HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-07-06, Page 3TH74 BRUSSELS POST ItItt:SSELS ONTARIO THE BRUSSELS POST RDY W. KENNEDY. Fulallahar Authorized as Second ()lass Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa PHO NE ciRUSSELS, ON 1, R. youp, ?v ,,:\sEy FERGUSON ALEV A Cpmpiete Of . NE,tv (hFed Farm Equipment . COWFLY POWDER Protect your cows from biting flies and get up to 20% more milk! One treat- ment lasts up to 2 weeks. "PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK". Available la 2 Np duster cans and 10 lb. box. ‘1( FLYIVIOR The premium quality daily stock spray with fast "Killing Power". Safe to use on all livestock or in farm buildings Available in 1 and 5 gal. cans.'- - OSIP FLOPPA1T The first and still the best dry bait fly killer. Easy to use with the new "FREE- FLO" top cans. Safe to use ir4 milk sheds, stables, piggeries, etc. Availably in 24 oz., 40 oz., and 5 lb. cans. PEES SPRAY The economical and effective aerosol spray for house and garden use. Kills flies, moths, aphids, caterpillars, etc. Costs only $1.45- BARN' F LY S IP Contains Dirtlethoate—,ective against all resistant flies. Spray on walls, posts, window frames. etc. KU- ing action lasts up to 8 weeiss. 20. ot,. bottle makes 21/2 gallons of spray,• • Available in 20 and 160 oz. bottles- • • The yellow strip that vapourizes DDVP and kills flies for up to 3 months, Safe and effective to use in milk rooms, feed rooms and other confined areas. CHOOSE THE RIGHT "AMMO" FROM YOUR. FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS: DFIEL PHONE 68 1 ti A ll U FLYVAP W N oklyi iviLiVit)RIAL SH(J,IP StUALrrY SERVICE CR,AFTSM A 1+131.1ir-) opion wary Weak Day Your Guarantea far Over Sfi Your* at OEMEl'ERY LETTERING BOX 15b WINGHANI JOHN MALLIO1k CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. C. N, A, SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. A+ R. M. MILL, B.A.. L. L. B. BRUSSELS Phone 120 and WINGHAM Phone 357-3630 4,4!••••••••••••,•• • Auc .1103.7ri ,.,.•• TH. CRSDAY„ ,JI'LY 1.411, 1967 LEGION AUDITORIUM LIISTOWEL ONT. MONDAY EVENING, JULY .10 — 8 P.M. SHARP REPOSSESSIONS SANRUPT STOCKS And Marty, Many, Personal Consignments Consisting of APPLIANCES - FURNITURE - TELEVISION CLOTHING FCR,NITL -RE---2-piecc Davenport Suite that folds out to a full T',1 size lied with nylon cover and swivel rocker, a 2-piece French Provincial Chesterfield Set covt..red in a top grad. nylon cover. 1; other assorted ,:.`hesterfiold Sets wiui Loam. cushions, 2 9.piece Coppertone or Chrome N,itchen-Dinette Sets consisting of. $ chairs and 72" table. 2 7-piece Sets consisting of II chairs and a 60" table With an inlaid top. 1 .'ipece Deluxe f oppeaone Dinette Suite. '3 Bookcage Bedroom: Suites complete with lied, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching Box Spring and Mattres.. with each set.. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight and 2 yable Lamps to each set. I set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables in Arbe,rae. Finish--other Step and Coffee Tables, 2-39" Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs. 1-5-1" ('ontm- cntal Red complete. 4 full size 15•1" Spring Filled Mattresses, 2 Host- ess Chairs, Platform "locker lx.12 Rug, Hi-chair, Telephone Table, Kitchen Step Stool, Chrome Hooker. _APPLIANCES and TV—A large Refrigerator with full cross-top freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, ono being a deluxe model. A long-skirt Washer with pinup. Automatic Washer and Dryer -- matching pair. Combination Radio Record Player, and last of all, 4 different I.elevision Sets, 21' models that have all been checked over and are A-1 working condition. All appliances in this sale are guararte•ed to be in A-.t working con- dition when you honk them up at your home. CLOTHINCil FOB THE ENTIRE FAMILY--A large selection :Of clothing has just been received for auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists or IVIEN'S.CLOTT1.