The Brussels Post, 1967-10-12, Page 1TUE BRUSSTO,S 'POST', Tiintsi)A,v, OCT. 12th, 1967 2.00 A rear In AdVance
The regular meeting or the Vil-
lage Council was held in. the
:Municipal Office on October 4,
1907. all members being present.
The following motions were
Moved by H. J. TenPas, sec-
onded by .1, L, McCutelleen that
the minutes of the meetings of
Sera Quiber ii and 141 1907 be
adopted as read.
Council met a delegation from.
the Canadian Legion and the
Businckss Men's Association re-
garding the closing of stores Nov-
ember '11th.
Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec-
onded by J. L. MeCutcheen that
the, Reeve proclaim. Saturday,
N,ovember 11., 1967 a partial holl•
daY until 1 p.m.
Moved by H. J. TenPas, sec-
onded by C. L. Cousins that we
accept the Assessment Roll ets
preSented by the Village Asses-
ser, C, J. Cardiff.
The census stands at 863, and
the Assessment at $744,275.00, up
$4,025. from last year. with some
more to be added befOre the end
of the year.
Moved by C, L, Cousins, sec-
onded by 1. G.', Campbell that the
Court of Revision be held Nov-
ember 1, 1967 at :the next regular
session of -Council, subject to
the approval of the County As-
sessor, Alex Alexander.
Moved by H. J, Tenras, sec-
ended by T., Cr, Campbell that R.
B, Cousins and MOCutcheon
be granted building permits a*
per applicat4ens.:
Moved by .T. Ti. McCuteheati,
seconded by C. L. Cottsins
that we apply to the, Department
of T-Tighways for interim subsidy
On our 1967 road expenditures.
Mored by McCutcheon,
seconded by T. G. Campbell that
We advertise, for snowplowing in.
the Village of Brussels for the
SeaSon 1967-0S, tenders to he in
the hands of the Clerk by Nov;.
ember 1. 1.967.
Moved h,,y T-T.T. TenPas, sec.
Mided by C, L, Cousins that 'we
employ the special services of the
Provincial Police for T-Tallowcen'
one. constable for :Saturday, SM1-
day and Monday nights and two,
constables for 'hiesday night,
duties to eminence at, 9 p.m. to
Mr. Tan McDonald met with.
Council to discuss problems at
the Huntp. At. the end of the dis-
enssiou Mr. McDonald was quits)
emphatic. that he would take
legal action against the Council
of the Village or Pelisse:Is if the
garbage is colitintied to be
burred at 11w dump..
Moved by .1. T.,. McCutelleon,
speoutled by C. L. Cousins that
the accounts as aPprOVed be
ei.M.11,11„S. penalon
tsliVkligittg 101100
A large number of friends and
relatives attended the reception
and dance for Mr. and Mrs.
\\'ayne Lowe (nee Grace David-
son, of bistowel).
An addreSs was read by noSs
McCall and him Pipe presented
the couple with a sum Of money.
Wayne made a fitting reply
cigar' which lunch was served.
Aixsie was supplied by the
Westernaires of Mildthay,
H. Lawrence, roofing 260.00
Douglas D. Callander
September Nursing
ticcount 921.00
Town of Wingham,
repair fire hose .... 7,75
Bernard. TenPas, con-
struct siiewalks 950.00
Ontario Culvert Ltd,
pipe 296.00
Gffieers Outfitters,_
office supplies ..... 4.04
Geo. Mutter, fuel 48.10
J. Cordon Stiles, labour
and gravel . 106.20
Oldfield TTwe.,
applies 6.72
fleo. Davidson, grass and
weed cutting .....,„„„ 162.25
Met:lute:hem) Motors,
gas 3.00
13ridge Motors, gas 12.35
3. M. Mono-Bald Limber
material 1.94
(Henn Somers. labour 5.00
C. Kreuter, select-
ing •juror 4,00
Icing, select-
ing Mrors 4.00
C'. Cardiff, selecting
.ittrors and stamps „.. 1.8.00
Twit of arey,
grading .. .. 100.00
llrussels. Post Office
box rental 3.00
0.1TS.C., fees 19.50
Post Office. 6,88
ritronn Stiles, Sept-
ember garbage 165.00
R ePei ye r General. Ta,x
dednolions a nil C.P. 00.34
O.M.1411/..S.. pension 58.00
David tiastings, holi-
day pay 57.51.
