HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-02-01, Page 1gt ROY J. PEARSON [toy J. Pearson, -Coq u itlam, C. died suddenly of a heat attack on. Thursday, ,,,canuary 2.5th. Ile was a for- inlaid, of Grey Town: 81ftp.• ft: survived lsy Ms wife. Nary 'Orbthers, Alex, i4th.el; Rugh and ftalciii. Of Brussels; sisters, Mrs, liennol.ii (Marg. Siel) Fife, Burlington; Mrs. George ( je4?:ie) Joynt, Luck, now: M rs„Trl meg Naulty Gibson, both of. London. PlIneral services were held ROialay, January 29th. Mr. :t5eriFS'onl, who was an • en- gineer with fhe Geiadiaa Pacif- ic Railway, had Ilv4id ft, British Coinnibla for a nu /libel' years, Ford wi ch Wednesday, rtzville Wee-B. , Brussels 0, Squirt. January 24 8, Brussels 0, Pee 'F RE BRUSSELS POST, February 1st, 196$ POST PU1.31,180,INC, 110 E. SE $2.00 A Year in Advance - $3.00 To U,L LEGION PIPE BAND DRAW PRIZE WINNERS HURON COUNTY (J•NIOR PARMERS `rile lluroii. (lounty jull.foi: Pariiter$ Met ii .t the Agricultur- al hoard riibms at jarivary 84th., 196S. Murray 1(1,00.5'er: 131'0110i the nae.et4nd [0 i.ireifyi. RibbY read the' tniiitttes of the last iniT t itir, c-inIc the roll calf, , • Two : pin a were . pi ck'ert ironi I•Triron County. :Tuniors cu December 27th, 1 9 67, .ker. present 'Huron at the ,Tunior Farmers howling competition to be held in. 'London. Don Mc- :Kerr:1: e r read off the names and ask that they' be notified. George Townsend gave a re- port of his experience at the effective speaking competition held at Albion Hills, The annual meeting and sports• night of the Juniore was held at Belgrave on February 2nd. Don. MoKecher rend the chang- t•S that were made in the con- stitution that was to be presented at the annual in g• Don Pullen er'a report. Don McKerch er then reported: the the Provincial junior Fa rni- ers arc trying to raise an object care of $1.06 per member in Ont- ario to donate to the World Lit- teraey Fund or Canaria. if these funds could he met the MoileY Would build ii. borne or school at Literacy Village iii india, At pre- sent, bon reported, that there ig ah6nt t11(10,00 in the fund, Ti'' ("aunty oblectiv'n Would ‘1.1(sItt M3.00. ro.n County Dra ma Fos tiVa DROPPED CEILING CAUSES LITTLE DAMAGE roOln fix:titres; wall brackets, even the partially re-laid tables escaped any Ser- ious damage when_ the tile ceiling of tire. Mew .American Hiatel dining rood) Caine loose and dropped: mut way dOwn. The misfortune occurred about 8 p.m. Thursday. Np one was in the room: A new suspended cell, ing trris speedily installed. SRUSSELS MINOR HOCKEY STANDINGS TEAM WLTF A lite. Tykes 0 2 0 2 9 0 Semiri s 23' 3 I • 4 0 44 43 8 xjt I.t 0 10 88 4 Tlaant(im 1 41 45 7 XX 11 'age t 9 2 32 W7 10 xx IiIvonlIck 21i 30 8 have fintsbet1 league games and will now enter Play- ,,res, "T..';11.1 BI ; Pee Vire° A vs CVin ner of ih.1,2.0 at Legion 15 i jie Band Vallee Ptid .1 anilarY Spot Dance - ;100 RA; Betty` Clinton" Door I' , = Hernia:1i Whitfield Dra w - Itaiiitl. t.4.(411,, MCDonald: a fa, Geo. 10e:(;6tiihean!. Gicnn1 Bridg 0 behalf of the Brussels Legion Pipe Band 1 would like to thank one bid all for all the support we bad to naffs this dance the success it was. Ray BronSen, See.