HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-01-25, Page 7Win:sham (NonOrs. Arinual Sp001-&... FF ALL CLEANING JANUARY 20th 27th AGENTS LOWE,'S BARBER SHOP FEUMPHRIES & CO. ARCADE STORE SMITH'S GENERAL STORE SIEGRIST'S STORE 20% Frorn BRUSSELS WALTON BLYTH BELGRAVE LUCKNOW JAN ',?,1".011, 1968 ,.ETHEL $7i .ORE CRANBROOk,. MVI.ITH'S STORE -- PITCHER'S • SUP'Eft EI.S I. STATION . ';`1•ORE ON ALL ha.ULAR i)RYCLEANING JAN. 1:1th '1 0 1,E.B. 3rd y ig lei is nt he ts, re- :an the my tan Nat- es- ital. eYS; NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED IN 1968 Mailing of newspapers, all of which will be enforced as early us possible in 1968, Alt newspapers will be put on what the DepartMent terms the "Count Metbod" whereby audi- tor s from the Department will come in and eount and classify every subseription on the list. There arc things which must be adhered to, such. its complete Postai address, and in the Case of large cities, the zone numbers and apartment numbers. 'Will Subscabers whose address does not: include these when nec- essary, kindly forward them to the Post as soon as possible: Subscribers over 12 months in arrears are of be classed as 'net-subscr'ibe'rs and if mailed out will require higher postage rates. day of the tardy sub- scriber is over with this ruling. as the publisher could not pos- sibly afford to pay the added postage, liembering this readers are asked to check on thiS, and if they' want the Post to "keep coming" their subscriptiOn must b e kept on a paid-up basis. The Post thank their many subscribers who have already responded to thih notice by re- . .„ new ing their paper, We would, appreciate having, those who are Still in arrears attend to thiS matt e r at their earliest con- venienc e till we ('iii) bring our mailing lists up to date for the Postal i nSpector. If your Post stops corning con- tact this office ---- but the blame may be. placed on the new postal regulations. • A REMINDER I f1 MOTORISTS IA the Se1150a inow when CARRON NUONXIDE 'kills kills people in their cars. Carbon. Monoxide seeps in, result of some, faulty system in th e "car's nx- illust system. Guard against this deadly air pollution. hazard. Make sure your car's exit t syst ern is lault -rroe:, and always, when the engine is running, keep a window open 4) couple or inches or SO. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street For all kinds of upholstering, Brussels Representaitii v‘e: SELWYN BAKER 1"OST, GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS told has write your- - Anyway 1. ilf ,ided t o find out w h at my vim iwes Aver(' if 1' war(' 1(1 111)1 '110ilianlcent on the Social credit tieke . So. hilt to interview. soal Stiles Was si tling in the cob of his snow.' glue, warm and ceInfort able while poor Davey TTasl'ings was shnyejling out the corners. since that abused husba lit! chased th.rongh a barb wire fence Tinny has a bigger nose I 'NI Hee )o (affil',. Swollen tic big t-is 0. I le ninto'm. says, zzy, , we have a s been friends, will .you 'vote for Mao next eIe.ction 1 fe says, 4,1w it.. get not of the way you old bold headed, son of .a etc, or run Over your 1).1g. belly :lad sqeoze Valli' • brains ant ;tntl, away he- went filling my road- way with snow. Next•eallt..