HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-10-19, Page 7NINETY-E1GHT
CU ,s AN
The Thanksgiving meeting of. •
the \VMS was held in Melville
Church parlour on October 11th.
with Mrs. W. C King ns. cnnyou,
0 1`.
The meeting opened with. a
`Then Mrs. Mnir, Mrs. Yuill and
poeto followed by hymn 139.
Mrs. W. Smith each gave a Hitor
Meditation on a *Lanza -of the
*ma just ea tig.
Scripture was psalm. '140 read
in union, followed by prayer
given by Miss 1.3, Moses, Mrs.
McCarroll sang "Great is Thy
Faithfulness" a,nd Mrs. King
gave a very fine paper on Thanks-
The President, Mrs. Gerald ,
Gibson, finished the business part
of the meeting, The financial
.and Secrdtary' S reports were
given by ales. Speir and Mrs.
Dennis. Mr*. McCarroll then con-
tributed the solo "It Took a
The roll was respond-
ed to by a Scripture verse on
Thungsaiving and the offering
was la ken and (10(1 iCe0(1. The,
cOrrespontlence included an in-
vAtation from • Belgrave WM'S to a
Centennial meeting and Tea held
in . the arena at ileigrave tin
October' 113th at 2.3n.• Transpor.
tatiOn arranged. Arrangements
were made for the Pret shyterial
Sectional Meeting to be held -in
Melville. Church, ThrtisSols. • at.
2 p.m. on October 211th,
The visits on Sick Were .enum-
erated and the meeting closed with
Gran( Wells, a stonfuvilte Ont-
ario. thliry Farmer, is the new
Canadian ii,lowing. Champion,
He won the lu'nor, and the ;IN
compuning Esse Silver
Trophy ill the Annual Champion.
ship Contest hold this year on the
Cochran farm, just smith of
Thirteen contestants, represent-
ing seven provinces from British
Columbia. to Prince
cell-Meted in the ovoid,
Yvon Belisle, St. Enstnche, Quo.,
-won the reserve championship.
The plowmen: from across 011011 .1
each earned the right to com-
pete in this championship event.
by their top standings in their
respective Province ( ha m pie
ship constest in 1.906.
In announcing the whiners,
E, P. riudek, 'Winnipeg, Presi-
debt tjf. the Canadian Plowing
Connell ; also annottnced that
Wells iltid :Belisle wilt repte-
Sebt enttaita at the 1:-ith .'ori(1
Chanipionaltip Plowing Contest
tO be held at Salisbitry Rhodesia *
Afirel tfigs,
They will travol to ltlitttlt,:tIa
On the 19(4 0 Travel Award, which
is adinitifstered by the Canadian
PlOWMg Council,
The Canadian Plowing Clomp.
ship Contest rotates each year
among the participating pro-
*Inees, and is held in conjunction
with the ProVinee enampionship
Competition in thin hest, province,
this year it was held at, the big
4-day ontatib Match tit tarrib.
1 1 11)1,6, unit twat:toil 'was.
13.c. nitsi it is expected the
1,90iN event will Ii near 'Montreal.
'this years winner, :IS year old,
Cralit Wells, maintains a herd of.
‘30 Paw Bred llolslein-Friesion,
cattle on his farm at Sloan/We.
known in. his C0111111UllilY as a Lop
notch farmer. I1(' has cousiStentlY
been near the top ill plo wing
Co PKi Lions Cur many years, but
this is ids . first. win of the Can-
tulinn Championship.
He represented Canada in the
World Charaftionship Contest at •
Calicton, Ontario in. '1903.
Yvan! . the reseirve
Champion, is.a .:2;i. yt,•ar oiyd dairy-
man frent the excellent, farming
,teen just. north of Montreal, He
was closely followed in 3rd. place
by Jos nage Ango
I41011c, of St, Clot, /Quebec,
Complete .statnit11:4S ill taro
t`laa 1)01 are' at; l'01.1()WS:
1. Grant Wells • OntariO . -•-
'1, \'‘,.onne Belisle • iLitiebeC
3. Ange Leduc - Quebec
4. C, I i , Ilayton - British
W. It, McInnis - Prince
T,d w ard island
ii, .1, .1. A ndrOWg,
7, a. Dixon - Ontario
• s, u.„ I teminall - Manilona
D. Bonner • Manitoba
10, Si, Wilson - Prince.- Edward.
G.ray - New Brunswick .
I2. G. ( ; ray • New 131'uns wick
I: A Orancliuk - Saltatchewan:
Witmer:, ol the iint.ual draw of.
the miwkton Lions Club were;
$25 Winners
Rai Bowinan„u.wood ; 11)1111
Alonkton; Joke
itrother,,, Aitifilil , el! Lone,
Lorne' Laic, Archie \A•litis,
night, all of Brussels; Anson,
itemerling Fordwieli; Jack Boyd,.
ilo*s ()shame, Mollkton; IdloYd
hell; Ittlllell Wic•(ertrieu.
and \\'ayile Rolph, Bornholm;
itoris Cupsky, Monkton; .1-1a.rry
Ward, Moliktort; l'eggy Young,
Mitchell; Carl Me(lwan, Sarnia;
Murray Lowe, Brussels; Bill
List ()weli AlarY Stewart.,
a hymn -For the Beauty of the
Earth", hymn 140 and, thi!„; Mizpah
.itottic toll; \\''Llt Stuinpli and BO
I lauttil l.n. ;W11'01'1014 Frank
Don Chainimy,
Lit-, 4; wet.
1.200,00 Winner
Ails, John Jong. monkton.
$34.00 Winner
SC11011, M oniktOlt
5„. 000,00 Winners
.:+trs. Milton itonnenh'erg•
► )lonktini; Mrs. Tenn, liullc>",
Monktott; Mrs. Lila-dye Hart,
Itobt ,ri Shannon, Walton,
; ty1
• ,A14.4.01.vs, (lours, slut-
t(!rs, railings and columns, - Hid-• •
pavestroughs. Phone or write
(or free estimates. P110IIP 527•0777'.
,• -2:.1111:12, Ilolmcs and MacLean, •