HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-01-11, Page 5"I'I: f3 Ft.USSm14$ POST, inws6W4S, ONTARIO • ilibitsi)A, JA-i'4, 1,4* 480 ANNOUNCEIVIENT The Children's Aid Society Huron County have moved their offices from the Cowl House 140 OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. M, Johnston B.A. B.D. Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson I Church School 11:30 "When, Does Life liegiu?" is41.40•79. • Pick up „[-fait' Gallon CHERRY ICE CREAM Next Time You Shop TRY the creamv-smooth CHERRY VANILLA or Old Fashioned pink CHERRY Either Kind is dotted with pieces of Red 'Maraschino Cherries BE SURE 10 GET COUSINS ICE CREAM on Highway No. 21, the large stone house at the northern entrance to Goderich. timiatitaw roolgiumomeav's>~ e,,..tekolautrAmaiiisas,,gaissait,...rargos ima STRAYED -- 181 VICTORIA srr. N. ARE YOU A "SENDER" OR A "TAKER"? The fattier who sends his boy to the arena usually tucks his feet auder (tie eliestertieta, sits hack :ions on the ',IN, watches the Leafs,: critizes the commercials, then goes out and noi. home when Junior returns from the arena. The "sender" wouldn't know the score or any of the lad's games - lie has to bowl when, the team needs an extra ear to drive them to it game, All in all, lias just too much to do, But Maybe Moin eau go to the odd game, and a lot of Moms do, DeT ,tumor's Leain is in the floats! Now we find Mr. .Seaider one of the first in the arena,. First of all, why isn't the heat turned on for (he kid's genies? I'm going to see about this. Why don't they give the kids decent sweaters? The manager ought to be shot for letting them, play with those Crummy sticks! And if the coach doesn't pat juoior back in I'm going right down. and do some- thing about that Who in lila, zes ever told him he was a con,eli!!7?il We don't need to say to you "Sir, are you a sender? You couldn't be, you're going dowe to the arena this week be- cause it's Minor Hockey Week ia Canada. But if this IS your first trip, please think it over and come back again. Incidentliy, please pass the Word to "Mr. Sender" and may- be he'll- join you as one of those who Will "Take — net; Send his boy to the Arena". issued by the Minor hockey Week committee of the Co nadia n AmateUr Hock- ey A ssocial ion with thanks to P'. C), Doherty; ThorOld Saturday, 1":1 Mines" 2(ith, will he Minor Hoekey Tag 1-m.-9- it PrtisselS, SEAFORT fit ut,m0e. EllrY r.,enfrot Strait I 4tHiin of u nhoisterind SEI-WYN BARER A black heifer, 510) lbs., since October from Jos. i;. Brussels, ltit 4, or Phone 462W4 COMING EVENTS PUBLIC EUCHRE Men Only, Canadian. Legiiop.,, Monday Nite, January 15th, Admission fi0e. Free lunch. NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED IN 1968 The Post has received a letter Troia the iiioSt Office Depart- ment outlining a whole set Of postal regulations respecting the mailing of newspapers, all of which will be enforeect as early as possible in 1908. Alt newspapers will tie put on what the Department terms the "Count Method" whereby audi-, tors from the Departmetit will route in and count and classify ()Very subscription on the list There are things which Must be adhered to, such as COMplete postai address, and in the case of large cities, the zone numbers and apartment ittlinberg, NOTE: 'will subscribers whose address does not include theSe when nec- essary, kindly forWard them to the Post as soon as possible: Subscribers over 12 Mouths in arrears ale of be clagSed as non-subscribers and if Mailed out will require higher postage rates. The day of the tardy sub- scriber is over with this ruling. as the publisher could net nes- sihly afford to pay the added postage. Retnbering this readers are asked to check on this, and if they wont the Post to "keep coming" their subscription Must. Ile kept on a paid-film basis, 'the Post thank their many sithscribers who have already responded te thib notice by re, hewing their paper. We wouldt a 1)1)NC:into haVing those who are:. still in arrearS attend to this matter at. their earliest venience so we can bring Mir Mailing lists UP to date for the' Postal Tnsneetor. Tr your Post steps coining crin- tact this office hnt the hlriMO he nlneed on the new phstal reghlations: MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURC H Minister REV, C. A. MCCARROLI. 