(1. on Archer t.;reWor says, he, why don't you try tor, the Senate'? You are about the rig-lit age, almost, useless, and don't. need any brains. I was going to buy len. cents worth of.' humbugs, but .1 walked out with- out anything. My first bit of P11- courage m Ilram 'CI 0(11'50 Eiak- er, George says, yes, 1.'11 vote! for anyone. I. hat can foul public like ytm con. You Can't fl u? sing, you can't fiddle, but for fifty Seat's you hov e been tail It- in 110, 1/11bi 11111 y011 V011 (:(11, a I on l , • 1.1.1111i yrs. I'll vote for you. it 1v'ptliff he groat thing to get ynu 011I: o f [own, i.eoeurd taaleont,„ wouldn't vote fur you if Mathew ;lark. Luke and .lonir appeared :tnd fold nn' to do SO,. eh eon well 11 no not curling e'lec'tion day, Rev. 1; r ab y 11V only imi tha t gave. me :-itun.e.ninf, gaVO . Fl.• dirty look. G•eortz e Iie iii,. 1111. Jack 'lark, (111 (4foil I-1 how mueb, ivllere titd couldn't 1,11 hint whcrc it word but I keow 1 Wang away.: 3H1 made (1111 1)01111 11RAtt, 111 Vo as, hilt a ninjor- ity ;is Gaunt has, :Vly farewell concert larch littiS. rutted- - 1a111 l-Pf2:101•1 111'11SSr ,k, 1 lodge.1 vviii have girl 1` this (iori•it'u 1 con:41.(1 010 without ennillenina t ion, but with stl h an Hal evicl en et, hoth pro and coil, before 1. mole, lily Peoph., look to hie Po' guidance regn i the distribution or 7.1:14.22 k .10110., mvuu ld YOU tih:vt• Inc' over to Wingionn tVel.st, fill afraid. I o- 'lit rrlioen hese tPeth., T. K. V, HURON STOCK SHOW SET FOR JUNE FIRST: of rel'a'ted it bank ha111T101, at the end of no-, year 7:11n, T.4f no..e Iccied include: fork You 'frIg-niond, Ttil. 1, (lin- prf•sident :,Tam es 11(1 Pill (lentils, both Of 1,Tea 4'71 int on. v ine-e resi(leni s. Mr. was re-apvointed to stiller; of Reereitiry-tre-asur. 1:: vent- 'Post renewed for 1!1115? uf1414.r. OF YOUR CLOTHES 1.4„h hi 4 CA. L. AUTHORITY. 4 SIMP 01'4'5 S". lire, debt free two oce,,ions ensb 11.LymenL mi the provincial wen of the ktroz7=stgrizit'.7.172'"4'11.liiltr, hay (, been tisked to orednize a branch. of the 800411 ( lindit. k Party in North 11111'011, The 10'1141- guart (-WS 1.01' (Mario is WOO(1- 1:10',`.(` W0111(1 ask 1:Z 0y CoUSj116 for in forma lion and advice but Itoy is such al. Conservative it wiatid ht, lik e asking \1e1 Jock- . lin's cat what she thought of George vidson's dogs, Well we baV0 80(110 credit in i,vo Me es that he 1' tit • ....on (100n red a. every oho vat Crs' list, WaS there In 1(152 'v,11) en every i)er;scra . on this list was 'given $20. I was there- whoa my nay dollars (show taxi was re- funded, These (Lre honest facts. this year I believe $5 0 was re- funded. Don't arg-ur.-, self and find out. .1.R U21: 10 OS. A to OU R AGENTS . "MOLES VV0.1., iirt ,elor-; Ile, I Enron ,t tits date of their ountInt spring stock show rer Anthrfloy„ June 1, at (']intone Waittpr wintunimmi now look, here men, before I . voto for. YOu. At the Otuntal Mooting held in r wont .10 .know who got tho fin htt-o 'l'itosday night, the G. 1.00111 Centennial oelebration money. t4. 1%,tary.,treeshror, HOW TO BEAT A SKID If you're going too foit when you skid, the car won't always respond to the wheel, When in doubt — slow down! If you start to skid, turn the ironi wheels in the direction of the skid. Don't brake and don't Illeceierala. Remember skidding is more apt to occur when tise Neerreroton, is about 32 des ignss thou WINO Ws oaths. Chevelle for .1968 features eatirely new, distinctive bftilv styles 1 01 two iiiilerent wheelbase.— to highly maneuverable 1..12 inches for coupes and converti`cs. with a 116 inches for sedans and station wagons. Thirteen models include a new I :be-, 1011,100 I teh,:e :-:port Coupe., an SS 396 Sport Coupe (above), a budget-priced 300 Coupe and au'-.,tt 'Flom the tic:tant Concours to the all-purpose Nomad model, Es.-t eptional 7.41e. copifot ,nail halldhng case rt suit rrore Chevelle's inintoved Full Coil suspension system and rul.get,1 ti.,.ni-porating separate frame design for each wheelbase.