HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-07-27, Page 371,-"r.kTaviVtAXONS CANADIAN NATIONAL ,e(vk,v. 41" 'WITH. HOWARD FLY KILLERS" FLORBAIT 311tr'USI:4::1,:i POOT IIICUSSO:4S ONTARIO TantSDAI, JULY .2,1th, 1.967 DECLARE WAR ON FLIES! Ask about convenient departure and return times Per information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office Frtom ElliV6ISELe ONE vv.A,„ sive FARE 44 FARE 0 HURON JUNIOR FARMERS MEET The Huron County Junior Farmers met In tile • Agricul- aural Board rooms, on juue 2Sth, With Murray . Hoover in charge. Shirley Jacques reported that she has twelve Junior Farmer sweaters ordered. Any ot the local • 'members in. Huron. County may order one from her or their own president. The County ..Field Day Was. mostly rained oat so it was an unsuccessful •event ac far as the track and field events were con corned.. .1 ho Sett forth cbib won the trophy for ibe highest nunlb- Or of points .for the day. The exchange .visit to Weiland COunty will be 'from ly 1.1 to July 16. - John Murphy, Ow new SU miner assistant gave a fairly good fin- ancial report, The book collection that w9s statted by the County get bogged down because getting rid of Ilicrn was going to be a problem. • it is reported that. 10 more. con- tury farm signs have been re- ceivol and as yet, only three are sulu. lily other farms can, qualify for these sig.ss. do so soon, because this is all they are getting. • Tho driving course chat the Jimiors are having is to be run on.a County basis toward th,. end of 00.0ber. cost $10.00. The County .1 ti niors are also holding tt banquet and dance on Saturday, Nov. 1, in Seaforth Legion Hall for thelir Centennialte projectt. Hot turkey is on h menu. The 0%cliange delegate from. Now South Wales. Australiq, is to he in Ifuron County from August, 12 to 23. We wish him a. happy and entertaining visit. Next meeting is on July 21Ith NEW SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE TO ..013 N : AT C;ENTRALIA IN FALL. The Honourable Wm,. • • A. Stewart., Ministerof Agriculture and Food, announced today that a new School of Agriculture and: I tome Economics would begini oDeration this tall at the former . R.C.A.F. Base at Centralia, A section of the former' base has been designated as a caulpus for the new school. Elxcelleat facilities already exist on this campus and include men's resi, deuce, Wort-1011'S residence, •Class- room and office building,, and a dining hall — lounge library building. Recreational •facilities for bowling, swimming, basket- ball and curling also are avail.i able at the base, The Minister stated that the establishment of thiS school in South Huron would relieve the situation at Kemptville, Ridge town and Guelph, where the present facilities are overtaxed by 'he recent expansion in en. rollinent, It is anticipated that the demand for training in agri. cnItule and home economics will con ,inue to expand: The Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food has the responsibility of providing such post high samel training in Ontario. '.0 he entrance requirements for Centralia will be similar to those for dipOnia courses at KeMpt- vine, Ridgetown and Guelph, Whi.,;11 prefer a secondary school graduation diploma. OonSiderat- ion will be given to mature ap- plicants Whose experience magi be equivalent to the normal en- tratice requirements. The new school in. its Agri- cultural Courses, will place parti- cular emphasis on farm baSineSs management. It was the Opinion of: the Minister that the business aspects of fanning now had tb. underscore all technical advances and research findings, The Minister said that, the new Centralia ctittiiSeS would make it possible to Win out gradttateS With the pfatical experience and training necessary in agri- ciilt.tilie today'. 'rho Minister also annottiteett chat Mr. A, MacDonald, i!oriti erly Associate' Director, WeSteril Ontario AgriettltUral SchOOL Wohld be Principal of the Cen- tralia School. Other staff. :M.), ' Deiritments would be annoilneed in the near futiire: The first and still the best dry, bait fly killer. Easy to use with the new "FREE- FLO" top cans. Safe to use in milk sheds, stables, piggeries, etc. Ayailablek in 24 oz., 40 oz., and 5 lb. cans. - COWFL'Y POWDER Protect your cows from biting flies and get up to 20% more milk! One 'treat- ment lasts up to 2'weeks. "PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK". Mailable in am" duster cans mita Ib. FLYMOR The premium quality daily stock spray with fast "Killing Power". Safe to use on all livestock or in farm buildings Available in 1 and 5 gal. cans. PRES SPRAY The economical and effective aerosol spray for house and garden use. Kills flies, moths, aphids, caterpillacs. etc. Costs only $1.45- BARNFLY SPRAY Contains Dimethoate—effective against all resistant flies. Spray on walls, posts, window frames, etc. Kill. ing action lasts up to 8 weeks, 20 oz. bottle makes 21/2 gallons of spray; Available in 20 and 160 oz. bottles. The yellow strip that vapourizes DDVP and kills flies for up to 3 months. Safe and effective to use in Milk rooms, feed rooms and other confined areas, CHOOSE THE RIGHT "AMMO' FROM YOUR FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS: LDF1ELD PRO HARDWARE PHONE 68' BRUgSELS ONT. ktf , • f.• 1'4'; p“; • .4 -, FLYVAP GORDON LICHTFOOT, singer and composer, will be heard in a one-Man concert re- corded In tOtonto's City Hail on CSC ShoWease on the CBC radio rietWOrk, Sunday July 30. Light. foot will sing many of his own compositions including Canad- ian Railroad Trilogy, Song for a Winter's Night, Early Morning Rain, GO -Go Round and Pussy Willow's Cattails. Students wishing to obtain ap- plication forms Or further in- fotriiittioh shmild write to. the the Pribrijnily Centralia. SChObt of Agriculture, Centralia, Otit- ariO. SAVE MONEY READ HE :.111.1•1jOSEL$ .P 0 S