The Brussels Post, 1967-07-27, Page 4Vita iftatili*C414 Otivk Ii1t.Uzi 614s 0141,Alt40 TiteltS1),A1 Yi4iy you can heat water electrically "Cascade 40" is flarneless, clean, silent. And there is a ten year guarantee on the tank. as fast as average use demands with the new ELECTRIC WATER HEATING APPLIANCE APPROVED: The. new "Cascade 40" Water Heating Appliance is an APPROVED PRODUCT developed through the combined research and resources of Ontario Hydro and electrical manufacturers. POR DETAILS CALL b yo ..... .. ur vy PO aia..taaana .......t.taaia.•.aima.Sk aataabgallilloanoata 1tla ra4asx:0,-A041too,"4411100*".84111101,1"4611000.11,41111.0",i Xii00"Raller "SPF..:CIALIZLD TRAINING 1r Oil dUSIN ESS CAREERS" tiULILVii..;t1 LS LI ia C1Lstat;Csf 9 WATLif41_00 S l REE:r GuDE,RICH, ONTARIO tow s24-8621 er /284 for an appointment Diplomas top and Senior Courses Issued By The BUSINESS EDUCA't 01.61 ASSOCIATION LANADA New "iypewriters Business Machines — Monthly Tuition $35 Orval. Harrison Phone Brussels 329J4 WANTED --- To buy a small lieuse ill lirtisseis, Coed condirseu alas location. rite Lull partieniars to: Box. 10, Brussels Post HuME. FRES:S.ER TiSEAT — tail in. at Cousins Dairy and pits up a mix ul s'opsieles, Ise Cream Sundaes Lars. Saud- wicises, or Drumstieks, now at a reauced price. your kids will be LAP py then. Christmas selling • starts early with Avon Cosmetics. .1 alueaUle bales territory now UV ailau,e. ;Ls Airs. .tiassitesbary Ave., 'London. r 1-i SALE Allis Chalmers No. 30 Combine consplete with pick-up, scour clean, and flax. rolls. in good repair. ss,1 Lloyd Wheeler, R.R. 1, 13luevaits Phone Wroxeter 16J2 ORDER. NOW — ORDER u Strawberries, Blueberrie & Rasp- berries, NOW from Cousins DairY. tresh frozen fruits at Cash and Caily prices. ilione 22 today, ALUMINUM -- Awnings, windows, doors, shut- ters, railings and columns, eavestroughs. Phone or write for free estimates. Phone 627-0777 or 527.0032, Holmes and MacLean, Seatorth. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Men or women here is a bus- iness you could start entirely on a credit basis. Full or part time. Write promptly without obli- gation for complete information. Rawleigh, Dept.G-152-CS, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry. Montreal. AUCTION SALE For William Dennis SATURDAY, JULY 29th At 1 p.m. Lot 16, Con. 14, MoKillop T p. 3 miles East of Walton Good Quality Furniture and Household effects. Also Farm Machinery and Tools, Gordon Jackson — Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Rey Sellers late of the Village of Btsissels, of the CotititY Of Huron, Retired Farmer All persons claiming against the rkbove estate are reqUired to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before August 17th, 1967. DONNELLY MrP,THY 18 the Square Goderich Ontthio" Sottottot8 trit the ir4state,: oALa us' SCHOOLS sterns .i'.USt \\ L01111.L0811. .1.." (1 NV LL- bc11001 Bearu 10.11 sell by Auction the following School l'runerly, furnishings min, equipment. in each case the oil illrilaCe, pressure system and school bell will be sold separ- ately. July a9th At 1:30 'the Stone School, No, Morris, lot 5, concession 2. This is a stone building, 2 rooms with- out basement. There is au o1 fur- nace. July a9th At 3 p.m. School N,o. eurrie's School, Bast