The Huron Signal, 1881-05-13, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL. FRl 1►A \ , M a \ 1 ; sty 1. SHRVINmkt ?WO 1t A13'!'PJ RS. • Lauer Nap<slaa *imam T ether. mamma Buf/aiei, Sprit 30. -St. Paul. Ekes- uopal o'iuras, where Ba1L1u a wealth •ud most ansbo3rit.: cities:te meet to l/eay, will likely hare a gJelstion u( die;ipliu� era its Ima 1s shortly, tluvu jh the fact that une ut it, most mope Ked tiundiy schuol tea -hors, a y.aung lady of 16, who has been • regular attendant uf the chur;'t for niue peers and a teacher fur three years, is daily f:,uud bahiced her father's lar dispensing the festive -Legend ether : 4 -1a,'. -•ie :: a'a I i» ] de:s.'. b.:. To .:r i:, bust co n .l31' e 1 t`.1 f t : r.o •..t ii ,t:l : at a kinl very common in this city, twin,; .ls..sillik N..s,..s of falx Rase. The following is Dim aeli sbrtter denun- ciation ut Sir Robert Peel and the Con- servative party, wheal Pee) adopted the Free trade platform. It will be ob- served that he realms sae of the term "urganiaed !hypocrisy," which was bur - rotted in later years by Sir Francis Hiicks, in speaking un Canadian polit- ies, and which las time errnueuusly erudite'tu that politician. The right honorable baronet (remark- ed Disraeli) had once avuwed that he was prouder of being leader of the ettuitry gentlemen of En ;lend than of -'ng c•ntr•.uted with 'hl a.nfi•leace uf tov.teigt.::. But wh..: ::o the ccuutry gentlemen of England now I They are discn'eristg the difference between the larga and commodious. (0.1 cue side is tenure of courtship and the moments of "'"":4 41 :l :•os ..i ta5:s, w'1dre aur t . puWe•Ml.m; little is now said about them. playing aa.1 by:.lr::t:au;, eta, hat: le; When the beloved object has ceased to indulge" in a 1 li'attatrt. The yawn; lady, [charm, it is useless to appeal to the fee! - who o33upies the an ..nl:uJe p..aiti•.n of lugs. Instead of listening to their com- a mural instructor to t ie y aut:r of St. plaints, the Premier sends down his Paul's ant bas to ilex fo: he: `t'Sr, ••n valet, a well-behaved person, to make it being interview -sol, acid oh: tr.-al t•, d, her duty, and that it w.s a lesson -never tae old to be taught" in or out of a Sunday s3h1a:. She said that for three years past she had tau/lit a Sun- day -school clans at St. Paul's un Sunday, ani tended bar the rest the time. As sheaf never hien criticised fur it. she had supposed all along that her co- workers iu the church considered it just a: legitimate for her t., sell beer or whiskey as for them to drink either. reefers Met. Cooley's boy has a liver -colored dog, which he has upon several occasions made the subject of ve.-p interesting and instructive experiments. originally the dog's tail curled up over its back; but U o..ley's bony was prejudiced cel fever of tails that hang( down behind, s.. after amputating the dog's tail with•a hatchet, he spent ,a whale morning trying to graft a skate -strap ..n the atLwp. It was not a c,uragtous dub;. It would bark all night when nobody was about, but if a tramp tame near the house in the day- time the dug would put the skate -strap between his legs, and go in and lie down behind the stove. Cooley's view was known that we are to have no "whin- ing" here. iThis allusiun to Mr. S. Herbert's expression a few days before was received with vociferous cheering and loud laughter from the Opposition.) Such is the fate of the great agricultural interest -that beauty which everybody wooed and one deluded. * * e Prutrctwn appears to be about in* sante condition that Protestantism Was in 1828 (Loud cheers from the Opp*. ition.) The country will draw its moral. For my part, if we are to have free trade, I, whu honor genius, prefer that such measures should be proposed by the hon member for Stockport (Mr. Cobden) than by one who, though skil- ful in parliamentary manoeuvres, has tampered with the generous confidence of a great people and of a great party. For myself, I care not what will be the result. Dissolve, if you like, the Par- liament you have betrayed, and appeal to the people who, I believe, mistrust you. For me, there remains this at least, the opportunity of expressing thus pyblicly my belief that a Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy. Tice Fair flex. that he would prefer a fighting dog, and We talk of pretty women as if they of one day he made him brave by filling his all others were the elect; as if a w aman's meat with gunpowder and red pepper. sole claim to admiration rested on the Accordingly he put about a quarter of a � fine eyes or luxuriant hair. "Is she pound of pepper and a little powder in I pretty ?" is the first question asked con - wane meat, rolled it up in a kind of a cerning n new acquaintance, as though ball and gave it to the dog. The dog that embraced the whole subject. If a swullowe•1 it as quick as a flash. 