. Ighace. The great demand and good prices for labor. both in winter and summer, make these lands particularly desirable ae hoagies far the poor man. The lands adjacent the Railroad are offered at prices from 45 upwards. according to location, value of timber, etc. The lands are at your very door, and are being rapidly settled by Canadians. For pamphlets. maps and other infot•maiton. address, W. O. STRONG. Land Commissioner, 17E 39 Newberry and McMillan Building, Detroit, Michigan. tae have and exhibit 4 Times as many ARTlgre. 10 Times as Many LADY RIDERS, 41 Timesas many BARERACE Rioge,. WITimes aamsnyAcitossre. GYMNASTS AND Poorre KERS, Times ea many VAULTERS; AND LEAPS:RR, i Times as many TTICE PERFORMERS. i Times as many ('Lowtts. 1. Titres as man? GMtlatALIMitimitaigitt. 3 Times as teary Ram •abasias • s Time- as many TRAINED HORSES, 4 Times as many SrA LioNs, !. Timm as many SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, le Times as ninny RARE CURIosITIFA, .And give a Show 103 T:nlee Better than any en Earth. THE MASTODON ALt ►N E Hae Tit F. SEVEN WONDERS OF T1IE WORLD. The seven beautiful sisters, whose fine silken hair falls from their head to their feet. THE MASTODON ALONE Metear.let iral IeNre• Weather report for the week ending May 17th. May 11th -Wind at 10p.m. South, fresh, party cloudy. Thunder, foggy all day. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 420. May 12th -Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, fresh, clear. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 538. May 13th- Wind at 10 p.m. North- east, light, cloudy. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 245. May 14th-- Wind at 10 p.m. South, fresh, wfn few. Thunder sad �Qi l„t imams fa saber of miles wind travailed io 14 bow's 1122. May fir. -Mind at 10 .m. North - Has the Fkssation of the Age. the Italy 011 - sisal SAgE&. slit Mammas C Sall. who executes the marvellous feats of crossing the Pavilion lel Ret above the heads of the au- dience on Wire takes a eadas.al Dive from the summit of the Mpavilion to the earth. and Is Shot from a t' Possesses A $3•.M. Tromp* of atarbar7 ftSsllteas, the finest, handeome.t and most intelligent Imported Tet; a HORxcs in the Wand Hca Mlle AMELIA who for twenty. match- less grace. nerre and daring. stands pre-emin- ent among all the Lady Riders of the world. Has the acknowledged autocrat of the arena Mr. FRAME BROWN, the master bareback rider of the world. Can boast of haring 5 (lorrets, led by. Mr DAN ttHnat1T, the versatile, iMetelmalc ('Town. Untie woodert.l('ARI,o Tammy. THE MARTOD01( ALONE Hae Prof. Neil Smith's Dog Circus and Troupe of Canine ComedIS'S: Has the great War Elephant "EMraRoIL Has the tf,000 pound Sea Lions. Has the tamons Native Zulu Rani G±yes the Grssdest Street Procession _mer seen. THE MASTODON ALONE Eabthita mere than H advertise" then Yoga ALL fns Promisee. west, light, fore- Num er of miles t T$(KET ARM; Ta TO ALL. wind travelled during 24 hours Rain- fall 6.6 anis Who. ADAII B;oN, GO May 1101.09111h4 at 10 p. tn. North, rChildesp. neper 9 years, 45 rams r 1' mer of ♦hors Aurira bor.alis. ssodred L Cyril Number (i( Mhos wind travelled w 24 • �� vatde. D0000ta n as and pa- ei. Kerrie/doe Toupee on all Rail at greatly Mooed rates on the day of e . asst, Brat v1D�' ; d miles m .1 sen rAMeideh Ir 24 hours 227. -4-00-:1 ti co .. •.L . G. N. MA('DephI tD, Obserrer Wbirh win pass through the streets et s ri r►nek I. the mornlne 015 • G. C. ROBERTSON EAST BT . 