The Brussels Post, 1967-12-14, Page 3T.11,1.1 1.311•US$4,L),S 'POST. ONTA,410 VtiINGI4A1VI MEMORIAL ,§1-itiP DUALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP fIpen it Week Day YOUr Guarantee for Over Se Veers at 1,-...F7A ETERS' LETTERINE iox Z5b WI ti Ft AIVI itim.tictA CRAWFORD,SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q, C. N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. A. R. M. MILL, B.A., L. L. 111, BRUSSELS And WINDHAM Phone 120 Phone 357-3830 I). A. ANN PORNITURE STORE Licensed Funeral Director and 'frsriii~alre~dF PHONE 36 or 85 BRUSSELS, ONT. E, LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRIST .- 8EArOWtH iVIEOICAL. CENTRE 127.120 'uesday; Thursday, Friday. Saturday A.M. Thursday Evening CLiNTON OFFICE, 10 ISSAC STREgi Monday and Wednesday 482-7010 Cell Either Office Par AppoIntmarof OORDOrf4 JACKSON c.-1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE ; 2 .1.;4450 LISTOWEL HOTEL ONE OF FLORIDA'S PINE ST Prestige resort hotel overlooking tropical park and Yacht Harbor. Superb cuisine and =excelled service. Planned program of en= tertaintuent. . . concerts. Luncheon and Dinner Music. Dancing nightly in Terrace ROOM Affiliated 18-hole Golf Course and. SWitritnitig Pool. 24-hour Guage Service. Season—Odober to May. AN ALSoNETT HOTEL oN BEAUTIFUL TarkPit Nov IM ST• PETERSI1UR.Gy FLoninA Per RtiStilatliat awl him* Ilmas moCODE419-67-4512 340111RIC=9.911111EM,Arry cum 7r" 'ale Modern" To Ito nvititioasily Coma vet .„ Lino • trvita onS norrnamengremil (BA.1BE SEItirrse.) treeitlitts and crigagement CASIouncalneutz, birth anttoinice. remota. confireastioe isreitstionx, e: 'a end silver ortnivtimy eassensbenballts, etc Thenno-enoTaving (VilISBD 1,lieTTERING) teeelliS eglia prit tillte the finest luinfl onfrevisag. The ke.bwi Late nu Ave= and fildividualiTy Oagy filleA haul le, v.:what eau and Therallt,DiPelOgrering inAISED LETFEliniC) C amt al Math Mt AIN!'{r4 603gratif46, hINWILU) 13 elkx:14* itSse die eapper plate that mak is htind elagrovici,s so expeiRiVe iT9S Itrillftefi THE WEE' 01 WNW= ?:ad est kat te.s.tchiag abeimeios eie 64,1 racet,4*, esniottee, T.Sfeztg Tees me: Ittr,..A to K33. cetc. 4r41 lima) waling-a/. disalc„atiim ritmnrs gailkam. 4,ivckderpt,1 ,oi.,47.?4 all l)seteriais, ; lov 5.0 L.* 10.0 alai !,r5t1. (eiN dpolki:tr4) iartkst,witi sea Owls, OUll The" 3liatISSIdic3 rCtSt TII.URSDAY, DEC. 144.11, 1967 R. J. BALJER YOUR FERCA.L!,10N DEALER GENTLEMEN'S CLUB. NEWS 1:Tem$ Well the budget le; down and 1. orarything else i s lilt. NI 0.6hE311 SI I /VITO 1iaF4 followed the Bible, 't hole, "To him that bath shall be giirei, to him that. With net shall t)(i aWaS'11: tlEb 1/VAB iate& charlas eme iK Grit. Lynch its a grit Liimont, Bob or Wiff Warwick, even jou election, "Y'vn better get if they weren't grits they WOUld "I " rt still be bad. Lynch asked him mnie questions even. n74003M13 1.fez,y St ties could answer, favolirobc fir ~harp. gupPOse 11:1V ;Ill riang'110.17 litItertrfeW with Mr. Sharpe. T think T4 can doll him bit.. Mr. Sharpe, I um dersta0A you are going to appeal to the vetoes (Union workers) not to oqii for on increase 'n titivres for at least anotb.er year, f Tr has to say yes, he said in his 19ei,eil fie would. Mr. Shappet Wakes are h'glier 11rItish Col- end Alberta 601: Atif ofher nroOtice so let us keen, thorn end Social (4i'offit out- Yon must -agree fluti union old iron` AGENTS. .:ar-nes Union *ages, for the rest. or Canada will he around $5200 per 'MTh Leiber, Jr. Squirm Clinto.v, year. Right? Your salary will be around $50000, are you worth. IIIMON iaaralgegniaiffla/47.01MrattgrMULATAW,-ViSIVAIrl al most six times more (lion man. getting wages. and do you con- side"' Yourself six times better than they are TkIr. Sharpe, you are cutting clown on Farm Loang, hoildireri roads eta.. yet you, are not (niffaig down on foreign. aid. Millions going to tinderde- voloped countr'es-, to educate. them so they can get the' atomic )(nut 'Weapons so they can go tca war and 'kill each ether off like us civilized peOple do. May- be us. What about our Indians, out Eskimos, our poVerty striCk- en KR farmers. Do you feel justified to let our people Starve. Do you believe charity begins a t m e . Sneak no -:\fr. Sharp, Canada put Oa the biggest show ever prodticed iry Man. About 00 countries helped. Tell us why this Show is in the red. John Wischer Waa the. head of it. 1Vhat was Fialary"..• Judy La 'Marsh receive extra romtmer- a 1. ion , and who was she , working for when she went on TV. the slow Who Am I, was she work., ing for Canada, 1"-i fro, the Amer- ler n rst or Moonlighting on her own? (Tow did Fischer get hiS job': I know a parrot that Can talk better, IT's personality' Is nit and he, never did. know a thing about show htisitieSS, Mr, Cal-radii, What a joke. It's like lady La &argil Winning it beauty cobtest, Mr. Sharpe, the Carter report cost the people of Canada ahotit, seVen minton deputes, It took intelligent people four years to complete. Yon scrapped this re- port in six milintes. 'Why? Mr. Shur ne„ people are leaving the 1...film-al' potty like rots leaving tt, s'nkira;, Stinking ship. Will the Ni-iT' he The iitst official onposit. lot,. and what ina;iority Will the! "ror10.fc !MVP a f fel' the PM Pelno A LP PIO iete Neo, Farm Ectuilatrt eut PI-1014P, Aftl)SSEIS, ONT, THE f3RUSSEWS POST' ROY W, KENNEDY. Publisher t:;FILs13$h:11,.S. ONTAFI1O, every Thursday Autlionifqi .as..3econd •.elatIn vii,. rest Orried Departukeht- ottaiver, • 14./.2-. serving the frterrning („:lorrImUrIlty' • • AlarnbOr Oehati:.:01 Weekly Newapppere motoetation Outt,,r10 illyawahltkle as had Fraser f veto are sharp in. :lame only. Truthfully Yours, T. K. F. wougrairowvommansivanweiptAaammv kii-Y,P MUTUAL NEURAN "P.' COMPANY 4 Town Dwellings * All nlasses of Farm osettY Summer Cottages Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage) (wine", smoks.. water damage, failing objects, etc.) is also available Keys, RR 1, Seaforth;• V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seafortl", Londesboro ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; HaroiN.: George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G, Eaton, Sanfortt0 4 , Office — Main Stress' nmAFORTI4 Inez.rflite L%t