1 man likes a woman, in the lexicon of Fur a few moments the anintel seem- I masculinity, it signifies a woman inter - ed contented. But presently he wave a eating from whatever cause. Who has little start, and then paused and looked not known women to be called pretty around to see if anything had happened. who could hardly boast of handsome Who has not ac.puain to assume a very solemn appearance. with those enjoying a wide reputation All ..f a sudden Ile uttered a sharp howl, for prettiness who had no other than and began to . circulate around the gas- physical charma ? She who has a div den. He went faster, and faster, and tinctly graceful manner, or an elegant Cocky is willing to swear to at least four ,air, or a fine tact, or talent for conger ' hundred revolutions aminute. Over the Ration, or quick sympathies, or cordial gooseberry bushes, thrcugh the aspara- wave, • r the art of listening well. albeit gus led, across the fences, among the plain in the face and of ordinary figure, bean poles he flew with fur,;, snapping is frequently styled pretty, and the ad - at Coley as he passed him, scaring jactive is repeated until it is fastened the chickens and setting them to cackl- upon, and is consequently associated ing, and smaahingthe vegetation to ruin. • with her. Merely pretty women do not The louder Cooley called to him to stop l• rule society -never did and never will. • the faster he went, and at lasst he got his When beauty is allied to piea..ant man - gun and tried to shoot him. He shot 1 nen or accomplishment, tact, quick wit, fifteen times, and blew holes into the i then indeed it is all powerful; otperwiae, smoke -house door, killed four chickens, la really plain woman who has conspicu- and put half a pound of quail shot in his utas graces of mind and manner will Durham cow: butt the dog still revolved, I prove more than a match for her beau - and went so fast that he looked like a tiful bushed sister. single streak of dog reaching :sal the way around the garden. At last the animal ran ::.gains`. the pump, and being switched off of his course, he daahed through the kitchen door, knocked down the stove -pipe, whirled into the dining -room, across the table, •inashing two dollars' warth of crockery, burst through the open door t. the parlor, and brought up against the mirror, which he shivered to atoms. Then he fell on the Brussels carpet, had spasms around over the floor for an hour or two, and finally expired with his hind legs in the grate, and his head on a forty dollar rug which was covered with beef and red pepper. They buried him at the roots of the Labelle grapevine, and Conley's boy, after recovering from the thrashing his father gave him with a fence paling, finally came to the conclu- sion that as a matter of practical fact, red pepper will not make a dog anxious forwar.-(Philadelphia 1sYfefie. BIorbe of IlUtettom. Riches are got with pain, kept with oars, lost with grieL The gnu est bottles in the world ate fought on the silent battle field of the heart. How can we believe that we are ready to make the greatest sacritioes when we daily fail in offering the least. One of the holiest sanctuaries ou earth is home, the family altar u more vener- able than any cathedral altar. 'Fit one thing to have uur sil worn away from the memory, another 1d Lave them washed from, the heart. la •. The living Saviour always puts the old Adarn in terror and Cu -eaten, to drive Sim from his throne. The most obstinate malady to cure among church workers, is that of the man who cannot do anything now, be- cause he was nut consulted before. Next to a clear cons:hence, fur solid comfort give err an easy bout. Never pmt off till to -morrow :o laugh that can be laughed to -day. "Term ALL DO IT. -To beautify the t.eth and give fragrance to the breath use "Teaberry' the new toilet gens. Get 5 Bent sample. 