HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-29, Page 841 8 TOE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1881. DOORS BASHES BIDS, 310CLDIN , and every Description of Interior Finish. ST.11RS, HANDRAILS. NEWELS and BALI'STK$S A Specialty. Send for Pffcd Lists. SHINGLES, LATH A LUMBER. Estimates ou applica- tion. pre -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, U,,derich =burn Holts Swum' Hors. -We are pleased once more to welcome our jovial friend Julia Walters, who has just retured from a pleasant tnpto the Black Hills. Also Mr. B. K. Alien and F. Dean, who have just returned from a stay to [,[tele Sam's domains. Leobdora. A Joust Tint -On the evening of the 21st Mine host of the Point Farm en- tertained a number of the "boys" of this rection 4o a sumptuous supper, on the bund of his recent matrimonial venture. Singe, speeches and sentiment, mingled freely with guod wishes, ran around the festive board, and Joe and his bride were torted right heartily by the guests of the evening. AN Ores MEltrisa.-On the evening of the 16th inst., Rev. Mr. Gray, Baptist minister, of Clinton, delivered a very interesting lectnre un Temperance, in the Temperance Hall, under the auspices of the Leeburn lodge. Bro. Cummings eecupied the chair. A quartette gave w,me sweet music during the evening. Psaamennt. Retlulors. - Rev. Mr. Hendt:rs, pas- tor of Hope Church, has been conducting a series of revival services in the church during the past two weeks. RaeovsRED.-Ws are pieared to see that.Mr. Robert McMillan, sawyer in i1lcLellan's mill, has recovered frutu his severe sickness, and is able to attend to his work again. Movee. -Mr. John Bell has moved from this vicinity to Lanes, and Mr. Struthers from Dumfries takes tine farm formerly occupied by Mr. Bell. OBITUARY. -On Tuesday last. Mr. John Armstrong died at the residence of his sun Robert, at the ripe age of 73 years. He was an old settler in Ash- field and was nnuch'respected by all who knew him. The funeral Jn 'i'nursday was largely attended -over fifty teams following the remains to the grave. W W vre.Dosh ward. Keyed by Mr. McM , se- conded by Mr. Clan, that James Bmws be paid Nth, being s salary as ocdle000r. By-laws Nue. 8, 1 and 11 were duly read and passed. Moved by Mr. Mc- Murchy, seconded by Mr. Uridia, that Jet Brown be paid $1 for mistake in dug tax. Moved by Mr. Clare, second- ed by Mr. Whitley, that the collector be mild $4 for extra expenses. The fol- lowing accounts were paid, Jas. Brown, salary. $$6; do mistake in dog tax, $1; do extra expenses, $a; widow Martin, charity, $5. The Council adjourned to meet again at Martine Hotel, Dungan- non, on the 28th of May. The Court of Revision to be held at one o'clock p.m. same Clay. -Joust Coos, Clark. CANADLAN NEWS. The Allan steamer Nova Scotia is to be fitted up with refrigerators and other rppliamws to carry dead meat to Europe. D. J. Kerr, Q. C., of Si.. John, has been summoned for contempt of Court in publiahiug oo.nmunications reflecting on a Supreme Court Judge. A new iron (nine has been discovered near Bridgewater, and an asbestus mine near Flint. The vein of the latter is seven feet wide, and the fibre is said to be the best yet discovered. All male Russians between the ages of ten and eighteen are at liberty to ge abroad without permission of the Govern- ment. The statement that they were not was erroneous. A holy war against the French is being preached among the Arabs and Kabyles, who are likely seriously to hamper the French troops in the latter's operations aisinst the Tunisian troops. !Nr. Duncan McIntyre, who has just returned from England, Bays that the Syndicate has sold, in England, three hundred thousand acres of their lands in the Red Red River distric. at $2.50 per cre. Saw deur Own Saaar mad ',rap. Te the gilter of the Signal. Every fernier should grow hie own sweets, and thereby, at a triftng expense, save a large annual outla,' of cash in his household expense. This is easily done by plautiug sty from to one acre of Early Amber Sorghum ell each faro[. One pound of seed will plant one acre of laird. The seed u Worth about forty cants per pound. It should be planted as suou as the weather and state of the land will penult after the tenth of May. but will do any time up to the tint of June. Plant in hills, three feet apart each way, put about six or ween