HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-12-14, Page 5m .0 Gr • - . '..ALL M.eS.RINE. LVQL(Ii'AG,E, ... . .. , t° io• Off Regular Price • SHOE. IsaTS and SHOE TREES SAVE 10% MA'S T. WS-TGWU, CHRISTMAS.-...SP4CIAL$1. 41.../41* MILLER'S SHOE MAIN SL • :14'.0WAVOWS144 LADIES' - PURSES. F.F Regular ?rice ALL SKATES Hobby Hull' Bather Figure Skates SAVE 10% ORE LISTOWEL coming • Your always home. thoughtfulness be remembered. ilazel McFadden • 1140i iiiittillik441 04(11% oR USS4b,hi, OMIALIO, l'ILLJUSDAY, D$C. 141h, .1967 CAROS OF THANKS 14 1$ 1n4POSsible to Lally ex- ilrei$ QUA' thanks LQ all NOW ILLOVQ4 the highway 49 our t w home, Such irienus .4.1, priceless and mere words Ohl, tell our feelings, Thanks ever so Much. ilitzel and Cecil McFadden would like sincerely thank all My friends who seat letters, cards and flowers, also visited 140 while a patient in Seaforth ospitki. • .i41, Special thanks to Rev. A. Johnston, Dr. Brady and Dr. AltilkuS and all nursing start who -were so kind to nie. Mrs. Myrtle Miller would ince to express my snicare LIIZt a KS Lu my irieutis anti reltiVes who were so kind to re- member inc with cards, treats, floWers and visit: while 1 was.S. patient in the .1..istowel Memorial Hospital. A real special thank you- to Mr. and Mrs. Bon Oot•ton and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Smith, also Mr, •Seth Pride, who were so kind in doing my work and Minding the children. It is all 'neeply• appreciated and thanks can never repay what, they nave Mrs. Evelyn Hall The family of the late Annie McGaughey wish to express sincere, thanks and appro6ation to friends and neighbours for kindness shown theni during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife, mother, sister, and aunt, for Masses, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. M. Johnston B.A. S.D. Organist: Mrs, Fred Scephenson 10:00 A.M. Church SChOol 11:30 "Keep Santa in Christmas" 1VIELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister. REV. C. A. hricCAFIROLL 10:00 a.m. Church Sckleol .I A.M. Public Worship "God Sent Forth His Son." ,7:1301l .IW. Candle Light Carol Service Organist: Mrs. Hors' Moffat THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Ferish Priest: The ReV. F. G, Braby, B.A. L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S — Bris000lo Organit; Mrs a Elliott 8A0 a.tii. Holy Eueharilt. 11:30 A.M. Matting SAINT ALBAN'S & SAINT DAVID'S ATWOOD 10:00 ni in, Mtittino expressions of sYln1).1.41.41Y and donations to the Brussels Burial Chapel. Special thanks Le Itey. Mooffey, DoCLor Street, and the ladieS ef St, Anibrose Parish, for the delicieus Witch Prepared for thern• Mr. Francis McCaughey 1 wish to thank all who patron. ized me in the past and new W404, 1 am. through i wish Murray 'wall in my old location. Cecil Alpeadden tt. tau ,...1 4s 1.01' at: Lae Wallt.: 1 W,kb Lit Lile huSpiLal, 1ISUUS, treats, tutu aim letters, your litUU unnignis will always be temente- ered. may Uod Mess you all. Ilia Lio vat's. I wish Lu sincerely thank ail V; lilt nave been so kind la 60110- ing caws, letters and fur all the kindness shown me wfule 1 was in Victoria Hospital and since We are- iiihing Luis opportunity to thank our friends and relatives tor all the gilts, cards and good on the occasion of our Golden Wedding anniversary. Our thanks and gratitude to Ilrusscils Ladies Auxiliary, the 6th and kith Group of the UOW Walton and others who helped in any -way to make it a Very happy occasion for us. Jen arid Wilbur Turnbull We Wish to express our 61.1- uere LtlitiLE: LULU heart felt appee elation to all Our relatiVc3, naiads anti 'iitliglioours tor the klUdILOSS snown us duriaig Lire o ere a v enient of a dear husband and brother. Fe:: 'the floral tributes, cards, expressions of sympathy, and kind offers of help. A very sincere thanks to Dr. McKibbou and nurses at Wi ughaktu I-Tospital, Rev: Cecil Jardine of the Wingham United. Church, Rev. Allan Johnston of Brussels United Church, .1.),A. Rana, the pallbearers, the flow- er beares Briau Travis and. Peter Hollinger. A special thanks to the Ladies Aid of the Bruasels United Church for their kindness. The Sellers Family May, Wai'd, Charles • NOTICE ATTENTION FARMERSI NOt only does it contravene the highway '!'raffle A.Ct, but it is diffictilt to keeP township roatitil free of snOW if the Plow' is being continually Aiwa for milk calla and Vehicles teft On the. road, We are net reispOnisible ink any damage that may ()emir. Also anew should Mit be removed front gateways Unto the roads to that it impedes Or hinderti timate. ate BOWes Road'' Supt: TOWniihip of Orel, SKATES SHARPENED Skating season is here. When your 'skates need sharpening Lillie them to George BMW'S, FRASER — BIRK In a ceremony solemnized in Palmerston United Church, .I. eau i1arie Birk became the bride of Robert Milton liTaser. