HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-07-06, Page 6COL BRUSSELS POST 'BRUSSELS ONTARIO
TITURSDAy, JULY 8th, 1907
faced propS
And so it goes each Madam
Benoit day on Take 30, Beginning
the week of June 19, Take qo
features Madame Benoit once al
week. and sometimes twice, when
it begins it's first summed sea-
son on CI3C television.
The remaining programs will,
Jae repeats of outstanding Tak0
30 productions during 1966,57
those which drew the most view-
er requests for o second showing.
These. include the aeries on
middle age, Life At the Middle
(July 17 - 19: the Shows dOne in
London, 'Paris and New York; as
well as interviews With the farii-,
us Datim Sybil Thorndike and
architect Bnekruinster
ThAuT ir slidatli;lr ef411(Viii°gitBOIlp8
on each;
t, 5, tilt rllgn;
Oil T1144 010ol ;IPA
A used motor vehicle must be certified as mechanically
lit by any de::ler who sells it for use on the highways. An
unfit vehicle may only be sold after the plates have been
rem cvod and returned to the Pepartment. The purchaser
will rf,icciv•• ;. Bill of Sale, •
After raptor:., registration plates •can be obtained f•or
such a vehicle. by submitting, to the Department, the
Bill of Sale andI.a Certificate of Fitness signed by a
certified motor mechanic. EFFECTIVE JULY. 1, 1967,
it is illegal to drive a passenger car or station wagon
with more than one vehicle in tow. 'EFFECTIVE. JULY 1,
New legislz.tion now authorizes special speed zoning
for marked construction sites. Motorists are required to
obey posted Speed limits. EFFECTIVE NOW..
It is the duty of. every• legally qualified medical practi-
tioner to report to the Registrar the name, address and
diagnosis of every person coming under his diagnoSis,
treatment, care or charge who is suffering from a condi-
tion that in the opinion of the medical practitioner is
such as to make it dangerous for such person to operate
a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVE NOW. ,.........,
tapp.R t.3 @moiti@ 940 1A)k;
It'S nearly half-past three in
the afternoon.
The place is COO -TV's Studio
Where Madam .Tebane Benoit
has been cooking up storm on
television for the popular day-
time public affairs show Take '40.
The aroma of exotic food has
wafted around the big TV lights
and cameras for about 15 minutes
an coffee break for the stage
,crews. lighting and cauiEf'amcm
is near. They've been worldng
since before noon.
Sealy and silently through the
Stadie door come others, one
)7i$` One. from nearby sttidioS, They
Itiive a iiiI110 tititil4Mf Vaiftitiilft, 'slaw that today 5E4 eeffee break
1 ii
It's haying time once lucre and
what a difference in 75 years
Seventy years ago it
took about 30 clays to get hay
safely stored in the barn, but it
-was good hay cured just Perfect.
Today haying takes about the
same length of time. Two dayS',
to put the staff in the mow, 28
days to Watch the barn to see it
it will explodes or just go up_ in
flames. Years ago there wasn't the
variety we •have -now, Timothy •
and red clover. mostly' and millet, •
if you can tail millet hay.
Haying started :July 11th The
Orangemen always cut on that
date. It lay until the 13th, when
it was raked. The mower was
generally four foot cut, some five.
very few six. The rake had no
mechanical tripping device and
You dumped by Pulling a wodden
handle. The old mare knew exactly
'when• you had the thing half re-
leased and stopped and:there You,
sat waiting her. pleasure. The.
windrows wete as crooked as a
Tory government. Dumps.' scatter:
eel here and there like the foot
prints of Archie -Willis and Len,
Lamont on a Saturday night. It
was now coiled and cocked, put
up in little stacks. If you were
going. to have two men fork on
stack .was right size to be put on
with one pitch. The rack had a big
belly built shape, It stayed in
the coil not less than five days.
then pitched off lu hand. Later
came the slings, then the hay
fork. Most farmers "salted" each
srp•takod a small pail of.
