HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-01-25, Page 1rugsetig $2.00 A Year in Advance - $3.00 To THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, JAN, 25th, 1968 POST' PUBLISHING II )111 htttiiiilf40 'AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL ,MEETINGL. DEC WE TO HOLD BRUSSELS FAIR THIS YEAR Centennial Committee Financial Statement 'rho Brussels Centennial. Coin- sir who organized and spon- sored the Celebrations on the Silly 1st weekend, present the following statement: Ree.10s Village of Brussels, Irish Concert 13a.11 (lame, Friday Dance, Friday („: to receipts, Saturday Seceor Game, Saturday Dance, Saturday Chureh Service, Sunday ravening Donation frOM Teen Town Dance Sale of Hats: Beard GOnteSt Entry Fees Total -Expenses TBank Balance Expenditures For Parade: 1 Bands Prizes for Floats F. Thompson, travel I, Campbell, travel J. Thynnc, Entertain- ment , musicians ,Miscollan eons For 2 Dances: Orchestra. T-Tall rent; Sit ppli es Refreshments For Printing, DecOratIng, and AdverttOng: i I al icing and Postage 33,80 R. Kennedy; Orbiting 54.00 ONYX and Newspapers 65.90 Nas Pon 0 ants 244.4.5 Pighwo y Signs 288.12 Expenditures For church Service: Music for choir ProA'rams for public rga n pen tat fl nest speaker 1.oudspeaker Band for Concert Miscellaneous: Water Fight Prize 80.00 fionri1 Contset 20,09 ifts for Senior Citizens 91.35 Tug of War PrizeS 19.50 Lunch for Soldiers f21.75 Wals fel* Soccer n19113 a nd (MIA° 1104 tom 57,54 occritto on NO VON '!affil MISS SADIE MeNAa Miss Sadie MCNab of Brus- sels died in Wingbarn and District Hospital on, Thursday, January 1.8th. She was in her_ 91rd year. Born in Crey ToWnship, the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Alexander 14cNIali, she taught school in the West. fOr many years before returning to this community to make her home with her sister, Miss. Margaret MeNa.b of Brussels, who stir- t, Also mind ving' are nephews, Robert Ti. McLachlan, London, ro es B. McLachlan, Win- nipeg, Man,, niece, Mrs. F. L. (Dottie) Green, Winuipog, Man. The funeral: service was held at iher late residence on. Satur- day at 2 p.m. Rev, C. A. M6. Carroll of Melville Presbyterian Church Offiei riled, Burial was in BrusselS cemetery, Pallbearers were Tack Eryans, Graham Smith, Dale Nixon, Dr. Wm. Stiles, Kenneth McDonald. (Ira McDonald. Funeral arrangements were in charge of the P. A. Rann funeral lit me. 19 russets. CHANGE IN DATE OF HORTrCULTURAL MEETING, 'Ph e .Tnnnary meeting of the It russet s Horticultural Society will be held in the Public Library on Monday,. January 29th at 2 p.m, Please note change of f;nic. and date Pictures will be shown. Every-. one welc0 O. Feed for (lent. Office '5.20 Telephone 42,80 Centennial 1Q11 eon's Gown and aceessorieS GO.80 Other supplies 68.92 848.12 permitted by Centennial grant liearlrot rters dtie tri weather tlii iens in the fall, Again, the thanks and appree- infirm of the whole Centennial Clanun i gee tiro hereby extend, ed to everyone whir helped in ri Sony' to MOO Ally' 1St Wetsk-i end such a .frietnorable one.. Archon, CireWeir. h irrn, At . .io?rotciti, ivyronn TOPNOTCH SPONSORS SUCCESSFUL J3ONSPIEL The Topnotch Annual 13onspiel last. week was a success ful event wit h 10 rinks competing, The results were as follows: 9 O'Clock Draw First: Ross Vol tch of Brussels with 3 wins plus 10 Second: Wm. Stratychuk of :Brussels with 2. wins plus :14 Third: Roy Hannon of Mitch- ell with 2 wins plus Conwthl 1 ion : " Don McDonald or Brussels 11 O'clock Draw First: jim Hawkins of Goder, ich with 3 wins Phis 12 Second: Max Demaray of Brus- sels with 2 Wins plus 13 Third: Dan Pearson Of Ethel th .2 wins plus 10 Consolation: Lloyd Wheeler of Rluevale BRUSSELS MINOR HOCKEY STANDINGS TEAM W . L T F A Pts. Tykes 0 I 0 0 2 0 Squirts 1 2 1 8 16, Pee WA 3 6 0 37 40 6 Pee W,13 1 3 0 7 21 9 Bantam 3 4 1 24 45 7 Bantams 3 4 1 42 45 7 8 1 56 80 9 Juvenile 22 27 4 GENERAL MEETING OF. BRUSSELS U.C.W, HELD The first General Meeting of the t.T..C.W„ was field. ii] the United' Church witli the presi- dent, Mrs'. Ctrl Rem n gvay, presiding. Mrs. Thomas had charge of (lie worship service, Scripture was read by Mrs. Lloyd 'Wheeler. "A Prayer for' the New Year" was road by Mrs. Leonard Mahon. Miss Yonne McCutcheon fav- oured the group with a piano solo. A. short skit was put on by several ladies of the emigregat- ions. The World Day of Prayer will be held in the Anglican Church ap -March 1st. It. was decided each working group should try and make little extra money. A committee of lktrs. Bryn n S, Mrs. McGill-Almon and Mrs, Hemingway were appointed to look. for another Christ ni as Pageant. The, Presbyterial will be held. in Sea forth on February 7th. The 'meeting closed. with