HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-08-24, Page 8nr,,F4 Pi NI THEATRE — CLINTON BOx Office Opens at 8:00 WED., THURS., FRI. August 23-24-25 WALT DISNEY'S 2 -- 1962 CHEV. BELAIRS Radio & Auto. Trans. V8 $ 995.00 6 CA. $ 895.00 1960 GMC Chevrolet a Oldsmobile Chevelle Chevy II Cars Chevro/et Trut ka Oldeft $ewsoinifo Phono 04 IlItv4444$ 1964 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Fully Equipped $1995.00 1964 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN VE AT. RADIO $1495.00 1961 PONTIAC STATION WAGON Blalsturam POST 1.14USiiiELS ONTARIO SUMMER CLEARANCES Pick Up A BARGAIN ! FOR DELIVERIES FOR SCHPOL GET YOUR DRY CLEANING HERE. NOW BUCHANAN DRY CLEANERS' AGENCY eis.i.riaarsoftimeil%te...msgaainfooMoirmaillinsr.unannsintikwarttawozatanr.A.- E BAKERY and GR CFERY St. Lawrence White Sugar 10 lbs. St. Lawrence White Sugar 5 lbs. Allen's Orange Drink 48 oz. 3 for 89c 77c 39c Mrs. Lukes Janis and Marmalade 24 oz. 2 for 79c phone 13Z ree 1..)e !iv 4.11TwointekivirrsitSglittibi~wimetitt rigiag i...areatOiw.,&11DVi.# CROP REPORT The harvesting of spring grains in Huron. County has started, in several. areas, Yields these areas seem tp be average or slightly above but where, lodgin9, appeared, the grain didn't till and thus yields are down, somewbat there Due to bad weather early in the season, some fields of spring grains were plant, ed much later than others. There. fovi' :;01)10 will not mature for two weeks or more. The acreage of white beans Is down slightly in the county tine to the wet spring. The crop -15 beginning to turn In color and is maturing quite favourably. The corn crop has progressed rapidily after .a slow start due to cold, wet weather but requires more hot, sunny days to bring it along in maturity. Yields here look promising also. Some second cut hay has been taken In and is of very good. quality, D. G. NO* Extension Assistant for Mixon County. 77c o 31c ,ig..,15i;inifiIi41”7,, 59c •.'McCUTCHI.EON .61ROCERTY Phone : • We iver Brussels Transport SHIP FIGS EVERY MONDAY A.M. CATTLE TRUCKING and SHIPPING SERVICE FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE Phone George Jutzi 1,22 Brussels IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yard EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. Your Home Market Where Yuu Amy %Motown* As Visitor, Consignor.. or fupsr PHONE 46 BRUSSELS, ONT. Heinz Tomato Juice 4, 8 oz. 33c St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. Swifts "Prem" MI "Lays" Potatoe Chips Reg.. 69c pkg'. imen,....ewit•ttecommiumumatairia., wto-....#swer; allemsawrillig$##..ra,a2111r Be .eady tor ack sJ OPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5th HEAD QUARTERS FOR SUPPLIES HERE INCLUDING A FINE LINE OF LOOSE LEAF ZIPPER BINDERS WITH REFILLS FOR SAME FOUNTAIN PENS, INCLUDING NORTHRITE, THE WELL KNOW N ONES, STILL AT THE OLD PRICE 35c. WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS, SCRAP BOOKS, DICTIONARIES, AIRTB RUSHES, EXAM- INATION TABLETS, GRADED LEAD PENCILS, RULERS; CRAYOLA CRAYONS, EXERCISE BOOKS SCRIBBLERS, NOTE BOOKS, AND A HOST OF OTHER ITEMS WE HAVE THEM HERE iii-amearsoneviinumowertimeamor PHONE 62 .19,DY•fpx•Orfryed "News Of Hoene. For Thyme .Ai ooy ram Home "ft f1 eq LT. ROBIN CRUSOF Dick Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan Showing at 8.30 and 10.30 Color Plug Color Featurette "RUN APALOOSA RUN" Cartoon SAT.., MON., TUES. August 26-28-29 DOUBLE FEATURE — "FIGHT. ON A. LAMB"' BOB HOPE Phllis Diller and Jonathan Winters in Color -- Plus "KHARTOUM" Charlton Heston and Laurence Olivier COLOR CARTOON WED., THURS., FRI. Aug. 30-31 -- Sept. 1 — DOUBLE FEATURE — Alfred Hitchcock's "TORN (ITTAM" (Adult EntertainMent) Pale Newman and %Ole Andrews' COLOR CARTOON "WILD WILD WINTER" cloy tmon pA. 044 tnint evg-gir`F. Every Choice A Good Buy MIntin innignisigtemimit-vmmismawiw 1965 METEOR 1965 CHEV. RIDEAU SEDAN BISCAYNE SEDAN Low Mileage One Owenr t Radio & Auto. Trans. Radio & Auto. Trans. $1800.00 $1950.00 1964 PONTIAC SEDAN Radio & Auto. Trans. $1495.00 1 TON TRUCK. Radio & Auto. Trans. 4 Speed Trans. $ 595.00 $ 895.00 .Agroi,—ZnAT:777371mmintarsoramtRaTosmiwn ALL 0 USED CARS COME IN AND SEE THEM sisemansiossimimsmissmisstovi zonan DROP IN AND CHECK YOUR SUPERTEST LUCKY LICENCE McCUTCRE011 MOTORS REXALL `iTORE BRUe'r..1.?.1