coarse salt, over it. Yes, it was
hard work pitching both en and
o+•+• ;ld your hands were blistered
and calloused, The. farmer of to-
day is munch smarter. He couldn't
get blisters on his IVijildS
se he sits • tin a big •cushion and
never -;cts blistered anywhere,
you have never. on a wet. day,
crAv,100 into mew of clover. lay
down and listened to the Ditty
patter of rain drops on the roof,
and the drip drip fl'om the eaves,
then my friend. you have not
bayino• GO years ago
was as slow as Len. Lamont and
Ro y Turvey at a euchre game or
Pill •McWhirter coming to fix your
6 Walton at Jamestown 8:30
Brasses at Moncrieff 8:30
8 Jamestown at Ethel 7:30
10 Kurtzville at Walton 7:30
10 ,Gorrie at Bluevale at 7:30
10 Ilemore at Brussels ':30
12 Delmore at Brussels 8:30
13 Brussels at. Blu.evale 7:30
13 Alonerieff at Jamestown 8:30
14 Delmore at Gbrrie 7:30
14 Walton at Moncrieff 8:30
17 131nevale at Belmors 7:30
17 Gorrie at Brussels 8:30
18 Brussels at Ethel 7:30
20 Kurtzlvill ea tjalestown 8:3"
21 Belmore at Kurtzville 7:30
21. 'Walton at Ethel 7:30
21 Gerrie at Moncrieff 8:30
24 KurtZville at Bluevale 7:30
Brussels at Winthrop at 7
Wellesley at Blyth at 7
Winthrop at Brussels at 8.30
13lyth at Wellesley at 9
fi Wellesley at Milverton at 2
10 Winthrop at myth at ,7
12 Wellesley at Brussels at 8.30 j
11 F?.lyth at Winthrop at 7
Milverton at Wellesley at 9
16 -Wellesley at Milvertou at2
Brussels at Myth. at
Milverton at Winthrop at 7
19 Myth at Brussels 8.30
21 Winthrop at Milverton at 8.30
24 Brussels at Winthrop at 7
Milverton at Myth at 7 ,
Wellesley at.PrusSels at 8,20
28 Myth at Milverton 8.30
Brtissels at Wellesley at
11 Brussels at Winthrop at 7
2 Wellesley at myth at 7
Winthrop at PritsS618 at t3,30
myth at 'Wellesley
6 Wellesley at Milvertoti, at 2,
Every motorcycle when being operated on a highway
shall be equipped with at least two braluna systems..
each with a separate moans of application with one
effective on the front wheel and one effective on the
rear wheel, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1967,
When an aircraft makes' an emergenty tanding on
highway, the pilot must have it removed.within a rea',..
• sortable time, •• •• . . • .
When an aircraft is being driven or drawn along a high-
way, its movement must comply with' the provisions of
the Highway Traffic Act. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1967. •
New requirements 'at to mufflers have been enacted,
prohibiting the use of a muffler cut-out, straight ex-
haust, gutted •muffler,. hollywood muffler, by-pass or
similar device upon a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVEJULY
Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister
is the reason they all come and
wait around for the shoW to end,
while their mouths water and
they shirt impatiently from, foot
1,0 foot . . Waiting.
Suddenly, the ShoW is over,
everyone stands still for a little
while longer. Then over the lend,
speaker comes the prodticeea
voice froM. the control booth
above . . "the tape's goodtf,
There is a rush. Madatil :Benoit
expects it. because it, happens
every lime she does a show for
Take Thirty 30. The hien Mel(
around her with ontstretehed
Plates or hands She lrutghe arid
Meg. with their as they flatter
her and wait for geodieS.
She heaps a pile of B.O. Sahnon.
fillets, freSbly sauteed in: Wine
and tepped with a teirien Arid
ig 9 P104 14114 49)INfifi
Backward. turn backward, oh
time in your flight, Make the a
boy again. lust for tonight. Burn
up my .fiddle, hang up my tired.
how. Take rue back, when T had
71 -itiloy trouble or woe.
Yours truthfully,.
T. K. F,
Note: Brussels. ,Jamestown,
and Moncrieff Home Games are
;flayed in Brusseliti.
3 Moncrieff tl,t Wotan. 7:30
3 ,Tamesto-wn at Belmore 1:30
Bluevale at Gorrie 7:80
'Ethel at 13russels 8:30
ii nkiihnit al. Ettrigitlits 7:30
RtImi 4;04)