HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-08-31, Page 1$2.00 A. Year In Advance - $2.50 To let.S..4„ TIIE Mitl_ISSELS POST THvirtsgAy, Aro. 31st, 190 POST PUTIL1SIIING HOITSE • - BRUSSELS SQUIRTS WIN HONORED PRIOR TROPHY SECOND YEAR TO DEPARTURE BRUSSELS HORTICULTURAL FLOWER SHOW 'HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL ',EVENT ; 260 ENTRIES limit 'Muir8day local boys came .another victory, to second year with.ont'. losing a game. They defeated • the Ethel Squirts 1w a score of 22 to 9 to win the area. championship. The Bruce Toting (of Atwood) •lrophy was retained by the Brus- sels Squirts for another year, and it is on display in the window of. Murray Lowe's barber shop. Coach Al • Johnston has ha.d "shout tWenty boys up to age 11, 'to choose from. 'T'hey have ail helped to win the trophy by. play- ing through the season. A few of the heavier hitters clinched the series by hitting some grand slam home runs. Congratulations and their coach, nest year. LOCAL S-WT NE BREEDERS TOP WINNERS AT C Results of the judging of the Barrow Class at the CNE.1 were as 'follews: -1st. Pill Turnbull, Brussels,. Ont.. 2nd Tames D. Fritz, Brussels,. Ont. 3rd Wei; Pinkney $e Sons, Cookstille, Ont. 4th Shnr Gain,' Farms, Maple, Ont. .5th Jelin Gallartgbe;r; Ou t.. "FlogeY; Preston, Out, 7th Carnet Letentine, gate, WALTON Walton W. I. Meeting program on Historical. Research presented at the ArtgitSt mmting was in charge of Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mrs. Herbert Traviss. The meeting was held in the Community I-Tall with Mrs. St ewart I Tim phri es as pianist.. Mrs. Sholdice read a poem and a contest. "Places in Huron County" was conducted, A historical sketch on Walton Village was given by Mrs. Traviss. Mrs. Jan van. Vliet„ president, was in charge of the business. Mrs. Gerald Watson, secretary= ereasurer, presented reports, Plans for the Centennial concert to be held in October were con- tinued. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Mrs. 17!rnest. StWaii, Mrs. Lyle Osborne. Mrs. AI firdutzen and Mrs. Ronald Wilifattisen were es .6. ticket committee. Mrs. Near 6th. Mellon al Clarence Martin, Mrs. Harold Poleer and Mrs. George McCall served refreshtnerits. Air, and Mrs. elordon MeGetin :were' tieeMit with M1' Tliitd made by Misses Mary Gibson and 'ea n1(11901(1. lin thanking the group for her gifts. she spoke of the co.oper- Minn and help of all Members of 11w choirs end church —ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Louis Hollinger, R.R. 2, Blyth, announce the engagement of their daughter "Helen Louise. to Mr. Norman Firth Broadhead, son. of Mrs. Walter 'Broadhead and the late Mrs, Broadhead, Tt,TL. 'I, Puslinch, The marriage to take place ,in fluff's "United Church, WaliOn. on, Stott-relay, September 23rd. CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbours for floA- ers, letters, eards,and visits, also Dr. Street and Dr. Walden for. kindness shown me while a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs, Charles Draper T would like to say thank you to all of my friends Who so kindly remembered me with cards, gifts and flewers, when. T Was a patient in the Wingham Hospital, also a very special thank yeti to the ones who so kindly done household chores for Me while I was away. Mrs. Gertie jFicklin T would like to Sincerely' thank everyone Who scat me letters, curds, flower., treats, and visited me. or helped iii 'thIy other Way to make uty reeeVery Seem faster while 7 *OS a Patient in Victoria Hospital And since returning hone. Mrs. Alex Steisis Mrs. iobn ATOThvin. Thornbury. ATiro: Janet Turnbull.. Seaforth wa,-4 