HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-09-14, Page 6las DAMSELS POST :BRUSSELS ONTARIO r THURSDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1967 \Vm, I(Ing, gravel. Flouting Jouhston, gravel 355,25 TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO 4119111111bnotEllerr. FOR ALL YOU FARM NEEDS SEE li CE CREAM p IF n Now bavailahle in pints, half-gallons and 2 1/2 gallon pails ,at he DAIRY or at your GROCERS. BE ! SURE TO KEEP SOME IN YOUR FREEZER COUSINS ICE CREAM. PHONE 199 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS COUNCIL MEETING Morris Council met on Sept- 6th, with all members present. Minutes of the last meeting wer e read and adopted on. motion of. -William Elston and Ross Smith The assessor reported that the assessment of Morris has in- creased 10,462, and the population increased 58. The following motions were carried, Moved by James Mair seconded by Walter Shortreed that .Court of Revision, on any appeals on assessments be on October 2, 1967 cat 5 p.m. Moved by Walter Shortreed seconded by Wm. Elston that road accounts in the amount of 815,339.51 as presented by the road superintendent be accepted. Moved by Walter Sbortreecl. seconded by Ross Smith that we advertise tor three trucks to plow snow for winter of 1967-68 -Moved by James Mair seconded by Walter Shorteed that general accounts be paid as presented. Moved by Ross Smith that Merging- adjourn to meet again BARNEY BOOMER'S HERE T wen ty-o n c-ye a mid newcome-c John Clayton '''(left,) stars as a. liappy-golncky Watidqter living on house-boat. in 'flarne4y• Pmerrier, CRC: TV's new and eniting f I ;31 ef4r snriat~ for •yoUng VievierS aRussua October -967 at 1 paita., Genera) Accounts John fs salary Brewar, part 600.00 ITydro for hal! ..... . 9.75 Vilila,ge of Brussels, nursing home care charg- \t i 57,30 back Department of Health insulin 1 6.87 Helen Martin, salary 119.40 Canadian Imperelai Bank 1 of Commerce, Incomel Tax &Canada Pension y4 9.65 George 11Iichie, salary' t 45,00 Win. Elston, mileage r.;•4 road trip Stewart PrOcter, mileage, on i road trip ...... Road Accounts. Sterling Hood bull- dozing. ,*if 84.00 R. M, Duncan, Consulting )1 Engineer for James- ,' town bridge 5,493.97 Owe n King, final payment & refacing abut- ment '5,884.33 Glenn McKercher, back- it hoe rentals , 40.00 Lloyd Jacklin, loading & baffling gravel on approach to 1,819.40 bridge ..... „.„... to he preSeated TtiesdaYs and Friday,' eadli Week. Barney Boomer is a continuing series, packed with fun, action and a host of likeable characters such as Councillor Edgar R. Iltissell (right.), a classic politiCal hitffootl, plaVefi PratI,P: ROW]. Out. Culvert & Metal Produets,culverts 313.48 Dominion Road MachiacrY, seal, yoke & gasket: 1 C. McNeil, welding sup-4v1 3: 9 plies & filters Alex Inkley, gas, fuel ii oil and tax .219.73 Robt,. ba,11,,V..rientis.ns mower 4,. seclions .11 38.04 Hydro for shed.. „ . ' 20,60 Rank of CoMmerce, Canada 'Pension 7 11.14 Receiver (General, Linen*, • ployment insur- ance .• Wm. McArter, age & bookeeping 176.80 James Casemore, wages 407.75 John Smith, wages 110.40 Elmer Young, wages 156.00 :Helen D. Martin 'Iltewart Procter Feeding iron to. SOWS Will riot increase tile iron. content of the SOWS li Ilk enough for anemia prevention. Pigs Might get some iron front Milling' about in the sow's feces gilt net enough for anemia preVeation so this is- largely' it hit and miss treatment. reeetninended practices and .*,member that 'fan orttiee of prevent *b f ti s ti,erlli1114 '1 iV.;ir.1 ft,1106", ATTRACTIVE FAIR PRIZE LIST NOW AVAILABLE The 13mssels Fall Fair prize lists wave completed, early this week rand nave already been mailed out by the secretary, Edwin Martin. If you have not got. a copy and are interested in enibiting at tee fair, get one from the secretary or at the office of the BrusseiN cost. Pick up your copy and plan now to enter as many exhibits, indoors and out, as you can The Ladies' Division and the Children's Section have added a numeer of special Centennial classes which should create a good deal of interest. Note: It -would be appreciated, and of considerable help if exhibitors would get their entry tags from the" secretary before Fair Day. 4.70 3.00 wages mile- PIG ANEMIA CAN BE EASILY PREVENTED Pig anemia. is one of the most common and th e most easily I corrected problems of pig pro-. Auction. Anemic pigs are nn :. thrifty. They become a, ghost,iy. -white color, particularly in 1.1le 'ears, and they "thump" with Vaeir short gulps of breath, The Larob-, lem is chiefly caused by a lack of iron, according to Ontario Depart. -ment of Agriculture Food, Lived rStrock experts. "Pigs are born with a limited -supply of iron and copper. Milk Is. low i n thes e elements and un, less pigs have access to a supply from outside sources anemia will, delielop in the first 2 to 8 weeks ce. life. Cointnon sense must be used when, treating to prevent anemia. The lnost effective means Of treat., anent tis to give the young pigs a supply of iron at about 3 or 4 days of age, either by mouth or by in- jection, Iron materials such as ferrous sulfate or reduced iron can be given directly by mouth. Some Success has been obtained by talking iron compounds with feed and spreading the miXture lightly on the floor for the pigs to eat. Continuous treatment up to weaning is necessary. inject- able irons will do a good job of I anemia, prevention. Follow the rnanufacttrer's directions , If Teak out is a, problem from injection, then use a smaller needle slut as No 21, inch long, Make sure .the needle and syringe are sterile, before use. ±k7