HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-09-28, Page 1Horticultural Society Enjoy -Guest Speaker The Seplemer meeting or ote". • i Torticaltura I Society was held in in the Library, on. Monday, Sent. 1.1h at 5 p.m. Mrs. George -Wheeler presided, welcomed the members aral guests and opened the meeting with 0 Canada. Minutes and the treasurer's re- port followed. The Society has spent over $450.00 ou civic inl- provernent 5, Roll call 'way: an- swered by 28 meathers. There wore i guk ,sts. It was moved by Mrs. D. tunitair, seconded by Mrs. It. Smalldon that the Soc- iety accept Dixon Reid gift. of 511111 11 leti. ('a riled. Mr. A. Knight: read the Ne-Wg favoured will: two solos. Mrs.. letter, Miss Barbara Muiluyk Mieb•ie ' 'presented a gift and. thanked Barbara. it was de'c'ided 011 a motion by Mrs. C. Hemingway seconded by Mrs. Wm, Miller to put an exhibit. /it the Fall Fair. Committee to he. •Mra. L. Frain. Mrs. George 'Who- • elei% 'moved by Mrs. K. eudmere.. soconded by Mrs. John Kelly We purchase a tea pot for the Library. Carl-kid. Following a discussion clout taking the flower show to the, Legion Hall to give more room,. it was moved by Mrs. D. Dunbar seconded. by Mrs. L. McCatcheon that we take Up a collection . Itt e,a(:1-11.i, meeting,ci. te defray. expenses'. c0 • Mrs. Cudmoro introduced the west speaker, Mrs. • Ken Mac-! Donalcl of Teeswater, who tech ns on a history trip of Canada by pletures. Mrs. Mae-Donald also rend appropriate poems, Mrs. • ::Don ald and oresnted her with a :::hoolor thanked Mrs. Mac- Donald and vs, C. Hemingway won the door prize. Mrs. E, Cuumoro. seconded by Mrs. M. Ilaillie. moved the bug' trip lie Forgotten for this year. The Queen closed the. meeting A delicious Monett ' followed Serv- ed by Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Soitt Spelt., Mrs, George Middle, and , Mrs, Donald Perrie. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many relatives, friends and neighbOtir* for their many hind expressions Of sympathy. floral tributes, cards, and donations to Canad.iat„ Cancer Society, Ontario Heart Foundation and Gideon Bible, ex. tended to us lit the loss of a loved wife and mother, It Will never be forgotten. Mr, Charles Vodden Mr. and Mrs. 1'Iei't Mier Mr. and Mrs, John. Pipe SORRY A numhor of items omitted this 155111' bet:nose of lack of gpanq poifliANA VINO' woilit POST LITMLISIfING HOUSE $2.00 A Year in Advance ETHEL Crey Township Oottple HPI1Ored Qn Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. William IlishoP Were guests of honor at a gather- ing of relatives and neighbours in Ethel Community Hall on the occasion or their 40th wedding Progressive ouehre was. played. 'will) prize. winners being Jean Taylor or Orassels; Trnrl Dowes, 1,1thel; Mrs, Bill Souch, Myth; and Donald Deltner, Ethel. Mr. end Mrs. Dishop were cal- led to the platform whore an address was given by Melville LamoW p.11rl tIi couple were pre- sented with gifts," Mrs. 'Bishop, the former Verna Johnston, or Bluevale.. and 'Wil- liam Bishop were married in the Illuevale manse on Sept. 21st, 1927. They have since farmed on the Sth Concession of Grey Town- ship. Mr. Bishop has served as a emincillor for the Township,; They haVe a Maltby of five daughters and two sons. (Eva) :Mrs, Cleittace Flood, Walton; (freien) Mrs. 'William Potter, Sendyhook, Man.; (Winnifred) Listowel: (Ethel) MI'S. Ross oil: (Agnes') Mrs. Ronald Diehl, both of Monkton and Jack and Clarence of Con, 8, Grey Town' ship. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop were also honored by a family celebration et the home. Of their daughter, Mrs. 'Ronald Diehl and Mr. Diehl of Monktort BAND CONCERT 170, have been told that the Winghem Salvation Army will present a bend concert in. BruS- sels this Pridar night, UCW General Meeting See Interesting Pictures The general meeting of the. 'PCW was held September .19th in the schoolroom of the church. Eleanor T-Temintrway, presi- dert. opened the meeting with hymn. 575. Verne Thomes lead in prayer, Mae Bryans read. paalm 24 for the scripture reading. Mary Lowe, secretary, read the minutes Of previous meeting and Mrs. Mrs. Miller gave the treaStirer'S report. Discussions arising out Of the business were refinishing and carpeting the entrance steps to the church. A. committee was mint ed to work with the. StoWartis this project. Mr. .Tohtiston Showed nicteres beginning at the West Coast. iron,. Vanconver cross Canada to the East ConSt showing his birthplace and his father's honour. els() pictures of Bressels Centennial parade, and Expo. Lunch served by Betty' Campbell. Marie Meta ggart and :Rose TIONvlatid, rm, meeting 0000 will, hymn owl flo bediNIIM4n. 1 I o MRS THOMAS SWEENEY Mrs, Thomas Joni' Sweeney, 82, (II' Valmorston died Saturday in Piiinierston General llospital.She 11 a5 a widow, the foriner Matilda McCullough. She is SurVived by two daught- ers, airs, T, C. (1.