HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-09-07, Page 1BRUSSELS OPPOSES SRIDE-ELEOT HONOREIti‘
g h te A. public, mewing WaS held '\V0i II:e"18t1"4115ii111 71.1cs 111)::tliliteryo bh°M8'vre'si..
boys. ' (11,1 Brussels Library on Wedaes• `riedtt iii honor of Miss
Saginaw, spent last week with j d ay a fter noon i n regard. to reMoli- Grace Davidson o1 Kitchener
relatives in this area. I ing the 'Brussels (1NR agent,Th,ere Whose marriage to Wayne Lowe
Mr, and Airs, Eldon Wick and was a good representation. from Of Brussels take place this month,
fatuity, have moved from, Listowel Brussels at this meeting a number The bride-elect was seated in
to their house bore -which they of whom Were quite 'Meal in ex- gt gayly decorated chair with OM-
purdiasen. pressing a Variety of good reasons ' brella, streamers and baleons.
Alt, and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler why this should not he done. i t.-';:uitett be-side the bride was her
Mrs, Ross Speiran and dan
Mrs, TOM • Thompson and
it was hack, to desk and books
!Or leachers and pupilS Tuesday
oi this week. Attendance at the
itrussolS Public School showed
substantial, increase o that
of last year with 201 students en.
Vied TueSday,
Board chairman Oeorge Mc-
Cutehcon reported that. buses
transporting pupils from rural
areas were overcrowded which
Poscri an jrninediate problem for
Kenneth Scott, Myth. Is the
;um, principal of the Brussels
school, filling the vacany created.
by the resignation of K. It, Ashton,
Air. Scott is a graduate, of Strat-
ford Teachers' College and has
provionsly been a staff member of
Schools at Blyth, Dungannon and
Chosley. 'Aram Black has been
Appointed Supervising Principal
hr the throe schools of the area,
:Myth, 111110.MS and Belgrave. This
is the first year here far such a
supervisory role. Ns was the case
last year all pupil's school sup-
plies. hooks etc. are supplied by
Mrs. lean Treland is the only
other nr,w member on the lineal
f, to ollino. kin (lore-art ea, A
th'ut hiYd been filled. bv.
Mt s. Clark Matheson Slriee
kindi ,rzarten was introduced here,
the various
rail s n nr1 tesefilerA tire aS fel-
Kindergarten, 20, MrS, jean
Grade 1, 7,1, Miss T. Mitchell,
Credo 2. 2(1, Mrs, M, T-Tuether
arade '1, Mrs. T. Wilson
Grade .1. 2(1. Mrs. N. Tyorman
Crade :Tames Prior
Clrade Mrs. B. Weigle
C , ndr' 'vrs, navrnend
r sz, Keite ,t-li Scott
KinricrciFirien Pupils
Cheryl Bauer
A n d i.on Tlridg'e
Carolyn Ca mphell
1,7,n(lieleen Elliott
narbarn .Tolinsion
Neil ;Iiitzi
Brian Kellingfon
Terry Kennedy
Ann l'itnrti
TN rot d Min
Victoria. McCall
f)arwin McCittchoon
Gary McOnteheon
Cory McWhirtcr
Irene PulIthan
Sherry Robertson
Tionelda Stiles
"Heather Wilson
,Tacqueline Workman
.fully-groWn bottlenose per-I
noises sometimes weigh more
than PIM OrpintIV
spent, several days at Expo, •
Weather and Bonnie .Marito$11
enjoyed holidays at .port Credit
1.1 Toronto.
Miss Myra McNair is spending
the ne:•;1. three •Motiths • •in a.
Term-Ito hospital (15 part of.her •
artrF40.'S training,
Miss Mary MCDnald„. ToroniO,
nos ]tnnle for the holiday week-
Teachers in cots area going
10 liteir schools include Miss
Kate AtieNabb to Tintiskamingi
Aliss 13evericy Evans to K
clic!. and Brian Marts his
tea (thing career at Scarborough.
Visitors with Airs, Lylle Gordon.
included Afrs. Mary Tiaker, List-
owe]. ATIHs Pearl Baker, Brnssels
and Mrs. :Kett Miller and daughter
.{till'.'. Toron i 0.
