HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1968-01-04, Page 1'.f.::.110 /,"Year Ili d v nee _ .
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On December I ith at 2 .pin, the
M ales' le Wenwn's Institute hpidi
their DevetubT meeting in the l
IT --e-qn out.
The ln (Hate Ode was snag and
-thehare' Stewart collect. was
renea 1 ed In unison,
iNtipuie!i of the last meeting
hint the Treasurer's report were
giVen by Mrs. Amy Spell, Mrs,
D. Hemingway presided for the
Mrs. E. Cndmore reported on
the hanaltiet served to the (Troy
Township federation of Ag-rinal-
tare earlier this month.
Mrs. Cudmore also reported
that the "Baking with Yeast"
sntrimary day will be 'held Jan-
uary 17th in St. Andrew's Pres-
by (orlon rhurrh in Wingham,
it was announced that the
W. 7, will sponsor the girls'
1-17 club in the spring.
It was moved by Mrs. Cud-
m ore. and seconded h y',Trs. T.
SIN/chat that we donate 5,00 to
The, Children's Aid Society, and
$25.00 to the use of the library.
Plans were made fora Dessert
Muchre In be held in Tann ary.
.. •
Mr, and M rs, Jack McCutcheon rival of • II young. son, Darrin •
wills relatives ill Cagersol for Donald, Oil December 18th.
New Yours. 411 i.4 Syl via Hoover Kitchen-
Don el d Sm) of Pert Arthut or, was home for Chrlstn/40 and
and Miss Joan Dick . of Toronto New Years,
visited ovor the .0hristMas •host Mr CLeorge Poi lard, Monk ton,
day with Mrs, Mali •SWith and , has returned home from Tor-
fin n ily onto (heneraI llospital, where he
Mr, and. M rs. Jerry I3arretto was a patient for the past,
Jo). ee and Blain of Amberstharg, i month, having had major stir-
Ont., were Christmas visitors. -gerY.
with Mr. ft na C. J. Pegelow, Mrs, TT. Balla n tyne with her
;tlr. and hies. Hn rveY Dennis son Archie and Mrs. Rallantyne.....
were Christmas visitors with, j doh,
p r:,T L-10.1'$1I
.Stra (lion moved that the
rrtrbr`r he held e n January 9th.
Mrs. T. -Nriehol second ed the
The committee for this
euchre will be Tire, Cudmore.
Mrs. S elm n and Mrs. A. Me-
n,- ,m
Ch menthes rill- an item
to he n o t into boxes for the
e n Mo-x-es were to be nook-
el and delivered Monday, Dee,
••• 1 Sfh.
Mrs A. Mt-Taggart then intro-
. -ducod a :;'coop of In dies who pre,
pouted a skit "Pa nets the Christ-
inns (roe up". This was much en-
s there Davis read
t !i mr e reece between Christmas
2000 rears ion. and Christmas
now?" "Th o t Christmas Letter"
was read by Mrs. Men/ ggart.
and Mrs. A. Engel read "What-
ever Happened to Christmas".
A Christmas sing-song follow
The roll call was answered
with "Sonwthing I'd like for
"1.rist m as".
11appy rth d n y s SUM'. to
femr members and the meeting
closed. with The Dneen
Airs. A. ITInEn"1 eon lti (AO a.
nont6ot f ter Wit -trill Preftill ";lefts",
'Mrtl. MY Row.
tItt"/01 Mtim. TIAffiN,
A Woll known Brussels rest,
dent, John Wesley Kerr, .diced
-.ridden; y, Pr! day, )(weather 29th,
t his he me, 1 fe was in his 74th
i;orn in Morris Township, the
son of the late Mr. and 'Mrs.
( "s'ei'ne' Kerr-, he farmed fora
tin her rat yea re before Coaling
He was n member of 'Nfelviliei
Presbyt orlon Church and 11; ad I
served as a. member of the board. I
1 le is su rviyed by his wife the,
lb, vernier Margaret Procter:,
ere sea, Stuart of Guelph, and.
retie brother. James of Brussels.
rrb rim oral service was held
L4euday 11t 4 e.ni, from the D. A.
