The Brussels Post, 1967-11-02, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POS. ROY W. KENNEDY. Publisher Published. BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, 'every Thursday Authorized as Seeond Class Mali, rust Office Departinent, Ottawa IL:stabil/1nd 1872 Serving the Pirming Communit4 member of Canadian Woexly Newspapsrs Association Ontario tivIciey Nay/scalpers Asecaistio" now preparing the greatest Punch and Judy show that was ever presented, Next week, Judy's Golden SI i ppers. Truthfully Yours, T. K, F. NITROGEN FOR CORN APPLY IN SPRING Studies over the past 5 years in a number of locations i n. western, Ontario have shown that fall I application of nitrogen for corn is interior to spring application, according to Mr, Ken Stevenson, Western Ontario A,Kricultural t' eitool, :Ridgetown. Yield differences of from fi to, bushels less corn per acre I were round when nitrogen was I's applied in the tali as compared to spring 'application. The spring application was pat on as a pre- plant or after plant as a side tires- side dressng. Fall application of nitrogen in FOR ALL YOUR FARM NEEDS SEE OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED PHONE 199 11%011 ;BRUSSELS POST, UR L SSIILS, ONTARIO TT 1 VILSDA Y, NOV. 2 ncl,1067 EtAtlEl? Y OUR M A S SE Y FERGUSON DEALER A CpumIcte Un. GE Nov, rt!tli Farm Equipm ent. PHONE s gIRUSSELS, ON's'. WMGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every W k Day Your Guarantee for Over SE, Years CEMETERY LETTERING BOX 15e WINGHAM JOHN INALL.IOn CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL .1. H. CRAWFORD, Q, C. N. A. SHEPHERD. M.A., L.L.B. A. R. M. MILL B.A., L. L. B, BRUSSELS and WINGHAM Phone 120 Phone 357-3530 1). A. RANN FURNITURE STORE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 135 BRUSSELS, ONT. J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMOTRiST -- SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Saturday A.M. Thursday Evening GENTLEMEN'S CLUE NEWS ITEMS Since 1S5 when my gram:U- r:tither landed froth Scotland we ha se heen IdI aerals, 26•1y grand- rather and father never changed, Nover voted otherwise. I cannot support a government that has . fiddled and diddled like this one. could 1101 er support, jehn Diefenbaker, 'Lester Pear., ; son and he were like a pair of I comediens, They mode a fiasco, a joke out of parliament. l ('FLU never again support a govern. meat that raised their own salatr- les to twice what they are worth, 1, A government that lets our Ind- inns and Eskimos stirrer for the. bare necessities or life Ind gave 1 hundreds or thousands of d ll a rs 'to a Sha.kespearan Festival. When an issue gets hot in parliament they appoint a committee to in- vestigate, thousands of dollars per week and years to conclude, cannot vote for a government that!' sends millions of dollars for I foreign aid while Our own people' starve to death, I will not sup- Pert a government that has Quebec almost split, This could have been prevented by giving them their rights, their language, Pearson never even appointed a comMission. Can you vote fOr government that is letting people : go to hospitals on account of air volution, water potation and Lib- eral polution„ We have new blood now. Give Stanfield a chance. Pearson should never have re- ceived the leadership. Paul Martin was the man. as we all know. Now Mr, Prime Minister I am gOing into every available hall in your Algoma and Manitoulin riding. 1, will put on an hothiS ente- taintnent and one half hoar polit- ical speech. I extend you the privelege of debate. I shall Challenge yon every aVailable occasion. Bring Judy La Marsh I urn alSo including the Niagara. Peninsula In my itenery. I am the form of amonia was thought to be the most efficient way ot applying nitrogen to the soil. During warm weather, soil bac- teria convert the amonia to us- able nitrogen, It was believed that since the soil bacteria are not converting the amonia during the winter, none of the nitrogen. Would be lost. However, apparent- ly the change from amOnia to nitrat elnitrogen in a form useful to plants) does take Place during the winter monthS' and some of the nitrogen is lost. Mr. Stevenson points out that not all -the advantages are in, spring application of nitrogen. Wet seasons make spring appli- cation difficult and often the nitrogen is applied too late to do the most geed. Research is continuing into socking a means of keeping the nitrogen in the amonia form in the soil over winter. A chemical is being tested this year at W,G.A.S, which, if it works, will Prevent the conVersion froin taking Place CLINTON OFFICE, 10 MAO STREET Monday and Wednesday 482-7010 Cali Either Office For Appointment 301121332VIMMENICom LIPM1111MMININIMItaiWrstv- t*- -A ^i MUTUAL NfliRgs,NCE COMPANY. Office — Main Streit REAFORTI4 Town DWellingt All tiaitei Of Farm Property Summer Cottage* Churches, Scheele, Halls AGENTS. ..times Wm. Leipor, Jr. Squires, Clinton: Extended doVerag. smoke. Water damage; failing obleoti, etc.) Is also available. Keys, RR 1, 'Seaterth; V. J. Lane, RR 6, Sesiftirti Londesborot SehAryn Baker, Brussels; Harek George Coyne, Dublin; Donald d. Eaton, SeafOrth SAVE MONEY READ • THE, .ADS. IN T HE BRUSSEL S PPS THE ERNIE GAME First of two CBC,National Villa Board color film dramas to be: 1 seeit oil CBC-TV's Festival series this. season is The Ernie Game, the story of at youth Who Wants to play the game of life by ills own rules, In this scene froth the Pro- 1 duction, Alexis Kanner and Judith Gann are seen as Ernie and: Donna, the girl who befriends The setting is present-day Montreal .Whorc the entire movie -Mu; shot on location.