1763 DYSPEPSIA. -Strengthen }uur di - potion, tone the stomach for utilizing and assimilating every atom of ft tel you take, the body needs it for strength and vigor.y.ra cleanses the entire sys- tem, stilnnulatrs the liver, keeps you re - r and able to eat ten -penny nails. and portal cards come in daily Zop►esa from Brazil. Positive rfeot of health and vigor it gives, in a 0 cent simple. Sold by F. Jordan. Minas (',p.oA.—(iZATEYCL AND Cowrotrrl Rn. By a thorough knowledge of the natural taws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and bya careful application of use tee properties .t wolheelected Cocoa, Mr, trpppps bas provided our breakfast tables with a depeately flavoured beverage which may save me 'may heavy ductor's Stile. It is by the judi- cieloas ase ere such articles of diet that a con- stitution rong eeasueeb to resist�evverylltendency t tdlisseaase. Huadr da of subtle ms:adies are floating around us is is weak point. Weomav escape many arAck wherever tb a fatal s -it by keepir•t ourselves well fort111ed with hfood and a properly nourished fume." pare nervier Oardts.-Aold only in Packets labelled --Jingo Erre ,f- Co.. }iomtnopstblc (chemists. London. Eng." -Aho shakers of E-jpi s Chocolate k ecr.ce for afternoon use.. U.wt.iet:et Rick. The great secret of obtaining riches, is first to practice economy, and as good old Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life out of ine to pay enorm- ous doctor's bills, but now I have `struck is rich.' Health and happiness reign supreme in uur little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine but Electric Bitters, and only costs fifty cents a bottle." Sold by F. Jor- dan 7%i Great American Remedy far CO UGMQ COLDS, ASTHMA, 3RONCAITI,Y, L088 OF VOICR HOARSENESS AND THROAT AFFECTIONS, AM oss sews Rs wet. drHb ., Iter r Me Ipso. .ae rite Prse• to ease. of Lam, D* iMasa / Mao new ',Liftable mimiMgw Owe for la Ohio •. art lel fa. tsstatr GRAY'S,,, SYRUP .r RED „r� Mr sand fINIPrs- IA.tr o. R- )srUa at s .�. sptMy ow t.w- r-�� 10 SPRUCE pe r.limo A. tae CORtafRs One order tAes a • �l11t IP if r teIs s4 Gita (a sS R.eklelesaraies salve. The beet Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per tloz Fur sale by F. Jordan, Goderich. Then he gave another jump and began features ? \beented _ Nature, after all, is the great physi- cian. She hides all the secrets of health within her broad. generous bosom, and (iy,racc GUM. .c,spiete tufo. Its remarkable power in relieving certain fere of Brortclaitis, and its almost speci rfc elect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well knO'n's to the ysublie at large. *, d Iw .I1 rrepe.h4: o(vnWa large. !a ass.. sur ••d- ler ll As r,'wi, •• Morro r,/ 1'-d FIWII.- Au^ ' r ;rri has .. ^ kry4re •.-d Tr vac Mar.., u..t: ,... ... . . e el tobet. u.e tau rn•(.l. r, J. KER1a1, 1V:(TSO f' :•J. n'eoa.nh U u•vrr Sale Pror,r..t.,• amid Y_.:.y,.e •'v-'. man needs but to c•• '„ her intelligently for his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, Gaay's Svavi or Rho SPeu, L Gru, is an apt illustra- tion of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, .Loss of 1, oice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled. while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach The A h tosses R u an ',Lard He.t Seek'. lie ever late. .oa of HOOD. Rooms Ma an4 tianuc :On, W r• thenen kyr. ass• is utas of tbi trc*&c PLO .L1 r at:i .s,.J t:e.Jth ' atria. on pn•d'-tl tone .stet w'.. - R. ,so vano,i and perfect are SW am abeam a Ye rte tin w seas wiles. • useb weld sire aa Appetiser p mitten meta a i ri; -t: t`r apt ase Gera. tl:--:cr.t, cau.o Irregular, a. -:ar7 or ane, er who T,r , $,ad rind Stimulant uabi., without intOa- .11nes or meet 1. use Hop Mt- r..:ei but Ir you wee t4, m St coo .0. asv r.1 kutrd»da sethey eu• sot or let) oar ti a us, Nop 8 elk, Omar al bot ✓ 7nA o master �, yw�h.a.t .y�og�i. Dea .:Oriel bad or miserable l may tare your Welt gamic will be paid for a crbe:p re not suffer bot ere cad trre these ]rmeonrr, firs inters la no eostr�. *5,1 l:.e r_ lief 1.dktrx•e.ar t..a.:e t!e .1%7 ung fterP and 1 3 pe -•.m ass Camay 1. without tri.,. W ea abeam% 0".. :erwaibl. m'N . u.. Gr eRp-+g. t"exo. and Ira Aa mold by dtl�rku data sy .w o. a e.., llamase'r D.T W Teroeso, Bert LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory FOR 1881 -1882 - TO BE `PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER: ISM, Price $5.110. he People's Drug Stcre. Owing to fan health i hove disposed of the rood will of my business to It It. 011080 RHYNAS. and would recommend hili, to the pubh. fur their sateuaate. 