HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-06-29, Page 4Centennial Greetings BEST CAR BUYS 1967 FORD LTD DEMO., 2 D. H. T. 390 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC, P.S. P.B. radio HARDTOPS 2 and 4 DOOR MODELS OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRIDGE YOUR MUSTANG, FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER it Vs PHONE 249 • PHONE 357-3460 CENT ENN1AL Dikiiii41-16 AD SERVICE 60:.iN OA, • At .S,30 .p4u,,• zad, COURT .HOUSE ,PARK Everyone Welcome q...ggnmpa..says•a...gggsai.oamtr.owf.r. 'CUL; faiaDSDaitai eit.)tia.• UN'.eltallata jai la J LIN.11; • eirsilaaamtell010'10 FOR SALE — 9 chunks of pigs. Phone 498J23 Clarence Martin FOR SALE — 15 acres or standing hay Phone 442J5 Mrs. Archie Engel RR 2, Brussels. r WANTED — Wanted immediately, Man or woman to supply consumers in. Huron County with Rawleigh Products. Write Rawleign, Dept. F-152-336, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry Montreal. WOOD FOR SALE — Seven Cord Hardwood $2'8.00 delivered, Softwiod $17.50 Craig's Sawmill Phone Auburn 526-7220 WANTED Tenders Will be received at the Clerk's Office foe the construct- ion of sidee alk on Mill Street from Turnberry to Elizabeth. Specification may be. heti at the Municipal Office. Tenders to be by 4th of July. No tender necessarily accepted. Wm. H. King, Clerk, Village of Breasels DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Monday, July 3rd, 1967, for the construction of the following municipal drain; in the Town- ship of Grey. UHLER DRAIN which consists of 4,950 lineal feet of covered drain, S catch basint. WEST McTAGGART DRAIN which consists of 3,355 lineal feet of open drain, 4,300 lineal feet of covered drain, 5 catch basins. FIFTH CONCESSION DRAIN, which consists of 1.1,340 lineal feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender LosNest or any tender not necea warily accepted. Airs. E. M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. BRUSSELS WINGHAM erallealfra.azritaseeagefre 1967 W.O.A.A, PEE WEE" SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June 29 Whiteehurch at Brusses July Brussels at Chepstow Lucknow at Brussels 11 Brussels at Mildmay 13 BIYth et Brussels 18 Brussels at 'Wingham 29 Brussels at Beigrave All goalies begin at 7 p.m. Sharp TRI-COUNTY INTERMEDIATa SOFTBALL SCHEDULE- Note Brussels, Jamestown, and Moncrielf Home Games are played in Brussels. June 29 Brussels at Walton 7:30 29 Gorrie at Jamestown 8:30 311 Kurtzville at Ethel 7:30 30 Bluevale at Moncrieff 8:30 July. Moncrieff at Waton 7;30 3 Jamestown at 'Delmore 7:30 3 Bluevale at Gorrie 7:30 3 Ethel at _Brussels 8:30 5 Brussels at Kurtzville 7:30 6 Ethel at Bluevale 7:30 6 Walton at Jamestown. 8:30 Brusses at Moncrieff 8:30 S Jamestown at Ethel 7:30 10 leurtzville at Walton. 7:30 10 Gorri,2 at Bluevale at 7:30 10 Beinore at Brussels 8:30 Belmore at Brussels 8:30 13 Brussels at BItieVale 7:30 13 Moncrieff at Jamestown 8:30 14 Delmore at IGbrrie 7:30 14 Walton at Moncrieff 8:30 17 liluevale at Delmore 7:30 17 Gerrie at Brassels 8:30 1.3 Brussels at Ethel 7:30 20 Km•tevill ea Lialestown 8:2:" 21 Belnaore at Kurtzville 7:30 21 Walton at Ethel 7:30 21 Gerrie at Moncrieff 8:30 24 Kurtzville at BluervaIe 7:30 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY tentea Street For all kinds of Upholstering. En-easels RerresentAtivet SELWYN 8AKIEN aired. Stockier pro 61.4ct tOr *oeitti meeting, ot Gile '...U.C. and i\ .M.S, members and visitors. A. regular (a0.C, meet- lag w ill QUiltalWen, and :inns '11,0Wil. 1111. curl. Itenn134;Way silt/Wed the f011OWing "There was a, bear In the Road" r .111 0,1A1 ne. oyagvur.s • airs, etewart hicisa preemee at the organ Jul' leis lb lily Eatinir's World aim aireeteu "We Call It Canada-. leolloWnig the meeting lltnell was (2.11e'et1 lu the basement by tile v\ael.S. mennyers and a social time eel- joyed. Mr. anti ulenn kluether, Ala Airs Ross finignt and. Air. and Mrs. Ken Fischer attend- ee Laapa last week. rill services in .1..s.nt,X Presbyter- 1.10Xe been cancelled. 0.11' the month of July. Quite a number from Crate eroek. congregation attended the Ordination. Service for Me. lildevia Nielson, 1967 graduate of Pres- byterian College, Montreal, on June 21st, Rev. and Mrs.. Nelson anti Wittily have gone to eravia Presbyterian Church, Saskatoon, Sask. Air, and Mrs. Clarence 'Smalt don, St. Thomas, called on re- latives in this area on. Saturday. Couple. Honored A large number' of relatives and friends of. Mr. and Mrs.. ,Oe'orge Evans gathered at the. Comeau:Rite* Centre on Friday to honor them on the occasion of their '50th weddng anniversary. Progressive euchre was played in the early part of the evening. Jack Thynae was Master of ceremonies and also enaertained with violin selections and songs. