The Brussels Post, 1967-06-22, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST ROY W. KENNEDY. Publisher Published BRUSSELS.ONTARIO, every Thur.00f0 Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, OttaWs, 4atablishd 11372 Serving the rarming Community Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Ontario Vkicev:y Newepaptro ek.merAintiott GOA:0)0N JACKSON LICE NFED AUCTIONEER PHONE: 291-4450 LISTOWEL s BA UER YOUR MASSE! ALE A Cpraplete Line Of New nd Us•ed Farm Equipm BRUSSELS, .ONT, • HAM SHOP SERVICE GFII4 *INI AN 3F1 IF Open Every Wink Day Guarantee for Over $5 Yssre CEMETERY LETTERIN0 ROX 16b WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK D. A. RANN FURNITURE STORE Funeral Director and. Embalmer BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 36 or 85 WALTON Perschaid Mr. and Mrs. Allan ilrown were vistors with their daughter Mrs,. Carl Anderson and Mr. Anderson of 1.1mutford and also with Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Boomer of Ham- ilton, Mrs, Elias Kostenink, Steven and David, who were visitors in Cornwall and at lh Montreal ,,ve returned home. • Mr. acid Mrs. Turnbull were recent visitors with Mr. and. A b s. Douglas Lawless of Burling- ton. Miss Ruth Ritc'hie has been holidaying from her duties at St. Mary's .1.-Tospital, Kitchener, with her parents following a visit to Expo. Miss Corric. Ruityer is in South Holland where she is visit- with her sisters for six weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, McDonald were recent visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Stanley McDonald of Det- roit, Mich. Induction Service The Induction Of the Rev. D. E. Dot:keir fl take place in Duff's United Walton, on. Thursday, Juno at 5:00 p.m. Tbe•Rev, 0. M. •Jardine of Wing- ham will be in charge of the in- (Diction Rev, D. Stevens will prearib the. sermon, WEEKEND AT EXPO' 67 BUS' LEAVES €:30 A.M. JULY 1st FROM HOTEL BEDFORD, GODERICH' PICKING UP AT:, CLINTON r..3 RUC EF I D, •H Efs(SAl„.1..., and EXETER $69 PER ADULT COST NC:LUDES ROUND TRIP BY HIGHWAY CRUISEFt TWO PASSPORTS TO EXPO TWO ts1164TS IN HOTEL ALL TIPPING( kN.D BAGGAGE TRANSFERS FROM HOTEL TO EXPO ANIL'S" BACK TRAVELW I SE, 43Z-8161 Fi8 ADELAIDE ST., LONDON' a arid; a Di 0% ffi $110141SISRIMI Oil E IV1UTU .f..Q(ANCF COMPANY (Wk.* — Main Strsatz REP FORTH insanity Town Dwellings All .Slasses of Farm ''reloorty, Summer Cottages Cnurches, Schools, Hails Extended coverage (wind; smoke. water damage, falling objects, c*c.) is also available, AGENTS.' -arnes Keys, RR I v Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, aeaforft, v•irn. Leiper, Jr. Londesboro: Selwyn Baker, Brussels;. Harok; Clinton; George. Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seafortly) ourofigoopwoorositsmusir 4Itto auuspms emit, atf$SMiqS, ONTARIO, TUIMSDAY, .1107,111 22nd„ 1967 Duff's U.C:W, Meeting The Ir(IW of Duff's united rhurch held fliOir meeting in the. church Sunday; ,Seirte01 rooms: The Devotional pertqf irt charge of the Walton' "Ono of the deepest truths of Clpistianity is that 'God is 'ult- imately concerned with What We do with our lives", was the thought introduced by Mrs. Wm. 0outt5, The call to worship was followed by a hymn with 'Km Wesley HackWell at the piano. Mrs. Allan McCall gave the Scripture reading from Matthew 0: 19-21: Mark S 34-37 and Psalm 179 1-1. Prayer offered by Mrs, ;tomes Clarke was followed by a hymn. "now the Church came to East- ern ['made taken from ,Natien," was told by Mrs. Walter l'ewley: The a nswers to the list of nanieL end p lace. giV'en to the I -lerelNers tro he matched with names on the bulletin hoard, were tr7 bcc. You nd in Mrs. llewley's Story. Mrs. Gordon MalaVin con, ducted the business period, Mrs. Campbell \Vey read the minttles, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald preSent. ed tire. treasurer's report. Mrs. Orval StrUthers Will be the PITOC,ial speaker at the Sunday Service on July 30 when the ITCW will be iii (Marge. An account of bales being pricked and clothes Made avail- able to a needy family was given by Mrs. Clarence Martin. A discussimi on decorating of the church basement took place. Mrs. Walter Rowley and Mrs. Campbell Wcy. will be delegates .to ,Alnut College. Mrs. .Cordon, Mrs. Minn MICall and Mrs. Fillies'. SteVens, menth- ors of the Manse committee are iu ttli01'f.ce Of fqiiiiiniunit needed 61' fhb ItifinfAci — CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. C. N. A, SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. A. R. M. MILL, B.A., L. L. B, and WINGHAM Phone 3573630 REG SULLIVAN TRANSPORT SAFE DEPENDABLE SERVICE Otitiv Licenced 40 Arid from Brussels Livestock Sales Ltd. to anywhere in Ontarlci Phone collect: Long distance g42J Brussels LONGSTAFF SEAFORTH MEDICAL nektOtt Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturday Thursday evenings by appointment only. Phone. Seaforth 527-1241 Clinton Office — Clirc,rs Meoical Centre, RattenbUry Street MondaY and Wednesday 9:00 to 5:30 p.m. Phone 482-7014, cozip41. laigliate.1197a, Ot caws% Capitai,, Meta 119919varal oQ laitiOr km' % Oat& Simms - Fps* TV mad Media AIP•Cmaiiittoned taunt* ION MAKING FOR REGISTERED GUM LIWAILY FLAN —r------- Sews Wan Se $7,50- $9.25 Doubles. $10412130 6 CEitirtil 5.Z23 BRUSSELS Photie i eckltv Invitations ilwries•-engraved (a&u utrisamo) and Illigasensent announcements, birth anainenow assiensatisio ineitations, golden and eiher innivatram sonsissoloassas, nenno-engraving (W/6D LETTERING) Amis. iike the:finest hand engraving. Th.t Wuxi him am awe. aisa individuality only the &Rat kand exto. Owing us mists& Thermosengravhsg (2AISEDRING) Coati lbw - as mesh mg hand migrating, became ts elizash. tin ibf etqfpr Ow that whoa bind mgrs vies so expel:atm AM IT'S UADY ;71Trittel WEEt tla asses FOG OM Mint taatchiims soo4amkes vins.t% mIllusampansa. thank IOU ate': et ixtros oksol, cts, mar Bleat *id-64w. ai latillarjr4q 41minstive 5/116. of ISemisr. Lit:es 20 iiir 01.00 aid 10 ft .SU-z.lq, 111111111601111 end sitmeses. beg OUR I'14 1 L,,,:re The larinPl.eig F cast