semis in each hill, but in hoeing thin out to four or five. Keep it well hued and and free from weeds fur a few weeks, and it will then tate erre of Anal'. Sorghum will do well un any lend that Indian corn will succeed un, and it requires just about the Ylue treatment. It should be harvested during September and early in October. Frost will injure the sugar in the cane. It is tit to cut just as soon ss the seed is passing from the unilk state or just as they are tint ripe. First with a stick strip the leaves off, and cut off about eighteen ur twenty inches of the top of the cane with the seed on. Take care of the leaves and tops of the canes it will wake good fodder equal to the best hay, and the seed makes very good feed. After this cut the canes and lay them in heaps on the ground, from four to eight hill in each heap. Keep the cane straight, and it will be much easier to handle. It may ley on the ground in this way until you are ready to take it to the mill to get ground tend pressed. Drying in the sun will not injure the cane but will stake them lighter to handle, and also will improve the quality of the syrup as long as they are not touched by the frost The average yield is about 160 to 200 gallons Imperial ineaaure of 1,400 lbs of sugar ler acre. B ides this there will be about one half ea tun of fodder and tifteen bushels of seed per acre, the seed is valued at sixty On Friday afternoon a four-year-old cents per bushel for feeding purposes. sun of Mr. James Walwer, of Guelph, Mr. John Varese of Colborne is building was suddenly missed while playing at this summer a factory un his farts for the side of a mill race. He is supposed the manufacture of both sugar and syrup. to have fallen into the water and to have He has also a small quantity of seed for been carried down the river. sale. Also Mr. Jas. McNair, seedaman, Goderich. has seed for sale It has been grown during the peat two }ears very successfully by ulesars. Geo. Cox, Gode- rich Township; H. Snell and S. An- drews, of Hullett; NV. Potter, of Col- borne; and many other gentleman. It The Hull temperance people are age IS no humbug. Farmer'', try is.. Let tated over the imposition by the City every fanner raise his own sugar and Council of the $200 tax on code houses i that is and annually sent sca large n issount the lines money for and tetuperauce hotels, whits the ]i•{nor !those articles. The avrup is nearly Before the Pacific Railroad Commis- sion on Saturday, a letter was read from Mr. Sandford Fleming, accusing Rile Carr of witholding information regard- ing the location of the line which might have saved the:toauds of dollars. Auctioneering. JC. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S AOC. . TIONEER.Oetbetoh, till. sellers are e{ually oppeae to the lards ; equal to the maple syrup; and the sugar increase in license fees made. Both par -p 1 ' g is superior to the commie: raw sugar. ties will test the natter in the law• AGticoLA courts. e West a Mrs. Brown, wife of the Rev. Joel L. i'h►rch Taiabterw -- Brown, of Belleville. was tined 85 andApl)la6asnmrntop. j CUl'N.'it, _ilEb'TINtc. -O lancil stet in costs for beating an orphan girl.Annie _fit the recent Cunfereuce of the Meth - Van Hall, on April 23rd, 1 51, at the Van Line in her esu Ivy The evi- ,)'.is• Epise ups Church. held in.Londen, the c ild Legal Notices. URSUANT TO AN ORDER OP made la the mat - &Mt Kirkpatrick. Dloveasun,the of the village oft alppawa, fu "thee O t late Welland, who died in or about the month of March. 1889, are us ur Iwttro rho Ss taAI N Y►d,teas to mud by vu t prepaid, the eeoollmm Dreams Cameros, BoUofto► for the ['tats ttti their Cartsuan and Surnames, addresses and description, the Lull particulars of their claims. a statement of their accouut* and the nature of the securities. if any,held by theist: ur in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said urder. Every creditor holding any security u to pro- duce the same before me at my Chambers at the Court House in the Town of Goderich, uu the 131b dayof Mr' 1831. at ten o'clock to the forenoon. being the time appointed for ad- judication on the t•Isiuu. Dated this 3th day of April. A D. 1set. odd.) H.11acDsexurr, G31 -it. Master at Goderich. 