HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-11-02, Page 6THE BRUSSELS posT. wi.ussms, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV, 2nd, 1.061 4416.1•11111.1rclaselnitimieWalbeellIMIP-.A011111111Powatial iov. WISMI10•10610P. wn1 power to decide where such things as service stations and other features, should be locat- ed, There must be mutual co- operation between Council and Board. Regarding financing, Mr, ermine stated that the Planning Board determines how much money it needs to do its job and then forwards the amount to the County Council to pay. Asked about grants, he said I there were none at present' and no prospect that there would he unless special case. He recommended strongly that "before you proceed, be sure the time is ripe, You may need, planning Program, here, but on the other hand, you must consider the whole matter care- fully or perhaps suffer in the long run." Donald Snider, chairman, Kit- chener-Waterloo Connty Sub- urban Planning Board, related the experiences in his area with 13 municipalities He said the area is expanding rapidly and conditions had become al- most intolerable. ' For Mr. Gonnne felt any local planning program could .be in- eluded in the overall County ONE OF FLORIDA'S FINEST Prestige resort hotel overlooking tropical park and Yacht Harbor. Superb' cuisine and unexcelled service. Planned program of tertainment . . . concerts. Lintel east and Dinner Music. Dancing nighdy in. Terrace Room. Affiliated 18-hole Goif Coarse and Swimming Pool. 24-hour Garage Season—Octiobse au automat" mom TIFUL TAMPA MY ow BEAU PETMSBUROPI TILORIDA. lostrausis >t11 tetsisars MSS AMA CODE 1111, SEAFORrH UPhOL1$1 EtlY Centre Strait all kinds of upholstering Brussels HepresentatIve: SELWYN BAKER plan, if adopted. This was in 'answer to Carl, Dalton, 'Reeve of Seaforth, which is embark- ing on a plan locally. honor MeKillop Family A social evening was held S.S.in No', 9 MCKillop to honor Mr. and Mrs. William. Dennis and Geraldine who have moved to Stratford, Progressive Eucnrc was played. during the evening, after which an address was read by Mrs. Campbell Wey and a presentation of a large picture was made by Robert McMichael and Jack Bosmati. Geraldine was presented with a clutch purse by Gwen Bos man. Refreshments were ser. ved by Mrs. Robert MclVlich- ad, Mrs. Jack B0811100, Mrs. John J3urch and Mrs, William. Roe. ••!..T1-r zerts eir TRY THIS AUTUMN TASTE TREAT — DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY — Anoual . FactOry... Outlet • Sole. -01 WOOL and LE THER GOODS • BLUgBERRY. ICE. CREAM BAIINTON LY LIMITED B ( E ST. 1894) PHONE BLYTH 523.9373 — On Hwy. 4, Between Clinton and Wingham CONTINUES TILL NOVEMBER 18th THE OLD MILL Check The Advertisement In Last Week's Edition Of This Paper For Details HOURS: 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. WEEK DAYS, INCLUDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAYS 9:00 A.M. TO '10:00 P.M. 1111111111111111111111111=1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I Huron Council Considers County-Wide lanning Huron County. Council, • at its stated. "By its • very nature, board; Goderich, planning. next 'meeting on November 13- ' such a plan is comprehensive in board; Wingham, . joint plan-. 14, will receive a further re- scope rather than detail. It. pro- •ring board with Morris, Turn- • port . from its Industrial and vides the necessary larger un- berry and East Wawanosh Tourism Committee following a derstanding of planning 'prob-• TownshipS. • Area. subdivision 'conference. regarding a' Plan .- lems,• the establishment of a control by-laws exist in Gode- ning Program, requested by. the. framewotk • within . which to rich .and. Wingham, • and Cal- committee &Om a firm of Kit- work and the • assurance of con- borne, Goderich, Morris, •Stan- chener planning, consultants. . dimity and compatibility of lo, ley, Turnberry and. Wawanosh The committee held an open cal propesaIS," . . ' ' Townships• restricted area .by- meetir/ in the Court House, Mr. Smith advised that a full- laws in Goderich• and .Exeter Goderich, last week,. with rep- time planning and development towns, and Colborne and Steph- resentatives present from • var-• officer would be .requiredi to en. Townships. . . ious local municipalities in the implement planning: proposals. After going over. the report, county; representatives of the He .estimated that the cost of Mr.. Smith