Carman Fischer and David
remingway have returned from
ton day trip to Pilot MOknd,
Man,, whero they each took a
n"v' ..bool bus to that community
and also visited with- the latters
brother, Dr. Den and Mrs, 11,?,r,i-
ingwilY. also of Pilot Mound.
Miss Maxine SMarldon, Kitch-
(ener, sot-1)f the holiday weekend
al her home,
Gayle Engel ShoWered in
Honor Of Coming Marriede
Miss Coyle Engel was guest of
honor at a shower in .the Cern-
inanity Centre on Thursday even-
ing. Games awl contests Were eh-
'''0 the first part of the even-
rillP bride-to-be along with
her mother, Mrs. Ross Engel, and
the groom's mother, Mrs. Ken
Smith, Moncrieff, were seated it
`decorated chairs beneath: pin!
and white bells and streamers a,ad
coJored baloons. An address wai;
read by Sandra Fischer; followed
by many beautiful end useful gifts
presented by several girl friends.
Gayle expressed her thanks to all
present arid especially to those
who helped with the shower.
hunch was soiled at. the close.
Mrs. Eart BOWes, was hostess
for the Meeting held in'
the Courtintlity Halt Mrs, Tack.
'Wilson WAS do-hOSte88.
Roll call: Was reSponded to with
"An artie1 T wish I had not
bought and Why" 4-1-T chig girls
were gacstS. Mrs. Geo. Pearson
discussed ''A World of Food in
Canada". Mrs. Heinistra. rind
Airs. S. j-Teitnstra and the host-
opryeet Irrach,
Whether this -Will have any
effect on the final decision re-
mains to be seen.
Reeve Calvin TKrouter called
th Q meeting to, order,
W. .T. Rupert, District Com-
missioner, Department. Of Trans-
port, was in charge of the meet-
ing, Representatives of the CNR
included P, B. Nixon,
L. A. Wood and S. TT, TAiorripson,
Also present was A. Mill as
legal representatives for the.
municipalities of Brussels. Mor,
ris and Corey, and "R„, l't McKinley'
AT.P. and Murray Count M.P.P.
Most opposition to not haying
an agent operator acre was put
forward by bitsines people, who
in the past months have experienc-
ed difficulty with freight and
eNnvess delivery and damaged.
goods and delay fa connection
with httTness of same, no local
telegraph service tere causing
dol,,y, and while passerimus en ii
still board the train here great
inconvenience, is caused ny the
non-availability of PeSS021.4e,n•
IT Yelirt `2: a rre n,c.,:ein en i s locally.
The marriage of lIoherta
Annette Corrin and Glen Murray .
Maelion was solemnized at a,
ce.romony in St. Lukes-inthe.
Carden Chapel. Rev. R. G. Hazel-
wood officiated.
The bride is the daughter of.
Mrs. Robert A. COritin -, 'London.,
nail the late Mr, Corrin. Mr. and
-.Trs, Leonard Maclean,. of Emus-
scl s, Pre the; grOOM'S parents.
Airs. Finnic Colman at tend ed
:the'bride. os matron of honor.
Lester Machan of Toronto was
his brother's groomsman. iTSilerS
were Robert ;,-'sorter and David
The couple will reside in
Landon on their return from a
weddinp.: trip to the East. roast.
Paul T.Tumphries, son of Mr, and
Mrs. William Thimpries is a
patient in Clinton Hospital,
Mrs. Garvin Smith of South
Porcupine. and son Allen, Tor.
onto Were visitors- With Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dinsmore and
fainilv, Brampton, were visitors
with Air, anti Mrs. G. ATKInvin.
Miss Arlene Williamson has
gone to London where she
leachintl Tlils yppr
mother, the mother of the groom
and the groom's grandmother
All were presented with corsages,
After games and contests
colorful decorated wagon. pulled
by :Misses Debbie Prior and
Jackie Workman, filled with
lovely gigs, was presented to the
Miss-Ruth Mt:Taggart of Kitch-
ener rend an address, after which
Croce made a fitting reply.
