HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-12-14, Page 1S2 o0 A Year In. Advance - $3.00 To U,S,A, T IE BRUSSELS POST, URSDA.Y, DEC. 14th, 1967 POST PUBLISHING HOUSED
Morris Township Council Met
nit Deeember 4th with a1 monib,
or present and Reeve Stewart
Procter presiding,
, Inu tee of the last meeting
were read and adopted on
Motion of Walter Shortreed and
Ross Smith,
Th e following motions wee
Moved by Walter Short reed
seconded by Barnes Mair that. a
!erne t of $25,00 be given Huron
county Plowman's Association.
'Moved by Walter Shortreed
seconded by Ross Smith. that
:00, he paid, to the 'Myth MU-
eie I lee Fund.
Moved lay James Mair second-
ed by William Elston that road
newel nts in amount of $1817.89
:ei presented by the road euper.
intendent be paid,
Moved by Ross Smith Sc'rond-
ect by joules Mei' that Mel craig
Ire appointed to 'Huron-Bruce
High School Board for 1908,
Moved by William Elston, see-
onded by James Mair that
Walter Sher feed be appointed to
Seafortb High School Board for
Moved by Walter Shortreed
seconded by William Elston that
general accounts as presented
to' paid.
'Moved by Ross Smith second-
ad by Jams Mair that meeting
adjourn to meet again December
Vele 1967 at 11 net,
General Accounts
Municipal World, supplies 1.56,
T oe'n of Clinton, balance of
19,67 High School debenture
Hydro for hall 9,75,
John Brewer, rebate of Canada.
Pension 2,73.
'ftcyal Cenci dean Legi on
wreath 15.25,
Ma c Sholdiee, refund of spray
2.10, Helen Martin, revising
Vetere, lists 40.10.
Donn rtin en t of Health, Instil.
in 10,61,
Huron County Plowman's
2ieeociation. $25,00.
Myth Artificial Tee Fund $100.
Teen Taylor, volutitor'e fees
George Make, moving tile,
!1.5.50. eercre Bnilford Comeend-
ion. Ma elth ell 'Ora 41 447.13.,
Melvin Ca rnoch en , Colo. Drain
12,7e, Nichol Drain S.50.
Itelee Martin, salary 119.40.
Georee "Mich ie, salary 45,00.
t'rnarlinn Tmporial 'stink of
Comineree. Cri n, Pension Plan &
income' Tax VA
.Wm, Liston, Plaelch,a,11 Drain
:15.00. Cole Drain 5.00,
Stewart. Moakley, refit for
duel e !One.
Pee coek, 'Moreie share
eP rent for t3lllllTt mum
now Adounu
Tionlh IS,EiUI.
The itrueeels Lione eetertained
their ladies at 57, Chri stiaas
party in the Legion auditor tem
on Monday night,
Lion President Cal Smith, pre,
sided and welcomed their guests.
Lou ins; the di e ner tickets
wee sold on a child'S platform
rocker, made and donated by
I he president. Ire. George
Mutter was the lucky • winner.
Lion. Al .1 oh eston was the
aripr dinner MC for the remaind-
er of (he evening, He introduced
Ken Smith, principal of the
: reesels Public. Scheel, Who
sang- several enjoyed numbers to
his own guitar accompaniniont.
President Cal showed slides of
"The Life of WU) Turnbull and
his wife Jennie" who recently
eelebrated their Golden Wale
ding a nniversary.
The Se n-Fren.Siseo Go-Go
Doneers and Band then presented,
a lively performance,
A Chinese auction did brisk
Santa eaid a visit with gifts
Lion Presid (nit Cal Smith,
in e oceet evet'yone who took part
and extended seasons greetings
to all.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J Davis,
Moosonee, Ontario; visited re-
le tives and friends in Brussels.
last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Cr Parker are
gueets of the. Chief General
Manager while hi 'Toronto thiS
week to attend the annual meet-
ing of the shareholders of the
Canadian imperial Bank of
r. Ceeil MeTeadden, who has
rewrote(' a bather shop here for,
the past number of years hag
retired, He hes disposed of his
business to Murray Lowe who is
now In the former MeFedden
location. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden
have moved to their recently
purchased home on Qtieen street;
formerly, the late Roy Sellers
Glcun MaKercher, backhoe ren.
taxis 16:00.
