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elcome, ome Home Visitors
The Senior Citizens of Brussels
were honored Sunday when Mrs.
AV. G. Leach and Mrs, Gus Eider,
of the Centennial Senior Citizen-
ship Committee, visited them in
their homes, and at the Callander
Nursing Home. to preSent each
Citizen over SO with a citation
and gift. Those over 90 received,
also, a copy of a letter, in the
form of a scroll, from Prime
Minister Pearson.
The citation reads as follows:
The, Prussols Centennial Com-
mittee honours you as one of
our Senior Citizens and wish you
to accept this token for past
favours 'in Community Work and.
Welfare, Archer Grewar. Chair-
man, Mrs. W. G. Leach. Mrs,
tus Eder. Committee of Senior
Those honored were;
Mesdames R. Hamilton, lames
Ballantyne, Robert Thompson,
McLean, Noble. Doig-, Mend Steph-
enson, Forsyth, Ida Davis, Wes
Jormyti, Stan Speiran, Win. Little,
Carrie Dunbar, Archie McDonald.
Florence Russell, Tiros, Miller
(Sr.), Rach el Wright. Dona
Minter, inn Bryans, Mabel Turn-
bull, Fntma Zurbrigg, Margaret
Hoy, re. Pollard. Blanchard,
Pearl, 7effer, ;LockrIdge, Len
Armstrong, ,Tames ("Tart. Misses
TT. 'Downing and Margaret Mc-
T:ev, W. Williams, Messrs, John
T,ogan, Robert Davidson:.
McDonald, Frank R. Smith, John
Evans. Wm. Minx. Paul San-
/hie-1r Duneen, P1 ward
Pollard. Sylvester Fox, D. M.
MacTavish, Harvey Bryans. Chas.
Draper, Coo, Rutledge, T.en Arm-
strong, Stan Wheeler, Tames
Mrs, P.W. T3ratten of Denver,
Col„ is a visitor with her brother
Jolin and Mrs. Thynne.
Mr. and Mrs, R. 13, Cousins,
attended the wedding of their
nethe in Woodbridge. Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Catilphell also attended,
Mrs. Campbell provided the
wedding Music and ac,certiPtinied
her daughter Jtille who was the
Mrs, Alex Steiss, who is Con,
VateScing at the home of her
&righter, liftS, Gordon Stilea,,
Awls one of the honored guest§
at the SurpriSe Parf,Y prepared
for M. and Mrs. Geo. EVans,
The wickets are closed rill
is -, 1st, The lobby will he
open from 4.10 psn. to 5 p m No
mail is received but Tnii,il Postal.
Will be dispatched 'at 5 P.m., AS
natial., All rural Service is
Mr. and Mrs. George EVa0$
receiyeet their guests in a setting
bright with 'cards, gifts ap.01, tele-
grams that brought congrat
ulations on the golden anniversary
of their wedding.
About 150 friends, neighbours
and relatives called at their home
on Tuesday afternoon and evening
to extend their heartiest congrat-
ulations and good wishes on the
happy occasion,
Tbe couple, both life-long resi-
dents of Grey Township before,
retiring to Brussels, were Mar.
ried et the home of the bride,
thG former ElSie jZvans.
The attendants of fifty years
ago, Addle 'Grant and Roy SteisS,
cousins of the bride, are bOth
Sister members of Morning Star
Rebekah Lodge were in charge
f the "At Home"
Those pouring tea in the after-
noon were Mrs. Jean Little, Mrs.
Walter Williamson, in the even
lug Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong, Mrs,
Florence Backer. Attending the
door Mrs. George McCuteheon in
the bffernnon and Miss Beth
Doover, Curt book. Mrs Darold
Thomas, in the afternoon and
Mrs. John Thynne in the even-
ing, Mrs. .George Davidson In-
invited guests to the tea room
in the afternoon and Mrs. Norman
Hoover in the evening. Mrs. AlViej
Higgins and Mrs. Jack Low&
serTd in the afternoon and Miss
Jessie Tittle and Mrs. Dick Steph-
enson !7, the evening, :Assisting
in the kitch en. afternoon.
W. Edgar, Mrs. Rae Crawford,
Mrs. D. A. :Minn and Miss Annie
Pal.or, evening,. yrs, w
Mrs. Jack McCui oil or, M rs.
nominal and 7,trs. Pave
Hastings Sr.
A 1,,,y ryripr:r ISTNr.SS
Elliott's Grocery, after being
in business 30 years has changed
hands , and Will be krioWn as the
jarvis Grocery in: the tature.
S, B. Elliott and Son thank
their many customers for their
Patronage throtigh the years and
hope they patrOnite their stir.
Airs Jarvis is a fIrtISSelS girl,
formely Elliott. We Wel ,
come the family and wish them
every sticceas.
Mr. and Mit. William Dobson.
Fi thel, wish to announce the.
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Donnie Blanche to
James Rodger Smith. Preston,
youngest son Of Mr. and Mrs,
Allen SMith. RR 3. BruSSels.
Wedding to take place July 22;
111(11. at p.M. in Ethel United
Land of 11w fair - and the beautiful
Lana of the midnight sun,
Land of the fir and tile maple
Land of Freedom Won.
Tall and mighty heir lrrountains,
Strong as the oaks - her cions,
It matters not what color or breed
Por Canada they a re one.
Dear Lord
Their 'children's children's hearts
Pride of their noble birth,
Giye them strength and peace -
thy gracious gift
And glory in tasks fulmied.
Lord guard and guide and bless
'Give her the strength she needs,
Through all her trials shield her
And blesS the path she leads.
Like wings outspread her sons
are spread
Beyond the sea and shore.
Protect and bless them where're
they are
until they are home once more.