the Singing. of bvinn °A, followed ilPf0!1' !rho. Brussels Agricultural Society, annual meeting and banquet, held in St. John's Anglican Chnrcb on January 1111 it, 11 as attended by 90 persons, officials, , • ,rn embers, and other interested. .P001)1 0 (us the COM- unity, Th e ru voting was presided over by 'Donald McDonald, . pre- sident or tho society, C(*eit Parker, ma,uaiger of the local branch, presented the Canadian lmpe ria 1 Bank or I'm-m.11(0Tc, a ward to G-raeme Craig, Walton, for highest stend. tag in I-IT Club work, ;Calvin Kreuter. Warden of Huron Comity and Reeve of Brussels; Clifford R. Dunbar, Reeve of Grey Township and Councillor Sallies Mn ir of Morris Township. spoke regarding their Interoct in Brussels Fair and the desire to continue to support it. The financial report was pre- sented by Edwin Martin, sec- 'rotary:, Total receipts 5562.49, Expenses 5546.98, 'Rat ance 15.51. l',ank loan 30n.00. Deficit 284.:19 . Jarmo ry 8, 1968, Wen ther grant ' Ada it Sul ill] reported for tot e Ladies' Divison. Exhibits were up and helped by Centen- nial classes. Donated $225',00 to pay prizes and judges in Ladies' Guest Speaker for the. occas- ion, was: Douglas Miles, gri.cul.- auraT Representative for Huron County; ITe pointed out that it is easy to criticize but difficult to suggest, A good deep look,, should he taken at what is be- ing accomplished, Tittles have changed There arc' not enough, people who participate. What, function has your fair in this' nem unity? Sot out : to fulfil this function. Mr, Milos ale,, Sh w.ved pi et ur- !'S on trip to the Ilritish Isles T In:01:k. a crom pa nied by i terestifiLy and forma tivc ex- pinn:1 ions and.sin I log. conditions or agriculture and the people in thows cem id ries 'Pliny envy file eDnertnnifi inc ad voncomoni in enr Canada. It, was decided to hold a Pair in 1908, The Nom i n a !in.?: COnuti ace nresentod the following slate of officers New Directors;.Glenn. row tes, Tip rold Bolger, harry Coll and -Al -array Hoover to re, place -retiring Directors. respect- i velv: Cl eeIUP Prnet.er Don ir Fra set% Hank TonPas, and ro h an i Work. A ndi tors for 1 96$ .--- Lonna d la'hann rat Ralph .Shaw. , \.1 pleating 01, 11irtirterh after! f(410Wv , Off Were elected fere 2968: President Donald McDonald. 1st Vloe Pree, Jaye, Tan .V.Ifet 2nd Vico Pres, Wilfred Strickler Sec.-Treas. Edwin; Martin rect ors - Lawrie 131aclt, Douglas em ngway. UOYd, Wheeler. Stanley Hopper, Alfred Knight, Glenn Coulter, Harold fief! er, Ha.rry Coll, Murray Heaver Melville Guild. On Tuesday evening January 16 the Guild of Melville Ghtirch. held their regular meeting,. 'open- ing with a Pot Luck Supper • at SOVOn A (IP]. if iuiust delicious slipper. the meeting opened with a New Year's verse given by Ruth :Pipe, followed by singing hymn 6115. Joan Elliot! and Kathleen Kru u ter favoured the group With a duet. Tho scripture was read in. unison from. Psalm 27. Win ni fred Edgar led III Prn Joan and Kathleen favorired with a couple of more numbers. Helen Ell iott gave' a • very interesting topic. Hymn. 5S2 was then sung fol- lowed by all repealing the • 'AIN- Pah benediction. The President. Helen Elliott', conducted the bu.sinesS part of the m.e.cl in ;•. Isabel' A.dams noted AS: secretary in 'the absence f Jossie BORN BA .UER -- To Mr. and Mrs, lilervYn :Bauer of Brussels. in. Listowel !Insult:11 on Mond a k, .laniutalry 22nd, 19138, fl gull -- Ferry .101111. WALTON Mr. and Mrs, Turnbtill are' standing a wo-motah vacat- ion in Florida. -Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, newlyweds, were ;,Vests of honor at a social evening in Wa13en nn ity TTall Mrs. Neil MeGarvin and infant_ son, are. home from rliimt Hospital. and Mrs, Marl 'Stool, of London, were visitors • with Mr. and Mrs. Li..)onard Miss Mars Mowbray who has been a pa firm! in Community Hospital for the past: several -wooks has been 1,Paft,§fertrad lea' l` t~titli'7il $500.00 70.10 58.25 808.45 821.51 183,40 832.00 271,80 15,00 275.00 38,00 $3873.51 33752.19 121_32 $3873.51 386.00 269.00 50,00 75.00 125.00 117.24 1013.24 250.00. 50.00 f}6,20 583.00 989,20 Many visitor's, as well p$ the, local residents, have exptressed .heir joy for the ,,occasion of greeting old friendS during the -en ton n i a 1 Reunion. Thus the copun i Hee a re. rewaded for their 686.52 tinge and efforts. in the spring the cornMittee. Ohl 0 to sponsor a few fund- raising projetts in order , to 34,93 Meet, their obligation of 'helping' 13,68 to finance the erection of the 20.00 Centennial pi!oject ' of -a change 60.00 house or dressing rooms at the 4.50 wa cling 01101 neat' the ball park, Construction is expected to begin 50.001 whorl warmer weather arrives. Pcst.nouinenf of eonStriietion wire