Jo alt Wardell, chair. repairs
Rrussels Coal Yard, steete oil
Alex Itekley, oil, Mel oil & tax.
Dominion Rood Ma chineree re-
irs to .1.eer.
re for shed 1(1.50.
1rel ri Cairn Deli an, lin elthoe
e 2,1.25.
llanlz of Commerce, perreion.
Receiver-reeeneral. ithe rn ploym en
Tnsero nee 7.20.
Proeto‘A Ple4i4Vii
111'401) Ift MN t "=i4 ft0
Austin Rayno rd ;Ethel ; died.
Weenesduy in List° wel Memorial
lioseite I, He was ie. his 88th
tie le survived by his wife,
the ro len er Essie :Huffman,
lb roe sons, Sylveeter of List,
o w el and John and. Cecil both
ad Grey Townsietp, three (taught-
ors, Mrs, Clarence (Hazel) Clarli, •
of Grey Township, Mrs. Mu ago
(Laura.) awe an Turnberry
T wp a nd Mrs. Walter (Doris)
e Fe rl an e, felstoWet,
The; funeral will take place.
from the T. A, Reim fti n era, ,
home. Brussels, on Friday et
p.m. Burial will be in Mount
Pleasant Cemetery. Ethel ,
Mrs. Ed win Martin hold a
piano recital Saturday morning,
December 9th, The various nunth-
ers were interested with candy
and small token die) ws„
The early door prize was won
by Louise Aleock, The lu cky
glss token was won by Volute
Me Cu teheon, Other draw tokens
were drawn by Carol, Colleen
and 'Keith Raymond; Jackie and
Connie MeWhirter: Mary Felten
end Nancy :Knight : Catherine
and David Sweeney: Frances
and Charlie F,xel Shirley ripe,
Lori 11 len) 1 oboe)) ; Dianne Them-
es. : Anne Strelyelude Doreen
Riley; Joe u Stephenson, Paulin(
eleCtitehoon: Doreen Cardiff and
Pevorly 1Tcf all.
Lunch was' served by Mr„ nee
rs, 'Martin. The youbg plaids(
nip to be COM tqi m onied for
r efforts,
Word has been received here
that Mr, Stuart Nichol has been
awarded the second year scholar-
ship for the Ontario Diploma of
iTortieultnee at the University of
Mr. Nichol mudi Ned for the
scholarship by obtaining the
irighost, ~tending irr any section
el' 1.110 progra m. at the University.
The scholarship is valued at,
$17).00, is (men to correspond ,
ence student s across Canada,
end is Ovesor t ad annually by the
Canadian esery Trades A seem-
o. and Mrs. Bert Goiliten
were wek-end visitors in Bramp-
tee. Shollimileie and Itillsbnrgh.
Mr. and, Mrs. Los Earl. Atwood ,
were honored by Ethel com-
mie-1iI.y vleteti George Peerson,
(:n eon Coehren and Carl
me:MI.1AM ottiloa t h eir home
):Itiogimtorl thorn Vir
tuAlhifi `r4iPi, '4* Oifilfft
Santee Claus paid hie pre-
Christmas visit to Breseles on
sa tureay afteraoon, arriving by
irwiii ,ra. mode of travel, snow-
Prim' te his arri val, which was
elm n so red by the Brussels
1 ions Club and the local
branch of the Royal Caned,.
Ian Legion, children of the areei
gathered at the Legion auditoel
um where they enjoyed a free
show and fible.
Hundreds of children were on
Mind to Welcome their jolly St,
Nick With begs, kisses and re-
t$ feoni their Christmas list.
