HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-04-29, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL. IUA1, Ana Uses Este spring. The stingless spring, scathe Anile is lust over the back yard fence. It flop- peth up and down at the instigetiuu of weather Vomiter, now bluwine like a ward politician, next smiling u the fes- tive clerk in the dry goads store; but old So1 will ohartly catch her by the arms, just above her vaccination, awl yank her on this aide of the un.rhesure, there to re- main until she smiles on the *Mellon* and th, uU lily with tate p b,:s;tet gathering the same for greets, the lambkins sporting on the hills old did flapping their ungainly tails for jay and milk, and the small boy gaths .s4 up old junk in the b,tt,:a of th t c.►u wetting his feat t., Isis k 33 as 1 ;irin; thy afore- said youngster as rife: opp,rtullity to put his angel phtmtge ox. HILL' spriad ! Hail to the robins and blue -birds thou brin;est t, warble t., us et 4:33 a m., whim we are awakened by the neighbor's boy stealing o tr h ,r ., radish roots Now prance forth Aunt Melina after dank roots for the purifying of the gr,. se and Asp -jack asturatel termly; the young man also goeth out in pursuit of s tailor with a nett -committal memory; the gay girl ,serambuleth for openings, and the bill collector walketh out armed and equipped with legal power as the law dire:ta, and endeavoreth to find the debtor who is never in. Onoo more hail ! Soda water new squirteth vanilla for one and sour mash for another. The householder taketh down the serve and catcheth cold in uni- son with the entire family the next day. Moving and house cleaning make numer- ous candidetos for the asyl urn; the baby swalloweth carpyt tacks, and the M. D. shaketh his head as he sayeth 'the babe has malaria." But with all thy desola- tion thou heil'ijelt tar the yeeind urn's whose girl looketli luvin;ly on the "cream," thou ahi t c Cr diet', in thy breath frs;:asst bee Al I tis •.i w tter- eth the farrow with thy tea:,; as 1 the vernal gra, and ths sstasi, and green garden tru:le, an 1 • Nay 8 ewers, and Cinada thistles, and the bold jimwn weed, c,,,uet4 up and crietle in unison.- [ Ex. Abeat Leve. Mr. Factandfancy has noticed - That the boy who is roast afraid of the girls is the first to be corralled into ma- trimony. That tho little boys prefer b tys to girls. That they soon change. never to ga back t., their early love. That the little girls love the girls best. That; they don't get over their prefer- encsa s . soon as the boys do=same of them never. That women love the man b ecause they love everything they have to take care of. That mete love women bs;ause they can't help it. That the wife hires her hnsband so well that she has no thoughts for other men. That the husband so loves his wife that he loves all women for her sake. That the married man is apt to think himself all killing among the fair sex simply because he has found one woman fool enough to marry him. That homely husbands are the best. They never forget the compliment paid them by their wives in accepting them. J That homely wives are the truest. They know how to mike the most of what they have. That the man who marries late in life does well. That the man who marries young does ,better. That the plan who never marries is to be pitied. That the woman who marries does well. That the woman who does not marry does better nine times out of ten. Males for Nesse Education. 10. Never give yuur children anything merely because they cry for it. 11. 4)n ne account allow therm to do at one tints N !tat you have forbidden. undsr the same oitcuuu'auees at another. 12. fetch them that theouly sure and easy way to appear guud, is to he good. 13. Aocuutotm them to make their lit- tle recitals the perfect truth. 14. Never allow of talebearing. 15. Teach them that self-denial, not self indulgence, is theappointed and sure method of obtaining happiness. *e.I Rldlag Sprites aarlw. The folowing is the prize Art of the South Riding of Huron spring show, held at Bruoelield on Tuesday, 19th lust: - HORaR&. Heavy draught stallion, aged --6 en- t:iss-1st, "General," J. J. Fisher, Ben - miller; 2d, "Welcome," James Horton, Lumley; 3d, "Wellington," Jonathan Carter, Egmundville. Heat y draught stallion foaled in 1878 - -.f e,.tries- Lt, "Count Careless," P. McGregor, Bruce4eld. Heavy draught stallion fueled w 1879 -3 entries --1st, "North Star," P. Mc- Tavish, Brucefield; 2d, "Lord Loathier," E. Horton, Usborne; 3d, "Just in Time," Chaa. Mason, Brucefield. Agricultural stallion foaled in 1871)- 2 entries -let, "Young Lurd," John Perdue, Goderich township; 2d,"What's Wanted," Wm. Perdue, Goderich t'p. General purpose aged - 1 entry "Youag Perfection," Wm. Evans, Mc- Killop. General