HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-10-05, Page 6ALUMINUM —
Awnings, windows, tours, shut-
ters, railings and celunese, sid-
ing, eavestroughs. Phone or write
Tor free estimates. Phone 527-0777
Or 527-thei2, Holmes and MacLean,
T:HT.TRSDAY OCT. 6th, 067
s My Mommy
Grandma . . . And M
10 :Holstein Springing Heifers
Jas. libell, Atwood, Pnoue 346.206
of Farm Stock, and Machinery
'et' Lot 4, Con. 16, Grey Twp.
3 miles South of Brussels and 1
mile ,East or miles North
.East of Walton on
at 1 p.m,
I Holstein Cov due in October
2nd calf
I Holstein Cow due 1* jail. 3rd
Hostein cows due in. Mar,
sect calf
3 Heist:sin Cows due in, April,
4th calf
3 Holstein Vows due ia May 2nd,
& 3rd calf
2 Holstein Cows due in June
4th tali
1. farrow Cow milkilig well
13 Poll Hereterd Calves
200 yr. old :Mather Hots
3 Celony Houses Poultry
4tuipment, Egg Washer,
P.rooder Stove
Massey Harris No.4.4 Traetir re-
cent9y overhauled Will Mas-
sey Harris Manure Loader
Heat Rouser Ford Tractor 1954
Model 600
George White No. G Grain Sete
arator With drive belt
McKee Harvester with corn head
22 ft: Rack and Wagoh with un-
loading winch
M.H. semi mounted 7 ft. Mower
0,8 rubber
ti furrow heavy duty Plow
on rubber
M.E.: :Double Disk
John Deere Cultivator power lift
on rubber
7.4.1i. 13 disk power Fertilizer
ler ill
ill.ernational 1-Tay Tedder
M. B. 05 bus. Manure Spreader
on rubber (like new)
4 bar :tit Side Rake
2 row Corn Seedier
3 drum Steel Roller
5 section Diamond Harrows
Pota.toe Digger Hay Loader
Rubber Tired Wagon
16 fl.. Hay Rack
2 wheel Trailer with Stock Rack
Fanning i\Lill Electric Motor
Chant pion Snow Blower
Set Sleighs Plat Stack
2000 lb. Scales Grind Stone
Surge Milking Machine with 2
Milk Rite Pails
Pipe line 15 cows
Massey T-Tarris Cream Separator
Dairy EfluiDment
Ilrame Garage eovered with
asphalt 9x22 ft,
Perks; Shovels, Chains
Other articles
No Reserve Farm Sold
Terent Cash
Prop. Jeinet Nolan!
duct. Harold Jackson
tierk Mel Graham
7 room ranch style brick !louse,
Se,r‘oftli, nearly uew,; but
"tl'r .4'13 healed; cure place;
-sate eetaien, iAarziee 1 acre of
load. $1.1,60.0.
.t!liouc' Seufurth 627-1332
k-Oh sALt,
Ai eri 011, Inrce Or0Q11.1
noose !tact Oath mita large
m ot, 0,0 ear gatagt;; also L1i o , guou
buildiiig lois fully serviced,
;win .> ut 11th,
MOO d isplay. •
Smile used machines itvnii.144u,
'let YOU in now for [1111 idled
Nsltti ri IIIncVale
Dainty's Restaurant,
; I 1Vingliani.
rOi SALE —
coal itnnex,
Cab uniforms sweaters, 2
caps, 1 money pouch, .1 pr, stock.,
ing$ and garters, Seoul:, uniform
- 1101 $1.1111., 1. motley pouch,
l fir, .stockings and garters.
Phone 47J
\l anted immediately Mau Or
woman. to supply consumers in.
part Huron. County with ilawleigh.
Products. Can earn ;5() weekly
parL $100 and up full time.
Write Rativleigh, Dept. j-152-386,
10415 Riehelien St., St, Fleury,
iN(oxiresil, •
'elute. gladioli, astern and ferns
oecorated bIrSL Yrosbyterian,
Seallorth, on Sept. 16th for
the wedding of George Andretiv
i.roSe and. Gloria Edith Iiieuer-
imw, The bride Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beuer-
man of Seatorth and the grooin,
IS the son of Mr. and
George Love of RR 2, 'Walton.
The .ceremony, wadi took
place at P.m.., was performed by
rtev. U, U. Fry. Mrs, Den. Carter
was organist for the occasion and
accompanied the soloist, Mr.
Graeme McDouald, when he,sasig
-The Wedding Prayer" and "The
Lord's Prayer.'
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a floor-
length gown of white sheer over
taffeta iiceented with nyloti
appliques on sleoves and waist,
She carried a boonet. of White
gladioli and resell.
Miss Grace ;Heileman of Sea;
forth, twin sister of the bride,
wit S In at id of b (alibi' in a blue
floor-length crepe gown feattie.
ing au empire waist and lace
Mrs. femme McDoliald, Bente
sell. sister of the groom and
Miss 'leather Beticrinex, sister of
the bride, were bridesmaids,
dmssed in floor-length pink
dresses styled similiar to the
maid of honor's. Their head
pieces were matching fabric
rosettes with net. They carried
&ascetics of white gladioli.
Thomas Love, Sudinity, Was
best man for his. brother and ush-
ers Were Scott Powell, Don Mills
My Grandpa.
and ltou Deneriaitn, Elora, brother
oi the bride.