10:00 a,m. Church School 11:00 a,ui, The Basic Christianity heries The Itevelatioe from God" Organist: Mrs, Norah Moffat THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ?'arse The Rev, F. G. Braby, B.A,, SAINT JOHN'S — Brussels Otw..r,1 6t)Vi rg a. Effiolt 00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 11:30 A.M. Mattins SAINT ALBAN'S & SAINT DAVID'S -- ATWOOD 10:00 a.m. Mattins CR AIN'!' 13R.0 Personals Al a. and Mrs, Fiarl .Dunn visit- ed Air, and Al rs. Allan Dunn. end family, IBloomitigd4le, on. Sunday, Miss N;ancy Strickler is tak- ing a Registered Nursing Assis- tant's Course at Freeport Sana- torittin, The service in Knox Ei'eslyterian Church was cancelled on. Suit- day owing to the illness of Rev, C. A. Winn, Earl l)inn assisted i n F,,,pvtie.!: 111miTi iii the 'Meeting. tilesSified ads iii. the rift s- 018HP.Cdt pay off. MELVILLE W.M.S. The officers of Melville \VMS for were installed by Rev. A. C. McCarroll in a short ser- vice on.Friday afternoon when the Society, met, in the Church parlour. rs. Gerald, Gibson opened the meeting with a, poem with a, New Year message and read the scripture lesson, MrS, C. Math, main led in prayer. MeCarroll'S address was based upon. the verge 'fromi , Exodlig "M,y presence shall go ' with thee and I will give you rest" tie made a sincere plea for his bearers to depend upon the Passion, love, and mercy and the unseen presence of God, His coin, ,0111-peyweri-fulnesS will carry his people sakel y into unknoWn pathS of the New Year. "Look away from ourselves: and unto C.od", he said. Mrs. Gibson thanked him for his advice and conducted the business part of the Meeting. Reports were read and accept- oil, Thirteen calls on sick and shut-ins were reported. Mrs. :Gibson and Mrs, Maths- son were appointed a committee to meet committees from. the other churches of the village to plan the World Day of Prayer, FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS Compiling your list of New Year's resolutions? Why not add an extra one that only take seconds each day and could add years to yeur life. Make "use of YOU r car's seat belts at all times" one of your rePolut* ions. Mord automobiles are equipped with seat belts than ever before, but fewer people proportion, ately arc wearing them. In 1968 remember to click. on your seat belt before you switch on your ignition, each time you get in the car — whether it is a trip to the corner grocery store or ar lOng drive, Starting this yen" seat belts in rear seats as well as front ar. standard equipment in cara: 1( 1111 rid your passengers to fasten their belts too! Ontario DepmU'tm eat or Transport. Afternoon Group Of Cranbrook The regular Monthly Meet- ing of the Afternoon Group of the W,M,S. was held at the home of Mrs., Mac Engel with, attendance of eleven. Mrs. Glare 'Veitch, leader, opened the Meeting with a, New Year's reading. HYintt tiII7 "Standing at the Portal" wah sting and psalm 20 Was read in. unison, Mrs. Veitch giving the meditation: Mrs, Wilfred Strickler led in, prayer and: a New Year's read- ing "To Tell the Truth" was given by M Vs, Allan Smith, Miss Alice J. Forrest gave a thought- piivOking topic °The Highway", Mrs. Stanley Fischer. :secretary, read (lip iiiiiiitut i5 and Called the toll Which Wa8 answered, With a Tee Year's verge, The treriatilier WS, Perrie i ovo the report. rot 1011?. Mi s, WeS Metaclicrii Will he liegeg8 for Pebiatary, Tlie lfinch dettitiiitfte C 1F Calvin Oaineroit. and the hostess I the close of erxratraliaP•warmist citusommignote,,samanesmiell .evatiatj EXCELLENT CAR BUYS 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4D HT, fully equipped 1966 PONTIAC, radio 1965 FORD CUSTOM 1965 MERCURY 'MONTCLAIR, Fully Equipped 2 — 1965 METEORS 1965 CHEVROLET, 1964 FOR'D CUSTOM 2 — 1963 FORDS 2 — 1962 CHRYSLERS OTO Niacin MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS WINGHAIVI PHONE 249 PI-IONE 357-3460