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$2,00 A Year In Advance POST pul3L4SHING HOUSED. • • THE BRUSSELS POST, 'I' 1 )A Y,
Fatuity Honor Parents
ti 36tli Anniversary
with Mr. tind 1111.. W. Stricklei•
,ck Ad(l). .F41140:011', visited
were happily surprised last Fri-
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon iViih`ott
day e% •,.% hen Weir ,. family and family,
gathered to ceienra tf int. even •
'Week-end visitors with Mr, and
with them loaf to presen
tit's, Stuart Evans %yore Mr. and them will', a set of china. The
11.rs, Jack Fish and family pt occasion; was their :30th wedding
Iturlington. n n v ersary.
§(Nt•n:til Irina thiS ;weft. aro :11 ,Jul 11)'4: Wilswi have
itte night elasSes being" spent all their married life In.
(Ire, Tow uslon, They lend ti t held in Wittgliam on "Wedne;n(h.,3 • rt.111111y '!ix rid: rw v gin evenings.
The evening was spent. visit-
ing. taking pictures, followed by
ti delieions lunch,
'17he I able was tastefully dec-
()rated with roses and candles,
and centred with a cake marking
the special occasion.
Members of the. family present
Were: Mr : grs, (Joan) ,Tmi ek
Merrier and faintly, tiny fi d :!11r,
and 'Airs. (Helen) Jim: Tr idle end
faintly. ooderieli 714r and Mrg.
ii.Wersai•y service on Sunday. Oe t-
416 guest speaker, Special music
Ohm. 22nd at 11 a.m. when Rev.
tlordon Pish of Winglia.m will be
tt ill tsroilded
Keep in mind the special an-
Prank Wilson. :BrU,Seets; (4ale
Wilson, nil 0411.41'aftlIT1g, fit
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener and
Mrs. Florenee Russell and
ifca,ily were also in,
Knox Church Ladle's Ald
tend a nog,
Tho Ladle's Aid Of Knox
Church met at the home of Mrs,
Wilfred Strickler. The president -.Airs, Cordon Engel. conducted
ai contE,•st previous to the devot- ath and 16th Unit Of DUff'S
intial part of the meeting,. The United Church , Walton.
Call to worship and prayer Were
fon nwr.d with the reading of The. October meeting was held
thke 10! 1.1 by WS. Stuart Mc- at the home of Airs. -Wilbur
President gate the Turn hill I on Wednesday evening
October Eith. o 1 10 II anti the Centennial
TA-y.11in Was sniff;With ttrtt. Nato The meeting opened by singing
Vetich at the piano. The sect'(. hymn.575 "Come Ye Thank-
tarY, Mrs, Strickler rend the' Teeple Come" ,with Mrs.
Wilbur Tilvnbull at the plane, minnteS and
tlie roll which Mrs Aymer Tfari led in prayer
was answered by eleven rneinhe"s and read the scripture, Psalm 98,
a'7'1. one visitor. Among the items The topic, "The straight date and:
cr. business diseussed *Vas
the NarroW Way' and rc'vising the church - cleaning
,-,-beritile and a, cleaning bee is to of 91""4gi.ving'i was takers.
by Mrs. C.eorge Ttymn
1"." "11 Wednesday, October "They Plough the Pields and
prior to the an dversary Seatter the Good seed" on the
service nit Oet. 22. The date for Land" was sung. An article "Tike
the. Annual13Fi zany WaS Set ter Tinn For Tan Thing8' Was read Thursday (toning. Nov, 28 in the, by Nil's. George, MeCall. It was
cr mum nity Cent re. The trees-
Mrs. Stuart McNair grive:awed by 'Airs Poo Houston, sec-
onded by Mrs. Harold Bolger to rh o finoncial report and several
robriSo t be book o•ir Japan. surzlgostions were brought, for-
wred ter rising this money, Furlong The. Sectional .1'ectling Mon-
them tvas a stove for the eho-ren. e r ;HT with registration at 9:15
1,51 '11,511 Pm! toilet facilifies, This and the opening at 9:30 a.m. On
Ociober 151.11 Open rfouSe at the
was referred to the. Poard of Matt- manse, afternoon and evening.