Brussels. nom/ enrol home,
Tit,. Rev. C. A. MeCarroll of
!Nlelvie Presbyterian Church, of
r,rhieli Mr. Kerr had heen a life-
hew member. officiated.
Tat erm ent vas in BrUsselS
vein t ery.
Pallheerers were Walter Kerr,
Cla rk tiv,son, Allan McLean,
Ear 1 Ci,a.r.non , T,l oyd T'iernaghan,
(1,e-don Ross.
Mrs, Olive McNichol, 80, Mc-
Killon Township, died Thursday
a t See forth Community Hospital.
She is survived by two sons,
Rain]) and Olen, both of Howlett.
Township aughter s, Mrs.
Thomas (Mildred) Telley, Lon-
don 7 Mrs. Roy (Wilma) Wild-
long. MeKillop Township; Mrs.
Conre Warm ella) Haves,
'rrn'nn to-
The fen eral was held from the
D. A. Rana funeral home Tarns-
eels nn Sa turday. at 2 p.m, with
the r. -v. D. P Pnelceti of Duff'S
1 C'ho reb, Welton,
ele- the service.-
TN via I was in Prussets
P:111b0r1 l'S ware' . Dennis.
WM. Roe. Andre NV TicN1ehol,
Ti, eel Nernaghan. Dave Watson,
1. 'Harry 7•Zob•son.
'Flower lien re'.; were 17/..or
>Z e.h O'er frevTettley. - David
It id foe and Mich -lel ItayeSe. •
Ceorne Raymond Pear. i0. of
Cti nInn, died Vrid or. Deeerther
5th, ire Clinton Public Hoseital
yea r-1( -PT illness,
A soe of San:mei and Ellen
lover. Mr, Pear was,. born SeTh
rnber t. 5S0. in Morris "Down
;n ,-1,, lie was marrieel to the
r "*.\':emir Snarling, rho
•-•.f oo
'rear wos 13 faratnr
er smith Township until
1017 :\ retirinp; from farming'
WOO 0 (In d 1,VOTIV fir
t o `0. AAtil
Ttw Post has received a letter
iron) the Post °Wee Depart,-
meat outlining a whole sot Of
postal regulations respee tin g th(
Mailing of newspapers, all of
which will be enforced as early
as possible in 1908,
All neWspapers will be put on
What the Department terms the
-Vount Method" whereby and I.-
torS' Dr'o'p th Department will
wine 1(1 and count and classify
evlery Subscription on the list.
There are things Which most
adhered to, such as complete
postal address, and in the case
of large cities, the zone numbers
ond apartment numbers. NOTE:
'will subscribers whose address
does not include these when nee-
eSsary, kindly forward them to
the Post as soon as possible
Subscribers over 12 months in
ai•rea:i•C are to be classed as non-
subseri rs and if mailed out will
require higher postings' rates. The
day of the tardy subscriber is
over with this ruling, as the
Publisher could not possibly
afford to pay the added postage.
Remembering this renders are
asked to check on this matter. and
if they wan the Post to "kepi,
co/nite" theirsubsoil MI on must
be kept on a paid-up basis.
The Post thank their many
subseriber who have done this.
if your Pest stops enming con-
tart this office -- but the blame
may be placed oil the new postal
i niziulationa.
Myra -McNair, diB 2. Theis
eels $10.00
Mrs, Calvin Smith, Pros
The• draw was made by Frank
15 years. Tie was a lifelong re-
sinent of the area and a mom her
or Onto ri 0 Street Cnited Church.
T-Te is survived by daughters.
sirs. Edward meta 1 Ha ril titer
or Tx/Hien ; and Mrs. James
CM a rgeret) La nd shoron.1.11 of Sea.-
forth brother. Leslie. of Myth,
and sister, Mrs, Welter Mer-
1 rude) TB/ rtoek of 'London.
Funeral service was held on
Monday, December 18, a.t Beat-
tie funeral hoot 0, Clinton. 'hV
Tier-. L. Mills. Burial was
Brussels cemetery,
Word was received here of
the den lb. in. Toronto, of Miss
Dells Pates on 'Friday.
