HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-09-07, Page 2THE =UR SALS poen filiTX5S14)LS ONTARIO TELFORD GOOK eiG100-"AworaPsc,ui,t,,,ia.•., -edenr.'7—eirilne•••:4451^,ve•-'4.4.enix."-P. ;1'i WitSbAY, $'1111-7. 7th, 1987. FOR ALL YOUR FARM NEEDS SEE OM "RM:ITCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED bittiS5Ei • THE TRUE NORTH Oosoochiak, an Eskimo inhabitant of. Cape Dorset, 13affin Island, be, came an actor during the filming of The True NOrth, a (113C-TV Centennial series of color pro- ;rang about thO Canadian North and its peoPle, The series debuts Thursday evening, Sent 14 on OBC television. Oosoochiak ap pearS in the series premiere, The :barna before Time, a strikingly photographed ae.contit of Eskimo legends about the creation Of Tall rtnd the unlverse. LAUNDROMAT anc DRY CLEANING Listowel, Onto 01.2.Y CLEANING PRESS INC% 48 11-'OUR SERVICE =PICK UP AND DELIVERY AT 3ARVIS GROCERY Formerly Elliott Grocery BRUSSELS, ONTARIO BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB Board of Directors 1967.68 mist President Geo. Mutter President ................... Cal Smith 1st Vice President San van Vliet 2nd Vice President Cal Krauter ;lr'd Vice President W.Sns.Arrastrong Directors Henry Exel; J. Knight, G. McGavin, T. McDonald Secretary Cecil McFadden Treasurer ....... ....... • Cecil Parker Tailtwister Chas. Thomas Assistant James Knight Lion Tamer .• Al. Johnston Assistant Selwyn Baker Auditors .... George MoCutcheon Cecil McFadden COMMITTEES FOR 1967-68 ATTENDANCE AND MEMBERSHIP' ATank TenPas, Selwyn 13aker, TTarol.d Thonlas HEALTH AND WELFARE Cal Krauter. Cliff. Thmbar PROPERTY I-Inv/ Excl. Boss McCall, Wm. Blake, John Hanna, Robert Raymond PROGRAM Cleorge Linglois, Jim Knight, J, S. Armstrong Cliff Dunbar, Gerry Exel, Gordon MeGavin WAYS AND MEANS Win. Turnbull,,W. .T. Armstrong. Tan van Vilat, Tan McDonald, Tack Mcnonall CONVENTION noorge Mutter, Cliff 'Minh:1r SIGHT AND CONSERVATION Roy Cousins. Wilbur Turnbull EASTER SEALS Leonard 'Ara ch n . Wilbur Turnbull Cecil Parker. James T.<nighl- POYS AND GIRLS Ross Tqc(':.1l. (le ergo. McCtitcheon ()Wield, Ralph Pearson CHRISTMAS SEALS Russell Wright. Cordon Worittlati SULLETIN EDITOR Gcorrve Mutter, Al, Johnston PRESS REPORTER Roy 1Terinedy nl"PT1"'r (7,rTr'rP,S 1967.-6S bistriet CleVerner :refit Taylor. Alliston e.Etior 9, • 11.1),(1. .Tohn rMfford Telford ('ook: lielgravo, died Saturday while working on .m orri s Township farm ,,:iurviving are bis wifo, the former 1),ertha Cooper; sisters, Mrs. Ndna Cook', W•es'ifield, and Mrs. Georg+, "ifvy) Cook, 130- gcnV,6; hrotherS, Fred- grave, Itairry, East Wawanqsh 'MIL, and Leon a I'd, Illyth. Funeral service wags held 'Mow day at 2 p,rn, from the S. Walker funeral home, Wingnam. Burial was in Brandon eernetevy, Beigrarve, THE HOT CAR MENACE Last year half a million North. Americans had the sinking feeling , that comes when you find your ear isn't at the spot where ' you :had parked ft, according to the magazine Nat:ietial SAFE NEW8. (fueled by ate O'n'tario League, Cars `are stolen from almost almOst every conceivable place 7 • home garages and driveways, parking lots; public garages, and new and used car lost, Nearly 90 percent of stolen car are recovered by the police soon after the the theft - - usually in much worse condition, The aver- age damage to a stolen car is more than $200.00. For nnrecoVer- ed cars the loss exceeds $1,200.00. The total bill, Of Course is passed on to the motoring public through higher insurance rates. But the indirect costs are even more serious, u tolen cars are often in- volved, in other crimes and in, accidents. One of the most shocking as- pects of the problem is the youth of most car thieves. More than half of them are under 18 yearS old, Stealing a car is often a first offence for young people and frequently it starts them in a career of crime. .Auto thefts also create serious traffic hazards. Tf the thief is not a skillful driver, he is obviously a menace. Worse he may be less skillful than he thinks he is. Also. he May he unfamiliar with. the model or condition of the car lie has taken. More than 55 pet cent of stolen cars are involved in accidents. Increasing the hazard is the fact that the thief has no financial interest in the car and isn't likely to drive with the normal caution of the owner, If the thief crashes, he may leave the car - if he is able to get away Perhans steal another, ihe third'. knows that tie and the car are hot. Tie is never free from the fear of being paorybf. he en ^rnrnt era a police car. lie in^ t ry for a fast get- away. with n high-speed chase that mav brine (lentil or iniiiry to and Innoeent people, Moteifoetnters ere working on pions to foil the tor thief. Tint 4Then F rinds of ear owners are help- int him. Of the. Stolen ears re- A0 percent *Were nnteeked ond 40 nereent bed iftlY0 WI' hi .4.410.41A** • ,,,, , u441, • e lb. "3 no pc'e O.P.P. REPORT Once again the O.P.P.. stress the importance of Parents in- structing their children on bicycle safety. In the Wingliam Detach, ment Area this slimmer there have been NO AMIPENTS in- volving bicycles, However, last week, one °Moor observed two children riding their biCycles on a busy highway on, the Wrong side of the road going ul) a hill, On another 'occasion last week, officer observed two Children riding on another busy highway on the wrong Side of the road. Nothing happened,"TIVT, if. a vehicle had sped along While the children Were on the highway the results could have been dis- astrous. WIlRE THESE YOuR CHILDREN? Instruct then about Bicycle Safety before it is TOO Here are a few important rules to follow:- 13;ide on the RIGHT side of the street — with the traffic and stay close to the curb. Riding hiCytyles other than single file is unlawful and clang, erous. Riding after dark is dangerous', Wear something WHITE or RE, PLEOTIVE. (This also applies at dusk.) Do NOT carry riders. They block your vision and throw you off balance. STOP, LOON and LISTEN before! entering street. from side• walk, alley or driveway, IITIIMETIVMER ----- Be 'Polite, Be T-Telpful, Be Gracious, Drive like good host.