HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-08-31, Page 5PEAL fl ICE CREAM =IISset.ttreeMiliermisagittigaiiiitareereit&tsevallite alisreseaftirer PLAN TO ATTEND SEAFORTH'S CENTENNIAL on LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th 2 p.m. PAR,,ADE 3 p.m. SPORTS 5 to 8 p. including 50 Floats, 5 Bands and Militia Contests — Band Concert — Etc. A Real Old-Fashioned Get-To- Gether ••• lorar,iwom.o.her • A.- 1,1301 ail.i/SHELS 01:11: 13..%:',INEIAS (MI:AIM/ allailleatridlIhmemakelbilwterepri4teastIrttree....t.• ..eetes. TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO. HE visirrED. CHURCH, OF CANADA ryt ulster; Rev. A, IVI, Johnston B.A. B.D. Organist: Mrs, Fred. Stephenson 11;00 a.m. Public Worship No t:3hurefi School MELVILLE PR.E.SBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, REV. C. A. McCARROLL 11:U0 a.m. Public Worship "Lord is it 1" Organist: M. Thompeon A.R.C.T, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 1 v.risa Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, B.A„ L.Th, SAINT JOHN'S — Brussels Organist Mrs B. Elliott 5:00 a.m. No service 11:00 a.m. Holy lilucharist Rev. W. IL Craven will be in charge of services SAINT ALBAN'S & SAINT DAVID'S — ATWOOD 9:30 a.m. Matins RODEO ACTION e it's best! The eaurth annual Mid-Western Rodeo in Exeter. Saturday, September 4, and Sun- day, September 3. Blame riding, bulldogging, chariot races, dar- ing rodeo clowns and all the action of the biggest rodeo in Western Ontario. Starts at 2:00 p.m. each day. Covered grand- stand. LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THEATRE ------ SATuKDAY, SEPT. 2 THE OUTLAWS IS COIVANG 1 The Three. Stooges Plus SONNY CHER ha GOOD TIMES Also GREAT SIOUX MASSACRE Color SUNDAY MIDN,ITE September 3 3 Big Feattrres ROAD RACERS (Adult Entertainment) BEACH 'BLANKET BINGO Color Also THE TERROR MON., TUES., WED: sot. 4 5 .6 DEVIL'S ANGELS Color (Adult Entertalhenent) Pius MISSION BLOODY MARY Cofer (Adult Entertalhenent) Now available i,x pinta, ,ial/ •guilons and On pails at the or at your GROCER SL. BE SURE TO &LEI' SOME IN 'YOUR r REE.ZE,R CUU,Sink) IL C itE A Ail ..ifirsisseee .te Amarnmar-Auwip-impr.twor,40100 -44mmw 1111 I T FALL F1 D. • .a*nd $10,000 in priZes .FRID.AY 7:00 P. 1v1.., parade of old .and new machinery entertanunent for young and old Teen. Dana a Trendsetters. and Go Go Cyiris SATURDAY,, 1.4t.00 NOON , parade of floats etc. and prizes Chariot races,. 4-H Competitions, Livestock J udging. "THE • 31(7*GliST LITTLE FAIR IN ONTARIO" If you want to see it all in one day come early leeeree—'cen. ley leeeeeeee,,e-e,erZt COIVII14.6 EVENTS MITCHELL FALL FAIR DANCE, Jerry alai the Jesters, Crystal Paleee, Satin day, September 2. F.RHE Dancing to the Trend Setters, with Do-Co Girls, at the Mitchell Fair, Friday, Septeuiber 1.. AdmiSsioe to grounds .75c. -•••••••••• DANCE to Clay Lombardo and his Royal Cauadians at Seaforth Arena, September 15. Tickets UAW each, reserved seats 31..00 Per couple extra. Order by mail to Seaforth Centennial. Ball Committee, P.O. Box 749, Sea- forth and include 60 cents" per order to cover reteln of tickets lmy registered mail. SERIES OF GOSPEL SERVICES will held in, the Orange Hall, brusols, commencing Suuday, September 3rd at 8:00 p.m., con- tinuing Thursdays and Sundays at, 8:00 p,m. 'Everyone is welcome. :ffirisammomaima CEDElf;Re_TE Day, Sep- ember 4, at Seaforth Centen- nial party . 2 p.m., Monster par- ade with ,50 floats, five bands; p.m. games, spores, bingo. bands and old fashioned geeto- getlier; 5-8 p.m., beet and pork barbecue; S p.m., military dis- play and opening Seaterth Cen- tennial project; 9 p.nm, program and dance. nave you r'enewed your Post? rf Seaforth Memorial Arena — Beef and Pork Adults, $2.00; Children 6-12, $1.00 — under 6, Free GEN.TLEMENS CLUB NEWS 11 mums 1 don't believe in ghosts but that's no proof there arn't any. A great many people pooh-pooed aL L.y lug saucers but there is suf- ficient evidence now, that we have them. The main body of Ibis story is true. The eoateuts, not dealing directly With the main, issue, well some people Will, take them with a grain of salt, which is their privilege of course, Doubting Thomas'. Times were Lough in Canada in the hungry thirties, This story takes place in the Maritimes, 192.5. 