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$2.00 A Year In Advance THE •BRUSSLS. POST t SDAY, 14th, 1967 ROST PUOLISHING HOUSE
• ^ •
The regular meeting of the
Village. Connell was held in the
Municipal Office on September
0, 1007, all members being pre-
The following motions were
ea tried,
Moved by J. T1. MeCutcheon
seconded by C. L. Cousins that
the minutes of the meeting of
August 8, 1967, be odopted as
Moved by H. .1. TenPas sec-
onded by I, C. Campbell that Sam
Burgess and &eines MeTaggart
be granted buildings permits as
per applications.
Moved by I, G. Campbell sec-
onded by C. L. Cousins that the
accounts as approved be paid:
P,U.0, streetlights 184,70
Provincial Treasurer,
R, J. Bauer, gas
McCritelmon Motors,
Cleo, Somers, repairs
Cordon 'Workman,
Lewis Frain, labour
Douglas Callender, August
nnrsing acct.
J, Gordon Stiles. August
Receiver General, Tax
and c.r,
Pest Office, ,,,, ,,
Moved by C. L. Cousins, see-
onded by Ti. TenPaa that we
accept the tender of Howard
Bernard for the installation of tho
beating system in the Municipal
()Mee according to specificat-
yroved he H. X, Tr,nras sec-
onded by ,T. T.. McCatcheon flint
.keeher crewar he custodian of
the six signs advertising the
village of Brussels.
It was decided to write to the
School Beard again regarding'
reilUeat t.o have a Seheel
Patrol initiated ter the protection
of the children going to and from
droll riot,
The Clerk was instructed to
einitact the Mount Forest Radar
Seiner] to assist in the elOwing
down of traffic on Mir main
The trimming and retnoval of
dead trees was discussed and
it was decided to r'niploy South-
western Tree Service to do the
MeVed by TT. TenPas, sec,
ended by J. T.. MeCutelmon that
the meeting adjourn. Co meet
again October 2. 1907 or at the
call of the 'Reeve,
‘.Vni. N. 'ging
Welt; tilat MeV,
Miss Margaret 'Kerr, of Ewatt
College, Toronto, spent the week,
end with Mr. and. MrS, Clare
Word was receiVed recently
by Ralph Noble of the death in
California of his aunt, Miss Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Consitt and
boys, Varna. visited with Mrs,
Stuart 'Evans on Sunday,
Sunday dinner guests with Mt,
and Mrs. Mac intosh included
Mrs. H. M. Bride and Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Bride, Pordwich,
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bride.. Port
Credit.. Mrs. Cl, Paten. Calgary,
Mrs. Russell Bell. AtWood, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Hawksbee, and
Miss .:‘,1 a ry McIntosh, LiStowell,
Mary remained for several days
Girls' Club Elects Officers
The first Meeting of: the gran -
brook Club Was held on Saturday
September 9th at 9:10 a.m. at
the home of Mrs. :Fran Bremner.
There are 18 members in
this unit. Pack, girl is required
to make a dresser scarf and two
smaller bedroom accessories
swill as a cushion and a waste
The officers elected ate aS
President Bonnie Fischer
Vice-Pres. Marie Veiteh
Secretary & Press
Reporter ..... Sharon Fischer
Treasurer ,,....,. Bonnie Bremner
The topic for notes was
"Colour". Colour harmony was
discussed and also guides in Col-
our planning,
Mrs. Fran PM-Yr/Hier and Mrs.
Eleanor Stevenson. the leaders
discussed and outlined the re
initrements of this unit.
The meeting was closed with,
the 4-H motto "Learn to do by
Cranbrook W. I.
The September meeting of
Cranbrook W.I. was neld at the
home of. Mrs. Russell Knight.
The meeting was opened by re,.
peating the Mary Stewart Collect,
Opening Ode and the Lord's Pray-
er. The Roll Call was answered
by reading a. "blues chaser".
Mrs. Allan McTaggart conduct-
ed the business patt of the meet-
ing. Mrs. Clem Sterner was asked
to make arrangements for a bus
trip to the Royal Winter Fair.
Mrs, Gordon Engel and Mrs.
Wilfred Strickler were appointed.
to set Up an ant:mite display at
Brussels Fall Fair. It was decid-
ed every member shotild bring a
written suggestion to the next
meeting' telling What to do with
the .35 from the ploughing
m telt
Mrs. 3.. Mart cave current events
and Mts. MOTaggart the topic
" Canada My Native Land" Mrs.
Nen Smith and Mrs.
s,Tiyearfrtil diVfiVi'flAtitititlet IOW to
Mrs. James Noble celebrated
her 98th birthday, on September
13th, in the Callander Nursing
Mrs Noble is the mother of Mrs
Alvie Higgins, Brussels; Ralph,
Vranbrook; ;Tack, Hanover and
Stuart of Oudot', She has Went
grand children and nine great
The community will be pleased,
to know and welcome David
son of Dr, and Mrs.
Zyluk of Barnet , England,
as a ' neW resident of Brussels.
David arrived at Melton, airport on
Tuesday, Septeniber, 5th, and is a,
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Stretton and Frank.
Stretton, Dr. Zyluk expects to
arrive the latter part of Sept-
ember to start his medical
With the holiday season 'over
and construction of the clinic
Progressing nicely it is now the
ditty of the community to get
behind the project for a succes-
sful completion.
A. complete ledger of receipts
and expenditures has now been,
completed and may he seen by
any interested party by enquiry
fhtough the treasurer, Mr. 'Roy
Turyey. The results 'of the can-
vass will he published in th(
"Post" wilbin the next two weeks,
Iirgently wanted — a press
reporting. secretary, 'Please con-
tact the general chairmen, phone
Brussels 39.