- NCI--Socks, Underwear, Ties Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Tires Pants. Pyjamas, T-Shirts. Work Shirts. MR Tuffl LADT.i,4 and TEIFINS—Double Knit Suits, Skirts. Blouses, Nylons. CardiganS, Pullovers, Slims. Jackets, :Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas. Slippers, BOYS 7 'GIRLS and BABIES—Jeans. Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Socks, Jacket§ Pants, Sleepers, Freese Coats, Crr4ler Sets, T-ShirtS, juitiperia, Sltirts, Presses, Sweater St'ts. girl's :1-piece Sets, Sfeeti Play Sets, 1-niece Vul -ret Suits, Cost and Hat Sets, and litany other' Items too intinermis to mention, This sale, conducted by Foi-r,st City Distribittors London, Ott, betklt MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE AUCTIONEER t..F0 E. btRO :0,40101, 403.00, 4.0tigge0 - 04. ritoo Tp4 in Of LETTER TO THE EDITOR 1)ozir Nditor: Sorry we won't be a hie to ho with you for the iirussels eele- hr.ition. This is the first summer we have missed in 53 years. Sorry it had to be this Yl'ar, We will have to read of the activities. in -T110 Post", We aro always glad to get the paper, My father i.,ent it to us until he died in. 1911 then my mot her took over until she passed away, Now` . illy brother, Jack ('lark, sends It and we are glad to get the home news. • especially enjoy Th.e •• mint's Club by' T,K,F, 'We pasS The, De.st .on. to several friends and they enjoy it ad much as •w.0 do. Best :wishes-, to all for a haPPY re -.union and celebration. W. L. and Ella MeCuteheon • LETTER. OF...INTEREST . This letter of interest to itaatuy older members of the Com- munity, ..which was received. by • the olio irint»).' or •• the • Centennial COmmittee, Archer 0-,rewn,r, Zealandia, Sash- Dear Mr. areWar; I am writing on 'behalf of my aunt, Miss Jean Ritebie, Auntie Jean was ve3, pleased to be in- vited to, nrussels "Come Home Week"' buI, of course, it is int- Pcssiitie for her to attend. She is now ,(plesi) years 010, and while. • she •enjoys reasottahly good heal- th, both or hotly and mind, shr tiid .1trcolc log f a ll anti is :en-fined to a wheel chair. Her recolleetious of the past are repuurkshict, and among these her memories of Brussels are .very . bright. Many of her old pnpiis rerrietribor her birthday, Mrs. lfen(lerson, the Misses mecractien and others. Auntie Jean is fat< only sum.' v. co' a family of eight. 'rendpii (Peter) and three sans liamestea.ded at: Zealandia in 1905, Auntie Jean makes her home with toy brother at the original family h cad rot art ors (Grandpa homestead 1. Charlie, a,nd-I are the only children of Peter 3i.. Of uncle 1)ave's Ninny 'the two younge.: sons, Bill and Jim_ are still living near its, the oldest, Ruddick is disabled by a stroke and lives in a nursing home in Seskaloon. The family of uncle Jim (the other Ritchie who set- tled out Wev4.) are scattered. son (Stuart') now lives in Mnn• ten: and no doubt YOU know that • ritcle Jack's lately live in Ont- ario, most of them around Walton. 111y aunt Tva died many years ago and A.untie Mary ithe• ttfflotT"'s ) died in 13:53. We. wish you a very sappy and sneeessful week and it' there is any souvenir program with the • names of order residents and ex- residents attending. Auntie Joan would be r)ueb interested in see- lo g Hint.. one person she often mentions 'Mrs. Jas. liallanlyne. and none of our relatives seem fo know anything about her, so city news of her and others or that e would lie especially wel. )7 ntirs Sitirorely 10 ro.,;, WON JACKSON 1,1CriNSED AUCTIONEER ttltitpool ittils,•44, mitil.'0WP, •.., •• •• '