Purpose stallion, foaled in 1878-1 entry -"Joe the Banker," J. Nicholson, Bayfield Carriage Stallion -4 entries - lat, "Sorrel Cloud," Innis & McIaughlin, Stanley; 2d, "Whip -poor -Well,' R. Brock, •Tuckenmith; 3d, "Magician," A. Davidson, Seaforth. Blood Stallion -1 entry - "Young Bea- con," G. Wo ed, Bayfield. BULLS, Aged Durham-2entries-1st,"Young Udore Oxford," Jas. Dickson, Tucker - smith; 2d, "Duke of Kent," Jas. Camo- chan, Jr., Tuckenrnith. Durham bull calved after 1878-4 en- triea-l4 "Prince of Orange," Thomas Russel, Lshorne; 2d, "Young \Velling- ttn," John McKay, Tuckertinith; 3d, "Sir Richard," John Tough, Stanley. Durham yearling - 4 entries - 1st, "Yuma- Prince of Siam," Jas. McLean, Tuckerami;It; 2d, "Crimson Duke," Ap- pleton Elenat. Tuckersnsith; 3d, "Ox. ford Loi," John Kitchen, Stanley. Ayahire bull -"Laird," Hugh Love,• Sr. , S tauley. Dickson's siabial-Durham of any age -7 entries -"Prince of Orange," Thos. Russel, Unborn. Judges on cattlt-Geo. Hyde, Strat- ford; Jas. Petty, Hensall; W. Pudham, Ushurne. Judges on horses, heavy draught --R. Gardiner, Hibbert; Joseph Salkeld, Stratford; Patrick Carrel, Goderich. Light horses -A. Young, Seaforth; Geo. Mace, Exeter; John Whitely, Goderich township. Fun anb Fancy. HE WASN'T THRRE.-\Vhen General Sherman was at Auburn, N. Y., last weak, "an old veteran" stepped up to him with a great deal of ostentation, and, tFaspiug his hand cordially, exclaimed, in a tune loud enough to be heard a block away: "God bless you, General! God bless j you! I fought with you in the Shenan- doah Valley:" , : flat's all right, my friend," replied the General, "but I wasn't there." The "old veteran" slid. A learned divine was in the habit of preaching so as to be beyond the com- prehension of his humble villagehearers. The squire of his parish met him one day and asked him what the duty of the ' shepherd was. "To feed his flock, of course," was the reply. "Ought lee, then." said the squire, "to place the hay • so high that but few of Itis sheep can reach it?" The following are worthy of being printed in letters of gold, and being placed in a conspicious position in every household: - 1. From your children's early infancy inculcate the necessity in instant abe- d ionise 2. Unite firmness with gentleness. Let your children always understand that you mean exactly what you say. 3. Bever promise them anything un- less you ars sure that you can give then( what you promise. 4. If you tell a child to do anything, show him how do du it, and sae that it is done. 5. Always punish your children for willfully disobeying you, hut net er pun- ish when you are angry. to Newer let them perceive that they can vex you or retake you lose your self - command. 7 Never smile at any of their actions of which you do not approve, even though they are somewhat amusing. 8. if they give way to petulance and temper, wait till they are calm, and then gently reason with them on the impro- priety of their conduct. 9. Remeher that a little present pun iahment. when the (-e asio n arises, is mach more effectual than the threaten- tng of a greater pnnuhment should 'he fault be ren e• e PAY UP. EINU now out of business on account of the tire, 1t is seoaasary that all debts' owed i we stwYld be settled early. 1 tape Chs upper tuuit) of is siring all concerned to pay up at voce. 1778-21u GORGE CATTLE TO THE PUBLI(':- Jfuviny disposed of my Photo Business in (;oderieh, 1 wois.id take this Notify to return thanks for the many aeura recessed since commencing business here aeon years apo. For my successor, Mr. Sallow., I bespeak a umtinauance of the patrotuu/e se kindly tendered mc, and knowing Atm to posses superior ability, predict for him a successful business career. Respectfully, R. R THOMPYON, Photo. With reterenee to the above, I would inform all interested that my aim will be to produce work at the Lowest Prices consistent with blood Quality, and shall spare no pains to give satisfaction. A One assortment of Albums, Frames, tic., to hand In • few days. A ca11 solicited. R. SALLOW S. Photo. Blake's Block. Ooderieb. (Successor to R. R. Thompson.) N.B.