A reception -VMS held at the
home of ihe bride's parents.
tiiiests were present from Sud-
bury, Brussels, uelph,
e i" Winterburne, Walton,
lion Mills, London, Toronto and
For a wedding trip to the U.S.A.
the bride chose a three piece
pink doub14, knit suit with black
accessories and , a corsage of
White roses. ,
Mr. and :Mrs. Lose will reside
at RR 2, -Wilton.
Prior to the wedding the bride
was feted at a shower at the home
of Mrs. Manny Shousher and her
mother held a trousseau tea in her
(coutinted from page one)
13eirnes Bros., Listowel, all
prizes in Rhode Island Red,
Plymouth Rock, barred, white,
Rocks, Rocks White Leg-
horns, and Brown L.oghoria, Wy,
andottes and Pekin Ducks.
Elvey Brodhagen and Joyce
Broadhagen, shared the rest of
the prizes in the poultry section.
All prizes in the sheep cla8ge8
"relit to Eilike Bros. of Elmeiood,
Glenn I-Jill, Harriston and Don
Deering of Exeter',
Yorkshird: ;Wilbur Turnbull
took all prizes in. eight. classes.
Landrace: Gerald Townsend,
Feaforth,, all prizes in six Classes,
HeaVy 'Horses
J-3sst four horses: owned by one
one exhibitor: Charles
anti Sons, rbesley; Eltigene Mc-
Leod, Kincardine; Russel TeePle,
Wagon!, hitched i Jack
WroSeter: 1 and 2..
Single 'Heavy Draft: Robert
Edam, Mount Forest: Charles
Halliday: Mao Armstrong, Beath:
Span of Wagon; Jack -Pitch
51,1oug ; 1.016Suli 7 eOpIU.
heavy Clyde;
no [Ain Ed:Liu ; tAtarles
Heavy 1ierse Tandem: Charles
Lialliday; Robert Edam.: Eugene
$1.00 Stabs: Robert Edalu;
Stne Armstrong; Charles ll,al-
Light Horses
Roadster, 15.2 or over.
George Galbraiith, Winghain ;
George :Wingham;
Al. Bearden, Hillsburg; Mac
,ArnistrOng, Mrs.
Don. Croft, "Itockwood.
Single Roadster, under 15.2:
George Galbraith, Airs. Don
Croft, Mac Armstrong.
Road Teams: Geo. Galbraith,
Mrs, Don Croft; R. el, Barden.
Single Carriage Litchi R. ,Al.
Darden, I. and 2.
Single Carriage: R. M. Barden.
Carriage Teams: R. M. Barden,
Gentlenteles Single Carriage
Tunnont: R. M: Barden.; MrS,
tram Wheeler, Ilillsburg.
Gentlemen's Single Roadster
Tereout: George Galbraith;
George Tervitt: Mrs, Don Croft
Single Ponies: Elmer John-
ston, Atwood; Leighton. Shantz,
New Hamburg, 2 and 3.
Shetland Pony Teams: Leigh-
ton Shantz; Elmer Johnston,
Harness Tandein: R, M. Bar-
den: Leighton Shantz: ElMer
Single Heaney Ponies: Mrs.
Irene :Wheeler. Leighton ShantZ,
El in or Jo hn Store
Brood mare, restficted to
sidents tif Beileeels; Morris, Grey
and MeKillop: Brian Work/tail,
Dairy Cattle
Heifer Calf Jr!.. Bradley
Speiran, Marie Lake. Gerald
Heifer Calf Sr., Brian
(ittrnise, Winglians.
:Heifer Calf, J r., Murray
Bremner, Jim Snyder, Barbara
lit...tier Calf Sr., Celestine Les,
il.uth Snyder.
Heifer ('all Jr.„ Garr CUUrSei,
TOM Coureey.,
Heifer Calf Sr., Toni Ceussey
Heifer Yearling, To CoUrsey
Heifer; two years in milk,
Tom Coursey, also took tirfit
prize for cow 3 and 4 in milk,
cow 5 years old dry, ewe? 5 years
old in milk, and group of 5
G rade Cattle
Baby Beet 'Under 750 lbs.,
Bruce McGillavray, Paigloy
Hugh MoKay.
Baby thef Over 750 lbs.,: Bruce
McGillivray 1. and 5, Andrew
Gaunt, LucknOW.
Pen of 3 Feettere: Mrs, J. W
Arms trong,
Pen. Of 3 Yearling lietifere und-
er 800 lbe: Clarence MeCuLchoon
1 and 2; Mrs. W, Armstroeg,
Pen of 3 Yealieg Heifers und-
er 800 Ihs, Mrs. 1. W. Armstrong
4-H Celf Clubt
Heleteite Sr:, Brim 1i-tipper,
AR 5, Brussels, Bradley
spetrun, Hit 3, .russets..
Snowinanship, Gerald Bean,
RR 3, Walton,
Jersey; Chritine Lee,, RR 3,
Walton, Jr„ Murray Bremner,
HR. 3 Brussels,
Showmanship, Murray Bream.,
Sponsored by the Huron Bruce Progressive Conservative
Spain Clyde: Charles Halliday,. Douglas
I and Eugene Melseod.
Span Percherons Mee Arne,
8661 •
hieifers, Sr. Neil Hemingway;
RP, 3,.. 13rtiSS.01o. Jr., Warren
Itliight,.:Itt 2, .11ru-ssels, •
• 8.hotinatislitii„ .r'reiriii g..
noliett.Tltbnias, Brun-
ShowinanshiP, Robert Thomas ,
Guineas • .
Hopper; Graeme•