Christmas cards Are tO he
Plans were matie for the ordered for the Pazaar, an 115110.
The meeting closed With prayer' TurkeY Supper November 1st. A
small coljeetion Vas taken, The'
end tnheti was served by the
a 1' 0 rilletlti011 'WAS received, hostess and conimitteo.
Minutes of the last. meeting were
read by the se'cretar'y. Roll call
BORN was' answered by 1:/ meinbers and
there was one guest.
ALCIOCK :‘ •-•—• \Within mind Helene ct,rare was sung :Ind hinch Was
AIcoek (nee Mahood) snn, served by WS. Don. Fraser, Mrs,
Pant John, on Friday, OetehdiT tint Vrit7; And tl,l6
1M, in CIOdetrieli Pttfiiiif it,
last week's meeting ()f St.
Ledge, the Id: grief Deputy
aro tul Master of North 1ln ron
District. lieu, Robert
ir•.‘e .Lt' 1.ncltme,v, mode his
first official tfelt of Inspeetion
He was given a warm
fraternal w.eleome ny Worshint'ai.
Atasit:r 1J,nuild Mcnonald on be
mem hers Si..
.\ h'igh'light of the evenim..,, was
the pre:e •11.1 a .thni: find dedication
of son n.• Afasonfe !:*••!',1,1/!•Tuents and
a Canadian and aitOntai'z,, flag,
Those were 4104141 t uq] i:111.,;:t Moo. MURRAY GAUNT
,Jessie Engel in memory of leer Mt Vs- SWEEPING VICTORY
!ale husband. who was a regular u rr'i6"/ ,'motet, Liberal in ,
arid. faithful eraftHlllan of • the cumbent in 01'6 Ontario Legig-
A.nother .article was presented lature Won a decidled t Victory
by last year's Grand ,Tundor over his comsevyative opponent
Warden • of Onto rio, Rt. Won, Roger -West of 'Wingham and'
Pre. Tom noon of `Kitchener, in Nnt' candidate Jack Pyni Ein -
aPpreciatir,bi of the hospitality ca 'dine,
aoeorded flint doriol., a fraternal Votes for (leant totalled 9162;
visit laSt April. I West 5977: P,ym 905.
11ev. H. Strai), formerly of Gaunt received a majority,in all
1,11(4110w, and the District. Chap- but three municipalities. . .
lain for thiS Year. dedicated the I Brussels gave Gaunt a majority
gifts in an impresitee, CerenionY. follows:
Cnests from Kitchener in- Yellin:,, Sub-division No. 1:
eluded Bill Engel, a lenho of fhiunt. 179: Pyin S; West 84.
the iafe Archie Engel, and Bill 'ding Sub-division. • No. 2:
.(tones and Albert Mason, former I flaunt 89; Pyin West 89.
residents who rem inised about vance Poll;
bygone days people they I i:antd 2II; West 2..
knew in the area. Morris
•Other visitors Were present .aannt Pyin 12; West 236.
from Luck-now and WraKeter. Grey
Camit •,•): Pym 38; West •28"( Junior Warden Cordon Stiles
following the mooting.
and his helpers servod, a dpuenms Alt Wet, But Happy
lunch during the social period e Cluny vi et ory
idn , mir C Aunt, necompan-
f hrough Prussels
. led by his wife, wore a happy
Surprise: Party Held For
Mr. And Mrs. Les Earl downpour they wore coosed t
Tie was drenched and spatter-
ed ley the elements but there woe
110 mud slinging in the cleanly
fought campaign.
.1\1r. arid Mrs, Earl will be
. fifty years Decentber 19th.
but doe to some members of the
family moving. a distance it was
hold earlier.
They' were married December
19th 1917 in .Pordwich. They then
took up farming iii 1Towick Town-
ship , They moved from there to
Grey Town-Ship where they re-
sided until September of this year
When they moved to their near
home hi Atwood.
Mrs, narl was the former Eva
cicgg of ('ureic, The couple have
five of a • family, Mrs Wm.