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of Cardiff's orchestra. Before lunch George and Elsie were called to the platform, where an. address Was read by Mrs. John Werden (Merle Abram) of Stratford, and Miss Ernylene Stelss presented the couple With a gold tea service. Other gifts were given and suitable replies made by both bride and groom of 50 years ago; Lunch was ser- ved including a decorated an- niversary cake. Craribrook Evening Group The meeting of the Craribtook 11Weiling Group vas held at the home of Mrs. Nornian. Pheifer with eleven inernbere present. Tile leaders :Mrs, Ross Engel opeed with a reading.; "Who Walks With God". A hymn Was sung lnd the scripture, :Naha Was read in nnteell, Tilly Fn get gave a reading Otiose**. The meeting was tat/tied over to the president and the mintaes of the May meeting were read and aPproveld:, The roti call Wns rinsweleal 'with a bible. verse containing the *Mel father, collection was thken. BesineSe was dismissed. It. Was decided: 'rot to lin.ve a meeting during the' months of .Tuly and Atignst. Were 'mode f* the Setiteffiber Meeting, Tile topic "the Lori ii 1L<. 0 1N Is my Shepherd" was read by Eleanor Stevenson. A hymn, was sung and Eleanor Stevenson read ; the clOSing prayer, launch was served by the .hostess, assisted • by Helen Smith and Grace Evans. ; Rev. James Perrie B.A., of of Banana, Alta., visited at the home of his parents and attended • the Ueatenaial celebrations at Ethel. Ile had previously attended; • Expo, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church held in Mum C: Lurch, Ottawa. WAL"i ON Minister Is Honored Prior To Departure The Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham and family were honored guests at a social even - Mg prior to their leaving for his new charge at (Jreemore. A program was presented' with Clarence Martin as Master of ceremonies. It was opened with a Wenn with Mrs. Harvey Brown as accompaniest. Numbers pre- seated included, reading, Mrs. James Smite; piano solo, Miss Karen McDonald; vocal duet, Mrs. Neil McGavin and Airs. Lyle Osborne; reading, Mrs. John Burch; vocal duet, Mrs. Herbert Traviss and Gail Trav- is; piano solo, Mrs. Martin Bawl; saxophone duet, Carol and Keith Wilbee; Vocal duet, Christine Lee and Shirley 'Williamson ac- companied by Lois Williamson. I An address was read by Alvin McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham were presented With a platform rocket and recliner and Ruth, June and Velma received woolen blanketa. Mr. and Mrs, -Ijgginbothatn expressed their thanks for the gifts acid the program closed with "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." ledUetiain Service The iheinction of ReV. D. E. backeii, the nee, menet& Of Duff's 'United Chtit'ch, will take. place Thursday evening, The Rev (I, M. Jardine of Wingham Will be iii oh lege of the service. The' tteV. D. Stevens of Egmond. Ville, will preach the sermon. Personals Mrs. beheld Buchanan --or c1odericli was a visitor with Mr. aliti Mrs. Wilbur Terribull. Dr. and Mt's. Clayton Sellers aiicl daughters, Wellesley, were U visitors with Ala and Airs. Herb- ert. Traviss. recently. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Martin, Mrs. Ila.rOld "'rya!, 2ilizu beth. and Wayne were recent; visitors with Air, and Airs. noyd Jenkins and lawny of Ingersoll, Miss Nellie. Bann has taken a summer positiou in Strut t ford, .. UJ'. and Airs, lierbert Travis and and Mr. uud Mrs, Stewart McCall spent lastweele end at Expo 67 at Montreal, taiptitin mid airs, Ray Nelson, Robert anti :Michael; Vancouver, have been been. visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl 'Wat- son and Air and Mrs. Gerald. Watson, POWER PLUS SPEED ROMELITE SUPER "L'67, Cit For any cutting job, profes• sional or amateur, here's a lightweight, direct drive chain saw with super power! Homelite Super XL'67 only 13 lbs., 12 oz, less l':!l end chain, yet fells trees Lc to 4' in diameter ... cuts 18'' softwood in just 17 second! ... cuts 18" hardwood in 24 seconds. Come in for a free! demonstration today. GEO. SOMERS Tel,: Ph. 103 EtiU.SSELS, ONT.