HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1967-06-15, Page 4Ptovinee or Ontario, • .. 1 t)enortment of Toun •rn & Inrctinatiml, Parliament thilidings, Room, .:- • Toronto 2. . •423, Pleaseisend me details al:Tat an . AYetie, Tidewater Athenture Yaeation. . • Namd.„., Address „ City Ontario 1)epartineta of Totiroan &Infermation. Piov. 4 4. " eaca - 011 <6a e sC ROYAL T DANCE HALL NO. 4 Highway — f Mile North of Wingham WINGHAM MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 19 800 P.M. REPOSSESSIONS — ISANRUPT STOCKS And Many, Many, Peraonal Consignments Consisting of APPLIANCES - FURNITURE - TELEVISION - CLOTHING EARLY BIRD 00+0R, OPENER .., LADIES' 1st QUAUITY NYLONS (Reg, .99) NOW 390 (Limited Quantity) J'CRNI:1 t itE ,,-a-pnto Dita vapor'. Suite that folds oat to a Lull •Y4, size Ian with nylon eu\ t.r and swivel rocker, a 2-piece .Preach Cliesterfield sut covuree is a top grad-, nylon cover. 3 other assorted liesturhola Sets won wain cushions, 2 9,piece Coopertone or Chrome Kitchen-Dinette Seta eousisting of S chairs and 72" table. 2 7-piece Sets consisting or G chairs and a GO" table with an inlaid tops I puce Diaua L, (mina tone Dinette Suite. 3 Bookcase Bedroom Suites cempiote with !Jed. ilrtaiser, chest of urawers and a matchiug Boa Spring and ,Oatires with each set. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a 'frilight and 2 Fable Lamps to each sea I set of Solid Step and Coffee 'rabic* ju Arborite finish—other Step and Coffee Tables, 2-39" Contatiental Buds complete with headboard and legs, i-a4" Conim- intal Bed comt.lete, 4 full size .54" Spring Filled Mattresses, 2 Host- ess Chairs, i '1aLCUrui nooker 9xi2 Rug, lii-chair, Telephone Table, Kitchen Step z-tool, Chrome Rocker. APPLIA,NCKS and TV—A large Refrigerator With full cross-top freeier, 2 Electric Rauges, one being a deluxe model. A long-skirt W'asher with pump, Automatic,: Washer and Dryer matching pair. Combination 'Radio Record Player, and Itist of all, 4 different television Sets, Si ' models that have all been checked over and are 'In A-i working condition. All appliances in this sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 Working con- dition when you link. them up at your home., CLOTHING FOR '1HE E,NTLIUO FAMILY—A large selection of Clothing has just been received for auction fret]. one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN,'S CLOTH- 1NrGt Socks, Ties Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Lross Pants, Pyjamas, T-Shirts, Work Shirts, FUJI 7`11111 LADIES and T4ENS--- Doable Knit Suits, Skirts, Blouses, Nylons', Cardigans, Pullovers, Slims. Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas, Slippers, BOYS - (TIRLiS and BABIEk-,., —Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts, Blouses, Seekti, SadketS Pants. Sierna,rl.:, -coals, crawler Sets, 'r-Shirt's, .Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Scts, 3-piecci Sets, Sleep and Play Sets, 1-piece Vul=•et: Suits, Coat end Hat Sets, atid: many other items toe numerous to montien. This stile eo-niiiirted by Forost City Distributors, London, Ont. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE; AUCTIONEER ---- LEO E. BIRD Terms Cash - Cheques Accepted on Furniture -5% Sales tag 111 Effect iikoo 1li'ku6s14.E; Pu6i, 13 1:: b 0141,d, ON'I'AlitIZ./ ,CIALUSHAV. JUN',111 idth, SiOa"misailifter ''',"4.10,109.0"afillifelP'4441160111"tati4111010mt• Weuer's4L 4ienekai'...5 ETHEL, ONT. CENTENNIAL SfECIALS — JULY 15th, 16th l'ith TREET DANCE §'ponsored by Blyth Teen Town ore FRIDAY, JUNE 16 NLAR bLY'f H PUBLIC SCHOOL Music By I SUt dancing 9 to Dress Casual aaimissiou at Popular Prices 95c I Everyone Vvelooala '11•1Par.: FRIDAY, WO CENTENNIAL DANCES Grey Township Central School CENTENNIAL BALL JUNE 16 KEN WILBEE ORCHESTRA Neilson's Jersey ice Cream NOTICE To the residents of the Village of Brussels; the Council, as a Centennial project will pay $2.00 to each person who will plant hard maple trees in the boule- vards. minimum height 7 it. Speeifications from the Clerk's office. Wm. 1-1. King,Clerk Village of Brussels FOR RENT — Grass Farm. At Jamestown. Phone Wroxeter 560W3. WOOD FOR SALE — Seven. Cord..