1 the Court of C ter of thelE.ate otioha and In • esus*, Kirk rodiulre of John It -1If ATTEL MORTGAGE SALE OF Printing Presses and Printiag Material in the Town of Godertch. Pur.tiaa.t to the power of sale contained in • (,bsttol Mortgage made by one Jane Cathcart, a copy of watch will be produced M the time of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction at J. C. Currie s auction Start, In the Town of Ooderich. en ■caw, the ata Day .f Iaay, Baal, at twelve o'clock noon the following goods and chattels namely : One double dewy hand press, one Ruggles Pres. one Allgator Prean with printing furniture and appurten- ances consisting of Rules, Galleys. Composing Stones, Books, Racks. Composing Sticks, Reglets, Chases, ,t -c.; a Book Binders Hard Metal Borders, Press and Ploughs, M vs. Horse, Sale, Steamboat, pacing and other cuts, Frames, Inks, a small quantity ut Paper, ('ands. and Cardboard; News and Jobbing Leads, S Rules. Type Cases, &u. A quan- tity of Wood Type, News, Jobbing, Advertis- ing and Ornatsenal Type, ate., &c. The whole cumppriedng the stock and plant of the pi intim office lately oocnpied by Mrs Cath- cart. This will afford an excellent opportunity to printer* and others desiring to obtain the complete outfit of s printing once, as the whole stock and plant must be sold without reserve. Terms will be made known at the time Vitale. For further particulars apply to JOHN diem[. Say, Guelph. or to the under- signed. SEAGER et' MORTON. Vendor's Solicitors Goderich Ont. J. C. CURRIF Auctioneer, Sec. Gocer:ch. Apr.i 13th 1881. call of Reeve. All the members present,donee allowed that h the etas following pastorate app 'influents etnhuni- the Reeve in the chair. Dfinutea of last anly beaten with a poker and draped were made fur this district : meeting read and adopted. E. Pacey around the room with her hands tied. ' applied for payment of sheep killed by LONDON DlsTaler. 1 vests . f 1t tion presented by Messrs. Luang and Pauls Church, Clinton. was held Mon - London -M. Dtwumtck. Habkirk bum village of Manchester for day night. The Rev. R. C. Matthew London Circuit-B.C Murre. grant toward building asidewalk-grant ed 520. The clerk was instructed to 'purchase a tape line for each councillor for letting and measuring jobs. Peti- tion from J. A. Taylor and 45 others, tor grant to gravel East boundary on llth, 12th, 13th and 14th concessions, granted 5200, provided East 11'awanosh would do a like amount, and petitioners grade up the road on llth and 12th cons., cons., ready forgravelling to the.satis- faction of E. (.aunt. D.A. McCrimmon, $3 medical attendance, D. Carrudice, Habkirk and Young, $20; B. Rudinotid, repairing scraper, $2; Mrs. Gilpin. chari- ty, 515; A. Sproul. expenses of Hough- ton's funeral. $20.20; Senfi,m.' office, printing, $17.-R. Mt•ERAV, Clerk. 178421. Blettical, H a Kamp, ILewD.,.,r PHYSI, e!'twea MCfI ad Omeaopposl s ( oa Ctlaeaea's ueknuw. if sot ma, *soda at the 17111[-i DB. MOLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON, Coroner, &a Oftloe and resident.* M lrso0 8ttset, sowed door west of V kwuta yt t• 1761. DRS. SHANI' N 3 HAMILTON, Phyaic ei ugeow. Amine:hero l o. Omoe at Dr. Shannon* reeldea 4•e. near tae Jail, Goderich. O. C. ten teems, J. C. Huslu.- roil. 1751. CHANCERY. I In Re Sayers. Sayers vs. Kirkpatrick. Purs,iant to the order of this Court made in this cause, bearing data the twenty seoond day of November. A. D. 18811. there will lie sold with the approbation of Jbhn Gustavus Ste- venson. Esquire, Master ut this t'uurt at Cay- uga, by Joseph Hall, Auctioneer. at Mason's Hotel in the Tuwn of Cayuga. at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoua, on the Twenty Flus day of May next, toe following propertybelonging to tate estate of the late Edward U. Sayers. 1st. The west half of the north half of lot thirteen to the tint .wwdssion south of the Talbot road in the township of North Cayuga, containing fifty acre* more or lees 2nd. The one half intereet in the Kirpatrtek d• Sayers salt well at Goderich in the County 01 Huron. including buildings and plant, 101. The one eighth interest in the Maitland- ville Ss t Well Co. • 1t h. Paid up stock to the amount of $130 in the Petroleum Salt Co. Sth. A number of notes, book debts and 13:vision Courtjudgulents. amounting in the aggregate to 3846.27. doh. A act of platform scales now i0 the storehouse at Cayuga The property will be put up m six separate parcels as above. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay cash. The parties to the tide. with the excep- tion xctp tion of the vendor. are to be at liberty to bid. In all other respects the terms and conditions t of sate will be the standing conditions qt the Court of Chancery. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Henderson s- Snider. Ven- dors Solicitors. at Cayuga, or to Messrs. Seager d Morton at Goderkh. Dated at Cayuga. April21st. ISS:. t. All J. U. STEVRNSON - 1781-31. Master at layers. dugs, laid over till next meeting. Pati- A sppecia meeting ofthe E. Lounaburc, Presiding Elder 8inmiller. Ps„psare Ca.►NOE.-Mr. Jno. Me- Gibba.ns has sold a village lot south of his residence to Mr. Chas. Fuller who is meeting thereon a comfortable cot- tage. LES:. -Mr. W. G. Luker, proprietor of the Benumiller flouring mill, left o,. the 20th inst., en route for Victoria, B. C. 3Ir. Luer ninde himself very popular, not .mly 011 account of his tact for bus- iness. but also on account of the active part which he t,s,k in everything which had for its object the moral upbuilding of the village. We wish him every sue - cess. 1 AIKE.NHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR • to Dr. l sinoatO urmduats of Ontario Ve- terinary Collate. Office, sables and residence, on New Street, four doors east ott:olborae Hotel, N. B. --horses examined as to sound- aeee. 1751. Legal. ARROW A PROUDFOOT, BAR- RISTIRB, Attorney!, Soli(dtors etc.. Goderich. J. T. Gamow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. resigned the rectorship. and asked to be Ingersoll -W. H. Shaw; G. Lawrence relieved at once. His resignation was and McLean superannuated. accepted and his request was granted. J. , qt. Marys and Nissouri-C. M. H. Combe and James Sheppard were el- i Thompson, J. i-tiitchell. acted Church Wardens. Alfred Brown Thamesford-M. H. Bartram; R. Ser - and Win. Grigg were appointed Delegates ! vice, superanuntiated. to the Synod. Embro-R. I. Warner. Hugging parties, at so much a snueeze Sweaborg-John Wood. the ptroceeds to go to the pour, are a Dorchester -M. Griffin. ly Western invention. The following Westminster -J. T. Davis, J. Bloods - schedule of prices is adhered tu:-Girls worth. under sixteen, twenty-five cents for each W. H. Hughston, superannuated. hug of two minutes: from sixteen to St. Thomas -1V. G. Brown. twenty, fifty cents; from twenty to , Southwold-W. Fansher, twenty-five, seventy-five cents; another Brown. man's wife, one dollar; widows. accord- Parkhill -J. Laycock. . ing to looks, from fifty cents to three Goderich-G. A. Francis. dollars; old maids, three cents each. or Boaanquet-S. Knott. two for a nickel. -[Ex. Seaforth-C. W. \rollick; S. In the United States district court at ger; superannuated. Topeka, Kan., on Tuesday, the case of Maitland -W. A. Vollick. the United States v. lfaldernan was Stanley -N. Dickie, F. Ling. tried. It was charged that the defend- Norwich -O. G. Collamore. ant had opened a registered letter and Aylmer -J. Ferguson. taken therefrom lawful money. The Springfield -A. Kennedy.. evidence showed that the letter cow- Malahide-J. Rose, F. J..Smith, J. tallied a National bank note. The de- C. Tutt rd, superannuated. fendant's counsel argued that this was ' T. also nburg-G. A. Fulciier. not lawful money of the Unite4l States, ' Mount Elgin -Jas. Gardiner. and the objection was sustained by - Vienna' Scratch, D. G.tiftin, sup - Judge Foster and the defendant ac- erannuated. T. J. Terwilli- quitted. y 'uValainghatn-W. Scurf•; R. B. Cook, Henr • D. Cleveland, enumerator for superannuated' the District of Blandford, Nova Scotia. S. Curti-Transferrati to Bay Confer - left home on the 12th inst. to atteni a once. meeting of enumerators at Chester. As'LITERARY NOTICES. Rstiolors. -Tae funeral sermon of he did not return fears were entertained being cl search in regardtohiaA preached the Rte JW. Nilisrl will be p nda bysafety.THE LEONARD S ''TT PriLIsiIING Co., the Rev. W. N. Arollick un Sunday May wide through Blandford woods .,n the lst. Al- IDENr. -A runaway which luckily was not attendeu by very serious results took place on 26th inst. Whilst the funeral cottage of the deceased Jos. Miller was proceeding to the Colborne cemetery. owing to a general halt being made in the pruceseton, Mr. Robert Kerr's horse turned suddenly round, ran away and precipitated Alesars Kerr and Moore, both of whom were badly bruised by the fall. The