The Brussels Post, 1967-06-22, Page 5WielVilie Presbyterian Church, Brussels Lveryone is cordially ,invited to attend ''',41.00.4,4isr.mosowl...srandominso. DJ. J L;01 2Zne, 190; oterAkit) Ntiut, og. ON. Year A CONCERT for CENT NNIAL will be presented by pupils of 'MARGARET THOMPSON WEDNk...AJAY, EVENING, JUNE 28th. 1 967 at 8:00 p.m. (continued item page Llu) niugham Master of Ceremonies and chairman of the program committee. '1. here were uteruses and a dance by the school child.. ten, under the direction, of Mrs. Stuart Swiss and Mrs. Moffatt; .Nancy Brothers accompanied by Mrs. Brothers of Toronto, Liall- Or6 1 Lorupipe and Baton number, The Official opening by Reeve C, R. Dunbar followed by brief speechee by Robert McKinley, Murray Gaunt; Donald McKenzie Warden of Huron, and words cif weleome by Charles Thomas, ehairmen of the Central Commit- tee; Maul trio; Step Dance Natrey arid Mary Ellen. Knight. At the conclUsion of Hie program the central committee were introduc- ed and led in a sing song. Dire to weather conditions the band numbers outdoors had to be can- celled. Friday Night The centennial ball on Friday with almost 400 in attendance Was much Enjoyed. The prize for the eldest lady present Went, to Mrs. Foss (Mother of Welland Kreuter), The eldest gentleman. was Win. Campbell of Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Speirau, Saginaw, Mich. won. the Prize for coming farthest; Murray Hoover and Marjorie Pappel for best French Minuet. 'Ilse Saturday night dance watt, also \veil attended by airnost 400. Spot dance prize went to Mr. and• Mrs. Scott McLean; Lady's best centennial costume, Mary Mc- Whinney ; youngest centennial couple Brent and Sheri Living- stone. Friday evening ball game between Ethel and Walton began, on schedule but was rained out with Ethel leading, The balance of Lhc sports program arranged by Max Demaeay arnd his cony, mittee were cancelled. The decor- atiug committee of David Brown and Lothar Weber had colorful deception arranged, The park- leg and Clientride toniatittee with, Prank Selitii cbttirnian, also the Finance conlinittee, :AM) Heusi ton, chairman, did it wonderful job laboring ender diffieditY in the rain and mud. Sunday Service On Sunday afternoon almost 700 people attended the Open air church service. Ministers in. charge Were Rev. Waite. Rev. A. Johnston; with Rev: Snell as guest ePeaker. He did a little reininiscitig but also delivered a very challenging sermon. Donald Dunbar :and Mrs. Maurice Williams, pianlirts, and choir leader, led a large community choir. The Much committee, Mrs. Robe Dreamer chairman, served lunch, Au enjoyable time followed for the remaluder of the after- noon. The lunch and booth coin- mitees had been un the scene at all celebration activities and were very wet at times. The janitors of the school Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bremner and assist- ants were on hand for all occas ions to make everyene comfor- table as possible and cater to various needs. The crowds were. Very appreciative and the various feonnuitteps felt well rewarded for the time and effort they had, given. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. M. Johnston B.A. B.O. Organist: Mrs. Fred Stephenson 9:4'5 A.M. *Cburch School 11 A.Nt. Public Worship Want To J3e A Negro?' MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister REV. C. A. McCARROLL ,u A.M. Church School 11 A.M. Public Worship The Shepherd Psalm Series 1. My Shepherd rganist; M. Thompson A.R.C.T. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA f:n Priest: The Rev. F. G. Braby, 13.A L ;Th, SAINT JOHN'S ,-- Brussels Organist Mrs S. Elliott ANNIVERSARY SERVICES beast of Dedication 8.100a.M. lloly Eucharist 11:00 Matins Guest PPeacher The Rev. M, E. Brooks, Rector, Christ Church, ListeWel. 8;00 p.nt. Sting 1f,tkchariSt DedicatiOti, Traditional Liturgical music Will be presented by the organiSt and elite,' of Trinity (literal, (Tait. The. traditional Vest- mutt:, in the elichatist Will be Worn at this service, and the rector the Rev. H. D. Jenkins will be otir guest preach- er. Members of other churches in the edienitelity tire cordially inVilcki to be With sus for this service. ENGAGEMeAT Mr, auu .11;etis „elti-Writ Al &trim of Lirtise15, Ontario, announce the engagement of Weir daughter, Lievendelyne Judah. Deane.% to Mr, ,iehh, Lee Davies 'booth, sou of idr, and Mrs. Arthur .iirederick Gisborne Tooth, UL Beaconsfield, Quebec. The marriage will take place ih Wroxeler Wilted Church, on. Friday, July 14 at 5 pan. Miss Martin is a graduate of the Secretarial Science course of the Lniversity of Western Ont- ario. Mr. 'loath is a graduate in Economics from the University of Western University. , IN MEMORIAM CARDIFF in treasured ory of a wonderful Mother, and grandmother Ada Mae Cardiff, who passed away one year ago June 1906, Froin hospital bed to Heavenly rest, Cud took her home to be His literplagcueesoin earth no one can fill, We miss my Mom. and always will. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter, Leota, son. in-law, Dean, and family. CARDS OF THANKS II4d Morrow eNpresses sincere tlianks for cards, flowers and. visits, while a patient in. Strat- ford Hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. Ed. Morrow I would iike to thank all my friends, neighbours, and relatives for cards, treats„ flowers, visits;. while I was in Wingham Hos- pital and since corning home. these kindnesses were much appreCiated. Mrs. Ed. Pollard 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who remembered me with cards, flowers, letters and visits while I was a patient in Stratford Hospital and since re, turning home. M )lie Smalldon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald are very grateful to their neigh hours, relatives and friends for their help on the occasion of our .515th wedding antilverSary. We alSo thank all who brought flowers, gifts, and the cards re, ceived. They all helped to Make our day of happiness "edniplete, Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours and relatives for flowers, gifts and cards while I Was a patient in Stratford 'General iIospital.:81)0eial thanks to Lindsay also Dr. Quinlan, iitirSee and Star on 4th floor. Special thanks to Rev, Allan. JOhnSteit for his visits and to all our fainities who helped In and around the Mollie. YOur kindness was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Lesley Earl COME HOME! We dire 10Okfng fOrWard fe having YOU home fOr Brnseele "Cottle Home Week", June 30th, July 1.8t and find. .uEN f LEMENS CLUB ITEMS .1.'or the urst Lime in. 65 fears we do nut have Baeker the years seeaks 1.01' ).rou must be good to stay in business that lough of time in a village this size. Backer s Butcher Shop was one of the best in Ont- ario. t sic vouch unmet: atiiinai. Jtoi, tiie viaCe spoLIUSS clean ..iou inure persciaall,y well Liauiiur'S baloney is known troal coast to Coast and nas a flavour that placed it tops everywhere. Backer spent some lame in Idaho. When he returned 1 do not know what- assets he had but he sure had one big liability. I oung George, George went to tianniton and soon forty extra policemen were called up. When Mrs. Dick was sentence/ to .ife imprisonment George came home. Bob .1.1'11.6er was also born in Idaho, The Jesse James gang came from Missouri, Al Capone from Chicago. Npw, I don't believ in bringing in so. Many foreigners, taking the work from us Canad- ians so I would suggest both 13aeker and Fraser be deported back to where they belong, Brunners Perry USA, When Bill and Cleve retired George took over rangements, Bill and Cleve never but under entirely different. ar- rangements. Bill and Cleve never slaughtered an a nimal that couldn't get up. George never slaughtered one that dould, George has just lately retired and went and got himself a race horse. Last Saturday rite it made the mile in 3.031/3 . The new owners are local boys and I'm. sure you will patronize their, as you did the Baekers. Give the boys a break, It they' are having a game of euchre when you go in let them finish their game. It's pretty tough to have to quit playing to wait on, a mist- Other i i you ere holding both. bowers and an ace: The place is spotless. Why not? When they are having their game Derrick is sciubbing the floor, scouring the block. f-1,0 has to hurry to bring their Coffee at the right always on the here. The only piece of dirt yott can see around is Al Logan. He's the &Aid, He tastes the bologney as to its flavor, salt, pepper, Spice etc. He always eats a ring and a half before he makes his mind rip. One side. of his coat always hangs low. The pocket is frill of unpaid het clogs. Say. have you seen the butcher shop window? Tt'S one of the best finisminiS I ever seen in window. Don't miss it: Nov a *Ord to the pUblic from one who knows, Have anthing to du with the gamblers July 1st, Especially the Carmval workers, Keep away froth Crown and Anchor unless you know the operator. Boycott any auction re- gardless (They have a local man hold up the goods). 11 you want a Cupie Doll play early. Don't buy a hot dog exept from local people. Don't start a fight, if you do you. will hear one "Hey Rabe". This means every carnival persons grabs a club and you have a whole mob to fight. Get a hat be- fore July 1st. Dress up. Keep a close tab on the kidS. You teens agers don't date strangers, even in pairs,' and don't forget to pat- unize the dances. You. older Men; don't come to to town. with more than $10 or $15 dollars. This day is pickpockets' holiday. 1.3ye for now. See you June 30th. Yours truthfully„ T. K. f, U.C.W. TURKEY SUPPER The U.C.W. will be serving a Turkey Supper, Saturday, July 1st, from 5 to 7:30 p.m., at Bras- sels United March. Admission $1.25. Children under 12 75e. •••••••ffemam•••••••••••••M•100•1••..1.111 LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN THEATRE Wed. - Thur. - Fri. June 21-22-23 HOT RODS TO HELL Dana Andrew" Jeanne Crain — and It's ELVIS in SPINOUT Sat.-Mon.-Tues. June 2426-27 It's the NOW sound in music and THE COOL ONES the hew sensation of the screens — and= Robert Stack Elke Sommer Nancy Kwan THE CORRUPT ONES Sun. IVildnite 11,00 p.m. June 26 SEVEN DARING GIRLS (Adult Entertainment) Wes —6 WILD YOUTH (Adult. Entertainnient) Robert Hutton Carol Oilman Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. June 28-29-30 DOCTOR, you've got to 'be kidding! Sandra Dee George Hamilton Color and "McLINTOCK" .90-ossuarommoirwalownminowweass isor PROPER:1Y WANTED We have several buyers for 100 and ZOO acre farms the Slyth or Urussels area.. For the person who wants to sell his farm contact; F. C. VAN EYL BOX 9:,3 LUciSAUNV t' 1;(),N 5128-34S/S Local Agent For John Bosveld 964 Oxford Street, London DESPITE INCLEMENT WEATHER GREY T,wp. CEN.IENNIAL DRAWS CROWD OF OVER 2,000