HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-07-27, Page 2t'"rettN fmtt,-4,1Y6..i2i1116/. FOR FOOD ARG z 1 SAFETY SPECIAL. Spring and Summer TIRE' SALE ALL CAR TIRES 25% Discount FREE INSTALLATION OR 20% Discount. FREE BALANCE FREE INSTALLATION The rain 'IV 4 41 On a wet, slippery road:— 30%. shorter stops. On a wet curve 50% more skid resist- ance, 20% better -traction. McCutheon Motors Sales & Service Phone 56 Brussels SPECIALS 1967 FORD LTD DEMO., 2 D. H. T. 390 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC, P.S. P.B. radio HARDTOPS 2 and 4 DOOR MODELS OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM B IDGE MOTOR YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FOR1J and THUNDERBIRD DEALER PHONE 249 BRUSSELS PHONE 357,-346 0 WINGHAM • FOOD POISONING AND COLD Cold does not kill :salmonellae in food. When allowed to warm these organisms will multiply in. foul hours in sufficient quantities to make a person sick. This usual- ly takes about 18 hours after eat- ing the infected food. In most cases the illness runs its course iu ilnee days. Heating foods to temperatures above 140 degrees. F. for at least 12 minutes Will destroy salmonellae, High pro- tein, racist foods like cheese, beans, Meat, eggs, pohltry, and, dairy products are vulnerable to these bacteria. WOJECK'S SUMMER RE-RUN Sohn YeStiO (above) played an, Unfortunate young Indian Who comes to the city in search of work and a new life in. CBC-TV's The LaSt Man in the World seen on Tuesday„Tuly, 4 . This episode which was on the Wojeck series won the coveted Gulden Nymph award at. the international TV Peritival fn Monti) elnr10 thil1 you, paussms POST ilitIJSSLi'LS 13ktia10 TH.URSDAY, JULY .27th, 1967 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Friends: I felt I could not let the Centen. nial season slip by without ex- prt,ssing my sincerest thanks and deepest appreciation for the wonderful. "Coarse Home Week" which my family and I enjoyed in Brussels. I e.ish to extend my thanks to the Centennial cOminittee, under the guidance of their chairman, Archer Gtewar, and his many co• Workers, for a, Job well done. I realize the many months of plan- ing which, was done by all the chairman to make, this the wonderful success it was. I wish, also to express my Pleasure at being part of the presentation at the Scheel on Saturday morning for one of Canada's finest teachers. The colorful parade of floats showed tremendous planning and hard work. Many of these depict- ing our life in the past and our Present day way of living, A word of appreciation also to' the churches and choirs of tiler district, and their ministers for the blessing and inspiration given to us on the Sunday. The fine band concert brought, to a close our wonderful "At Houle" weekend which I for one will always remember. Sincerely Yours, Alice "Pope" brothers. Fergus, Ont. Dear Me, 'R ennedy 'May T throueb the "BrtiSsele Post" exnreas Solite thoughts concerning the "COMO Retie Wes. 'R". All those responsible for --the tremendow-: seeress of the holi- day elebrations in Prustels de- serve the heartirist en' elegratul. Hobs :rtel 11,e most sincere ap- re-eclat ion or oil those who t Elided root inktv nynnit of their forts becaiie something like this just doesn't happen. without 'a great of planning, fore- sight and an abundance of willing workers who co-operate one hundred percent. The village itself locked so festive and the parade second to none, The merchants' window displays were most timely and drew a good deal of attention. I can only speak for the Sun- day morning service at Melville Presbyterian church, which was so well attended and whore again hospitality shOne through. The evening service in the park was excellent, and the opportunity to listen to the guest speaker, the Rev. Dr. F. Stewart, and the massed choir, was indeed a pri. vilege, cetrilbine this and the fun of the many other planned act- ivities along with the joy of re- timing frjendshins"and yeti have the recipe fOr a long remembered and cherished weekend. Dear Mr. Kennedy :-- May I use the columns. of your paper to commend our village on their fine participation in our Centennial "Come Home" Week? This is a personal comment but I'm sure every member of the Centennial Committee would join me in thanking the people of Brussels for a fine welcome to all our hundreds of visitors. it was gay, friendly, pure joy as we sale led friends and former vil- lagers, wno nau returned at our invitation to visit with us. I haVe had many letters of thanks froM people who had spent the week- end with us, These are a few excerpts from some of them:— "Please express our thanks to all who did such ae tremendous .job of extending such a warm welconie: to all the visitors. It was a heartetvarming experience which will always be remember- ed" "How wonderful it was to visit with yen all last Sunday! I would Surely baVe hated to miss it: r saw and talked with So many fetAter seheeltnates and others; was frilly dizzy". "We Were looking forward to a week-end of renewing old friend• ships, going to our favourite. churches,' the, school. the parade, but this Week-end surpassed tear every drearii. A week-end tong to' be 'eiii.otiiher edi We realize that ebtititleSS hours ofi pteDatatiotti Wett Lao this we,ok-etid. tha Ceirtinittee w9 say. "Thank yeti'', We ate litaud to say We Cattle' iroi ThaiSsels." "It Was wonderful to meet so I many old friends, especially former pupils who so kindly Made. themselves known to -me.'" rtiore, tiotop; tempaismospiniumproselliallOPM11111116 111Sar BEST CAR BUYS of thanks and gratitude but these TEETH CARE will serve to tell our people that their efforts to welcome and entertain Termer friends and Chetteng gum will not prevent tooth decay, Keep this Chest Freezer chuck full of good food buys. It is the best way to give your family a wide variety of nutri- tional foods without stretching the food budget. The new Constant Cold Chest Freezer maintains even temperature throughout to preserve the freshness and flavor of fruits, vegetables,. meats and baked goods. You will love the convenience and economy of freezer liy,;,ng with a Conslasit., • • ..,„ Cold Chest Freezer. SUMMER SAVINGS SALE NOW ON AT ell rav May I again say thank you and I residents of their village Were send you my best wishes for ' appreciated, health. happiness and prosperity I S for the, newt one hundred years. 1 it S. ;Matheson YourS Sincerely, Laura (Spie) Stalidish j Have a happy ,s.ornmer vacation, ri ye safely,