HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-08-17, Page 1us se THINKS BRUSSELS, DESERVES HELP In a, letter to The Poet, Dr. Lee Crowley D.D.S. (dentist), 'Palmerston. said he expects to soon spend sonic time in 13russels to help out at the new Medical Centre now under construction. He also remarked that he felt that a town that will build a clinic deserves a lot of help for showing such courage. This community, we are sure, appreciates his attitude. LAMONT — WHITFIELD The marriage of Sharon LOrraine Whitfield and Gordon Earl Lamont was solemnized at a ceremony in the United Church, at Brussels, With. Rev. A. Johnston officiating. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Whit- field, Brussels, are the bride's parents and the groom is the only son of Mr: and Mrs. Henry I antont of Kincardine. The bride, given in marriage by her father chose a floor length Empire styled A-line gown of . organza over taffeta, appliqued with hand cat chantilly lace on bodice and skirt, 'with detachable' flowing train of chantilly and organza falling from neckline. The bodice, was styled with scoop, neckline and short. sleeves: A. petal headdress, edged with seed pearls and crystals held her bouffant veil of silk illusion. She carried a round, 'bonnet of YelloW roses and white baby mums and stephanotis with yetllow pecot ribbon streamers. Mrs. Lyle Osborne, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, the bridesmaids were Mrs. Mien- eel Knipe. Mrs. William Backland and Miss Parbara McKay, They wore floor-length gowns of moss green with white lace empire tyldtcc shonflt skirts and a soft flowing chiffon train falling from the shoulders. They wore Match- ing headpieces of peau de sole which held circular veils of tulle. They carried round boquets of yellow shosta daisies with yelloW streamers. The groomsman was Air. John -Tohnstnn of Kincarritne Vsheit weave Bliehltitid, Lyle Osborne and Wayne rains. The soloist 'was Miss Dornthy Penton of Kincardine. The organ- ist was Mrs. .Tack Tlryons of Bra- Seta, Onests were received, at a reception that follOWed at the T3rnssels Legion after Which the bride and groom left en a trip to INTontreal and points in TT,S.A. Per travelling the bride ebanged to a pale Vino A-lino crepe dress with a Matching coat of Window- pane lace, She chose white n.ecos- Floriec and Wore a eorstage of pink roses. The couple Will .reside iri TIOTI- don, Ont. Horticultural Society Deserves Your Help The Brussels fLortieultural Society will hold their annual lolower Show anal also a Buffet Turkey Supper, in St. John's Anglican Church on Friday, August 25th. They look forward to having a display of beautiful blooms on show for visitors to see as well the turkey supper to be. enjoyed. The Horticultural Society is one of community's most. active organizations and has done much toward beautification. They are deserving of support. Plan to attend their Flower Show and Supper, PARENTS ASKED TO CO-OPERATE Due to the massy complaints' about children riding, their bicycles on the sidewalks, the. Council. of the Village 'of Brus- sels appeal to the parents of those responsible., to impress on their young ones the danger of this practice, especially in front of our Intsiness Places, Parent's are reminded' that they are responsible for injuries suf- fered by others by such practice. — . W(TTCE .T. M, McDonald Lumber will he closed from August 2Sth to September 4th inclusive for staff halide y, c:PlfN :AROUND THE TRACK Another good weekend of rat- lug lies taken place. The racing crew and stock car travelled t.o Delaware on Friday night, It proved to be a reward trig night with Jack picking up a fifth spot in the heat race, a. third in the semi, and carried happily the checkered flag for the feature race. Saturday night looked as if it was going to be a repeat perfor- mance for the red and white racer Kitt it einne to a sadden end. Jack had picked. up a fourth in the beat, a third in the semi and was moving lip for the lead in the feature when the ear ahead mover' nut into Jack's path. This ended ins saeine rather quickly Mt "7:1- with as badly bent front etid. The crew have spent the Week workinn diligently, preparing for the bin rare Saturday night. August I9th. TVs the 150 lap Inter- national which includes American p 7111 rfi S COMbined. TTor(5'S lififlitlfr, all the twists and bends are hack iii the right Place and cur local racer is hack to its best racing form. The heSt of luck to all involved in. Satur- day's race, drivers and triechaniCs Itl11t e, .1 - $'2.00 A Year In Advance 1st 'So Inn eon THE BRUSSELS POST THURSDAY, AUG, 17th, 1967 POST PtINLISHING HOUS/6 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of th,e Village Council was held in the Municipal Office on August 8th, all members being present. The following motions -were carried. Moved by TI. J. TenPas, second- ed by C. L. Cousins that the Minnies of the meeting of July 4th, 1967 he adopted as read. Moved by J. L. McCutcheon Seconded by C. L. Cousins that the Council of the Village of Brussels concur with the reso- laical from the Twp. of Miehl- pictoen. 