1 mention neither .the vii- lageor province, but it really happened. i had a troupe Of seven, only three entertainers. Every day we fed someone, maybe three or more. livery day somone wanted to join us. it was no problem, except transportation. 1 had a cabin trailer, home-made. that slept three, The four others gen- erally made a shake-dawn in the hall. Many times they were in- vited to homes and we received eatables of all kinds, sometimes free, sometimes for passes. had Bill Sullivan, amateur boxer andwrestler, Shorty Holmes was a painter and sign writer, Jolly ;Jodie was a cook, and a fellow by the name of Anderson, a, mechanic. Anderson was a real souse, could drink almost as li much as Lenny Lamont or jack, Clark. I Made theta work for their keep. Every day I ,put thG boxing gloves on with Sullivan for a Minimum of thirty nil:Mites, After a month I could lick Jack Denillsey with one hand and Cassius Clay with the other. I could have kicked the intestines out of Gordon Stiles and thrown Archie Willis over a telephone polo, et the same time. Now Al Stewart: had a dog, an Irish terrier. This canine was frightened of neither dog or devil. He had a horrible spite et 8cotoh collies and English Bull dogs. He was only a small dog about the size of those flea bitten mongrels of George Davidson's and not as long as that imitation sausage, mangy Mir of Gus Eder's, This night we were playilig in an old I franie hall built like a barn. Double doors in frotit Ladies room to the right, gents to the left. Windows all 'shuttered with inch bonds. Abont One thirty the our buys went into the hall nich was unlocked. Once Weide a CI OSS bar went across the dunes. An iron fastened to the door jams in which the, cross bar Was dropped. The baok had an ordinary luck aim key. 1 had novt.r been asleep, maybe it was two thirty, when 1 heard the ha,1l dour slam against the building and people running, My bed was t oss ways to the door whip 1. threw open and in' came the boys, two of ineun over top of me and two landed on my bed, The dog Jumped and cowered behind Slim Leueet. 1 was using the flash- light. Never a word \\ as spoken. The gas lantern was hanging above Doueet and he got, it going,, The first words came from Holmes "Oh my elod", and they were in reverence. All agreed. they had been awakened by the scared wail of the dog. The place who lit Up better than with a coal oil lamp. A golden ligurei 'was on Limo Wall, head, (no arms), body, aitu no legs, almost square to the waist, motionless; no expressioM The boys grabbed what clothes they could grab and ran to the (rout, the dog last. Well, we dres- sed and went back. No light could possibly get in from the outside, checked the next morning and Ate-checked. 0 could understand the boys taking mass hysteria but what about Mickey, the dog? I did .discover a slide in. the girls room big enough to focus a light, even ii magic lantern. The outside back' door was still locked: Some- one Could have stayed in the girls' room With seine sort of light Your guess is as good as mine. NeXt morning Anderson ault Joditi left. We couldn't get that dog in any ball the rest Of the season, None of the lads bad one drink of liquor. None had beet reading ghost stories. None were superstitious. I told the caretaker Whrn. he arrived. He never made any comment whatever; only One remark will made a month later. The Janitor in another town fOt another hail said to me, you are a brave men, .1 hear you played — hail in so and so. Well there you, are. Your guess is as good as mine, This winter tr I'm still living I will tell you about the spirit that played for me in North Bay. Thanks to the Post I have a girt singer and an accordian player. Ythirsi till neXt week Ti K. F. LIARBEQUE PROGRAM DANCING 8 p.m. MILITARY [DISPLAY AND FIRING OF 25-GUN SALUTE Unveiling and Dedication of Seaforth Centennial Project (New Entrance to Seaforth Memorial Arena) 0 p.m. 'till next clay IN SEAFORTH MEMORIAL ARENA With Music by ROYCE RIEHL and HIS COUNTRY COUSINS Admission $1.00 ANTIQUE DISPLAY BY SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ....Oggrs,, 4pecOltson,tsoftAiewieautz-t...i.oxiss...ex:zis.watnak—APII2s.tsa