010. CATTLE. in regard rite above 1 uould announce to the paspie u tiaderi 1s end vicinity Mat ( ham .ata Drug Bnainesa in the citrus, ufSlakes Block "ear the market,, mind see perchwrd afresh stock of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, and by careful uttentiun to business will endeavor to merit your rtlrwwtsps. Your Welt *erecter, GQ•EO_ P.1-1 YNAS_ A FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, TOBACCOES, CIGARS, AC. ALWAYS ON HAND. Physician's Prescriptions Carefe.11y Preparr.L . e R. LOVELL, at the request of several ltd Merchants and othesr of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal. etc„ to announce that his Arm will publish s PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in No- vember next, containing an Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. sTRLC$8N Han *EMut•ED Hit: GROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand In the Albion Bloch, formerly occupied by hum, where he will be leased W welcome all his old custom^a and tate public generally. A large quantity of Classified Business Directory NEW, FRESH GROC e' 1UES ('HE 4P A.'t THE ('HEAPEST. D, C_ STRACHAN, I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. MR. D. FER0-TJSON .11- VERY 1T t VE RY GREAT DISCOUNT ! Nearly all of geld Stock, as well as my own original Stock, k, was bouiht he:. 11 1114 ' ei, nor .1lrardware. i am therefore in a position W sell Cheaper t nen ago et.... Mame In the Comfy'. of the Busirese and Professional men in the Cities, Towne, and Villages of Ontario, with a Classified Business Directory ()V THE CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care and attention bestowed or. the Dominion and Prot Metal Directories of 1571 will be given to this work. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terme of Ad- vertising made known upon apeitoation. JOHN LOVELL 1 SON Montreal. Dec. BM. Pub?is.lers. of all. Try it and be convinced. All chemists laep it in 25 and 50 -cent bottles.- ad A counsel for a fratricide caused a sen- aatto' a Erie, Pa., on TuesdaS, by moving to quash the entire jury list, be- cause the jury bot wee not sealed with was toso1dtrlg to Lw. An investigation disoioaftl that no loyal jury had been dawn in Inc count f y ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall every Saturday. NEW YORK TOSTEERA STEERAGE LASGOW CABINS. 9m to eftS.. These Steamers do not carry cattle, sheep or pig. NEVI,' YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS Lias to E.S. Excursion at Reduc Rates. t;:.aslpping. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. -- All Stateroom on Main Deck. Oh : what an awful time there would Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from an Railroad Station in Europe or America. p if the law which was promulgated in • I;rattaatloweetrates parablelfteeot lge l 1 code be re throe out England. land. ed >a shit 1709, in the Old Country, s t - g Scotland and Ireland. Forks of inforniation, planes., apply vived and enforced in our own blessed to HC`tDL*.Oa BROTHERe, a BOWLIYOOR==N. N. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCKA�ntont Block. 1751 Lend. It was enacted in the words following, namely, to wit, etc.: "Where- as several idle, gossip women, make it theis business to go from house to house about this island , inventing and spread- Record ing false ant scandalous roports of the good people thereof, and therby sow dis- cord and debate among neighbors, and often between men and their wives, to the great grief and trouble of all good and elmet people, and to the utter ex- tinguishing of all friendship, amity, and good neighborhood; for the punishment and suppression wh'reof, and to the in- tent that all strife may be ended, charity revived, and friendship continued, we do order, that deny women, from hence - iforth, shall be convicted of talebearing, mischief -making, scolding, or any no- torious vices, they shall be punished by ducking or whipping, or such other pun- lahment as their crimen or transgressions shall deserve, or the governor or oouneid shall think fit." It is said that as an offset too the wo- man's right& movement, a secretsociety has been formed, composed mainly hen-pecked husbands and their friends, with the porpoise in view of reviving this law, and enforcing its penalties. We shall see. y or ten ears, .wing to the custom 14 sealing the wheel senssw lamp.with mucilage, instead' of wax. The _ -- j oclg. discharged all the jurors. There l de!