Wassanosia, concession Is. This is a red brick school with basement and an oil furnace. Terms of Sale: Real Estate )0%, down time of sale, balance in 30 days. Chattels Cash. Robert Henry, Auctioneer McGA.VIN REUNION 'the aui.uuiei Metiavin reunion was held in Lions Park, sea- forth, July 22rd, with 43 in attendance. The afternoon was spent in sports of various kinds inslueling" games and races, under the di- reteitm of Bruce and Audrey Mc- Lean. A bountiful buffet supper was enjoyed by all, after a feW wo..ds of welcome by tile presi- dent, Bert Dennis, inc minutes were read and tlie officers elected for Presi- dent, Wm. Turnbuirs see., Win. Turnbull. sports ceurnaiitee, AI r. ,inci Sirs James Fritz; lunch committee, Mrs, Bruce McLean, aria -Mrs Neil Mai,avin. Special prizes were given as follows: cen- tennial couple, Mr. and. Mrs. John Turnbull; oldsst peison present, Fred AlcU.avin; youngest personi present, Cathy AleUravin; coupler marries the longest' Mr. aid Mss. Tom Lebb; family With the most members preSent, Mr. and Arrs.Wm. Leeming. LI HEL A; tsses Brenda and Donna Bremner, are vacationing with relatives in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pearson and family were weekend visitors in Crand Bend. Mrs. Alice Wilitaills Was, a Sunday OSitori With Mr, and MrS, C: caret; Pearson, Air. and Mrs, Roy Wilbee 'and family of P. oiSeVaitl. Van, halts been vacationing with his mother, Mrs RuSsel 1,Vilhee Mitt ether relatives. in the comintrilitY, Alt. end Airs, Al auri ee 1-tewitt, Mr. and 'Mrs. Grant Weed, daity, and lleveri WOOdStiStity.. Mr, and Mrs, aiont. .I;i'eiumer, J ,gary told li.o.ruti, Were Ions with Mr. and Mrs. A. iir(:niner, • - • Mi, and ....gm • Sala „iloirflos ‘,y ere .Monday visitors • with Mr. and Mrs, David laiumel of Personals _AI'S. Emma Mc Ca IluM, St. Thomas, visited with her sister, ,..gra, Lytle Cordon. siss Maxine Smaildou enjoyed a tauter ti 1p to Red Deer, Banfi aiiU the Calgary Stampede. .,firs. \V. Williams, Brussels, spent the weekend with her sun- hisis w and daughter, Air. awl sirs, Stuart, moNair. Visitors with Mrs, Maetigt,,s were Alms Virginia Smalluon, Saginaw, and Alex. Dark and his aaughtei Airs. Jack Lurk, Aabarn. Miss Myra MeNair is holiday-- U'b her studies as a nurse- in-training at St. Mary s hospital, Kitchener. She spent several days in Montreal attending Elxpo. We welcome Air. and Mrs. Frank Workman to this com- munity. They have taken up residence in the home they put- Mrs, Stuart Stevenson re- cently attended Community Program 1J vi ion, Departinent oti Course in millinery in the Uni- versity of Guelph. •Alis and Airs. Gordon Engel and iandly and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wick and family of JAstowel spent the weekend at Berford Lake. LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THE.. ?"HORS. FRI. - SAT. JULY 27 - 28 - 29 AFRICA - TEXAS STYLE — plus — STAGECOACH (Adult Entertainment) SUNDAY MIDNITE, JULY 30 SHOW STARTS AT 11 THE SKULL — DR. TERROR'S HOUSE OF HORRORS (Adult Entertainment) MON. • TUES. - WED. JULY 31, AUG. 1 - 2 OH DAD, 'POOH. DAD (Adult Entortbliiment) — Pius -4-• ALFIE ilea* a alakapalifoliarmaaim•Runao...W.M.Inelliaa•MaMolatie •••••••••• f-tili SALE — IS Tons AlLseti Crain Urban Ducharine Plume 343W7 SUK SALE — 100 bushel wooden grain tanks.