+7lsie) Patmore. ILuelph; Mrs. toward (Violet) Brown, Smith Falls; three sons, Sam, of Brussels; Clifford, 'For- gas; and EIWood of Williams Lake, IT, C.; sister, Mrs. Delmar ttliluphrenria,) AleCarrey, Rich- mond; Mrs. Reuben (Violet) Pettier. New L.iskeard; brother. Lester, Ottawa. The runeral service was held Tuesday at 1 p.m. from the Ti. lionderson funeral home, l'almerston with interment In Pa 1 Ol.M'S ton cemetery. SPIN , AROUND THE TRACK L'arly Saturday morning found the local racer and its crew trowelling to Oswego, New 'York, for their 200 lap, non-stop Inter- national classic. Saturday after- noon found approximately seven ty cars time. trialing for Sunday afternoon's race on the five- eights mile track. The fastest thirty ears qualified with only three-quarters of a second dif- ference between the first and the thirtieth car, J'ack didn't time trial fast enounli on Saturday hut. qualified 'Sunday in the heat races, .T-Te finished second in the semi. This placed hint in thirty-sixth position in a. field of forty cars for the big race, After a gtuelling 200 laps and 0112 hour ancl ten mitlintee of steady driving Jack finished in fourteen lb pea Mon. He had to make one pit stop when the car ran low in oil and he missed about five taps. It was an ao- cident free race hut. only twenty-six cars completed the 200 laps. This closed: one re.clig season for now and will he officially finished at the anneal banquet. in November at Kitchener. Those attending from this area were Mr. and Mrs. Prank Me- (1iitrhenn, Mr, and Mrs, Tack Cutchcon, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. MeArier, R.on ITuether, Cterald fc,t rter. Glen Bridge. ("lorclon \Vorkman, Allan Nichol. and Wilt Warwick. Other fans a item-led from Steven ville, Galt and and Tendon, NOTICE — Any girl 101/, years old wish- to loin the Girl Guides please ho at the Library Tuesday, Oat. 2.,rd, al 7 p.m. Prassels Fair is the place to he, this Friday. Do hope the Weathere la BRUSSELS COUPLE HONORED ON 40th ANNIVERSARY 11r, and M rs. Clarke :Matheson were happily surprised on Satur- day night when, upon returning. from a matinee party at the Stratford Shakesperian Festival, they were greeted at their home by over friends, neighbours and relatives. occasion was their 111th wedding anniversary , and was arra aged by their fatally. cift bonnets and plants and lovely anniversary gTeoting cards Sur-' '•1)1,11(1 ett [110 couple as they greeted their friends told received their good wishes. An hour 01' happy visiting was followed, by lunch • served front the dining room table which was centred with a lovely tiered wed- • fling cake flanked by• minature ruby tapers. Mr, and Mrs. Matheson Were elerried iri this home on Sept. 21st, 1027 and have spent their Imirriod tin , in Itrussels.. 'They have a family of three, Murray, St ma I ford. Mrs, Murray (lean) Poss. Sarnia, and tan, Ottawa. They have -six grandchildren and ell wet-, present • to onjoy the ecstivities. CARDS OF THANKS Clarke and Hazel Matheson, would like to thank their friends, neighbors and relatives for their good wishes expressed by their Presence, and in the beautiful cards, gifts and flowers on the occasion of their fortieth wed- ding anniversary, They added Mach to the enjoyment Of a very happy weeeken.d. SEE YOU AT THE FAIR You'll not gel. the rod ribbon at i',rassels Fair on Friday. I'm all groomed and ready this time. F..)-Verbody will be there to see the monster school parade with bands, float:; and everything. The competitions. show animals and all the outdoor exhibits; in. rillleiffig PO (111() 141(lOti *ern' MRS. WILLIAM J. HUNTER William J. limiter, 87, died l.Nlonclay in List.owel. M sm. oriel Hospital. A widow, she was the. former Dora Shaw. She is survived by' sister, Mrs, Mary liallatityne of Grey Township. Funeral service hold Thursday at 2 p.m.. from the D. A, Rann runeroll home, Brussels. Burial in •IirusSels. cemetery. MRS., IRA Mot-EAN Mrs. bra McLean, 512,. Wroxeter, a former resident or Brussels, died in Wing'ha.m District Hos- pital on 'Monday, She was the, former Edith rls. She is survived by her husband, daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Mar- ilyn) ('ollier, London; Mrs• is trauma) Gibson, Monk- ton, and one son. Murray, Owen. Sound; sisters, Mrs. Margaret Grainger. lirussels: Mrs, Wilfotd (Mary) Kires!:, (Thrrie: Mrs. Ken( 111.tli Hastie, I-Towic.k Township; Mrs. jean ?'Tae-Donald, London; Mrs. Arelrie (Isabel) Miller, Howie]; T 01r11,,S hp The funeral service took place Tuesday from the Moir futteral home, Clorrie, at 2 p,m, Burial was in '\Vroxeter cemetery. CAN YOU MATCH TTTESE?. 'Would you believe three polato(•s from one hill would weigh le', peunds. This is no tall tale. We saw them when W, A., Met2narrie or Croy Township brruvht them to the office of the Post. 1 Ins anyone else potatoes' of this size'? the youngsters will all be inter- esting, Nobody ',Vents to miss the array a exhibits and displays in the Palace. There will be many things of interest. to everyone. You ens visit the Palace Thurs- day evening and see the indoor e'shibits and also enjoy the Pr(- grom being presented at' St:30- 171'1day 'night there Is dancing to