a visitor With her grandnar- tints. Mt'. anti 'Mrs. Wilbur Tlittn. ball, yntt your Potitl SPIN AROUND THE TRAC K e(,-SaW battle we're happy to report that Sack Picked up the checkered flag and a purse of $1500. This brought another trophy to Jack's collection and 'the biggest win of his .racing career. Congratulat- ions.. Saturday didn't pro're to be so. rewarding. Time trials were held once again for the 150 lap International when fog set in for the second week in a row. The race was bold anyway with Tack. starting in tenth spot, At times the ears were barely visible to the ,specta tors. Jack had completed only eighty- six laps -when he devoiliped motor trouble and had to pull into the TTe was running in fifth spot at the time. The race was won hy Harvey Lennox of Landon Warren Coniam of Toronto had • lecle the frir :10 laps and lost out with a flat tire, A new Motor should have the slot* car heel< in running order once more for another racing weekend, DEVRIES ROGERS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ta, Rogers of R,It„ 2. Delmont. announce the engagement, of their daughter, Donna Jean., to Mr, ,Jo.n.n novries of Woodsteek, son of Mr, and MrS, Harmon Devries of.:Brussels, The, marriage will take place Satur- day. September 23, 1907. at, 12 o'clock noon at Gladstone Baptist, Church INTRIR 001C Misses Janet 'Witch. Bonnie Bremner, Cathy Morrow and flail Lake ettended Camp Kintail for a week. Miss Sheila Strickler acted as Camp Counsellor for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Aieleaehern are holidaying, with friends and rola i yes at Pilot Mound. and nee:. Ma n i toba. Mr. arid Mrs. Barry Taylor, of Vilma, visited on Sunday with :'ti's. Stuart Evens, Mr. and Mrs. Merton TTack- ~4 ell Jeffry aceomprolind Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tingel and family fri Berford Take for the week- end. Mrs. Tim Coderieti. is spending, n Week with her delight. . Mrs. Stitort 'trans. Brian Evens is in Toronto for few clays preparing rot• his tenobin0 at Searborough In The annual summer flower show of the Brussels Horticul- tirral Society, held Friday in St. john's Anglican Church hall, was a highly successful event. There were 200 entries in 48 classes. Blooms were of excellent quality and brought praise from the judge. The turkey Supper was i.ttended by 160. Most Points in All Classes, for T. Eaton award (silver vase): mrs. Earl Cudmore, 12: Mrs. Jas Armstrong 37, Most Points in Arrangements, Di nn Reed Plant Food: Mrs. ':Jas. ,Armstrong, Most Points in Rose Food donated' Mrs. E. Cudmore. The door prize, which was donated by Cl-. Stiles, was won by :\liss Mary Searle, Asters, Mixed: Mrs. L. Wraln, Airs. L. iVfeCutcheon. Mrs. F. Asters. Needle: Mrs, L, Mc- Cutcheon, Mrs. F. Cndrnore, Mrs, Donald Thittba Cosmos: Mrs. iti:eo, Davis, Mrs. 'Doug. Hemingway, Mrs, Earl Cud- in ore. :African, Marigolds: Mrs, H. Sinaltdon, Mrs, Cudmore, Mrs, T McCutcheon. Celendalas: Mrs. Amy Spelt, 'Ainigrsw.aTy.,,,71ifeCutelleon, Mrs, D, Hem- Single Petunias: Mrs. D. A. Rann, Mrs, Cleo. Wheeler, Mrs. Allan McCall. Double Petunias: Mrs. H. Sinalldon. MrS. McCutcheon. Tetunias Frilled: Mrs, H. Smalldon, Mrs. Walter Kerr, Mrs, MOCutcheen. Snapdragons: Mrs. L. Me- Cuteheon, Mrs, Donald Perrie, Mrs. jas. Armstrong. Zinnias, Cactus: Mrs. D. A. MrS. N, Reid. Mrs. E. Cud- Zinnias, Standard : Mrs. D. Heminemay, Mrs. C. H.emingway, Mrs. r.