-Treas PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. C. Xlcra Glen has been a patient in Wi n gh am :Hospital. Mrs. W. W. Smith, who was a ittiii irent in Wingham hospital, came hone on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haber- ichl, Hesplek, were visitors with Mrs. G. Chidlow. Hugh and Ralph PearsOn of Erussels and Alex Pearson of Ethel flew to B.C, to attend the, rum:rat of their brother Roy, Winners Of the Lions NM. draw Saturday were .Tim Prior, Wayne Lowe and Freda Pipe and Mrs. Maurice Cameron, ETHEL United Church Heide' Annual Meeting The Rev.• Allan Johnston pre- sided: over the annual meeting of the United Church. Mrs. George Pearson was appOinted acting. secretary. The nominating econtnittee, Mr. Johston, Carl McDonald, and Andrew ilmemner, present- ed the following slate Of &fie- ers ; Session, George PearSOU, Alex Pearson, 'Robert Brenin ; stewards, A Brernner, Frank mein strs, Hain Hewitt, all for three, ear terms; Norman Bellies, one-year term; and Mit. Doris 'Hanna representitig the trOW. A pot-luck Slipper was held ovior to tile, meeting. The 1:TOS,At flienitiOt htilit,1 short Meeting later. Mrs: Chester Earl We'S in thafg,re, ROM call was ansWered by the pay:. -v,n I of fees. Ethel W, I, Meeting Ethel W. t held their ,Tarnary Meetlag at the horn e of Mi'i4, Chester Earl, Airs. 8, Ilielnstra or,,'11 OS FOSS, A persOnal teerilitti art *as given as roll tiall response Mrs. .T. P,Wrilt gave the. Motto, will do more than live and let lire. I will liVe and help live. Silettati gave the topic tiiti font* O'g fincoOss MRS JOHN R. WHEELER. Mrs. Jolla Russell Wheeler, of Coderich, died Monday in Alexandra Marine and General. Hospital, (ioderic'h. A widow, she was the former zabeth Jane B aWm an. She is. anrviv'ed by daughters Mrs. Owen. (Gertrude Ida) Smith, Troy, Mich.; Mrs. J. S. (Irene) Watson, iht Lida s : sister, Mrs. Jahn (Ids) Go brains Toronto, Putter/al service Thursday at 2:00 p.nt at the Stiles Cameral home, Goderich. Burial in Mait- land centetery, (lode rich. GEORGE P. BROWN George IF': Brown died at his home in Ethel on Friday, iti his 04th year, He was born Mar. 80, 1903, in Grey Township, a son of the late Mr. and M4.8. David Edward Brown, and had lived in Grey Township all his life. In 1929 he married Laura Dowfti, and took up fanning in reY Township. He moved to Ethel in DM, Surviving are his wife: seVen datighters. Mrs. Geldwin (Mar- ..geiry) Knight, Brussels; Mrs. Amos (Evelyn) Smith. Beiva ye; Mrs. Howard ( And rey) Ell eat. i3rt issels;nrs. John (Isabel) A.rinstrou(g, Ethel: Mrs, Gerald (Bernice) Edwards, Lanibetb : Mrs. (1 len (Margaret) C1 .1 Se- mer0, Wi n gh MTS. MI yin on (Fern) Matheson, RR 4, At- wood wo sans: Floyd and Stan- ley, RR 9. Monkton.: 27 grand': chllcl re»: tivo sisters: Mrs. Catherine Osborn of Monkten, and Mrs. Everett (Mary) Ward, tw nod Funeral services n'Orc held ttt tIrrillics funeral thyme. AtWorid, on Sun d v„Ta n. 2$, at 2 Burial was in Flarvey's eemeterY oran Township. IT (q., oss, co-ni)Ora flirt , -Mps. c,1 norsze Pearson, Mrs. Cl. 17.1a id and Mrs.. S. Trioryts tat SO' " 1;q1 CR A NBROOK Prima E'i'ans, SearbOrOugh, spent the weekend with his Mother, Mrs, Stuart EVans, Jiin Knight was in Toronto w'h e;re he attended the Soil, and rop TiuprovCrirent Convention january 24,th 25,th and 20th, AIT. and Mrs, Wes McEachern were in Clinton over the week- rad and the fun orni on ,n udny, at' the late Win .T), Williams, ;1'.4 