The Brussels Post, 1967-08-24, Page 6.100,./StfilliAl POO" l'111,1,;t1SPILS TifOlt81)AY, AUG. ?,41,tt, 1967 W,D,H.S GRADE 13 EXAM RESULTS \Rdrev., ';;Nnittcl; Eng. 50, Math A, 68, Math 1; 61, Phys. 55, Chem 50 t'eattie, Robert-. Eng, 50. Math A 63, Biol. 56, Phys. 57, ahem. 5S Blackwell, John: Eng. 06, Hist. 68, Math A 83, Fr. 64 Bradley, John: Eng, 68, Bio, 91, Chem. 70, Lat. 78, Er. 68 Brooks, Larry: Eng. 52. Hist. 65, Math, A 60, 13io. 73, Phys. 57 Cameron, Barbara: Eng. 77, Math A 72, I3io. 80, Phys 68, Chem. 70 Carter, Gary: Bio. 57 Casmore, Linda: Eng. 75, Math ,A 81, Math B 71, Bio. 81, Fr. 64 Caslick, Brian: Eng-. 51, Math A 76, Math B 62, Bio. 82, Phys. '70, Chem. 68 Clark, Brian: Eng. 50, Math A 69, Math B 64. Phys. 69, Chem. 65 Collar, Byron: Eng. 55, Math A 81, Math B 83, Bio, 72, Phsy. 76, Chem, '76 -Conn, Muriel: Eng. 65, Math A 69, Bio. SO Fr, 65 Corrin, Raymond: Eng, 76, Math. A. 83, Math B. 85, Bio. 92, Phys. 79, Chem.. 73 Coultes, Lynda: Eng. 68, Bio. 79, Lat, 64, Fr. 64 Currah, Patricia: Eng. 66, Hist. 72, Math A, 54, Bio. 76, Fr. 64 Dauphin, William; Math. A, 58, Phys. 50, Chem, 65 Edwards, Thomas: Eng. 53. ,1-list. 65. Bio, 53, Fear, Katherine: Ping. 78, Math A, '75, Bio, 93. Chem., 76, Fr. 79 Ferguson, Lois: Eng. 78, Math A 73, Bio. 87, Chem. 76, Fr. 76 Galbraith, Sally: Eng. 50, Math A, 74, Bio. 75, Phsy. 69. Chem. 64 Gibson, David: Hist. 64, Bio 63, Phys, 69, Chem. 65 Goy, Ronald: Eng. 53, Math A 68, Math B 64, Phys. 70.. Chem. 54 Grant. Jean: Eng. 57; Hist, 73, Math. A, 64, Bio. 74, Chem. 52 Gurney, Rae: Eng. 78, Hist. 75, Math. A. 71, Chem. 61, Fr. 64 I Hall, Brenda: Eng. 55, Bio, 53 Hanna., John: Eng. 52 Hardie, Kay "Marie: Eng. 74, Hist, 86, Biol. 76, Chem, 58, Fr. 64 Heffernan, Anne: Eng. 53, 13iol. 79, Lat. 66, Fr. 61 Herd, Rosemary: Eng, 54, Biol. 70, Chem, 50, Fr. 05 Hollingshead, Gave: F.ing. 69, . Math A 66, Biol. 94, Phys. 62, Chem. 65 Horsbiirg, Betty: Eng. 70 Jamieson, Wayne', Eng. 1310. , "Yes you can con inu your edu atiort. This booklet shows you how you can get financial help. Do you plan to attend a university or other post-secondary institution? Do you need financial assistance? To learn whether you can qualify under the Ontario Student Awards program, obtain this brochure from your secondary school, or from the institution of your choice or write to: Student Awards Department of University Affairs, ONTARIO481 University Avenue Toronto 2 AsisromorrAcommarsormusuzuwits WE ARE OVERSTOCKED 'WITH OVER $100,0e0.00 WORTH OF TRACTORS AND COMBINES WHICH WE MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY Special Prices and Terms With a carry clause 'till April 1, 1068 On 1 ractors withoJt any interest charges and to May 1, 1968 on Com- bines, Balers and Swathers. PLEASE SEE US AT ONCE JOHN B.ACHI DEALER SEAFORTH tailleftedIMMI*44,41111111111ftwi erisisirMillsormilario!ar BRUSSELS HORTICULTURAL FLOWER And TURKEY BUFFET SUPPER to be held in 4 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25th Supper 5 to 7 O'clock Adult $1.25 Children 75c FLOWER SHOW to 7 O'clock EVERYONE WELCOME `44 Math :A 54, Math 13 50, Phys, 63, Chem. 57 Johnston. Helen: Eng, 57, Hist, Si, Biol. 76, :Chem, 64 Johnston, Robert: "Eng, 58, Hist. 76, Biol, 76' Chem. 51 Fr., 57 Kerr, William: Math A. 72, Math B, 63, Phys, 7i, Chem,. 