horse ran fur- iotsly, causing niuch confusion and dis- may, the carnage was overturned. the box torn off, but otherwise no further calamity- occurred till the horse was cap- tured 21st inst. resulted in the discovery of his dead body lying on a bed ..f spruce bushes. in a remote region, near Gates Lake. It appears that he did not arrive in Chester on the dayappointed, having loot his way. Athough search was made for the census books they could 41 Barclay St., N. Y., have just issued their reprint of BCorktron„1's Jingutinefor April. Like all the preceeding numbers of the present year. It is full of pod reading. "The Private Secretary is continued. "tihadwell's Life of Lord Cl de" briefly sketches the career of Chet not be found. 'A lent soldier. "Vallon:brosa is an At four o'clock on Slnndsy morning a interesting account of the former and fire broke out in a large frame livery present Society" gives a lof the ively de• stable opposite the new poet office, eeription .d town aoin Brantford. It was occupied by Mr. seventy tirond ocruntry $ hundrellifei Aird. At six that morning, when the yesta ago. "Greece ail her claims- firemn had quenched the tla th bodye f a trap named McDonald was discusses the ,resent actuation in the found in the building; also the charred East. There Is an amusing article en- remains of sic horses It is Cupp sed titled "Freaks of the Telegraph, enu- the man set the building on fire acct- merating manry provekisg blunders dental]} , and could not nut. The caused by carelessness either in writing rear of the Commercial Rote] was oe or tnnsmussien, which, however Leib - The l,•i.acil wet at Smiley s Hotel. fire, but was saved by the firemen. The Dungannon. on Thursday, the 21st of refit ends of the Bank of British North ing to the recipients They res April. The minutes of last meeting were of the printer who, in an art read and signed. Moved by Mr. Whit - le seconded by Mr. Claire, that the Clerk prepare a iii law to app•dnt path - masters, fence-vfeweta Anil IslUtHi•kee eeppp en, and that the renewing toe the scale of statute labor, at net more than $800, u able termed, nmunt have been truly sseno - Amettis and Zion Church teeeiced • ing the great properties of the oa nasty pied scorching. Mr. Aird s loss is cIlLlVdd iTAUY pt t: RF.t' heavy. N,, insuranceed from • certain .,oeetes of the wlmk; ' parvtatr.. 7th Mqy. and closing the tut with saying, than I roantatus vit.': "sailors use it for oflul their honor+,• aasuN 21st .. laMlasg tbe Pelee. g Mastsavia, 1Mth coverted it into "tailors use it to'o,il their JresavtAs n nes. '' CIts „ The perilodieal. reprinted by Tss LsoN A RD R4 -trrr Pt -a a ea t tee Co. (41 Bar• the Alm a Ll 'arrbly,, are bu follows: ii,jr. The Mee, and British Qunrt.sly )irr'ir,rr, and ,fie I wwoA's Mapfrsffee• Price $4 a year ti for any one, nrenly alts for all, and the postage is prepaid by the Publishers. B. L. DOYL.E, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. tc., Uoderi b, Oat 1731. SEAGER & MORTON, BA RR I S- TIRS, kc.. &c., Goderich and Wingbam C. Seager, Jr., Goderiok. J. A. Morton Wing - Mum 1751. `+ MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND ►J. Solicitor. Office --Cotner of West Street and Market Square, over George Achtson's. liuderick. 1751. C -A.1' IPION, ATTORNEY - A T- L.tW, Solicitor is Cbanoery Convey- ancer. &e. Omoe over Sheppard's bookstore, Goderich, Ont. Any amount of money to luau at lowest rates of Interest. 1751-y. flAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, J Barristers, Solicitors in Chaaoery, &c., Ooderueh and VI -bighorn. M. C. Cameron, C.; P. Holt. SVG. Cameron, Goderich. W. E. Macara, Winghanm. 1751. TRisceita..cous Cards. TAMES SMA[L' , ARCHITECT, &c. •r Office. Crabb* Block, Kingston M. Gode- rich. Plans and specifications drawn correct - 17. Carpenter's' plasterers and niasc,n's work measured and valued. R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter,. Parlor decor- ating made a specialty. GRAINING, GILDING, GLAZING. Whop on North Street, opposite the Registry Office. Goderich. 