HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-11-02, Page 4rmers. TOPNQ FCH HPAIKY' • MPNTH • STARTS NOV. 13 and ENDS 'DEC, 9 SAVE UP TO $12.00 per ton on Dairy and Beef Feeds 1300K YOUR ORDERS Npaw AT FEEDS LIMITED BRUSSELS PHONE 199 ..ossiaex.rogra....ozeset.pasatowApkoi.',4 ete 'et see% .101.1/$31114 P01-311% IsltUSS14148, ONTARAO TiIIMSDAY, NOV, 2nd, 190 NOTICE Taking orders for chickens, oven-i'eadY. Phone 422.1\'5 John FOR SALE -300 Herce Sax-Leak Pullets, months old. 4,44 Phone 13nwsels 475W14 WANTED ee Men to Pull tunnies, Pr nigh school boys on weekeLn/4. Apply: Percy Adalus, Phone 323-1132 artetid 7 p.m. er 7 ant. FOR RENT — house in Brussels, posses- Lion at. once. l"or sale 200 gal. oil tank also General electric Frig with approx- imately 00 lb. freezer Phone 120 Elmer E1lacott TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING 'fenders will be received oy the teluersigned epee t4 cycJoes., noun, monday, November nth etlei, for salowplowing tor tite 1et17-1.06e season in the Township of Grey, 'feeder to be by Lae hour. etate make and size of equipment to be used.. Lowest or any tenaer not necessatly accepted. eewee Eery the M, Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, AUCTION SALE of Telephone Equipment, Tools, and Truck for McKillop Telephone System at Winthrop, on SATURDAY NOV. 4th at 1 p.m. International ye ton Truck 1963 model, Al. •tionettion, adding machete, filing cabinet. Poles 7 — 30 it poles treated Z — 20 ft. treated 46 poles 1.6" used poles Wire 1 coil drop wire 11 coils No. 130 18 wire a cells No 65 wire Cross Arms 200 — 6 —4 Quantity iiicroptiee sleeves side blocks 12 iierew &ateliers MOO tsed cable QUaatitY bolts to 14" Quantity lead, cable Severn] dial sets- (neW) Equipment 1 Axe- bbits hatter 'elicietie, WaSeete 100" steel tape CrOW bar Tool bee' Belt Clippete irouine ladder 2 A m Nock & Tackle Sett Bob Jacit & eheitt Oil stove. 2 — 31 DC niteptiSS sleeve tool; ikeetYlitie ttutk & Waid6rilig outfit; N 5(+o• tic 17ia1 tetiteht 2 Lisieto.atie belts and Safety stops et.,Inplete qii -lcIti; stretcher/I Arrow staplers PIO-seer chain. saw (400) Other articles too numerous to Mention TermS Cash Attars> der ----- Harold Jackson niodels on display. machines 0-enable. now for fun ailed Wiuter kiluevnlo TrellerS. Dainty's Restaurant, ‘Vii3g"ni' LOCAL MAN REQUIRED. 1 .need a representative for my flrin in this area. This oeening may be worth. up to 0,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-Lime. 4,e. 21 to 70. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. • Contact Now t Charlie Lee, Wiegliem, Phone 3574333 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of DORA ESTHER HUNTER, deceased All persons having claims nest the estate of Dora Eisther Hunter, deceased, late of the \ illage of lerussels in the County: 6( leaven, widow, who died un or about the 25th day of September, 1967, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the, solicitors for the Executor on or before the 25th., day of November, 1967, after which date the state will be dis- tributed with regard wily to the clairus of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Dated at Brussels the 24 Li day' of October, 1967 Sidney S. Ballantyne, Executor by his solicitors CRAwFusiD, SHEPHeRD &„ MILL Brussels, Ontario TOWNSHIP OF GREY Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1e67, i ownship of Grey, County of Huron Netice is hereby given that 1 have complied with section 9 of, The Voters' Lists Act, and that I bay° posted up at my office at letb.el, on the 23rd, of October, 1967, the list of all pereons entitled to vote in the munici- pality at municipal elections and that sect' list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all. Voters to take ininiediete prate= edings to have any ommissions or errors corrected according to. law, the last day ler appeal being the (Ali day of November 1067. Dated this 23rd day of October, 190% Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey. FOR tiE.NT Good nod i3rick Hedge, new bathroom, new Cascade water boater. Well Ideated for employ- ment in either ListovVel, Wingham or llrussels. 