commented: "If the • consultants; Ontario Depart- the study, analysis and draft County of Huron undertakes merit of Municipal Affairs; Mid- plan preparation, as outlined in 'the•Planning Program, .it won't western Development'..Associa, the. appraisal, would range be- solve all 'your. •problems. It is • • •.tion;• and Kitchener-Waterloo tween$55•;000: and $60,000 spread like a . roof; it can 'serve as ' a' Suburban Planning Board.. • over 18 months of the contract shelter white ' you • build the CalvinKrauter, Reeve of. Final costs, however, could not • ' Brussels, committee chairman be fixed accurately until a de presided .and. with him, were tailed pregrani has been agreed . committee. members Roy West- upon betWeen . the County of Cott, t,lsborne; a B. Such, Gode- Huron and. the consultants. • . rich; Mervyn Cudtriore, Exeter; The report concluded: (1) that 6,tit Warden Donald McKenzie, a planning program is vital to Ashficld. the future growth and devel- opment of the Obunty of Huron and- its municipalities; (2) that this program should be under- E. A. onmaie, d'iyi:ce hnd taken as soon .a3 possibit;. (3) for Community Planning; On. that only. the County has there= tario Department, of Municipal. sources requited;. (4) that costs Affairs, declared that the ap-involved. are miner in relation- praisal as. submitted ()Hated a. hand was • Harry .Strang, clerk. ship to the costs, Beth financial very fair outline if the Counts of Ilsborrie, . - • 1 and social of an uncontrolled of. Huron ever decided to pro- Howard S. Smith of Dryden' and tin guided growth; (5) that coed with it Tho firm was a and Smith, planning constiltants,...the emphasis mud be toward highly respected firm of consul- Kitchener, presented a compre. positive"rather- than negative . . heitSive appraisal for A plati. ' programs of control:: (6) that t"t8' , Indicating steps to be taken, • ning prngtatn, for the County of implementation. ,, undoubtedly ... Huton . •. will taqUite at least one addl. ..mt, Goulli said the cotinty, • ..._ hi. • , cited it had decid,:d to proceed, • The etilline submitted inelud: tiori to the permanent stall 'Of must• apply to the Minister .0f, ed: Physical features, such as the .County, :and that reergailiz- geology,. physiography,- and. tOp. ation. of munieipal functions be Mttaiel P al Affairs asking him geology, to. define a planning area. ography_, soils an d lan d capabim tween the county aild its mem- There should be a fair .amou'n't ty„'elitnate and natural r'esotirca bet itimicipalities may be 1n- (.)f instificatioit for establishing es; historical hackgrOurid . trans, dieated, •• , I planninrs unit . pertation and comninnicatien, ,Mt 8inith reeerninetided that .` 6 . "I think the County of Htiton. population; economic base and the appraisal. and program be. . ' et...i.S. a logical unit. to undertake development; housing; public accepted: in principle by me a ..Planning program as a plan• studies. services both And utili urban es; .and land rural; rt Use fri ittee dustial nd an that d TtheoUrilatter stri pr nirig area," he snggested. -, a -. schools; community facilities port to County Council and P6- Mr. Gomme stated it woUld and services; parks; recreation quest council's approval to call he the responsibility of the and conservation; and local a meeting of all county mUnici. COUtitY Connell to appoint a. . government. , . palities to discuss the program. Planning Board whose menibers "The development plan is The repott noted existing de- NYehe Mintild "ecl istcr.uire thT e "Pn r P°vat °f the lanning meant to act as a genera guide fined planning areas and ton - for the orderly and logical,...dev-.. troll. Clinton,.inaetive plan- i edr"7d111 '".‘:Is e e e cc e( Connell, bite 6 not have the' elopMent, of an area. IVIt, 'Sinn rang board, • Tixeter, tlannitig Other county councillors pre- sent "on their own time" were Carl Dalton and W J. Cuthill. Seaforth; Stewart Piocter, Mor- ris; Leroy Thiel, Zurich; Elgin Thompson, Tuckersmith; and A. O. Smith, Turnbetry. Also on Municipality properly. It should show how the taxpayers. can benefit; how mistake:, tan be avoided." "A Plan won't sol-r ..net problems bet it will solve SOMC of them," he declared. "I think it is vitally needed and urge the County of Huron to adopt it," You're sure to enjoy a serving at mealtime or anytime Pick up a half gallon to-day or itry any one of the many other flavours FRESH FROM COUSINS DAIRY