HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-09-07, Page 4•sSiset1 sITS,06itish PtAsT 11$1.11411 LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THEATRE e A, • • ' • • • SALE liisrliett Pears Airs, Cleo. Blake Phone 1.12J NOTICE Will baby sit ih my liOnne. Phone 326W6 s Us, SALE se Two. Bunting Bags, green - nylon $5,00. Karon !Listings Phone 196,1 OR SALE — Coleman Oil Onion, Also a Ida Evans 7 room Briek House,, tbilet stairs and downstairs; OR turnaee, Fet further particular§ apply to. Box 77 Brussels. ed on a lot and one half on Alexander St. For further parti- velars apply to Phone 92W or 169J Brussels. Ns/ANTED se. Applications will accepted until Sept,: 16, for organist for Duff's United Church, Walton, dutieS beginning Oct. 1, 1967, Apply stating salary, to Treasurer, Mrs. H. Craig capital necessary. Write Rawleigh. Dept. 1452.570, 4005 Richelieu $1, St. Henry, Montreal. ALUMINUM „%wnirip,s, windows, aoors, shut- ters, railings and columns, sid- ing, eavestroughs. Phone or write for free estimates. Phone 527-0777 or 527.0032, Holmes and MacLean, Seatorth. If you are seeding winter wheat, you cannot afford to be without the low-cost, comprehensive protection offered by The Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario. Apply for coverage by September 15th. Guarantee 60, 70 or 80% of your normal yields The insurance coverage is a guarantee of production. You decide the amount of coverage you want-60, 70 or 80% of your normal yield—and if your yield is below the guaranteed level—the insurance makes up the difference. Comprehensive coverage at less than cost Administration costs for this program are shared by the Federal and Ontario Governments, and subsidies cover 30% of the premium, so you can purchase this valuable protection at considerably less than cost. Coverage includes hazards of Hail, Wind, Flood, Frost, Winter Kill, Drought, Excessive Moisture, Excessive Rainfall, Insect Infestation, and Plant Disease. $15 deposit secures contract—now If you are sowing, or plan to sow winter wheat, act now to get protection—time is limited. Secure a contract immediately by making application with a $15 deposit—the balance of your premium will not be due until yov have completed seeding. September 15th deadline Applications for insurance on winter wheat must be made by September 15th, Contact your nearest Agent for complete details and application forms—. or write direct to: THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO 500 University Avenues Toronto 2, Ontario J „ NTARI pROVINCE Or thilitittrUNii* y r inter w seat Insur zmurimmemmgcslawavzsmasmemtuestead.smioarmassftwo PHONE 79 RUgSELgi ONT. • u _40 i on Act 44aile THURS. - FRI. - SAT, SEPT. 7 - 8- 9 Ann Margaret in THE f'LEASURE SEEKERS — Pius — Paul Newman's Latest Smash Hit HOMBRE Recommended as Adult Entertainment LATE SHOW, SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 - Show Starts 11 p.m. DRACULA PRINCE OF DAR.K.iNESS Plus -- PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES Recommended as Adult Entertainment LADIES: Without previous experience you can, earn $2,0l1 or more per hour, in your spare time. Avon trains you. :For details write or phone collect Mrs. M. Stinson, 17 liaWkesbury Ave., London. 151. 0541. LISTOWEL LEGION HALL AT THE LISTOW EL,. ONT. MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 11th AT 8 P.M. REPOSSESSIONS — BANRUPT STOCKS And Many, Many, Personal Consignments Consisting of APPLIANCES - FURNITURE - TELEVISION - CLOTHING YLTIZ.N.IT1:11,E--2-plece Davenpert Suite that loins out to a Lull siZe Led with by[un co\ Q;J• anti swivel rocker, a 2-pieue rental provincial Chesterfield act coviesei in a Lop grade nylon cover. 3 other assorteu i..hestertieiti Sets wee' Sonia cushions, 2 S•plece Coppertouci or Chrome isstehen.-Dmeissi SeLb consi6inlig ci S chairs and 'iz" tame, G i-eiete Sets consisting et U claims and a 60" table with an inlaid top. pece LoDiwttone Dinette Suite. 3 Bookcase Bedroom suites t;omple,>te witit bee, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching Box sipting and elattres with each set. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of 'slight, and 2 fable Lamps to each set. I set of Solid Step anti coffee ahlts in Arborite rinish—uther Step and Ouitee 'Sables, ssiss Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs. .1-01." LUILL.11... ital Bed eometete, 4 full size 3-i" Spring Filled Mattressee, 2 limit,- A;ss Ulaairs, AatroVin Rocker bx12 Reg, Ai-chair; Telephone 'fable, Ells lien Step ,-tool, Chrome Recker. APPLIANCES and TV—A large Refrigerator with full cross-Lop Lreezer, Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model. A long-skirt Ni`iishei Neill pinup, Automatic Washer and Dryer — matching pair. Combina,tion Radio Record Player, and. fast of all, 4. different. television Sets, models that have all been checked over and are it, A.-1 working condition. All appliances in this sale are Guaranteed to be in A-i working con- dition when you hock them up at yOnt home. CLOTHING POD Ti-iL Ifs.NTIRE FAMILY—A large selection of clothing has just been reveived for auction froM one of the largest OlOthing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot conniiiitil of MEN'S CLOTH- INCHSocks. Underwear, Ties Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, ;Less Pants, Pyjamas, T-Shirts, Work Shirts, FOR THIS LADIES and TE4ENS—Double Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Nylons, Cardigans, Pullovers, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas, Slippers. BOYS - GIRLS and BABIES--Jeans, SWeaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jackets Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets, T-Shirts, Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girl's 3-Piece Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 3,piece 'Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too ineberons to mention. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD CLERK — LLOYD TANNER Operated by . . . FOREST CITY DISTRIBUTORS Terrils CaSh - Cheques Accepted on FurnIture - Sales Tax in Effect BUS TRIP TO WESTERN FAIR LONDON, ON SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th Leaving at 9,30 ear. Returning after Grandstand Performance FA RE $2.00 Sponsored by: Girls Softball Team For Reservations Call 148 Brussels WANTED -- A caretaker for Melville Presby- terian Church. State salary ex- pected, Tenders received up till Sept- einber .25th. Mrs, W. ,iames Armstrong Secretary. 6A Lt. — Bartlett Pears. ,HenSton Phone ii.28Wo FOR SALE Approsimately 250 year old }taro Sex-Link hens. Clement McLellan, Phone 4.i,13W6 FOR SALE — Heavy roasting to wl, oven ready; Phone 350W7 FOR SALE -- One three quarter length winter coat: one fall jacket; 2 jumpers, 2 dresses, 2 blouses, 2 skirts, all size 10. Phone 489 y'v FOR SALE -- Holstein Cows, milking. Will sell any amount to disperse herd. Romienberg Bros. RR 1, Monkton, Phone 347-2617 or Phone 347-2241 Stove iu good cow buffetL Phone sob SALES HELP WANTED MALE FOR, sAt-E. — 7-room insul brick louse Be a Itawleigb, Dealer in part Huron, County. situat- Cootl year reund, ea,runigs. Np