'Use part of large barn in the same deal. 1.4eatkin tirlISSO1S highwilY at Sid Mei CirEw Township. Contact ten Mottonaid0 Brueselle- Ont. ••••••}. ••••........•• FOR RENT Small apartment, heated, emend flour. Frig ,supplied. Cid Smith Phone 84W SALES HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE, Alen and women. Our Large 14110 01 cosmetics and Household Products sold for the last ri years. A real way to inuroasu your income for the holiday Sea. Son approaching rapidly, is to write Rawleigh, Dept. le-15e.4A, 1005 Itieheiieu Si., St. Henry, Montreal. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, lvlachinery Hay and Grain at lot 26, con. 8, Morris Twp. 1 1/4 miles North and y4 miles west of. Walton or 334 miles South and 1y4 west of Brussels SATURDAY, NOV. 11th at 12 O'clock Sharp Cattle 3 Holstein Cuws due to freshen dine of sale to March 4 Ayrshire Cows due from Dee. to April. Ali cows are bred Unit 3 Poll Angus Steel's 900 lbs. 11 Hereford and Poll Angus TURNKEYS WANTED Steers rising 2 yrs. old FOR HURON COUNTY JAIL 6 Hereford and Pull Angus' ticiters run lbs. Written applications will be 4 ')Iii•ing Calves received by the undersigned until Pigs 4:00 pan., Friday, November 10, t York: Sow due time of sale 1967 giving Particalars including 6 York' Chunks 100 ibS. age, marital statue, previous em- Machinery ployment, salary expected, When e'erguson Model 50 Tractor with available. eituitire"Loader Excellent employee benefits, Allis 'Chalmers W. F. Tractor 6 It. Case Comothe with \Vie- John G. Belly. Clerk-'Teas., c.olisitt motor County of Hume', Court House, S ft. ItVassey Harris binder 7 ft. international Power Mower Cod r rich, Ontario. 1 bar John Deere Side ;Rake hi cRee Forage Harvester with winch unloading wagon Whyte Wagon (nearly new) Cockshutt 2 furrow plow Deere Spring Tooth Cultivator Fleury Tractor Disk M. H. 9 ft. Culti Packer 5.4.3 section Diamond Harrows Scuffler LH.S. 13 run Fertilizer Drill 2000 lb Scales Fanning Mill Fairbank Morris Hanauer Mill 50 ft. Belt 150 ft. Ras, Pork Rope 23 ft. Grain Anger Walking Plow Electric Fence! Clinton Chain SaW Spool Barb Wire Roll Woven Wire Quantity Lumber Horse Collars 1962 Chevrolet 21/2 ton Stake Trtick 2 Unit De Laval Milking Machine Cream Separator Dairy Ekluipment V2 and 1/4 H.P. Motors Forks ShevelS Chains Other articles toe ninderetie to Merition Hay and •Graln 200 bales mixed hay mow cut s=lay Mow of Straw ApprOxiniately 1500 hiiL. taxed Grail. White Enaniel Cook Stove' Bed and SPring8 No ReserVe Farm 'igSeld JEROME FINDS Terms CaSh THE LOST CHORD Peoptlettie Clarence Martin Harold Jacki4on Priendly Giant; the POPUlar week- Auationeor Mel Graham ddy Children% tihoWf tetlitted to Clerk tThildrcn Of The Church. The meeting of the Presbyter. Ian C.O.C. was held in she chureh basement October 22nd. Tho motto was said. "If I come to tleisus" was sung, The bible read- ing was given k).Y Chris Exel, Mrs. ArniStrOng gave a prayer. Eliz- abeth Exel had a birthday in tee month of October, Collection was taken by Bruce Armstreng. Then WO had the business, The classes watched a film strip called, finch a Penny. Joyce Ireland was the pianist. 16 Children attended the meeting. The hytrin sung was "I am so glad that Jesus Loves IVIe" The 'nesting was closed with the bonedietieh, Have you renewed yottr Post? CBC-TV for another season. Once again. Friendly will be joined eacr day by hie old pal Jerome tb Giraffe, roasting , Several Soule used 1968 SKI-000'8 A. Perrie Get yours