1751 i'TRATF'1RD BIN DERY-ESTAB- A LISHED 1841. This establishment is chiefly devoted to job and library work., specially to those unique and economlcal haltcalt and nwr- rocco styles In all cases the best of stork and workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJohn Dutton's drug store. t3 EORG E STONE. Tonsorial. THE NEW BICKERS'!'LTH HYIJAL COIPANIOH ALL STYLES ,ND PRICES AT It7oorhouse'sa Prosbylefiaui II WKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- BER and Hair -dresser. beim to return thanks to the public fur put patrurage. and solicits a oontdnuant•e of custom. He can always be found at his Shaving Parlor. near Of Paper Hangings oomprising every the lost Office. Goderich. 1753 Novelty in al ALL THE KINDS PUBLISHED AT MOORHOUSE'S THE NEW WESLEYAN IIYH BOOB IN ALL ITS FORMS AT MOOR1OUSE'S, ¶ALL PAPER. MOORHOUSE Would respectfully intimate to his aumcrou customers and the public generally that he has just opened out a Fresh Stock Loans and insurance._ Qe500,000 T() LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Gode- rloh. 1759. m5,000TOLENDON REAL ES- TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DO LE, Goderich. 1731 CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE Farm Property in the township of Ash- field. Pursuant to el decree and order made in a certain cause of Scymour vs. Kennedy, bearing date respectively the 11115 day of Feb- ruary A. 1). 1881. and the 31st day of March A. D. 1881, their will be sold with the appro- bation of Henry 3lacdermott, Esquire, Master of this Court at Goderich, by the said Slaster at the Prince of Wales Hotel, in the village of Dungannon, at the hour of one o'clock ill the afternoon on Saturday, the 30th day of April, A. D. 1881. the following land and premises, in one parcel, being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the township of Ashfield in the County of Iluron, and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the East half of lot number ton, in the sixth concession, Eastern Division of the said town- ship of Ashfield. containing by admeasure- ment one hundred acres of land more or less. This property is situated in the township of Ashflel3, and is distance from the Town of Goderi••h 11 smiles, and is roadily ac- cessible thereto ^ good road, which said Town offers a good market for the sale of pro- duce. The said property has erected thereon a good frame house a story and a halt high, also a good frame horn. The land is of a clay loam. Ls well waterer] by a living stream. which runs through the said land. There is an orchard of three acres of excellent fruit trees. There -are abeat 80 acres cleared. and the remainder is well timbered. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved old. which has been tired by the said Master. The property will be sold either subject to the mortgages existing thereon or free from the same as foe purchaser desires. The particu- larsot the Bard mortgages will be made known at time of satllt Terms, 10 per tent dostn at time ornate, and the balance to be paid into Court within one month to the credit of this cave. wtthoet interest. on payment of which n- veyanccetand 10 full possesionr will be o f the land. d to In p all other rwrecu the Terme and conditions of sale will be tie standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. Further particulars can be had from the said Master from MOM`, (Jarrow & Proudtoot Hears1-ameron, Holt & Cameron. Barristers &c. Goderich. (Rated at Uoderieh this 7th day of April. .1 D. til. H. MACTnsxorr, Master at Uoderieh. C1lrCans HOLT a[ CANS/NM Vendor's Solicitous. 17tlait. ALLAN Li N E of Rt 1YAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPJOL, L 4IJQNDERRY. OLA& The popuLir route between Canada and Great MOM r HORTI>m!0114 E Cr bin. into*Mnestellge Tickets at UM MAILINGS. • rants SosrfOo MO*it Siam rY t r Ax casrras a a. m. ' 14th. 16th. MAuvu8 a p. m. " last lard. CraraaulAS e. as. "Nth. Time Toronto morning papers this two days; at not more then $800. three week advanced their price 4o W per an - days; at not more than $1200, four days; num and 15c per week. The *sandier at not more than 52,000, six days: and and London papers were at first inclined that for every $500 over $2,000 one ad- to follow suit, but have contented them- ditional any, that the hy•law be read a selhos with an increase to +i rind 114;. - first, second and third tune and pawed. They all admit the fact that Heir past Moved by Mr. NcMurchy, seconded by rates were below a licing figure. and Mr. Griffin. that Mr. Whitley 1* instruct- that they were supplying their dailies in ed to have the hill and the bridge on the nine mile