Limn was served. Assisting the
hostess Were Misses Ruth Me-
TmZart, NratIe "Worinnon and.
Airs. Edith Pipe.
Pl!or to this Miss Davidson was
honored at a kitchen and pantry
shower hold at the home of her
anti Mrs. Ale; McDonald or
•wenld like to say thanks'to
all my friends who 'kindly rem-
embored me with cards, gifts and
flowers when I was a patient in
Clinton aivi i;.onlon
Mrs, Frank EteLiedgc
This past . weekend found the
racing schedule rather hectic and
widespread, Regular racing at
Deleware Friday night -found.
Jack picking up two seconds in
the hoatS and a third in the feat-
Saturday u4s.lit alt FlaMboro
they received a second in the
hont, a fifth in the serni and after
spinout accident be didn't:com-:
uloto the fentnre,
it ea' m root' reDarrq, Sunday
'flout Illy VD elm; crew travel-
} int.!: across no border to San-
fly.':41cy. Ohio for their 100 lap
ye,u- rniert After qualifying
fe ,r the hig race with a fifth and
he ended up in
lees tine after 100 laps
were completed. Tack was the top
Canadian ear entered in the race.
Tt was 0 good night's racing Sack.
The 'holiday raring event af.
Mond:J -2., night must
have blind the oar and crew
a little tired Or racing. Lady l.,ucic
just wasn't with them. The first.
110:0 found .Turk chasinz the rt,,d
rim' Vrirf; over the finish line,
'rho 4f'1.,11 found hint slipping all
over the track with a mown rod
hose and after three- gpinnuts
the feature fdtlallr ended up
fifth spot. It isaS a long week-
With only n counle of more -
weeks of racing loft. the season
The Brussels Fall Fair prize
lisas Wine completed early this,
week ancl, have already beep
Int, lied, out by the *secretary,
liAwin Martin, you have not
„:;ot it copy and are interested in;
exhilyiling at the fair, get one
from the secretary or at tho-
office of the Brussels Post. rick
lio your ropy and plan now tor
exhibits, indoorenter as manyexhibits,
a ('0 out. as you cart
The Ladies' Division and. the
Childreint Section hare added
Iillether of special Centennial
classes which should create a good
deal of interest.
Donald McDonald is the new'
president of the Fair Board, and'
by and the directors are going all;
out in make our centennial year
fair one td be remembered,
The fair is a community entar-
prise and should he supported-
and enthusiastically participated
in by- all residents Of the areas
Small fairs are failing by the,
wayside. Don't let this happen
to your fair it Will take hard
work on f.-6e part of all concerned
with early planning and more un-
usual attraction to entice the
Dubin., to keep it etre,
The Incites' Division and 441.,
clubs contribute much to the
success of the fair.
Get those exhibits - ready and
innk,- this centennial year fair an
outstandingote: event. N
Ji wonld be onereciated, and or
considerable help if exhibitors
*mild got their' entry- tags- from
the secretary before Fair Day.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Kftechtel of
snslinloon and their grandson.
David Cole of Regina, called on.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Strachan
thou. way to Expo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted MacLean slier
family have returned from a holt-
lay tit Burleigh Palls.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Elston and
family of London are holidaying
at the home of Mrs. ElizabOn
i'ardiff and Brussels friends.
Mr. and "Mrs. Mel Noxness end
family of Ottawa spent: blue past
week visiting Dan and Sara Me-
Mr. and Airs. David McCutch-
con and daughter, Peterborough.
were holiday visitors with hit(
narmAs. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Mc-
ch eon .
F. "T
I' Igin Montgoinery and son of
Toronto have. been Visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, T,esdle. Earl,
Mr. and Airs. Howard Moore of
Hamiltmi. Alt's. A, ondden, Dun_
(Ins, Mr. and Mrs. Red Godderf
an Troy, Bratontori and Mn', and
Airs. Gordon Roll, St. 'Marys were
holiday weekend guests of
Bert (laden
:12,011 A Year In Advance $2.50 To U.S.A. tilt BRUSSELS POST SV1PT. 7th, 1.9.67