Purial service for Miss Bates,
who wait a former resident of
'Pro E'sell, 'tool( Phi co in Brussels
cemetery. Tuesday. conducted by'
All YobriPtori at Tirl/PqmA
their son Dirk and Mrs, Dennis
and family, at Barrie.
Mr and Airs, John Tooth Of
Montreal visited at Christmas
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
rs,. Edwin Martin.
‘.14 r. and Mrs. fh'ian PreElCott
and boys of Stittsville, were hot/ie.'
'with their families for Christ-
r, and Mrs. Jack Wilson
spent the Christmas holiday with ..
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson, in •
17a mil ton,
Mrs. Margaret -Kelly with Mr.
and Mrs, Weiss. Cleveland for
Lloy. 'King, little daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, H, King,
is seriously ill in Sick Ch lidren's
'Hasp ital. London, • •
Donn ld :Tames, two-year old son
of and Mrs. A, Johnston has
been a palioot in Listowei
:hospital,. •
of Commerce,,
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbours and Mr. and
Mrs. Mothers 'and—the. . $al a 1-
loll Army for rem em bran ees to
us at Christmas with gifts and
boxes of treats. This was all
very much appreciated.
Mrs. Evelyn T-Is 11 ,
Murray and Joyce
•. We would like to thank all who
visited Alex, son t flowers, cards,
and treats while be. woo in Li s t-
()wet hospital. Also in tiny thanks
to ens' friends and neighbours
for the nice gifts we recei red
at. the Christ nuts season. The
-kind thoughts and warm wish rs
that went, with the gifts is. de-
Alex and ;foyer Cameron
and family
1 won 10 like to thank every-
one who visited MO or ronliAnh-
efod me with cards, while I.
was a patient in the Winghem
I would also like to say a sner-,
int thank you to the Smi irt
Hockey Team of lost year, the
MOT, Dr. Zylrilt, the nurses in
Wingbant Hospital and assn to
everYonc who helped fli the ti tne•
ol ale a 0[31de/it,
Miss -1)1 a rgaret Moses . spent- The . staff of th.e Ca.na.dlan,.
the Christmas holidays with her imperial Ban k
parents, Mr. and Mrs. '.Archie Brussels, thank their customers
Moses. who so graciously remembered,
Sgt. and NT rs . D. M .Doll and'_ them with gifts at Christmas. •.
family of Camp . Borden, were Your thoughtfulness was in-
New "Years visitors with Mr.. .and deed appreciated,
Mrs. Cr, W. Stephenson,.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zbel and
family, Trig-r-soil. were Christmas
• visitors with Brussels. relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. (I., W. Stephenson
alit! son Robert spent Christmas
with L.A. n. and Mrs. Stephenson.
and granddaughters at; Gimili,
Alan. where he is stationed with.
the 'RCAF'.
1\ IT'S. W, (1.. Teach spent
("twist nuts in Ottawa with her •
is.r,-)I iI ii i 111;..mg1 as and Mrs. Leitch and
'Mr. and Mrs. David McCutch-
een a aril daughter garen. Peter-
boron et spent Christmas .with
his parents Mr. and Mrs, .Ta el:
Mee u teheen
Archie Thompson, of Toronto
with his parents Mr. and. Mrs.
M. Themesen for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs, R. IV. Kennedy
iti Ottawa for CluistrnaS with
Owl r sop -Hobert and Mrs, "Ken-
net' v find family,
Mrs. Wm. 1'. King a ei-lArronn-.
led her 011m11) tor. Mrs. Douglas
a /et Wayne, to spend ChriOMW-;
in Pit \ rid n .
john I I nn Von I,01.1dOn. • 'WAS
liontr, \vf It his na rent*. Mr- and
Mrs. Yonne n Hoover.
Mrs. Grace Mel-Winn-I. TIlyth
was New Year visitor of Miss
pen-, Hoover and is spending
frev- day with her and M.1. and
Mr". '..,;!'errit a e Tioover.
l'iNngra in latiett P. 1 Mk' 1.1 .0
1t1« N 7ii..kn it 1 ' 1 •,.I'lit'q. T it i':4 0:,41.1
hen ltitlh 7 -'11 i1(l'i /le 1.11 q