„ Frain, Zinnias„ Pont Porn : Mrs. h. Shaw, Airs. Sas.. Armstrong, Mrs. Carl Hemingway. vr1 y 7.initi t';. L. A1( - ( et ,. boon, Mrs. Ti, A. Rann. Peace. Rose: Mrs. 1T . Leeming, Airs. L, McCutcheon. Mrs. Cuilmore. Rose, Not Peace: Mrs. M. Teeming, Mrs, E. Cudmore, Mrs, 11. Hemingway. Plorilmnea: Mrs. it. Ctulmore. Mrs. L. McCUtcheon, Mrs. Doug. Tient ingwo y. arandiflora: Mrs. L. McCutch- eon. Mrs. E. Cudmore, Mrs. Ti. Ttr!';'111;Tl y7171'.' Toe roses: Mrs, E. ciulmore. ivansie .. Airs, It. Cudmore, Jas. Armstrong:, :qrs. Frank P000rl'itirr WTI Kelly, Mrs. D., A, Rattn, Mrs. Amy Spell', Cactus Dahlias: Mrs, H. Small- don, Mrs, D. A, Ran.n, Mrs. E. • C ud more. Porn Pont Dahlias: Mr8.. F, Cudmore. Mrs. G. Wheeler. Gladiolus. Mrs, E. Cudmore,. • Mrs. G. Wheeler, Mrs. T-T. Srnall- don. Gladiolus, spike: Mrs. ja.s. McTaggart. Mrs. E. Cuditore. Sunday Morning 'Basket for Church: Mrs. Y. Reid, Mrs. E. ('u-Immo, Mrs, fleo. Davis. "Coffee Break," in coffee mug: Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. Mrs. D. A. Ream, Mrs, R. Bennett. Trousseau tea table arrange- ment: Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, Mrs. F Cudmore, Mrs, L. MeOuteheon, "in the Pink": Mrs, Jas. Arme strong. Mrs. N. Reid. Mrs, D. A. Rant', Hospital arrangement: Mrs, Jas. Armstrong. Mrs. Donald Perrie, Airs. Goo, Wheeler, "Time for Tea" cup and saucer arrangement: Mrs. he. Arm- strong, Mrs. L. McCutcheon, Mrs. 1). A. Reim. "Baby Welcome": Mrs. Jas. McTaggart, 'Mrs, Geo, Wheeler, Mrs. John 'Kelly. "Gold Rush": Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs. Jas Armstrong, Mrs, L. Me- Cu [clean. "Pioneer Days": Mrs, E. Cud- mere, Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, Mrs. D. Hemingway. "Elfin Magic": Mrs, Geo. Whe- eler, Mrs, E. Cudmore, "A Walk in the Country" .t novel arrangement using Weede Mrs. .Ins. Armstrong, MtS. Gee. Wheeler, Airs. N. McLarty, Patriotic: Airs. D. A, Rant, Mrs, Jas. Armstong, Mrs. Walter Kerr. Arrangement of White of Color- ed Flowers: Mrs, Tas. Armstrong, McCutcheon. Coffee Table arrangement Us- ing Begonias: Mrs, D. A. Ranti, Mrs, Ross Bennett, Mrs. D. Hem- ingway. Mums: Mrs. E. Cuidmore. Airs, Armstrong. Mrs. Elsie Cue- n n gh m , Rose, in rose howl: Mrs. Cleo. Wheeler. Mrs. Ross Bennett. Mrs. T'1, TremingwaY. I all Table arrangement: Mrs, D. 'Hemingway, Mrs. B. A, Rann, Mrs, ('co. Wheeler. Arrangement Cot' Don (by ition only): Ross "Bennett. %..friena "Violet. single flower: Men Gee. 'Wheeler. Mrs. I,. Me- l n 1:"; . Jas. Armstrong. Vritere dotild a flower r.•niy0,11110.1 en heck pogo) to the boys, and good luck 131 gh- evening, the The congregation at Last week had both its good through with Presbyterian Church Was invited and had points for Jacic and his complete a to luncheon in the Sunday School racing crew. hall following the morning ser- Travelling to Deleware Friday vice. on Sunday to say farewell to night found the fans gathering ilor Niargaret Thompson who, after a :100 lap International, The cars rive years as organist and choir had to time trial and found Jack louder, is leaving to enter Toronto lined up in eighth position when ienerril Hospital for nurses' train- the green nag dropped. ing. The group also included many After an qxciting of Mrs. ThompSon's pupils and their parents from the area rou ad 1 jrnisselS. Rev. C, A. McCarrell sprAe briefly of her devoted work with: 'the two choirs of the church: and' On behalf of the congregation presented her with a, gift of money and the good wishes of all. Joan I-bother presented a sterling silver pin and ear rings from the junior and senior choirs and she received a Royal Dolton figurine "Top of the Hill" front her pupils. the presentation. being ,Tobn Mrs, John Wilson. Sweet Peas: Mrs. EL Cudmore, Mrs, Sas. Armstrong, Mrs. F. Shaw. Corsage: Mrs. Sas, Arnittrong, Mrs. Ross Bennett, Airs, Geo, Rose Classes, I wboeler. by 0. Stiles: Arrangements