'I', JUST RECEIVED' A LARGE STOCK ! BALL PAPER! Green Window Paper Carpets taken up and Relaid. Oil Cloth Laid. .Hair Mattresses made over, and all kin of Repairing done. Pictures Framed as of as . ever. lsi.Chaira Recaned. ROBERTSON'S VARIETY STORE. hours 367. Amount of rainfall 2 cubic inches Ma 17th --w gill 'd MI pa. >isrblith- Merchant Tailoring! HUGH DUNLOP, The Fashionable Tailor. is now in a Position to execute all orders he may he favor 1 a,th, in THE LATEST SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. ON HAND, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF _ TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, ETC. Rua h n Dunlop, Fashionable Tailor, 'West -St, , Goderich, � p (loderich. May 111th 1551 AT DETLOR & Co's I. ACE C ZTRTAI T An immense lot of Lace Curtains bought for :a •'t AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Also a fresh lot of CAitl'ET.Z AT JOB PRICE. J. 0- DETLOR & CO. JOHN PASMORE, E7MN BOOKS. Manufactnrrr of Wallops, Carriages, New Presbyterian Hymnal, Etc., Etc., VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. Agent for the Celebrated • SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH and tteleslIural t.aplcnatata. Moo. agent for the Queen s Fire& Life Ins. Co. This is one of the best Companies in exist- onea, islet prompt and reliable. Informstion furnished cheerfully on application. 171114m ANN rASMDtat SEEDS FOR 1881. Thanking the pnhhc for past favors, 1 take cie..wts In *tatltts tb•t i have en hand a b�ata�ert et�eek 7 ever befate of ebnire T1.e.S, (1.ver,� •nd vollu Gnus ..d 7:.1.n Pea vine Clever, Milk's. Lemmas and lawn Grass A Mgt elms aasortment of Irmo. GARDEN and FLOWER SKIDS. Mderted with treat rare time the beet need b.ssms in the country. Call and ore. We keep the best and most rennin, seed we eaa pamhser COMPTON'S SURPRISE CORN, The hest arid ,vsrn yet Intmdncrd (ironed w sake kept (nrn_rauy ne band JAMES McNAIR• --s Hat>ilss in every variety published. OUR - CONSTANT ENDEAV'OBB IS TO PLEASE OUR MANY CUST()NEERS, therefore we are always on the lookout for NICE, C-1,13EAP, AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, such good. as will give satisfaction to all who may buy them. With this object in view 1;71783 BZTY OFTEN, WE BUY LARGELY FOR CASH -WE BUY DIRECT FROM MA1 FAC- TURERS WE BUY IN THE BEST MARKETS. (Inc stock is wen assorted, eoithat all (+lessee of customers be they rich or poor, may be suited. £dl'he highest price paid for butter and eggs.•ti ESTATE OF R. B. SMITH. JAS. HUSTON, Manager. 7N. B.-2 GOOD Naw B OOOIE`t 70E SALE VERY CHEAP. NeW Ietiodist Ry®n Book in all its forms. SPECIAL BARGAIN e R=I= cZt SN=YR_ are offering some Special Bargains in Dress Goods, Prim, Skirtings, Denims, Ducks, Table Linens, White and Grey Cottons. LOWEST PRICES at SHPARD'S BOOKSTORE. SEEDS, SEEDS A FRESH SUPPLY Crifill Seek jest received, SaidY balk or Is packages. JAMES WILSON 5 t2 S20 :(cots y w & 0a. Pies read. PRINTS_ --Fust (bloc, from Se. per yard up. BLACK C.&8 5L REB-apeeia! Make. without exception the lest mak( in town. COTTON' SgIRTIDTO B_ -Hotta Value. from 124c. tip. TWEEDS. -Fine Selection in ltinglish, Scotch and Canadian. Sults made to order in First ('lass 'tyle for $10, 11T, $11, Vaund tt1 t. All cloth taught cot oat free of ehurg,• REID & SNEYD, Manchester House, Goderich. Spring and Summer Goods. NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES_ A choice selection of FANtA STRAWS. in Har.[ and Bogart'. STYLISH, NEAT AND SURE ro PLEASE. FRENCH and AMERICAN gooda in the latest itovehies. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, FLOVITERS. and LACES. Hate and Bonnets trimmed In the newest styles. A CALL IS RESPECTFI4LLY SOLICITED. WO take pleasure in .thotci Nr ,per p,N.lt. MISS WILSu1V, Market Square, f;esh• lc] SOMETHING NEW. 5 Per Cent. Discount for Cash on $ 1 sales 5 Per Cent. Discount on Monthly Account G. H. OLD HAS ION HAND (JUST ARRIVED) A CHOICE LO FIRST CLASS GROCERIES And isfOlving RXTRA,FALI-K in TEA/3, Japan. Rlar n• and Gunpowder. Try them. Yon will find they are Goo, Also. he keeps PORK. RAMS, SMOKED BACON. on hand. hest price paid for RATTER and EGGS. all Also. • lot of CHINA, GLASS. DiNNER and DESERT SF. ,I grI kinds of OLAil5WARE and CROCKERY. aTdlve him a Cheap Goods. (}_ $- OLD, (. Ho,y`urr. sr Farmers' Produce Bought and Sold. I armers .t.tterl.bn Barbed Fence Wire contracted for to any quantity at I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED F 1770. Wire and barb galvanised attar being twisted which c St Weeds WIRE. air efts Use Barbed Wire for locos. NO SNOW DRIFTS --NO WEEDS NO 4TE LANDS. Tor sale by G. H. PAF NS, ['HLP ♦Rlt GODERICA