HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-08-03, Page 1THE IMUSSELS POST TH-t,;:m.DAY, ALTO, 3r1i, POST PiTtifaISHING; :HOUSE $2,00 A Year In. AdyanCe •t•:', on Tip U.S. X. tf; ee I WARD -. HIGGINS (in Saturday jury 22, Rev. C. A. cCa !Toll officiated in 'Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels at the wedding of Ttobene Elizabeth Ann Higgins and Gerald , Ross Ward. The bride. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Higgins of BreseelS, and the gthoth is the ,m et' end Mrs. Lan-soil l'eard of RR 1, Ethel'). Margaret Thompson of rusSels proVided the organ ra mite l and accompa,nied the soioisi, Air. Bob Cunningham.. of Ethel, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and -0, Promise. Me" the bride, given in marriage. by, her father, wore a floor-length thee gown in the caged look with jewel neckline, short sleeves and fitted silk sheath underneath, The hack featured a chapel train from the shoulders. She wore a scalloped veil caught up by an orchid headpiece and carried a bonnet tif,white roses and carnations. ;Mrs. Doe Edgat W r, as bO sister's matron of honiii, and bridesmaids were Miss Bonnie 7Torkman and Mrs, Tack Higgins, sister-in-1 We, of the bride, They wore matching blue sleeveless floor-length gowns of ehantilly lace and crepe, designed with scooped neckline, empire waist with how and streamers and matching rose headpiece and veil with White accessories and carried boquets of pink and white carnations, Connie Ward, sister of the groom, as flower girl, wore a floor-length Sleeveless gown of white lace over lithe acetate tricot, empire style, headpiece of pink and white carnations. "Larry Ward was best man for his Mother and ushers were •leeith Ward, also a brother, Mid Rob I-Tie-Lens, brother of the bride. The, bride's Mother received the guests wearing a. dress of turquoise Crepe with white ac- cessories and a torsnee of Melt carnations and white stephan— otis, The 'grootrOS mother assisted wearing a sleeveless dress of black :lace oter gold lures with a corsage of White carnations and, white acceSSOrkel, The dinner-in the church par- lour was folloWed by MI &ening reception in Cranbrook Com- munity Hall. For a. WO to Niagara rails the bride wore a dress of Yellbev late over yellow taffeta, Aline, with, bell Sleeves, She wore a white and yellow baby MUM corsage. With white accessories. Mr. and tars, Ward till reside ?.a RR 1, Ethel. Miss. Lynne McDonald has been holidaying hi Seaforth with her uncle and aunt, Rev, and Mrs. J, Ure Stewart, ;Hiss Linda 'teeming of Mitchell Was belidayng toe it few clays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeraing. Miss Sharon Riley of Wroxeter was a visitor With her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCutcheon,, Miss Amye Love of Toronto, has returned ,home after visiting with het . sinter, Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Miss Judy Clark, tendon has been holidaying with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon. Mr. and Mrs: William Murray were visitors with their daughter Kathryn of 17itchener. Miss Lynne cooper, who was bolld ying with er grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold malT- don. has returned to her home at Ottawa. Dr. end" Mrs. Roy Wilbee and family have returned home to Boissevain, Man.. after visiting with his brother Tan and Mrs, Wilbee ;Ind other relattsres in the area. Leslie. Martin and Scott Mc- Gavin of Thorribury have been vaeationime with their grand , Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon •Mcflavin, W. I. Discuss Plans For Oct. Centennial Concerti Mrs. Jan van Vliet, Jr.. pre- sident, of. the Walton W: T., Pre- sided for the July meeting, held in the Walton dotninneity Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Donald Achilles are the leaders , annointed to attend the leaders training echool for Chi's Home- mnker's Club to be held in. Sea.