Brassels Agricultural
Society, 1907 grant. 150.00
Southwestern Tree
Service, trimming and
rerno\•al of trees 1309,18
Moved by T. C. Campbell, sec-
onded by H. J, TenPas that the
Council of the Village of RenS-
<zr,1,; 11 rot Strongly to the
'Board of Transport. Commis-
sienec. Ottawa, against the Pro-
posed Discontinnance of Rail
passenger service, in this area.
Moved by .T. T,. IlleCutcheon.
seconded by TI. J. TenPaS that.
the meeting adjourn. to meet
again Nov, 1, 1967 or at the call
rr the Reeve.
3. C. -Kraut:or WM, H. 'king
rthoiro Cletic
GopgRicti TREBLE
On the evening of Tuesday,
Qetober 3rd, the Goderick
Trehle Singers presented a con-
cert in Melville Church, The pro-
grain was well received by an,
appreciative audience.
The group is under the direct-
ion of. J. E. :Hetherington ATCM,
with 11, ;lesson ARC r, accom-
PflUiSt and violinist, M. Gray.
The program consisted of; a,
medley of old favourites; nmb.
ers by Rodgers and Hammer-
stein including those from the
Sound of 'Music; selections front
Handel, •Beethnoven, Bach, Men-
delssolin and others; also violin
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Me-
l:400.0 and family, Galt, were
Thanksgiving visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Wci,45 McFlachern.
Mrs. Jas. Young, T..istowel,
Miss Beverley Evans, Kitchener,
and Brian Evans, Scarborough,
spent the holiday weekend with
Mrs, Stuart Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Huether
and Sandra of St, Catharines, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill McNair, London.,
visited over the holiday with Mr,
and Mrs. Glenn 17T1-tether.
Mrs. 'Wm. 41-an170S011, Eaton,
Sa,sk., her son. 13i11, Montreal, Mr.
and Mrs Wm: Stager, (iraeme
and Sheila, Lorne Park, visited
recently With Mr. and Mrs, Clare
voitch and family.
Mr, and 'MI'S. Glenn Hu eth er
attended the christening of their
gr , dd gh ter, Sn.ndra Leigh,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
T4uether, a.t Fordwich United
Church on Thanksgiving Sunday,
Mrs. Henderson, Galt, is visil-
lag with daughter, Mrs. Veitch.
Mrs. Mac Engel spent a. feW
days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
('html, Auburn.
Sunday School has re-opened
for the fall term.
A nal Versa rY Service will be
held in 'Knox- Presbyterian.
Cbaralt, on Sunday. October 22nd,
al 11 am, The guest. speaker
will he Rev. Cordon Fish of
The nes:i exchange of books at
the Cronbreolt Library will lie on
Friday, October 27. at 11 a.m.
The Library is free and we
want people. to know that. We
also want them to Suggest books
CI, • •1; would likes tr read. Those'
i t er0S1 ed should send list of
tewt,-. they would like to see in
the library. If possible give name
author end publisher. Mire
f b rso 10 yam' local
Mfr Gporgo McDonald,: for-
merly of Grey Township, died
Sunday ill :fleck -.1kquorial Santa-
torium. London, at the age of 97.
A widow, she was the former
A.4nos Evangeline Meyers.
Surviving are two sons, Robert,
aniVSlo w ii, (ninon., Auburn;
brothers, James, Duncan, B.C.,
Funeral service was held Tues-
day, at 2 p.m. at the D. A. Ran&
funeral home, Brussels.
Burial was in Molesworth
John TT. Stevenson of RTI
Brio:sets, died 'Friday in Godorich.
Born in Grey Township, the son
of the Into Mr. and Mrs. John
Stevenson, lit was in his 78th
Ire received his education 'in
the a ITO and had been a farmer
all his life.
['Ti.' is survived by his wife. the
former Pearl Schnook, four sons.
Cordon and Murray, both of
Kitchener: Stewart and William,
both of (Ivey Township: two
daughters, Mrs. Glen (Mary)
Nichol. Huntsville: and Mrs.