Tema) youngster received a bag
, ,I'goodies:
Monk ton at Brussels r Friday
Dec. 11
Brussels at P,lyth Monday
Dee. 15
13 rues& s at Milverton Thurs.
tiny, lice, 21
Myth at Brussels 0— Friday,
I ee
efilveeton at Brussels — Fri-
day. .Ten,
Brussels at Monkton — Thurs-
day. :Tan, 11
1 1.1v111 et "Brussel:a -- Monday,
Toe_ 1 ,1
Pritssele at Blyth Friday.
e 10
Marne Time 7 :00 P.m.
December 8th
Regular Games
ry Davidson
Mrs, 'Henry, Wingham
Bob Adams
Neil Adams
Bob Higgins
,fennie fellow
ere t ePhellsen
Murray`ererlem an
Tian el 1 en sh er, myth
1:m14Y Pearson
Bill Upper, Listowel
Anne Lowe
Ken Rewleed, Ethel
leloine Nichol
:Helen Cardiff
Cash Soecials
Mrs. Jack NNTright.
Branch) Higgins
Ruth Hinton
Doer Prize
lea Show
Not iCE
Another meeting of rml.
orriciois local residents is to be
held hero on January 22-nd. This
time' in rogerd to diecontipuing
all nessene”er service here.
All reei don ts of this area whiz
arc et nil interested in hawing
1:hie eery ve ciont limed Oltenia '
el toile,
ts ill'tfeei1 14;010111m 11'-
e 11e; lit 3..1 10±'{ ii` '1001
At the reeent annivel convent.
ion of the Ontario Creamery,
meles Association held in Tore
halo. it was announced that
brussels Creamery had placed
3rd in the B igh Quality Compete
i ti on. for butter manufactured)
during the past yeax. A very
good standing in two other
competitions along with the
Quality competition showed a
high enough average to place
thole). In 11 th place for all the
(Tee m cries ' in Ontario.
Mr. Jim Baker:, Dairy Commis-
sioner for Ontario, stated that
t his (•011111111.N1 competition; re.-,
fleets the general efficiency of
the ha ((menet; ers in all phases
of butter matmfaeture and be
the most difficult competition In
which to obtain ,a high score,
because a hotter than average
rating must he niade by a com-
petitor in each of the three com-
Bu tt men a kers at the tocAT
ereamerY a re Mr. Lawrie COOKitiel,
nnrI i1Ti, Ciiiill S en Son ,
CcorigTilfulatiqa.% are due the
13riiss4s Creamery for thin
a PVern ent,
TI is nice to know that We en-
joy butter judged to he or such
Hi eh Quality,
U.C.W. Entertain Guests
At Christmas Meeting
The combined Units of Ott,
U.C.W. of the 'United Church held
their Christmas meeting in the
school room of the thierch. on.
Wednesday evening Dec, 6th
with the ladies of the sister
ehueches as. guests.
Mrs. ThomaS welcomed the
guests and opened the Mooting
by singing several. Christina S
Carols, Mary T3rYans at the piano.
Mrs, Th meues introduced the
prig-Oa/it "Holy Ls His Natne".
This was portayed by members
or the evening IT,C,W. Doreen
P1'1`.4.e:1, on tl and Viola Macho Were
the nkrra tors. This was inter.
ven edTY...e the choir singing
Christ s songs, atheri rie
Kra o tor and ;rem Elliott favor-
ed with two nitteebers with
accompaniment; , from
Mc'iville Church and the Duvet
rim, sisters eeng two duets,
from the Catholic society.
l ic
Hominwe y, the
sielti;°Iturl thanker]
nil who took part
amid led the eronp in contest:S.
A lunch was selected by tit*
committee in charge, The gneetS
moved, a vote of thankS tot the'
pleasant evening.
G 1:111I S e To Mr. rind Mrs.
iT ohciri: (1166 botitit
Smith) in rlhanti Aijoitotai on
No11 eleber nbil,
M.11 eltt ;tee,