66 Kieffer, Corinne: Hist. 72, Biel, 64, ,Chem. 59 Kilpatrick, Grant; Eng. 60, Math, A. 73, Math, B 66, Phys. 65, Cheith, 63, Fr. 6.3 Lockwood, Margaret: Eng. 62, Hist. 54, Biol. 55 MacLeod; Malcolm.: 'Eng, 57, Math A 54, Chem. 02 Man.jin, Joseph: Eng. r) Hist. 63, Math A, .51, Biol. PhyS. 51, Chem, 50 Martin, Lloyd: Eng. 59, fist. 72, Math. A 72, Math, B, 58, Phys, 60, Chem. 66 Martin, John.: Math. A 89, Biol. 76, Phys, 02, Chem. 62 Mason: Peter: Phys. 64 McDonald, ArChibald: Eng. 81, H.ist. 89, Biol. S2, That. 75, Ft. 71 McKague; Jaines: Eng. 58, Math. A 62, Math. B O. Phys. 72, Chem. 63 McQuillan, Alexander: Eng, 69, Biol. 04, Lat. 68, Fr. 65 Meecham, Stella: Eng. 76,.Math. A 53, Biol. '71, Cheni, 57, Fr. 61 Nichol, Margaret: Mag. 75, Hist. 7.5, Math. A. 66, 13io1. 78, Fr. 66 Nickel, 'Marjorie: Eng. 51, Math. A 64, Math. B 62, Biol. 63 Phys. 62, Chem. 69 Phelan, Maryann: li4'ng. 65, Math. A, 79, Math. B 65, Biol. 62 Client 00 Powell, Karen: Eng. 86, Math. A 89, Math. B SS, Biol. 85. Phys. 80, Chem. 79 Rathburn, Mary: Eng. 72, Hist. 7, Biol. 87, Chem. 72, Fr. 64 Reed, Gary; Eng. 59, Math, Math. B 83, Phys, S7, Chem. 77 Ross, John: Math. A. 72 Biol. 79, Chem 66, Fr. 51 Chem, 65, Fr, 53 Schwartzientr,ther, Mary Mae: Eng. S6, Hist. 90, Biol. 89, Lat. 88, Fr. 80 Skinn, Mary Ann.: Eng, 76, Hist.. 76, Lat, 73, Fr, 73 Spry, Susan Lynn; Eng, 50; Hist, 51, Biol. 70 Stanley. Sharon: Eng, 53, Biol. 5.5, Lat. 05, Fr. 56 Stuckey, Kerry: *Eng. 56 Sutton, Jean: Eng, 66, Math: A. 78, Math. Pt (17, Phsy, 7.1, Chem.. 68 Taylor, Robert: Chem. 59 Walden, Gary: Eng. GI, Math. A 76, Math. 13 '79, Pliys, 770 Chem. Walsh, David: Eng. 57, Math. A. 03, Biol. 70, Phys. 57, Chem. 61 Wamsley. Gail: Eng. 80, Hist. 78, Chem.. 65, Bat. 68, Fr. 74 Whitby, Elliott: Eng. 60, Math, A, 73, 'Blot, 94. Phys, 72, Chem. 77, Zettler, John: Eng. 0, Hist. 64, 13iol. 76, Chem. 58 Ontario Scholars: Raymond Corrin, Wingham, son of Dr, and Mrs. 13'. Corrin. Karen PoWell. RR No, 1, Whig- ham, daughter of Mr. and Mira Edward Powell, Mary Mae Schwartzentrubet, RR No, 5, tiviissels, daughter. of Mr. and Mts. E. Schwartzen- Tber, FOR SALE - USed 200 gal. oil tank, also a good set of 54 inch bed Springs. See Elmer Bllacott O.F.P. REPORT Officers of the Wingham Detachment have observed quite a few bicylists on the roadways, 1-lore are a few hints for safe Op- eration of your bicycle. .. 1. Keep your bicycle, under control. 'Ride on the right side of • the road. Move with, the traf- fic and stay cleSe to the curb. Riding alter dark is danger- ous. Wear something WH1TE or REFLEICTIVE. The Ontario Provincial Police urge parents to give olose attent- ion to the cycling habits Of their children and to correct and in- struct them while they are at an impressionable age It could save a "fe, REMEMBER - Be Polite, Be Courteous, 13e Helpful, DriVe like a Good Host.