The Brussels Post, 1968-01-04, Page 2Tl5.1.111SDAY, JAN. 4th, 1968 THE BRUSSELS POST, 131ZITSSDIJS, ONTARIO
ns re"11 tytto. :g rat!' 429 v k' ion old
2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7
Hon. JOHN P. ROBARTS, Prirbe Minister
' ' '
if you have either Ontario Medical Services
Insurance Plan (OMSI P) or Ontario Hospital
Insurance (OHI)you will soon be hearing of
the Health. Insurance Registration Board
The. Health Insurance Registration Board
has been set up by the Province to act as an
agencyforbOth OMSI P and Ontario Hospital
HI RE will be the central registration office
which will handle enrollment, billings and
premium collections, anower inquiries
about Ontario's medical or hospital In8ur.
ance plans.
OMSIP and Ontario Hospital Insurance
Will continue to provide their present cov-
erage. The only difference is that, from
nOW on, when yoU see HIRB, you'll know it
means the Health Insurance Registration
Board is serving you on behalf of Ontario's
health insurance plans.
If you have any questions about provincial health ihsurance enrollment Or premiums just write to:
contrary to eomirton belief,
tonsils do serve- g, Useful pqr-
posn, according to the Ontario
Medical Astioeitvtioti, trilOY con-
flin a greet many 0010 icAPIVI,
iraiPhtiCkytfig V llloil Porform
-4,ffiT flinotiotl to WO
orii,ttriiit 014 tPOiti 'ffif1tttif
of infections.
(ahildren are exposed to many
More infections than the a,Vet,
age adult. Miring this period
the tonsils ate large, Ae the
child reaches the age of Tying or
tonsils beeotri6 stnaller,
and by ilie tittle iidnit life is
reached, the tonsils have Usually
ei'ved their fiittetiOn and neentiO
fin rinvill rlicy ittlo difficult to
AN iti410nOrThil !AV
removal of tonsils,. Among them
are repeated tonsil itifeetietie,
i(?ispeciallY if theSe have bOdin
accompanied by tnfoottong of the
eat tiC diffinulty With. hearing
:from these hifeetiOde,.:Ctifldrent
Who haw., had abSeeSS aroitntl
()tie or 1.inth of the ioneils,.shoold
haVe the tonsils reintiVed titter
tho. nettle infection is over,
i:filldrtrn Nato 11.8ve
in onttnir; mitt , 066011V
of feOrri
adenoids in the bank of the nose
or from gtoSsly enlarged tonsils
Often benefit by having tonsils
and adenoids removed,
It :Mould o remembered that
tonsils are 'notably larger in
children than ill adtiitts, and
their tite;,ibuee Ii bonottdid,
They do not iloi•ronlly cause taxi l
of n11.41140, groWth
or the host of (idler conditiOns
t.Thoilooi. Y vare frequently blamed for,
and Used as an excite ter their
The retneVal of tonsils and:
adenoid is a surgical operation,
It should be perferined only
when there ate SPecifie indicat
161iS, ReMoYel of the tonsils in
(Lily other ntitunillthridtiti will not
bOnOtlt 110,001t 406.