•se explain the ort(tin of the custom u intense *testament, s to znberprig- I of eat. eggs Mn Easter R5y As trial. having to wait until . trial. [4)111gg. sty the ebeap sad geed Mr ' after a atmos of deems and stsat- Tbe Chief • 4 telly , as thnr- ! Inas& (y) The .Maas of tin yew', 16 I- ' nut - John= MA* "let ibP snit ward / ntnsw of fertile grime, has bean We - Wal *4 r,.-'ltA'• i , A,dy nrutewi team tiove Inititamorial The use next, and will then ad sin of the enrage 1.f .•Sge ea as ewtilesq n1 life and fertility of vwaals Want felt of voter as as nA�riug h' the benevolent posers the aat,pI frost ;eke aria. that pea0Med over the sow- year is old Th to M ulteemeat and natural: what true Baas a The i111tlnstlaMw i this eannin viof obeervanee ie now the epi_ d d vier trade Raid or tM ht militant table digin of grass ommtry folks of the LYMAN Barb. FIRST PRIZES Ase ARDED THE Four -Barb Wire Fencing QQ at MON (TY!' 0NT Chile ATE OHIO. N.LXHIBITIONS. BYRA UtlL, N. Y. 1 DAVIC PORT.IOW A. 1 POR KIC! LL BUCIand SVPTERIORITY Deur all t'mnpefit.rs. The Cheapest & Best Feucii IA Tilt WORLD_ Adopted and la use on 15 Railway Linea In the U. P. and Canada. Dee that our trade bused. "Lows' Leas,' 1e et.setlied on each h reel gam so OrioM ns ad for efreisap R. W. 1lc1awatl eraeh. DOWN BARR ir'1RE Carpet Weaving in new Patterns and WOW warps D1DIAQ-ROt?I O1 Ta 1 and .Il 'w'eattly and �b edeas. wen* Kington .treat. Oodarieb tie Yew, 443'' JOHN TON'S led MY STOCK OF Futon, ��11�P1'' �e�ell��l 161.Amitis (coin ►line, I COKE AI= BUY AT SUCK PRICES A3 WILL PL Via::rCr'. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE irIRE. R- W. 111TCKENZIE m. HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, (SUCCESSORS TO JOHN KNOK), MANUFACTURERS OF ran ...�. lints tars ass , ii r� ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT C arriages 8zC_ TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBLNG done u ith Neatne*a and Des_.tt,ll, tubi ,at Leas - Mai unable Hates. ('all and SARSAPARILLA L1 COXPLAINT, DYSP :::At Lnd for Purifying the Bi;.o,. It has been in use for Il rears. and tae moved to be the trot rrer prat:oa .n the rtarketfor SICK )IEAIoaCHE. PAIN IN TUC ei'TEIDPIA. CK. TRA r.1NIP[iIPLLSOVHEFCE. I'iLE>i, and all Diseases .sc)u-e blfood. Disordered of oar blear -yrs ,pie tato IL and glee it ty their chile Jr. -a. Physicians prescribe it dalis. Those all, ass It onc& recommend it to others. Itis made front Yellow Dock. novae ruts bar,apariila, LCild Cherry, St1L'inula, Os-tderlon. Sassafras, wicte preen. •ad other well known valuable Root. sod Herbs It is strictly vegetable. and can- not hurt the most delicate cometltulloa. [t : • rine or the beat medicines in use fa £* '. a.t1n+aeit the Bowels It is sold by all responsible le tads drupelets at mice mill rare dollars. tnttlss Euro who Cannot �� obtato • bottle d ails lash• from their d load cls car dollar. and we read to task W. IOOITCR a RI, Ills! Asnrs.wssns ova ror ale ny .Tanta Wn,*ol}rs Chemist and Druggist. examine before purchasing elsewhere. T. tat J_ STORY, HAMILTON STREET. 'KNOX'S OLD STND. GRAND CLEARING SALE BEEGMILLRR Chilled Plow AGRIC ULTURA WORKS. the 0edartrb round ter the many AOx:ih wall b: sew „foots and shoes, MIMES BOOT god `NOP EMM, FR. ONE MON]ll. Previous to Stock taking. My 8tozk is Lnrgeand well -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS Will be given. T=RMS - C A.sI WM. CAMPBELL. Goderich, Jan. 13, 1881 170 n�B LLLi;R. BURDOCK DLOOD BITTERS __The only Xsdicine that Asoser tally Parities the Blood, acts upon the Liver, Ioou3e, Skin and Kidneys, 1 while at the same time it allays Nervous Irritation. and strogilisss the Debthtated System. perfectly and >llyooe r Jamas., Dyspepsia, Ooneti- p or., yilervouriQea. eras , dermis Oafbaplautts. Seetofhls. teAll�leioS, gait Rhetml, and very species of Mows Di nn uttillig is , Disordered Lildrer, tre'y's, altatada wand. Tilt Mil NMM perms/ a um MU. a.rspI* soma ess. 1. eolflfo & r.. 11111111111111L hunt aeswtar slaw MAO - —8a., he.ernt9:.tans T., &U Y s tsA ears and a asW destroyer of w•wwt SI rheas CO ee.ra Pok. n e... :rat r >a ppuvestasw's dew M. r Mr.g en p.rStt le .vert es. Ter seiessee a rad !MI; steer ks.. ss «e.t prate . s vomit. terbrow Sold JAMES W 1IliON . Druggist, Oedarich ern. -... '. •.eaes.S ..,s +6.00.5, ... orae