(P(9111111 Setir•Sen, Kitchener; minister of Knox
Arnold. of Ottawa, Chester of Chnreb officitavd.
rithel• MrS, :Taffies Metal Dttlibar, Pnrial was in Mount
o f •wroxet told. Mrs. Wm. eon) e cry. Et:11cl.
aDra) Peebles of Atwood, also Lislowel hist ThlirSdaY•
't'hosa present tot' the oven s ion
(loci from TP11'6.110 rittitWiT TON
On Oeloh4.d. 1:1111 at 8,0y p,p3,
ni t , jpstic women't Ingtitato-
bply %)3( ir rieeting in the iitivary-
Incxr-itrwol t.
The Institute Ode was re-
pea oil VisolL aS MIS the. Mary'
port wore given by Nirs Amy
It was reported that' the Work
oil tin. cemetery Cairn in. lamer'
of Air., Ainley. the totinder. 'et
has heen comPleted:
Mrs l'. Cudinere moved 'we pay
for the (,xpenscz. involved, se-
conded by Mrs, Wm. Pei'nle. •
Ami itr\i",••:ation was accepted,
from the Ikrafron 'W.f. to attend"
their meeting oil 00ober 2,5th.
.T Arius
beginning; working together -le:
:are ng, and seconded by Mrs. C.
,..fortig.011..:siss,,t.:11100v(e :To: Mrs:
with "An interesting fact. about
J:•;po". •
motto •-•-• Coming together is the.
Hemingway that. We donate
The roll call was answered
Mrs. S. Armstrong. -• gave the
• Mrs. TIM Nay from Corrie• was.'
guest spealw and spoke on her
trip to FIxoc. Mrs. May told What
Pavilions she. had enjoyed most;
and afterwards mfrs 1, Arm-.
stone showed slides of some, of
these pavilions. Mrs, Armstrong
thanked Mrs. Noy and • presented
her with a gift,
Cnrrent events were given by
7.urs. McCuicheon.
hit eepi with the ."Eixpo"
thence everyone sang "Canada",
it was announced that mrs. F,
Cuilmore and Mrs. T, Perrie will
he leaders in the short courSe
"Dakin2- With Yeast",
The meeting closed with The
Vi•er".. A tasty limeh was served
by Mrs. C. Hemingway and Mrs.
P. Martin,, and 'Alt's. F. Shaw.
Team Standings
Ned's Steditas :3g
jack's St rea ks '37
Leis' 1.Qtnicons ....... 84,
Davie's. Devils
met s 29
Nick's Red Cans 27
Ladies High Single
Betty Bronson 277
Elaine Nichol 255
[Int h Hu et her 214
Ladies High Triple
Ruth Fluether
Maine Nichol 5S2
Petty Pronson 5S1
Mens High Single
Ned Rutledge 2434
Jim )••TeNeil 256
DAV(' Hastings ter
Meng High Triple
Hastings ... „.. 009
Ned Rrittedge
I 1011 el
Mr, and ;qrs. Cordon Engel
accoml)aniecl and :NT r'S Harry
polger 0)1 Simday to Visit' rel-
atives in PariS,
Mrs, Stuart Stevenson had a
display at the Maple
Leaf Tnstitue, of Listowel, Hobby
and Craft Fair, held in the
A.taroed Community Centre, WI
attri-cilti afternoon and evening,
r4; i
Antirveriary S-ervice
of victory., in spite of the
Mr, and Mrs. Les Fort had a
or, molt versary snrprise Sun-
day evening, October Stb, when
thirty sat down to a turkey
dinner at. the '.['win Cables. This
included Members of the family,
Imthers and sisters of the couple, MRS GEORGE MICHEL.
Mrs. Cringe Michel, 74, or
sto a at former TIrtissel,s
resident., died at her home in
The former Florence Mae Whit-
field, she was horn in Grey Town-
ship 'Feb, 9, 1892, the daughter
of the late Albeit. Whitfield and
\ nate Hamilton
••••11•••••iving is one sell, Lloyd
of rAstowel. one brothel.,
Erie Whitfield at Newry, two
gra e d r en and one great.
The funeral SOl'VilT wits held
StiturdaY at 2 p.m. frolic :1T('•
:Laughlin and Rood. Funeral Home,
T.,ist(bvel. Rev, David Crawford
Wingliont. 'Vto-k"
tl()r•t•lo .\1••;floti