Herb Stretton
Priday was the last race night
of the season, at Deleware—Tack
got a second in the heat. and :fifth
in the semi. The :twenty-five lap
chainionship year rare round Sack
second. Tie also finished in second
place in total points for the sea-
son's racing at Deleware.
Race night at the rtattboro
race track found .Tack picking ttp
a second in the heat and being
involved in an accident in the
semi and not completing the reoe,
By the titer the feature Cattle
along the car was ready to roll
again and picked up a third
pine" finish 1 0 complete the
evening's ra cing,
Next week finds a sin gle
night's racing at Illamborn Speed,
way on Saturday.
pillows from gingham.
cordurov and satin. They were
thanked by Mrs. Dneharinc.
Lunch was served by the hest-
ess assisted hr Mt s. rind
ta. 'it't eintegh,
The family of Mr, and, Mrs.
John Perrie gathered at the farm
honie last Sunday evening to
honor their parents on the occas-
ion of their Thirtieth Wedding
Anniversary, GiftS were given and
the ,evening was quietly spent
by the family,
Lunch was served by daught-
ers, Mrs. Jeanne Kirkby, Mrs.
Mary Perrie, and Mrs. Margaret
Thompson. Miss ,J1ennifer Kirkby
and Paul Kirkby helped to
serve, and sang a specially pract-
isod "Happy Annniversary" song.
Members of the family present
were Mr, David Perrie. Mr. and
Mts. Doug 'Kirkby, .Tennifer and
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Petrie, Mr. Will Perrie and
Mrs. Margaret. Thompson.
The marriage of Gayle Louise
Bngel and Robert, Wayne Smith
took place in M'oncrieff United.
Church,, September 2nd, at 7:00
p,m„ in a setting of White gladioli
and Centennial rose colored
mums, and candles.
'Rev, Dorkin officiated. and Mrs.
Joe Smith, aunt of the groom,
Provided the wedding music.
The bride is the da.ughter, of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Engel, RR 3, T3rus-
sets. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith
RR. 1, Moncrieff are parents of
lite groom,
The bride, given in marriage 1)y
licr tat hrw. chose a floor-length
"own of embossed velvet. sleeve-
less, with empire 'waistline. match-
Per floor-length coat with velver
hews on shoulders. Tier 4-tiered
veil was held in place by a velvet
bow, Her bridal hoonet was
ceniennill roses with whitc.
"'"dirt, 'nu ferviii112
NTI'S, Dianne Yoh, sister of the
bride, was Matron of honor in
a Centennial rose= colored sheath
gown: with lace bodice and elbow-
length hell sleeves, and matching
headpiece, She earried White,
Walton Smith was his brotber'S
best man ,<larry Smith brother Of
the ,'room, and John -EngeL
brother of the bride. were ttsfierS.
At the reception in Ethel Corn-
nuinitY Centre the bride's mother
wove coppeptone crepe dress
'with lace overcoat. brown neoe!;-
sorirs and yellow rose corsage.
The groom's mother was dres-
sed in navy white and navy
accessories and corsage of red
The bride's table was centered
with a:1-tiered wedding cake and
pink Poses.
' Pot a trip to Nort11rti Ontario
the bride chose a travelling cost-
tun A of a 2-piece brown dress with
rust. accessnries and cor'sar,0
Con t 47.1111i 01 1TISe5,
ef,',101:61.1,...1 it': I
r residerin 1,11
Monday night, September 11th
was the meeting of the Ladies'
:Divisicm of the Brussels Fair
Board to make finale plans for .
the Fall Fair September 28th and
29th. •
There are numerous changes
in the prize list. and they hope
there will be many interested in/
these changes.
There will he a 'local 'Went'
program on Thlirsday evening.
This will he voluntary and it. la
hoped many will help make this
in te es ti n g,
There will be a "Bee" to mate
things in readiness on. Monday,
September 25th. Your help would
he appreciated.
Pies Appreciated
Also, anyone caring to donate
pies for the Fair booth would be
greatly appreciated,
Local Talent Wanted
The Brussels Fair 'Board
requires Local 'Talent for an 8:301
p.m. program Thursday evening,
September 28th at the CrYstal
Palace. Anyone interested in,
helping to entertain please con-
tact Mrs. Robert Ga'ashy or Mr,
Don McDonald,
Boundry Unit Of
Duff's UCW, Walton
Mrs. John T3oa was hostess for
the September meeting of the
Boundary and 17th Unit of Duff's
PIMP(' Church Women. Thirteen
members responded to the roll
The devotions were conducted
by Mrs. George Williamson. Mrs.
Herbert. Williamson read the
scripture. and a. poem "The Ten
comma ndm en ts.
The guest speaker, Mrs. Walter
Bewley. was introduced by Mrs.
Ceorge Williamson. Mrs.'Bewley
spoke on her impreSSI-Ons of, and
Portions of lectureS heard, at the
Summer Convention at Alma,
College, 8t„ Thomas. She display,
ad a niimber of hooks anti path,
phlets that could be. of Use to
the Units.
MrS. George Wiliamson read the
Poem "The Shaping of a Disciple,
Mrs. Ross Bennett Was in' charge
of the business.
The next ni.eetin ,g Will he held
the sei'ond Wednesday evening,
in (Moller. Mrs. Harold Stnalldon,
will he the hostess.
Brussels Horticultural Society
meet in the Library on Mon ,
rid etenitig, tars. T.:en McDonald
of Tnoswater. will show pirtuteit,
(tot 14(11*,