The Brussels Post, 1967-10-12, Page 4ANNOUNCIN the appointment o Mr. Andrew C. Turnbull Mrs, Watson Brown as our Sub-Agents for the sale of CANADA SAVINGS BONDS NESBITT, THOMSON AND CAMPANY, P. F. Carey — Goderich Published by the Ittiriiiilititdd Ptogte§sive Conservative Association For, SALE — 2uu 503-Fisher one year old; hens. in. J, Craig, RR 2, i31y F2 Phone 523-948Q FOR SALE a 1t and yellow Baby ,u144-Yor can convert to car bed. Reason- able. Mrs, John Arms-tong Phone 426T5 FOR RENT House iu. Brussels. For Sale, 250 g411. Oil Tank, also medium. ell stove, Apply to: Elmer Ellacolt Phone 129 19G8 SKI-000'S Several models on display. Metre used machines available. now for fun filled `Jflueti alb Restaura'.nl, THE BRUSSELS POST, FOR SALE — 3 choice Sows, due ist week in November. Lymi Evans Phone 356.13 ALUMINUM — Awnings, windows, doors, shut- ters, railings and columns, sid- ing, eavestroughs. Phone or write for free estimates. Phone 527-0777 or 527-0032, Holmes and MacLean, Seatorth. SALE OF SCHOOL On October 21, 1967 at 2 p.m.. Morris East Wawanosh will sell by auction School No, 4, Nicholls School, lot 26 concession 6, Morris. This is a red brick building with basement. There is a drilled well. pressure system, schobl bell and other school furnishings. Terms of sale — 10% down at the time of Sale, the balance in 30 days. George MeCutcheox, Chairman illtUSS'l ONTARIO HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME — MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEiGH CO. LTP, Dept, 4005 Richelieu Montreal, P.O. Clentiemen; I am interested in the world l'amous Rhwieigh Line on ( ) part•time basis l } tu na basis Please send me FREE Cook Book aad catalogue withuU - Li* tails. NAMIll EIS CITY .,— PROV, CRANBROPK' October Meeting. Of The Afternoon W,M.S. Group Airs. Wilfred Strickler was hostess !lot' the October meeting n: the Afternoon Group of the Airs. Clare 'Witch was, leader and opened the meetiing with a poem and, Pssani. 86 ".&11 People that on, earth do dwell". The Scripture was read in nal- s.)n and the leader gave the medi.- Mr.s. John. Perrie led in, prayer anti a poem "Thank you for today" was read by Mrs, John Schnook. A very interesting 'Thanksgiving' topic was pre- pared awl read by kiss Alice J. Forrest. Mrs. Stanley Fischer read a. poem "Autumn Glory". The president, Mrs, Earl Dunn, con, duoted the business, it. was stated that the Sectional meeting would be held in Atwood Presbyterian Church on October ,25th at 2:30, p.m. The sPecial speaker is to ire Miss Elsie Taylor, Nigeria. The treasurer, Mrs. John Perrie, and supply secretary, Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, each gave reports. The need for. Sunday School teachers Was brought to the attention of the Members. Nine Members and two from the Evening Auxiliary were present to hear Mrs, Arthur Han4,1ton Atwood, Preubyterial visitor. She gave a most )11-form- ative talk and answered questions, of general interest. The reit call was answered with a Thanks-. giving verse, 'Pile.meeting closed with hymn 692 "Sing to the Lord of the Harvest" and a prayer by Mrs. Veitch. Mrs. Allan Smith, Mrs. John Pettit' and Al.rs John Schnuck assisted the hostess in serving lunch. Otn. 12th, 1.96i1 Get yours winter :Trailors, Danny's :357-3114 Wingb.am. "12:04 1iggPr'lliP"Rgalaa"""4. THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND ANNUAL FINANCIAL APPEAL now under way MAIL YOUR DONATIONS TO Mr. R. B. Cousins, BRUSSELS, ONT, ::::4xs,,QtRatioro"z4aaziov'MINIP"41X1V1""3 4.k0.-- 'A'