Jean M, Leach
A surprise party was held, at
Ilia Immo of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Stiles. oil Saturday evening, for
Mr, and Mrs, George Evans In:
honor of their :,0th wedding
The dinner. which was provided
by. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray of
Scarboro, was attended by set`
era] relatives and friends, The
wedding cake was docornted with
a minature bride and groom and
five candles, and placed in the
centre of the table.
A toast Was proposed to the
bride and groom by Miss Enid
Arkin, of Hamilton. Mr. and
Mrs. Evans replied with a few
chosen words. The remainder of
the evening Was spent in earths.
Mr. and Mrs, Toni. Phillips,.
R.R. 1, Dung,atinon, Wish to
nonnce the engagement of their
daughter BeVorley ,lean to Mr.
Lewis Elston Cardiff, Anil of Mr.
and Airs, Ross Cardiff, Lit 4.
Prussets. the tnurrbme will take
niece nt Christ Church, Pcnit
Albert, on Saturday itnly '22nd, ',t.
Roy Sellers wishes In thank all
s friends for being so kind
rlOWer, cards and letters
while lie. was a nations in St.
Tte,;91; t el *rid slime coin-
home with pnocial to
Stepli s, and
tiles., who holned of borne. tt. Was
all so appreciated.
hap py- 11,.miories of 1heir wed-
day were recalled by Mr
ana Mrs. Robert Davidson on.
Monday as they received con-
grainlatiOns and best wishes
from many friend anti neigh
hours, on: their Diamond Wedding
Members of their family gath-
ered from many points to be with
their parents for a family dinner
SaturdaY, June 24.
They hate a famly of six'
George of Brnssels, Charles
Wingliam, Mrs, Fred (Agnes)
Glassier, New Liskeard, Mrs.
Chas, (,Tenn) Robinson, Bloom-
field. TM, Mich., Scott, Clarkson,
Mrs. George (Gladys) Lott, Ot-
tawa. They have nineteen grand-
children and seven great, grand-
Mr. Davidson. son of Mr. and
Mrs, Thomas Davidson was born
in Markham,, Ont. and as a child
moved to 'Grey township, lie
has one brother, Dave, living at
sot- British Columbia.
Davidson. who was form-
erly Gertrude Hollenbeck, was
horn in Clifford and moved to
Or ey Township with her parents,
Mr., and Mrs. Jacob Holletbeck,
Tier sister, Mrs Lester ('flladVs)
Adams of Detroit. and her MIS-
band, were present for the balmy
They members of Melville
Presbyterian Church and Mrs.
Davidson, a member of 'the
Wonien's Institute,
3\11' end Mrs. Davidson recaliod
driving by horse and buggy, to
Atwood, where they were married
bye Mr, Mt...Vicar. a Presbyterian
minister, lent, the most of ihelr
life, they farmed on Concession
12, Ivey Township. then retired
to Brussels it 19311 and are still
in good health and take prideful
care of their home and fine hig,
Mr. and Mrs. Da vidsop received in
their living union: surrounnded by
c:ifts. flowers, cards and telegrams
of good wishes. Many happy
ni,P111 017)0S were recalled While
chid tying over a cup of tea SerVed
bv f.Tauddaughters and the family',
Words cannot OxPreSS My
sincere thanks to neigh, bents and
friends. for there kindness, cards,
visits. treats, while in the hog-
Mint. rnitod Church groups PP
of Brussels and Bluevale, also
both Women's Institutes. Thanks
in the ladies who cleaned up the
house. your kindness will never
he forgotten, also for transport-
ation Weehonds. Special thanks to
Rev. Johnston and Mr. end Mrs.
Harte-.- Dennis, and anyone who
helped in tiny way, Only God in
heaven knows what it. meant to
me and may De bless you all
Tdrt Fttrftim
Open House At School
Saturday July 1st.
In Conjunction, with centennial
celebrations the school will be
open to the Public on Saturday.
moriung July 1st, 10 to 11.30, &al-
Everyone welcome.
Old Time Methodist Service
The morning service at the
lit'ussels Rutted Church will tae
the form of an old time Methodist
evangelistic service, rousing and
informal. Parson Johnston, with
his wife and another couple will
arril et at the church in a horse
drawn carriage, litembers of the
chon. and congregation will, when
possible, attend the service in
period costume appropriate to
th.e occasion,
Singing will be without the
music of piano or organ.
Listen To The
Wolf Whistles!
The forty shapely Senior
Tigerette Baton. Twirlers of
Hamilton, will doubtlessly bring
forth a veritable chorus or.
:wolf whistles from the male
speal.afors at the July 1st, parade.
These young ladies are not only
attractive in appearance but
are also accomplished baton
artists and their performance is
a delight to watch.
"Come Home Week' Activities?'
Friday daytime, .Tune 30, is
given over to registration of
visitors at Centennial Head-
quarters. Activities get under Way
with a. hang on Friday evening.
Ent eel a itim ent is in the cap-
able hands of our' local show-
man. Jack Thynne. Sports and
the Parade committee have all
been hard at work assuring an
interesting celebration. There
were over 75 entries for the
parade farly this week.
Chairman of the Centennial
COMInittee is Archer Grewar,
Public Parking
Free Dubuc parking is avail-
able on Elizabeth Street,
One block WOO of Mehl street,
opposite the arena.
Centennial Projects
A 'number of worthwhile cen-
tennial projects have been under=
taken by a, timber of grotips,
Ainlav Grave Marker
The one of most historic inter-
es t is the ' preservation of the
gravestone of WilliamAinl ay,
pioneer settler of Brussels, which
in the early days he named Ain-
'flit gentleman. was a. native
of Yorkshire, •Tilnegland. who conic
to Canada with his Parents. John
and Anne Ainlay, when eight'
(tottinued oft Inside two)