- orth on. August 21st and 22nd. Pleas for the Ceutennial Con- ert to he held in October further diecussed, Mrs,, Ronald Bennett Mrs. Tlerbett Traviss and Mrs. Neil MeGaViii Were named a tfOrrintitted, debated by the ladies of the Anglican Cbtirch, Were accented with gratitude. Mrs. .Tan van Viet Sr., Mrs, Ernest SteVeti8.- MrS. Earl Watson atid Mrs, Margaret Hum- phries Velonteered to houseclean. the hall kitchen. Willleth ITtnepbries and Mrs. Ray Huether of the Cott- reittee cif Citizenship and Edit- ration were In charge of, tbe Prograbe Clareee and centest s Were . 41.00 United Congregation Hear Missionaries From Brazil A good fetendanee front Brus- sel:: and Ethel coneregaaione Was present. at I Ifrussel s 'united Church on July 30th to greet the Iffezil missionaries. They captured their aultlielcoa as Mr, Rhaetian told of the church in Brazil ftIld strachan 0,e their specific work. They woric . iri Dawsey Rural Centre in the• fielda of Agriculture. Education •nd Health. They are on furlough ll'or fly() years and Mr. Strachan is work. ;hp; for his Ph.D. ?, JARDINE — JOHNSON. A double ring ceremony cote thteted by R,ev. W. ,T. :Rogers, in, 'Eriudain (relied Chitral waited in ma rriago Linda :fancy Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AOhert Ti, Johnson of Erindale, and Mr.. Wendell Frank Sardine, son of Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Jardine of rook sville. The bride Was attended by, her twin sister, Mrs. Rath. Anne Mariin and the groom by Mr. Gm efertin of Brampton. Following the wedding ditutet Mr, and Mrs. Jardine left on a trip to. Nova Scotia, They will make their borne in Port Credit. PEOPLE WE KNOW Stanley Campbell. of Placentia„ Cal.. is visiting friends and re- tiVOS here. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gagmen, of Sun Valley, Calif. have been guests of their uncle Dan Me- n on. Dr. Don :Hemingway, his: wife and daughter Kathy, have return- ed to Pilot Mound, Man., after 1 visit to Expo and with the fermer's parents. 'Pile and Mr's. cart Hemingway, Sunday visitors with Mr. and "“vs. Harry Goll, and Mr, and Mrs. Mel MeArter and family w-re Ilcv. and Mrs, Charles Coe of Toeswater, Mrs. Alex McCreck- en, and Lorne of Blum-ale. and Mrs. Mary Urcracker of rtitm. Alberta. • A mimber ('C profile from Pelis- se:Is and the surroundine coni- infinity have been enjoying, a trip to Expo. BORN meARTER — Ta Wingham and District Hoftpital, on Sunday, July 16th, 1967, to Mel slid 7.018 Me.Arter, a son, Kevin a brother .Cor Doug, Neil McCavin, 'Mrs, Jan van Mitt Sr., Mrs, Ti., Heether, and Nelson Reid, Mrs, Tan vim riot Sr., Mrs, .Toliu This. :qrs. Roy Williamson. n Mrs Nell Tefie n()rye d IIRUSSELS SQUIRTS END SEASON UNDEPRATED The Brussels Squirt team: has just completed its second con seeutive seasoa without a defeat. TA'I( pit old ng of Hugh. Nichol, the °Menne.; of Lawrene Machan, the hitting of BlaiiCe 7.‘41.eCuteheon and Randy Cousin a, all cole'bined'. to produce this excellent record. Coneb of the team is Al John- ston • ;The play-offs will begin shortly. W. I. PICNIC The Majestic W, I. are having a picnic at the home of Mrs. Earl Cudmore; on Thursday, afternoon, August 11th, at 2 p.m. The 4-H 0fub, Girls and their mothers are esnecially invited to attend. Please meet at the Library at 1.45 p.m, if you want ri ride out. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Dellow of Brussels. wish to announce the forthcoming Mar thig-e of their daughter Lorinda Anti, to Mr. William Henry ,Joseph Staffer, son of Mr, end Mrs. Clem Sterner, of Cranbrook, The wedding• will take place Saturday, August 19th, 1967, at three Olcfeek in St. Ambrose Church, Btu s Sete. 4-H HOMEMAKING di:AA • FALL PROJECT Any girl bewteen the ages of 12 and 26 years Who would like to participate in the 1-H. I-Teme- making Club project "Cotton Accessories fOr the. Bedroom" please contact Mrs. Jack Whe- eler, phone Brussels. 411W13 by Atigust 12th, 1.967. CROP REPORT The hay crop in I-Turon Coinity is bearing, completion with approximately 80 percent of the, e in. Some rail wheat has been swathed and is being eenibitted. The majority of the Wheat crop will be started next week. Of the wheat crop harvested to elate yields seem to he down slightly. 'Vielde in several cases have been renotted al 40-15 bushels per acre. The Corn and white bean crops in the county are progressing quite revolt rnbly. Some areas airC still Set bark dire to the large amounts of ineletere. Spring grains ate turning very rdTildlY and hi ,the southern patt- er the eointy may he ready 'to eat next Week, Yield of spring :tatt ions' oltiodo,k as if they he Livestock in the County arts defile well due to the good supply of ensture that. should last 1111,011rd-1 the SIT111111er. 13, Inglis, rxtennion .A.nsit;tent HORT. SOCIETY TO HOLD FLOWER SHOW The July meeting of the Brueaels :Horticultural Society was held' iii the Public library` July 17th, Mrs. P•oss Bennett, 15t. Vice I•re. elent, tee,stdee opening Cap• meeting with Li' (anode, Miaetee treasurer's report, correspoeh deuce toilowed,. Roil call yrapt. was aeswered by hi MeMberie 'There were 10 guests. A diaCt16,,, Sion about flower show followed.,. Moved by Mrs. 1). Dunbar, oecolad-, ed by Mr. A, Kie,ght that We. hold a flower show in August carried. Mrs. A. McCall moved we serve a turkey supper with: the show, seconded by Mrs. K 'Humphries. Carried Mrs. E. Cudmore to he overall convenor and to get her helpers. The date to he Aug. 25th. Mrs. Berm introduced the Misses Sharon tree Shaiqpne aloha re e who favoured with several duets. Mrs. Rann thanked their and presented a small gift Mrs. C. Hemingway gave a report of the Convention in Guelph. Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Stuart of Ripley gave a demonstration of Floral arranging, Mrs, McLean gaVd a paper on accessories pre- preparation of flowers and a 'number of interesting projeete. Mrs. Ran:n thanked the ladies and presented a gift. Mrs. r. Cudmore relayed the thanks of. Mr. A. Grower and the Ceutehnial Committee for the work pet on the town to help beautify it for the Centennial ('(1leirbr. C, atia115; 1ks lemingway was Pre- sented with a gift in appreciat- ion of all her help and assistance and, past president. The Dftcharme ,giris drew the lucky tickets on the Quilt, Pile lew cases and door prize. Alre. Elsie Cunningham or Ethel won the quilt,. Mrs. John MeCutch- eoe the pillow cases and Mrs. WM.. Miller the door pride, 4\.ivote of thank8 was moved fill- the committee that did' such good for the float. The Qtteen. closed the meeting. A delinions hitien was served by 11•1','s: Rose Bennett, Mrs. A. Mc- Call. Mrs, TT. Smolldon, Mrs. M. TJeoreing, Mrs, Ron Lee. NOTICE. The Brussels office Of Crawford... Shepherd h Mill be closed: for holidays from August 2 to August. 16 inclusive. FLOWER SHOW AND TURKEY SU,PPEF4, AtiO. The annual Mower Show and Turkey Supper of the Brussels Tiortimiltural Society will be held Artgust 2iith in St, John's AngHeof Church, W414 '01W A fool can tied florrinlairt Ad; criticize, ccinderri, TrIcMi rnoir; WALTON' Mm James Humphries Ot Wid.OSor Was a recent guest of her sister,indew, Mrs. Margaret