river, 4 and L con.. repaired. Moved by Mr. Griffin. seconded by Mr. McMurchy, that the widow Martin, Port Albert, he granted $S as charity. rod ter Mr Whitley, let ,,n.i,'n i.v Mr. some cases at an annual loss on the cost of the white paper. While they are RoTAITT was represented at Beacons - about it they ought to regulate the price fields funeral by the Prince of Wales, of their weeklies, the absurdly bow sub- the Duke of Cannaught and Prince Len- scription price of 'which. after ule.leetmg poli. The Marquis of Hartington was agents' charges, must make a good aired also present. The vault, after the (,sa thrt $100 be eapeieled is hole in the advertising ntv+fit. Iflhser was placed in it. was literally rammed ort the c•:nitoiaionet for the vets with eeaaths of Bower• tt5 Inns. 11th Isth " at thence with mmar w large Toronto to by the with extra eon hem iso a ~ IN dig or ligart rickatill. V ticiets ries apply to Ate' oaOghre t eeench. Ell•tp1- n- \ [WEEK. 11 a day at home essitc 1 ade. 1 :net y petI$ free \ddrn. r uL :t nide t ugne'a. Maine 650,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IP on good Farm or first-class Town Property at 8 per cent ADoly to it. L AIlCLIFFE. 1751 1{ONEY TO LEND IN ANY ,LVA amount to suit borrowers at r, to to per cent. Private funds. Apply to Sgnostt and MORTON, Goderich. (ONiEY TO LOAN Or FIRST 1vl Mortgage at reasonable rater o' intere»t and on terns to • suit borrower,. Address JAMEd STEWART, Seaford P. 0. 1759. '1TONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G E lr1` amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on first -clans Mortgages. Apply to UARROW & PROUDFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend at lowest rates. free of any costs or charges. IEAGER ,f MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich, 23rd March 1881. 1779. \{ONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- 1.1 DA Landed Credit.Company, Toronto - JOHN LAING BLAME, Eats.. President. Money is lent by this Company to Individuals upon the same system as to municipalities. -Send for Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. Agent. Goderich. 1751 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND nv on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day 1f title 1e satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN- STON. Barristers. &c.l Goderich. 1731 ItRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Representing fine e lase Companies. Alaoagent for the CANADA Live STOCK INSURANCE Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town or Farts Property, in any way to cult the borrow- er. Oice-/up-*airs[ Kay's block, Goderich, On'. 1751 INSURANCE CARD. BRtT1S1( ASS. CO'S. ToaoNTO-Established 1839. P'WENiX iNS. CO'V. of LONDON (Englandl- Establuhed In , HARTPOORI*NIM 'V, of IltweroRD. Conn. aid - Rey takes ,s the above ant -clans Offices, at the lowtrtrater by HORACE HORTON. The tadstwli'nort is Mao Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y. ToaoIrro. Hooey to Loan on first -clays 'security. from 7 to Spar Cent. --Charges moderate. HORACE HORTbN. Oodertch, Sept, 1s.. 1114 1731 SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. County of Heron • By virtue of a Wrtt se To wit; I Plori /wise Issued est et ger MsJeety's County (curt nr ltSIGO and to me directed M line moments of Helms lean Z SS tit! rat of E Jaebses. Henry it lactone. and hi eve *visa d I taken Ott t, title and Interest IA re4ssg' M the above named le IAte anmhers one hnnd- MIA neebemired,endo , t. w s of e(wf."rialTea: leen blotto[ dlaarttch ithe n PA7•t; R- DAY of JULY neat, at etecrontu. ORER 0113ONA, eeerigs°eke.Oodorteh. '. fber & of ROM lttae•p 140 11111 17ll0 DDAT. the had of 1 GOLD & BRONZE PAPERS, SATIN PAPERS. MARBLE & OAK PAPERS, CEILING PAPERS. Davos---Decoratious---Borders auiable for DRAWING ROOM; DINING ROOM, SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM, HALL, OFFICE UUTCHEN. All this Season'- Patterns in Window Shades, Which will be found much superior to any thing yet shown in this county. Pces vory oost reY• A call solicited. No trouble to show patterns whether you buy or not. T. J. MOORHOUSE1 BLANK BOOKS. A cnmplete aasertmdnt of every di.- cription of BLANK BOOKS, DAY BOOK$, LEDOERS. JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MEM. BOOKS, INDICES. 40 AT MOOR OUIE'S. demch. Api lath 1881