.lobe Rauson, ellaton. Also
Survivinfr are: 1,2 grandchildren,
The funeral service was held
Sunday at 2 p.m. from the D. A.
1?t,110 Filnoral Home. Brussels,
'Rev. Clinch's of Mopkton
Prosbvterian Church officiated..
1 .,,tertneni was in Brussels COM-,
,\ Trowtseau Tea will be held
at the home of Mr's,
MacFarlane. Ethel, in honor of
h ot . thl Eth I or ,Toyce. on Saturday,
October 21st, from 2 to 5 and 7 to
friends and neighbours
pionese accept this invitation.
The first meeting of the Brus-
sels ren :Hon's Dart League
executive and interested players
was held on September 20th,, 1967,
The new officers for tile, 67-68
sea Son weio elected:
.President :Jim Smith
Scorelary Ross Duncan
jt,tely 'MeWhirter
Treasrtrer 'Ross AlcoOk
Ther e wo ,4 Wa rill up night on
.ealenther !!71h and a meeting of
I en m captains on Wednesday.
ortobor 111h. for re.sristration Of
foam 'mints and players,
The games Will be played in
Royal Canadian Legion Hall.
llrussels, every Wednesday even-
in s' commencing at 9 p.m. sharp.
ibiorested men may enter
a team or join the league by
getting in touch with the sec-
retary immediately.
firsi rraltercjrlYcicd. 1110' 1011
0)11'1 tiotoher 19r7i
Dr. K., Zyluk, the doctor corning
here from 14.11101nd, will arrive at
the new Brussels Medical Centre
at 9:00 p.m. on Monday, Ootobor
It Is lumen that there will be
number Of residents of this area
there to welcome: him to this
community, A, roceptlott and get-
together is being planned.
Mr. Brian Martja will be
barbering in McFadden's shop
during Cecil MeFaddea's absence.
Mrs, 0, Baeker was a visitor in
London last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryan s Of
Orillia spent the 'Thanksgiving
weekend at the home Of his
mother, Mrs, James Bryaris.
Mrs, George Ilaeker and Nee.
Robert Warwick are vacationing
in Florida.
George Evans spent the
past week in London.
;LLoy Anne, daughter of Mr. and
Mrk. 1-1, King was a pationt
in Wingham Hospital where she
had her tonsilS removed.
Miss 'Margaret Moses spent
the holiday weekend with 'her
pare',uts, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
111oses, Margaret is teaching at
Howick Central School,
Mr, arid Mm's. Ti., Carter, MrS.
Gallaher, and Miss Ella Pearson
attended the funeral of the late,
--Mrs' Jelin Bryausat„I'larristen oar
She, was the former
1,a1)01 of lie 41b con. of
Croy Twp., and in her frtst year,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moir, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry 'Bowler, Miss
Andrea Bowler and Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Fox. all of London, and
Mr, and Mrs. Morgan Pierce of
[Cif 01 01er, spent Thanksgiving
w-eolrond with Mr. alai Mrs. Dave
Hastings Sr. where a party was
hold for :qr. S. C, Pox who We.
bra ted lti 84th birthday on Mon-
day, Ootefier 11th, Congratulations.
Joan Pcmiett was a, visitor in.
Clinton with Mrs. W, C. Bennett.
and Mrs. Clarence Martin,
and Mrs. Harold Pryer, Laurie
a nd i oth were vis.i.tors with
Mr. and Mrs, 1°red Martin of
Ri ch mond Trill.
Mks 1.1.UCh 'Ritchie of London
was at home with her parents Mr.
and Mgr, Clifford
Mr. amid Mrs, 'William Mc-
Taggart and Mr. curd Mrs. Scott
peThggart ref rtodorich and
Mr, and Mrs. Ti Turvey, Brussels,
were visitors ivitli Mrs. Edwa.rd
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd ,Tenkina
and family and. Jimmie of
were vittito.N. with. Mr,
tiiltl 11" MiltiffA0
• Titie to lack of •'skate a nurnbot
of n c`kVc.4' items. had to he emitted
• • in this lAsita. They will hi'
Milapthfid. figf, WOO
'rmie Bach