HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-08-17, Page 4FUR SALE —e ileiutzman Piano pan 'McKinnon. IS OY NEEDS GUI DANCE Drivers age 16 to 24 were involved in 74,500 accidents on Ontario roads last year—an in- crease of 12 percent over 1965. Fatal acci- dents claimed 660 lives in this group—an increase of 10 percent since 1965. Yet statistics show that drivers who graduate from approved high school driver training courses have fewer accidents . . . far fewer traffic violations. CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPI-fr, 1%.,,••• ••••••••••••,,mso•egim.tcarrisam,s. ?"-". •••••••••••• NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1E3a.v$24izas Po*1' letee.I.ISELS oPtAffa ....mem". Trit uitsakiA, AuG, ritik, 1.90 BELCiRAVE, CO-OP SPECIAL., NOTICE Due to the Government cif Canada Labour Codes, our feed mill Will be on a 40 hour work week. Therefore, we will be, Open from 8:,30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY and until NOON SATURDAYS Please place your orders in advance for delivery, but there will be no grinding or deliveries on Saturdays. Thank You. BELQRAVE CO-OPERATIVE BELGRAVE„ ONTARIO gessiseiMiewelligkeasalsalelleseileemeeseeese''aseLltsteasseitaiseasseliato FOR SALE se. Fresh Vegetables. Ted eleLeat, Phone 169J FOR SALE 1961 Envoy Sedan in good condition. Sam Burgess ALUMINUM — Awnings, windows, aoors, shut- ters, railings and- columns, sid- ing, eavestroughs. Phone or write for tree estimates. Phone 527-0777 or 527-0032, Holmes and MacLean, Seatcietb. FOR SALE — Model S Harvester, McKee with 22 ft. rack and wagon with unloading winch. Core litead. attachment. George White N,o. 6 24" Grain Separator, always kept inside, in good condition. james Nolan rhOne 497J5 ESTATE AUCTION SALE . PROPERTY and . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS SATURDAY. AUGUST 19th At 1:00 p.m. Household. Effects Dining Room Table, Dining Room Chairs, Arm Chair China Cabinet with Mirror (oval front) China Cabinet, End Table Writing Desk, Wicker Rocking Chair Space Heater Oil Burner Floor Lamps, Wardrobe Treadle Sewing Machine Round Living Rooni Stand Wash Stands, Dresser with Mirror Comb. Dresser and Washstand Beds, (2 wooden, 1 iron) 3 Springs and Mattresses Ironing Board, 2 Rangettes Wood or Coal Kitchen Range Norge Refrigerator, Washing Machine Kitchen Table 4 Chairs 2 Clipboards, Bedding Bedroom China, Electric Tea Kettle, Eleetric Iron Coal Oil Lamp Dishes some antique, Quantity of Wood Cooking letenails Other Articles Too Nunierbus to Mention PROPERTY le‘ storey Instil Brick House . will be offered for sale at 3 p.m. Chattels Cash Property 100/a down, balance In 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Estate Of the late Mrs. Hannah Elliott AtiotIoneer: Herold JackSort FOR SALE — One Sow due to pig in 10 days. John Perrie Phone 432J1 FOR SALE — Some Baled straw Jack Alcock Phone 442J6.... FOR SALE — One Lot on Alexander Street Mrs. Laura Jermyn Phone 90 FOR SALE 02 Pontiac Six - Automatic Sedan. Good condition. Seaforth 527-0458. FOR SALE -- Used 200 gal. oil tank, also a good set of 54 inch bed springs. See Elmer E,Ilacett FOR SALE — Holstein Cows, milking. Will sell any amount to disperse herd. Rouuenberg Bros. RR 1, Monkton, Phone 347-2617 or Phone 347-2241 FOR SALE 7 room Brick House, toilet up- stairs and downstairs; oil fureace. For further particulars apply to Box 77 Brussels. SALES HELP WANTED MALE Itawleigli business now open in part, Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write Raw- leigb, Dept. H-152.189, 4005 Rich- elieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. WOMEN: Christmas selling &arts early with Avon Cosmetics. Valueable sales territory now available. Write Mrs. M. Million, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London. FOR SALE three piece bath and new oil furnaCe. 3 bedroom frame house, new bath and furnace, 150 acre farm in BtusSels area. 125 acres workable, good barn, large drive shod and 4 bedrooms, house, Apply to: Elinor Ellarott. Salesman for K. . Colenhoun Broker, Phone 129 In the estate of JAMES STEVENSON deceased Ail persens having tlaeos seiiinet the estate of James Stevenson, deceased, late ot the 'township of Grey in the County cif Huron, retired Sawmill oper- ator, who died can or about the 2019 day of January, 1967, are hereby notified to seua parti- culars of the same to the under- signed on or before the 26th day of August, 1.967, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the atalersigned shall then have notice. DATED at. Brussels this 2tith. ate, of July, 1967 CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executers SEAFORTH LiPHOL31 (-entre Street — For all kinds of uphorstering Brussel:: Representative: SELWYN BAKER trox•cina.eurcaraya•as.•••=14. THE GOOD DRIVER Most drivers steal, says the Ontario Safety League, HoWever. this is not reflection on the ordinary honesty of Ontario drivers. It just means that most 'motorists who would scrupulously respect the property of others, cannot be be teueLed to heve the Same regerd for the rights of, others on the road. Tice widespread stealing ranges all the Way frout petty pilfering to robbery with murder. All of it. carried 'Oat by ordinary citizens - the great majority of Whom are honest, decent, likeable. Minor pilfering includes such things as stopping over cruse- Walks at intersections, depriving pedestrians of their eight of way: and driving with rear windows obscured by dirt or snow, which cuts down visibility for follow- irig drivers. Criminal larceny includes every tpye of dangerous driving that. threatens other road users with loss of property, or even life. Statistic's and news reports show bow often this threat is carried out. tint the Most widespread offence oh the road is spage stealing. hive .y driver has the right to a protective ecushieu" of space from other moving traffic. Yet this right is difficult to maintain. If, you keep a correct. distance from the ear ahead, you are liable to have your protective space stolen by someone cutting in. This is irritating', but not ser- ious; you can immediately drop back to the correct following distance again. But there is much more danger from the tail- gating driver who comes up from behind and remains only a few feet, from your rear bumper. Rear end collisions resulting from "bunching" are so common- place that people seem to regard them as inevitable. But they are nearly always unnecessary, and the result of stupidity or indif- ference. Tailgating is senseless; it slows, rather than speeds up the flow of traffic, The Ontario Safety League asks you not to steal the protective space t hat belongs to the other driver. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED 'WITH OVER $1000 000.00 WORTH OF TRACTORS AND C.OWIBINES WHICH WE MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY Special Prices and Terms with a carry clause 'till April 1,1968 on "i rectors withcett any interest charges and to May 1, 1968 on Com- bines, Balers and Swathers. PLEASE SEE US AT ONCE JOHN BACH LI-LC. DEALER SEAFORTH, (tir".W113,1001aV.,029," 'y 1 -. If there is a driver-train- ing program in your school this fall, welcome it If not, learn how your school can get started on this lifesaving pro- gram by completing arid mailing this coupon. This year, about 275 Ontario high schools will have driver instruction courses approved by the Ontario Department of Education and the Ontario Department of Transport. These courses are under the control of the local school board and principal and do not interfere with regular school classes. To: Director of Safety Education, HighwaySafety Branch, Ontario Department Of Transport, Queen's Park, Toronto 2, Ontario, Prom: NAME 1 • •-• • i ADDRESS Please send me information about high school driver-training courses,