aid friend and former neigh- hour. Mrs. Writ, :t'crrie hug gone to Alberta. to he with her son, Rev. James Perrie, who has been confined to the hospital for weeks, Mr. and Mrs, Barry Taylor and daughter, 'Varna, were Sunday vr,'W -1rs with Mrs Stuart Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Flys ns, Cindy and tionnte visited in Pinlinaten with Mr, and Mrs, lack 'Fish, on Siinday, Mr, aitd Mrs. Cleft) Stetter are Spending few days in Coderieli Willi Mr. and Mrs„Tohn Doherty' and family. Mric "cVn, London, Snoni several dove last week y't ettliltr ill !Iris diAiriet, BRUSSELS MiNoit HOCKEY WEEK RESULTS ANNOUNCED Monday, January 22 Brussels 0, Teeswater 2, Pee "\\'ee-A, Brussels liensall Midget, Tuesday, January 23 Thursday, January 25 Monkton 3, Brussels. 2, Itlidget. Friday, January 26 Brussels 7, Ripley 3, Per Wee-A. Brussels 4, Ripley 3 Juvenile. SATURDAY, January 27 T YKE: Belgrave 7, Brussels 2. Beigravo Goals: Steven Robinson :Donald Dun tail% Garry Hopper, Laurie Haines, Lynn Haines, Dena Campbell. Brussels 13ob P,ryans 2. Three Stars: Steven Robinson Be, Lynn. Haines, Be, Scott Bri- dge, gQII LPN Brussels 3, Atwood Goals: Brussels Bruce Blake 2, Randy White. Atwood, Brian Buchanan. Brun Hymers. Three Stars; Brian Kerr, Bruce Kerr. Brian Buchanan. A. PILE WEE B: Gerrie 4, BruS-• gels 0, Goals: Gerrie Fairies 2, Doig, Yeoman. Three Stars; Fairies, Massey, Don McCall B. PER WEE: Brussels 4, Zurich 0, Goals: Brussels. John Elliott, Gerald. 'Wheeler 2, AIIan Cardiff, Till roe Stars: Gerald -CcIleeb;0*, Hugh Nichol, Clera.id \Tiede Z, PA NTAM : Brussels grnve 4. r;oali,4 : Pi'ussnls. Bruce Stint- Icf•-n (1 w) ng 4, Philip Pia kr,. Doug Tirigha m, nolgrave, 11111 Sellers. Neil Bien/an 2, D. Edgar. Thte o• Stuns: Neil T3iern an B., Philip Blake. T.DCET: Brit ssels 4, Hen:salt Goals: Illnssrl5. Ken (:,owing, Make, Murray Workman, rooms: Valintree, Pcigrave, Sa iris 2. Ca inpbell 2. Three Stars: George Vallartee, Pri-de TT. E'-,nor Byrd. These chorae of Minor 'Heckel, Wook 'here tire to he; congrn ed tin the success the 00411, READ ME!' On January 60th, 1968, the Girl (1 a ides mot in the IMsement i)I 041 Library, The Ws sting began with a. gaine which everyone took part in, and enjoyed. The patrols wore formed, „collet(Octu reeedr- NI, att endance marked, und the horseshoe made. After the 'horseshoe was dis. missed, Court of Honor was held. [fere Was discussed the PrePar- a tim»vhich. had to be made for the five eager young Brownies Wish fug to enrol.as Girl Guides. The matter- of (he huge sum of money obtained froth', the task of selling flags was argiled and d.eha led upon. The final deciSleiti was to send some of it to Men o' Camp to proceed in the Ole•ii ling of all th e thorn trees, which funny it Guide cussed, when a ectcleti ly backing into some bush, The puzzling Matter of hedges wa discussed am? aye/Tone suggested information which pro -ed quite valuable. The meeting Closed with the sindm14(i of Day Is Done. Everyone y said good- singing of Day Is Done., THANK. YOU ! aur thanks to all who have roll 0W00 their aubscrixi tldit: We, remind those who have not that it is: impe rative that they do se before postal inspection of our mailing meet- gave the treasur- Junior Farmer is to he held about ]larch Rth, reported. fitir Pappoll, chairman of the committee.