HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-10-19, Page 2Baby 4ecial COLOUR ENLARGEMENT NO SITTING CHARGE 1 COLOUR 8"x10" ENLARGEMENT ONLY $9 .95 A REGULAR $14.50 VALUE Four Colour Proofs Ready In One Week. aux., You Must Call 357-1851 Within 10 Days To Make Appointment MAXWELL PHOTO STUDIO 357-1851 — WINGHAM Itt,ZWeAMOMMICCIVOC-I4VVoic 47.1m g iatc teffctogterctgrescometeigitmete Attention Dairymen A1 A PATRONS' 'MEETING will be held in the FORRESTERS' HALL, BELGRAVE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th AT .8:30 P.M. MR. ROSS MILLER and Mk. DON LOIVVRIE, UNITED CO-OPERATIVE FEED and CROP REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE TO DISCUSS THE NEW CO-OP DAIRY FEEDING PROGRAM and CO-OP RESEARCH COME and DISCUSS YOUR DAIRY FEEDING PROBLEMS Coffee and Donuts Will Be Served Belgrave Co-Operative v•weadme,... ANNOLNCIN the appointrnent o Mr. Andrew C. Turnbull Mrs. Watson. Brown as our Sub-Agents for the sale :OANA.DA Ali • NESBILLADIOMSON P. P. Carey -- Goclerich ness of highway accidents The hours of childhood are so and why the soaping of wind- precious and so limited. Protect shields on cars can load 10 them with love, umlerstanding unnecessary injury ;ilia deniti should the, Owner have to use „Lai sound 'judgement, the car before be has time and Opportunity to clean the Iln uut take. 'medicines in front glass, of young children, 'never • rotor Mr. NicLaren also l'ecommend- to tablets Or CU Osn 10:4 aS 'SWeetS, Od that parents set boundarieS for trick-or-treating according to the ages of the children, They s or capsules :nay be should travel in groups of at leaSt harmful it' taken immediately four or five and 'o only to homes before or after consuming with which they are familiar, t icohol, tHE HATCH FAMILY Hatch's Mill, a 10-week color series of hour dramas, makes its debut on, Cfle-TV on. October 24, and will be seen Tuesday nights throughout the fall season Set againSt the backgrontal of early 1lftll, contUry Canada, this coinedyi,dadventurc seri.e8 stitrs I tobert ri ie. Cosette Lee, Marc Strange and Sylvia •Peigel, as members of the pioneer (latch family, who It li f.11e inn t h e mill, and the., general store. and Whose daily lives for in tne basis for this seties of lively drainap. • Calling houri'lweekciays till 9:30 A.M. /For Sunday service phone r attirday 6 - 8 P.M. Militrai=lniaagrakru ,1---tamitramir W. C. B. A. Palmerston 343-3102; Zenith 55150 (toll free) ']Hl; BILUSSF4LS POST, ltizussirAr,s, ONTABlO u(YC. loth, 19e7 .".4^ ....••••••91 14N.V&.loamirorpiw/ippanDID,ND.404%-lafaanpIDID.arlitD14-„:1,:-;:%-:.•:,:x,4#1.42pac4 KEEP CHILDREN SAFE FROM CHRISTMAS HAZARDS OF HALLOWE'EN • DAUGHT.ER • • P.RQVEN.,. DAIRY Rated for to trdrittnit . • Milk product der Body type Test 'MEAT. .5-1-RES • , • 3 e teer song te..064-tot .-.§tiltiihg flblllty WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASS'N and tuteiut AProlidin for Beef Ilv.S 4116. Jaw Only Lur YOLlIne; ant! UJcl, Lso.:vi) I 114o, L gel c4o,E0.:1 0.1.8 prillotb ,.ill! Isiro pre- LILIUH , ;i11011 1,11e puny. Gay Alci ,Wv1-1, general anzintgur ui. tile .1..eciguu U1. L0.1.1- 0a, Lnat tillluillirial and. the ..oLLOlg -1,11) of (n1.31.111C110115 Lulu other such potential haz,il-rds :,could have 110 place in: t•il, revelry, liarents are the 04(.,'IS chiefly ic-i-IPonsible for their children this night. IL is up: to tholn to them lo accompany their young- est kiddie's unless they can be Intrusted with a competent older person, It is their duly to protect their children by la) seeing they are safely costumed fb) enforc- a reasonabie (icicle of behav- „nu (e) initiating or support- 1(1)4 activities which will Provide a sate and Whole- hoine outlet for a youngster's 7 W)We'Vn spirit, With this in mind. the League offers the fol, Wng tips ; Alake up the child's face rather than buy a mask. 1'1 ni:i,ttsks can easily obscure child's vision. Many have inadequate open- ings. for the eyes and there is always the danger of it slip; ping dawn, as the child runs. The use of a little rouge, eye brow pencil. eye shadow. lipstick, perhaps corn starch or zinc oxide, can transform a youngster into a ghost, pirate or clown who will be the envy of his friends. More important, he will be com- fortable and able to see danger in time to avert it. Cold cream and facial tissues will remove the make-tilY later. 2, Provide the child with a light-colottred costume so he, can be seen more readily by the motorist. Light-colored shopping bags avii also an asset. Dress up the outfits with refiectori4ed tape or b uds that glitter in th© light, The costume should be short enough so as not to irip the wearer when either waiting or running, closturnes should be flat e- resistant and of lOOselY': woven fabric to prevent a possible flash-fire from Li flame or spark. Clothing can be made flame-proof by dipping in a solution, or 9 ounces of hotax and 4 OtificeA of boric acid MiXed ill a gallon of warm water,. Wring, MIL by hand and hang out to dry. While ironing does riot affect the flairie-resistarree, the treatment mast be re, vented after after each waSh- ing. insist I hitt a flash-light never o candle — he Used to light up a jack;o;lantern. Urge yoUr child to use the sidewalks rather than the street s and caution him not to dash out betWeen Cars, Point out the