-Hardwood $28.00 deny( ruci, Softwiod $17.50 Craig's Sawmill Phone Auburn 526-7220 SALES HELP WANTED MALE La a itawieigh. Dealer in flurou Coutio,, ,Good year round earn- Inas. .ta,o capital aecessitio.. \\ rite hAtwit.ngli, Dept. iU, 1UUL) Richelieu St., St. Heavy, Mont- real. SEE CURRIES FURNITURE IN WINGHAM oo,• gigantic -Gay Nineties' Sale. Sale star Ls June 15th. soeuita Oils week o rooms of initiative; lu tattoo bedrouin suite, 10 piece living f OULU suite, piece kitchen suite; all 25 pieces ONLY ..3113.00. Terms weakly. carioca offer FREE Parking, Storage and Delivery DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY enders will be received by the undersigned until 5 pan. Monday, July 3rd, 1967, for the construction of the following municipal drains in the Town- ship of Grey. t.:ElLER, DRAIN which consists of 4,960 lineal feet of covered drain, 8 catch basins. WEST Alt:TAGGART DRAIN which consists of 3,355 lineal feet of open drain, 4,300 lineal feet of covered drain, 5 catch basins. FIFTH CONCESSION. DILUN, which consists of 11,340 lineal feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender Lowest or any tender not neces, sillily accepted. Mrs. El. M. Cardiff, Clerk, Township of Grey, Ethel, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of THOMAS JOHNSTON deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Johnson, late of the Village of Walton in the County of Hukon, retired mail courier, who died on or about the 28th day of Septem- ber, 19613, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of June, 1967, after which data the exed= utors will proceed to distribute the estate haVing regard only to the claims of which ..they shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 3rd day of Juine, 1055. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Solicitors for the Executors Brussel§, OntArio Personals Mrs. Pred Sinalnam was able to come home .front Strataued I maim id oil i harsday.. • Airs. alartin McDonald is a patient in 11'iubham hospital, also Rev. \V .A. WRIlama, Mrs, Alex SWISS underwent eye surgery in Victoria hospital, London and. Airs. .Robert Gordon is in Seatorth Hospital. We wish all a speedy recovery. Mr. and. Mrs. Duu jacklin and daughter Tracy, Bloomingdale, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Igarl Dunn. Mr. and 1Ir5. 'foul Cuusilt. and. boy s, Varna, visited on Sunday, with Mrs. Stuart Avails.. Cranbrooa Evening Group .i.iie cranbrook E+ ening Lir.aip held their Centennial meeting at the home of Mrs Stuart Steven- son, The leader, Mrs. Jim Knight, opened the meetingl and a hymn was sung, A prayer of confession was read in unison. Psalm. 0' was read by Mrs, Jini Knight. The Scripture, Psalm 72. verses la.la was read in hnison, A litany of Thanksgiving was read re- spqnsively and followed by prayer. Mrs. Jack 'Knight read the History of Crailbrook Church and Mrs. Jim Knight read the History of Ormibrook Evening 'Group, The meeting was turned over to the president, The mina, tes of the March meeting were read and approved. The corree. Dondence was read and the bus- iness Was discussed. Moved by Joyce Cameron seconded. by Madeline Steiss that we send in $10,00 supply allocation money. The group has been asked to accept an objective of $250.00 to be sent to the Presbyteria treas- urer for the General Fund. Moved by i\larilyn Engel seconded by Jean ElvanS that we accept this amount as our Share of the alloc- ation and that we do our best at raising this amount, The group has been invited to a Centennial meeting at Monkton on June 21. Mrs. Stuart Stevenson read a report on the first day of Synod- ical held in Stratford on April J.8, 19 and 20th. MrS, Stanley Fischer read an account of the second day. The roll call was answered by ten members with a bible 'verse,. The collection Was taken and plans were made for the June meeting. The topic God in Man's World. was read by Mrs. JaCk Knight, Hymn 582 was sung and the closing prayer was read by Mrs. Jim Knight, Lunch was served by the hostess assisted bY ,'Joyce Cameron and Marilyn We are looking forward to having YOU home for Brussels. "Come, Hume Week", :Julie 30th, July ist and 24(1. Great Ontario Adventure Vacations eMoosonce dMe.Vvri.sNpo6rt arencDaaamt The Trail to Arctic Tidewaters Oh an Arctic Tidewater Adven- ture Vacation, to Moosonee and Moose Factory you'll rub shoulders with Indians, ESkimos, traders and prospectors from a thousand miles around Hudson Bay. At Ontario's last frontier, taste the flavour of a pioneer past and sense the prospect of a nation's great future, On your way from North i3ay to Cochrane—departure point for the fabled Polar Bear Express —you can swim, fish and boat in Ontario's most beautiful tree, fringed lakes, visit world-famous gold mines and gigantic wood-pulp mills, scratch hope- fully among Cobalt's abandoned silver workings. Comfortable accommodation and well-serviced campsites arc always near, along smooth, easily,travelied highways, An. Arctic Tidewater Adventure Vacation will thrill your family to their very bones: Would, you like to have more hi forma. Lion? Just mail the coupon, today. SATURDAY-, JUNE 17 — JERRY & THE JESTERS ausiar.,hwAvest..ciltinstr rx COME HOME! 1/2 gal. Allen's Fruit Drink_ 48 oz. tin Kam Luncheon Meat Raid House and Garden Bug Killer OPEN EACH WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL 10:00 P.M. 3 for 83c 55c