4 Moved by H. J. TenPas, second ed by J. L. McCutcheon that the accounts as approved be paid. Post Office, stamps .,.. P.U.C., streetlights, office and fireball Hartley Rutledge, signs and lettering 0.P.P., Service on on, Dominion. Day Douglas J. Callander, Nursing A.cct, Eric T, Skelton, on Southwest Drain 1740.00 .T. T. Holcomb, supplies 16.71 lkiactenn rinn, gas and repairs Bridge Motors, gas .... Brussels Motors, gas and repairs Percy Clark, cleaning drain Oldfield supplies Meehan Hdwe supplies Pernard TenPas, Ter/1117'S J. M. MeDonald Material T, Cordon garbage McCtitcheon supplies Rutledge Sc supplies B.A1.11. Telephone rates and tolls Receiver General, deductions 11 a (SP, 0.M.ER.S. pension Post Office. U.T.S. Moved by S. Ti. McCiltcheciti seconded by C. L. Consists that, the Brussels r.r.d., Wm. Grlibe and Wm`. HittChinSon be granted Indicting permits as per applicat- ienS. Moved by Ft, J. Terra§ Seeonded by 3. McCuteheon that py-Law No. 9-1967 he intro- dueed and read a first and Mc- and time and Passed. ThiS being a by-law Setting forth the date of the meeting for Nom- ination and election Of Officers to serve the Village of triisaelts fot 196$. MOVed by C. T.,. Conains, see- ended by TT, J, TenPas that. RV, tair Ni,. 9-1967 be read A. third CENTENNIAL FARM'S BIRTHDAY MARKED The Centennial Farm of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Lot 6, con- cession. 5, Grey Township, was the scene of a happy gathering whet they entertained 85 memb- ers of their family. The gathering was held 'to celebrate the 100th year of the ownership of the farm by the Smith family this centennial. year. One hundred years ago, in March 1967, Thomas Smith set- teld on the farm which he ob- tained from crown land, His son Oliphant followed as a resident of the farm, then it was occupied by William W. Smith, a son. of Oliphant,. His Son, Ross, is the present owner of this Century Pam, His young daughters, Ruth Ann and Jeannette are the fifth gen- eration of the Smith family who have lived on the faith. NOTICE The Brussels. Public Library will he closed from Monday, Aug. 21.4t to Sept. 5th, time and passed and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and sealed with the Corporate Seal. Moved by J. Ti. Meentcneon Sceconded by H. 34, Tetras' 'that By-Law No. 10-1967 be Introduc- ed and read a fitst and second time and paSsed. This being a By-Law authorizing the borrowing of monies up to $45.000.00 to meet expenditntes until the 1967 taxes are collected. Moved by T, G. Campbell, sec- onded by C. Ts Cousins that By- Law NO. 10-1967 he read a. third time and passed and the Reeve and Clerk be autlihrizto sign and Sealed with the Corporate Seal. Moved by H. J. TenPas, second- ed by T. G. Campbell that the Village pay half the cost of mater- ial for the Centennial lights in the amount of $161.91. The Engineer's Report on the SouthWeSt Drain wa.s received and discussed. Due to the high cost it was decided that a. meeting with those people itivolved would have to be arranged. Owing to the raise in salaries to Mit Volunteer lire Brigade. Council finds it necessary to crease the hourly rate to $.50:60' per bout for fighting fires in the Township of Morris. The vidiug of bicycle§ on the sidewalk WriS disctissed and it was decided tO anneal to pa,rents to itt- Fittnet their children that this driti01,roilS Practice must. he Stort- sied. Moved by J. L. MeNteheon. seconded by IT. T. TenTaS that the Meeting adInntii, to meet again Seliteiliber 5, 1967, or at. the Call of the Reeve. ictoitet wi* H. King Abet Clerk AREA STUDENTS ON TRIP TO EXPO Students of this community who availed themselves of the opportunity to visit 11'xpo on the Lions Club sponsored tour includ- ed: David Cowing Debbie McCall Linda Wilson Murray Elston Tames Smith Nancy Baker 'Dick Richmond Robert Pipe Shirley Pipe Brenda van Veen Ken Work Marie Lake Carolyn Lake John Rutledge Jim Oldfield. Ken Cox Lorne. Strickler Shirley Tha.mer Judy Thamer Mr, and Mrs, William Thamer accompanied them as super ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Davidson of Listowel wish to announce the engagement of their only daught- er Grace Elizabeth of Kitchener to Mr. Milton, Wayne Lowe, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Lowe of Thsassels. The marriage will take place on Friday, September 15th, 1967. at Knox Presnyterian Church, List- owel. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr.: and Mrs, Louis Ebel and family of Ingersoll, were weekend visitors in, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. William Weias, Jaeattie and Kim, of Morristown, N: T„ have returned borne after holidaying with MrS. FlorenceL 12ess,e11, and family. Miss Joanne Miller, daughter of Mr, and sirs, Gerald Miller. is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Marilyn Cooper of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs Rot White of 0.eorgetown Spent Civic Holi- day With her parents Mr, and Mrs, Win, Miller, Grey Town- ship. Their four children, Randy. Rodney; Rhonda and Lotto. return- ed bottle with them on Tuesday after a. two-week vacation With their grandparents. Vrigh, school students of the Inaissela area Who won Ontario SebolarShips in grade 1.3 exam- inations by obtaining over SO Per cent. in seven credits included Vernon Prescott, Son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Monies Prescott. RR A. trussois: Wayne Baker, Son of Mr, and Mrs. Corimin Baker, Rit 3, Tressels and Mary Mae SchWattz- entither, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs P. SchWartentrUher. RR 5, Tirltssels. 1.0.00 204.01 20.00 96.00 ,Tuly 978.00 Services Service 20.57 9.83 25.72 60.00 11.66 16.65 6.00 T.:amber Stiles, July - $1,00 Grocery 17,37 165.00 11.48 4.16 49.11 tax 99,31 58.52 6.88