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Levi Birk and the lute, Birk. of Palmerston- '!he bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraser of Brussels. lie church was decorated with white mums and bronze carnations for the eerehiony con, ducted by Rev. W. G. Melly. Organist was Mrs Lawrence Morplxy. The bride entered church on rile arni of her brother, Ivan. Miss Keitha Birk, dressed in peau-de,soie with headpiece and slippers of geld, she carried, she Carried red and white carnations, was maid of honour. tie Orate. Was gowned in white nylon and lace over tat- teta with long pointed sleeved .i,tiicket to match. :liter shoulder length headpiece was of rhino- 6Lune6 anti nylon net. she cur. rum a eunuch of rea ruses aim Willie carnations and stepnonaus, lower gin was miss inane Wilson of ,Litwouu and ring oear- er Ditice eox, a nephew of the gloom. MiSs waS crossed in nine lisilii-de-8010 with bow headpiece and carried a sodas( of pink carnations. Hest Man for the groom was Wilford Warwick. Ushers were the bride's brother, Lorne „birk, of Palmerston and the groom's brother-in-law Jack Cox of, Brussels. A reeeptiOn was held at the Blue Barn Restaurant, at ,List- oVvel.. Following a wedding trip tci DetrOit, ,'Toronto and Niagara Falls, the couple Will reSide at lift 5, BrUSselsti. The bride's mother wore a blue beaded crepe dress With. black feathered hat and corsage of white and pink carnations. Tile grOOMPS Mother was gown ed in a manure chocolate dress With matehing brocaded hat and Woke a corsage of pink and. White carnations. FOR SALE Scotch Pine Christmas Trees. Selwyn Baker Phone• 4 or 71x' CRANBROOkc, Afternoon W MS Group -1 lie December diet:Ling of the aftoruoon group of the, W.M.S. Was held ILL the home of Sirs. Pick. Bradshaw with tun •••irs -present. The leader, Mrs. Jona ferric, opened ills meeting with. a Uhristni:.1., reading, fol- lowed ;with pray er. service twin the "(lad. Tidings" was !ILL ri ,nuings given by Miss Alice J, Forrest, Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Siac Hugel and Mrs. :6Lall- icy iscner. Several Scripture passages Were 1'e,11.1 ill UIitSClu gild \\ tared Strickler, Mrs. Cliff Bray and Mrs. hyper Uordou read a p u re reading in the visited, • 'l the retiring .presuleni; presided °Vey by the president, Mrs. Haul Dunn, incinued in g 01: the ininutes, secretaries and treasurer's reports, and roll . call answered with a Christmas ,iota \ WI.' the januai y meeting wan mrs. Byiit ciortion the hostess. Thu topic •waS • in .charge of Mrs. I.* Li,. Uul'UoU W no gh\'e a 1110SL. interes ting account of the "ClidSLIall. ion alt Expo' , Which she had visited. 'ilia retiring Pres tdent c,xpresseu thaiws lulu apPfl:Clit to all tor thou' Ck.i.UperilLieu iris her yogis president., btanh,y • 1: iselier presided jut' tee election of waieers and • • Airs.: clam midi acted as secretary. The following Is the slate of officers for • President Mrs.. .Clare 'iieitoit . Vice,Pres. Airs, W. 'Strickler 1.‘reashrer •1‘Irs. :John Perris• Ihe leader, Sirs. ]'eerie, gave. in- closing prayer. flare MILL !stay- ass IS tee. We hilSIUSii gel". lag 11211.Cli, lael.U.aUd. 'Clu'tsiuias elite, .Milli(:( ntcat. Liii'LS and me-mace p pp er-• niniL 1)1ILLIeb. i'ersOnal6 1i1 1'1 I] spout se). aril hay s reiatiye6 in (IcuiLLQ. 11110 Ail's. VisiLed w and Ml's. 11 red. Sinalittuu ttlui oilier realtiv es last week. 1 ,11 \ ;;;L-Li1'i:01 Lhp, Lino- in Uls, .4.1Le1i-• ener, wore home Lor the week* end. Si is;, ZLQ, . ..Curonto, 1Deaf the week-sad with Alt. 41 ts, ar Lihi .may.Donalci. All'. and Earl 2;U1 al at the Si acuan-carnildlia-ei. Wudthug inn sa.tarday IA.resbyterian Church, LiStOwel. • lex t. a meion was home foe tue week-end but has rettirnen ing-..0 for further ISOILL- meat. Sir. and Mrs.. Jack McGee, Dungannon, . were • visiting iu this area on Sunday. Miss Alice J. Forrest is in firussels assisting in Dickson to pi.ou store for the Christmas season. HOLIDAY PARTIES Are only complete when. you serve dairy fresh EGG N,OU drink to you. guests. Salad Sour Cream is also bandy for salads, baking, or add your own dry in. ingredients for a chip dip. Oat a• package from your grocer who sells COUSINS Seal Pure Dairy P Neinett THE SETTLEMENT OF HURON COUNTY BY JAMES SCOTT IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT WOO Available at local book Stores or County Clerk,Treasurer's Office. Cont., Ontario. t't Secretary MrS, Stanley Fischer Weicome & Welfare .... Miss A. I. Forrest Supply Sec. Sii•••11•,ii. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler 'Lit. & Lib. Sec, Mrs. Dick Bradshaw Glad Tidings Sec, ,.., Mrs. Calvin Canieron Pianist .,..... . . Mrs, Mac 'Engel. Press Reporter' Mrs. Mae StItige1 Auditors'Mrs. Earl Dunn and Mrs :Lithe Gordon COC Loader Mrs. Alfred Strickler 11Irs. Fischer read the instal- lation service and led in prayer,