The Brussels Post, 1967-11-23, Page 7DECORATE JORCURISIMAS 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL. FAINTS and ENAMELS IN STOCK MANY COLORS CLEARING AT 1/2 PRICE SALE ENDS NOV. 30th c BRUSSELS, ONTARIO This Store Will Be Open All Day During December Wednesday Nelson 'Reid, Mrs, •• Rruest Stevens, Mrs, Lenard Leemiug, Mrs. Cecil .Lydialt; Shut-ins, Mrs. Doughts lentils; Pianist, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. FL Traviss; Press Repo rLers, .mrs, Douglas Ennis, 11rs. Torrnice Dunda.s. t;0 ',A" 111 I I ac k w ell's team won the Copper contest. The banquet banquet provided. by the, losimr side will he in charge of . the leader, Mrs, Edward on. Dec. 12. There was $286.00 received from the year's copper BoXes will, be, provideu for shut- ins Reboil were heard from Mrs. Allan McCall delegate to ; the 6th Annual Convention held at M on c e ft ; Mrs. Walter Bewley on the program group; Mrs, Nel- son Reid on Leadership and. Mrs. MeCall on. Citisonship and Edu- I ation. The meeting closed with the nenedict•ion, Lunch was served by -the com- mittee, Mrs. Allan Searle, Mrs. James Clark and. Mrs. Art Heart. 1 .2,68 SK I-D0011. Several moriels ou display. Some used machines available. Get- yours now for fun filled winter Bluovale 'Trailer's, Danny's Restaurant, - 11,1 Wingham. VILLAGE 'OF BRUSSELS Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List Voter's' List, 1967, Village of Brussels, County of Huron Notice is hereby giveu that I havc complied 'with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Brussels, on the 30th day of Oct- ober, :1967, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the munici- pality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for ,uspection. And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proce- edings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the, last clay for appeal being the 22nd day of November, 1967. D7a.ted this 30th day of October, 196 Wm, H. King, Clerk, Village of Brussels avt,...zazommeattwayAmmalmil. FOR CAREFREE WINTER DRIVING Be SEE YOUR CO-OP FIRST grave C Op BELGRAVE ONTARIO W1.1).881443 iiitussium% ok'ermuo NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ON THE BALL ORDER YOUR NEW 1968 FORD CAR or TRUCK FROM YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, i•AIRLANE FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER BRUSSELS WINGHAM PHONE 249 Fli:fONE 357-3460 .Jacklin of Chesley, hose 2 direct- or of °FA. and a member of the board of governors of OU.A. was introduced by Bill Comes. Mr. Jacklin spoke on the Outlook for young ,farmers in Agriculture and asked: "Where are we going. in Agriculture? and "Does: the 'Dovernment own Agriculture?", Carman Craig • thanked • the. speaker. i1ob Crosby presented the re- port of the nominating com- mittee. The same slate of officers was returned for 1968. Past president, Ted Fear; President, Albert Bacon; Direct- ors: North, Boundary, Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Henderson; list Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston; 2nd line., Mr. and 1VIrs. M. Mel Mothers; 3rd line, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blank; 4th line, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler; 5th line, Mr; and Mrs. Bob Grosby; 6th line, Jim Spivey 7th line Carman Craig; 8th John Cronyn, 9th line, Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell. Commodity Groups: Hogs. Cbarle8 Higgins; Beef; Bill Elston, Hill Coultes; Cream, Mel Craig; Poultry, Rob :Brushy, County- Director, Albert Bacon; Lady Director, Mrs, Ted Fear. Renew Your Post Now. HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES VVALTON Walton ciOW Unit Jack Ewing 'Jowled, the ihtvolional Period of the meeting the '1\ UCW, held in the Soh001ro am or 1 Mis with a Remembrance Day poem, The hymn -0 Cod of Love, Oh king of Peace" was sung with Mrs. Ray 11.11ot:her as the accompanist. :':;alit 2.6 Wa$ read by _Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, ; A reading were given by Mrs, MeEwing. Mrs, Waiter Bewley, gave as the topic a report on the meeting at Alma College, at which she waS a delegate, "Called by God, 11 is purpose for me" WaS the ']'Been of the gathering. There should be one meeting a year based on the Purpose of the MeMbershin card, " namely "To unite ail women of the congre- gation tor the total mission of the church and to provide a med- Mtn through which they may express their loyalty and devot- ion ti .testis ('heist. in Christian Witness, study, fellows h in rid service." Mrs. Rowley also gave a most interesting account of the, conferenee, The business period was con- (looted by Mrs. Herbert Traviss. Mrs. James Clark read the secre- tary's report. Roll call vas re- responded to with the word Rem- ember or Remembrance. Treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. Torrance Dundas. The report of the nominating committee, .iNIrs. W,, 0. Rackweuu, Mrs, Leonard Loenting and Mrs. Peter Mc- Donald, was react ey Mrs, flack well. The list of officers for 1968 as follows: President, Mrs. Herb. Traviss; Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Walt- ers; Secretary, Mrs. "lames Clark; TreaSurer, Mrs, Tor- rance Dundas; Quilt Committee, MORRIS FEDERATION ANNUAL MEETING RETURNS 1967 OFFICERS The Morris Townhip Peder- talon of Agriculture held. their annual meeting and tut key ban- quet in Brussels United Church. The banquet was served by the U.C.W. of the church and the Minister, Rev. A, Johnson. said grace. There was a, toast to the Queen. The ladies were thanked bY Ted Pear. The head table guests, Rev. A. Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Fear, Mr. and Mrs. Jacklin, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bacon, Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Thomas, and Car- man Craig, were introduced by Bob Wheeler. Barbara Mettiwycke contrin . fluted two vocal solos accom- panted by Mrs. George, IMichie., Guests welcoth.e were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith of Grey Town- Ship, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Rolla - ban, of East. Wawimosh nown. ship, John Willits oh TUrnberry Township, and Reeve Stewart Procter of Morris Township. The County president, Charles Thmnas of !Brussels, brought greeting from the, county. The guest speaker, TameS Paid on Ito 5 years minimum $100 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER 880,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750,000 ot. omml I %es. I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. D Please tell me more about this system of saving. I fora 0 Enclosed is my cheque for S year debenture:tirs. i Mr./Mrs./Miss II Address Tel . . Complete and rail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Strom 01 Market Lane, London Ont. Or call: 432-4158 525 Talbot St; pet St. Thomas, Ont, Or call: 6330050 .t53 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or call: 539.2051 I.-15R mombor: Doposit Insurance Corporet,on USE CO OR, ANTI FREEZE NON - CORROSIVE NON - FOAMING WON'T EVAPORATE .CONTAINS RUST - INHIBITOR n Aff:1141ji 4,4.4 1111.FREE.Z. •. 4:11 cc.,.:5:•$. 1'11 NOV. 2n.d, 1967