-As I have all the Negatives trade by R. R. Thompson previously to my taking the business, parties wishing duplicates will please send me their ordrs. R. SALLOWS, Fbotografo. Boston has a 1'hiscocuuscosahocraphy Society. The motto of the Phiscognos- cosphocrephickers is "brevity is the soul of wit" - and Phiscognoscosphocraphy is a specimen Of it. If the Phiscsgnos- cosphocraA-hicites were to start a paper called the Phiscognoscosphocrapher, the editor would doubtless call his brief para- graphs"Phiscognoscosphocraphicalities." A gentleman having engaged a brick- layer to make some repairs in - his cellar, ordered the ale to be removed before the bricklayer commenced his work. "Oh, I am not afraid of a barrel of ale, sir," said the man. "I presume not," said the gentleman, "but I think a barrel of ale would run at your approach." A Memphis darkey applied for a mar- riage license. "What's the lady's name?" asked the clerk. "I dunno, boss. Is dar any needceseity. fur you to put dot an de papers?" "Yes." "Well, I'll go and get it wrote down," and he went nut muttering something about "de fool no- tions oh white folks and niggers." The story is told of Sidney Smith that when he once tattled on a certain great parsonage, he was ushered into a room which had mirrors on all aides. When- ever he looked he saw himself reflected, and when hecameawayhesaidhespentan hour in the company of about a dozen of the best looking clergymen of the Church of England CHRYSTAL & BLACK, - Practical BOILER -MAKERS. The Subscribers, have bought the Tools and Boiler Buaines of D. Rt -Nelms: d- Co., lately carried on by the Ooderich Foundry and Manu- facturingmpany and having had an ex- perience of over eight years in that shop, are now prepared to carry on the trade In all its branches. sr Any work entrusted to us will recelvo prompt attention. First -clans work guarant teed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired. alae Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work, &e., a - reasonable rates. New Salt Pane made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at PRICE$ THAT DR - IR coMPYTrTION. Chrystal & Black 'WY lea, CONE1LIt'a. (17571 THOS. JAMES;, Darlington, England, says : The "Only Lung Pad" is being thoroughly tried here One lady has al- ready received great benefit, who has suf- fered for years from Bronchitis and Asth- ma, and congestion of right lung. H. E. HODGE, Cambridge, Mich., says: I have been afflicted with Asthma for years. An "Only Lung Pad" gave me immediate relief. I can recommend it as the greatest remedy ever produced. Hseev VAN NoRTwICK, t.f Toledo, Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon me to try an "Only Lan; Pad," and I 013 - tabled immediate relief from 'a racking cough. I know the Pad helped me. At retail by all druggists. Wholesale by H. HASWELL S CO., Montreal, P. Q Newts Get RING The great secret of obtaining riches, is first to practice economy, and as good aid Deacon Snyder says, "It used to worry the life oat of me to pay enorm- eens doctor's bills, but now i have 'struck is rich.' Health and happiness reign supreme in our little household, and all simply because we use no other medi- cine het Electric Bitten, and only octets fifty cents a bottle." Sold by F. Jor- dan LIBERAL OFFERS F J R. 1881.. TwaYears for the Price of 0118 ! THE REPRINTS OF TRE BRIT1CM QLARTEBLY (Erangelieall, A\DO!i 4L4RTERLY (Coa.acrratire/, EDINRI RGII , it'hi(!,, AND wEeTt1INIATER (Libemll REVIEWS, ANI, Blackwood:5 Fdinbnr¢h Magazine, Present the hest foreign prriodienla in a con- venient form and without abridgment or alteration. n Tenet' of ieahser1N le■ (Iarlad lag rea(age.l Black wood or any one Review... $4.00 per an. Blackwood and any one Review. 7.00 " Blackwood and two Reviews.. . 10.00 " Blackwood and three Reviews. . 13.00 " Any two Reviews 7.00 " The four Reviews . 12.00 " Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 " These are about half the prima charged by the English Publishers. Circulars giving the Contents of the Period- icals for the year IMO, and many other partic- ulars, may he had on application. Narkle's's*r■Iea ,awes The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Tetter, Clapped Hands, Chilblains, Oosns, and all kinds of Skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give palest satisfaction in every ease or money refunded. Price 96 cents per ho-fho-f sale by F Jordan finderich pFt. BMAI LTMB- New subscribers tray have the numbers for 18110 and 1881 at the price of one rear's sub scriptlon may. To any subscriber. new or old. we will fur- nish the periodicals for 1171 ■t half price. All cadent* be stat to the publication office. To secure premiums apply promptly_ Th. L.oaarl Soett P blishi ng 00., 41 NSRLLAI CT.. NEW T•Rk. 'LXXXY.XXXXXXXSCXXXX, PRINTS COLBORNE BROTHERS /now 5 CENTS A YARD UP. THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN. BOOTS & SHOES. We are receiving liberal shipments of SPRING 0-00130 S, which comprise all the Desirable Lines of the Leading Manufacturers of the Dominion. The Prominent Features of our Mock this Season will be :-- THE VERY BEST QUALITY, THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, And PRICES LOWER THAN EVER We have also added Several New Lines of Our Own Make, in both Sewed and Pegged, which wilt be found all that the customer can desire. ORDERED WORK & REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and Promptly Done. tsrt'atl and examine for yourselves. We shall be pleased to show you the Gaels and (mote prices, whether you buy or not. E. & J. DOWNING. THE SQUARE. Goderich, Feb. 24th. ITO t 1768 If You Want Good . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, —GO TO -- D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. In addition to the ordinary lines of the Grocery and Crockery Trade. I carry a w stock of Floor, leak, Pork antiProisious MY ]LOTTO IS, "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Coal 01! also sold. Seermy Stock and get my prices. W Goods delivered to any pari of the D. Ferguson. Daniel Gordon, Ca6ial-]Iakcr llorlertr. Oldket'Huttse in the (aunty, and Lamest Stock this side of London ! PARLOR SUITES, BED -11.0011 SPITES, SIDE-BoagDs, EASY CHAIRS, LOL'NGEs,.RTe'., ere. Cash Buyers wax Ai 1 it to the:r advantage to see my stock if they need's good article at close price. D. GORDON, Wert Street, near Post Office, Ovd,rich. VICK'S M1eTRATRN FL(.KAL 1111111E Foe 1141 r an Elegant Book of 180 emcee, Onc Colored dower Plate, Sand Stu Illustration., with Descriptions of the best 1.1,.•t us and Vegetables, and Directions for aro wtog. Only Weems. to English or Ueruian. If you atter wards order seeds deduct the 10 cents. r$ek's seeds are the best In the world The HssalOutdo will tell bow to get and grow Wm. Tleh'a Brewer mud I Garden. 175 Posta. 4 Colored Males, Sao Engravings. For M sats in paper coven, {Lou in elegant cloth. Of English. .Ie■tall( Magsa■e -Jz 417. sa11)edPlate ta every numberaad 1.15 • year: K{oeonten Numbers 411■1 for costa: 1 trial copies for 85 uenta. Address. JAMES VICE, Rochester. N. Y. 1761. SEE WHAT PHYSICIANS And People in Canada say about Scott's Emulsion Of Pure Cod Liver Oil \VITH H pophosphites of Limo & Soda AS A REMEOY FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTING DISEASES g=NTA2L Carriage Worksl B_ POINTER etltcodiac, N. Ir., Nov. 5, 1810. Megan. SCOTT &- BO11' N E : 1 have used and prescribed for some time "Scott's k:mulsion of Cod Liver O11." and find it au excellent prepa- ration, agreeing well with the stomach, easily taken, and its continued use adding greatly to the streugth and comfort of the patient. A. H. PECK, L. e. Peon. Med. College. Amherst, `,.,ta Scotia, Nov. 8, 1880. Messrs. SCOTT t: IIO1tf NE, --Gents: For nearly two years l have been acquainted with Scotts Emulsion of l'od Liver 0x1 with Hypo - phosphites, and consider it the finest prepara- tion now before the public. 11,, p1111 l,'ucy aa an Emulsion with the {,leattant Haver. makes it the great favorite fur children, aad 1 els highly recommend it for all was-t!og diseases of the system. Yours, very truly, C. A. BLACK, W. D. having leased the ahop of Mr. P Bayne, is now engaged in the manufaet ure of first clue CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS, etc. Give me a call. and I will give you priced that cannot be neaten in the lir► county REPAIRING} dz JOBBING# DONE CARRIAGE WORKS, B. POINTER XER?tXxXXXXXXXXXs» GLOBS TOEL000 00., DTTROt t. Mien.. sed wiNDSOR fie KINTAIL GET YOUR dUCTION SALE BILLS PRINTED at the „flee sof TH= HURON SIGNAL. !forth 8trert tlndench Halifax, N. R., Nov. 19, 1980. Messrs. SCOTT & IIOWSE, - Gentleman: 1 have prescribed ypur Emulsion for the past two yearn, and found It more agreeable to the stomach, and have better resulatrent its use from any other preparation of tato kind I have tried. 11. M. CAMERON, St. D. Belleville, Ont, Mesar,, S(701 T &• DOWSE. -1,car :-'in: 1 feel It a duty 1 owe not only to you but to the community, to make the following statement: About three fears ago my eldest daughter was taken with a screre cold which settled nn her lungs, and not withstanding all tlat her medi- cal attendant could do, she got worse and worse, and appeared to he in the last and hope- less stage of consumption. The Ikoctorsaid he could do no more, but recommended your Em- ulsion, and the effect of it was in the opinion of every one who knew• her, simply marvelous. Before she had used the first bottle, stip felt much better, and to the surprise of us all, she oontinuod to mend so rapidly that in three months she was able to go about as usual, and has continued in such excellent health that she got married 18 months ago, and has now as fine and healthy a sem a+ yon can find in the country. WILLIAM BLAND. Elora, Ont.. July, 1810. This is to certify that my daughter has had Lung disease for some time. and very much reduced in flesh and had not strength enough to walk across the street. She was advised try a lady friend to try Scott's Emulsion. and to our great surprise before sho bad used three bottles her health was eumplctely recovered. I recommend It to every one troubled with the same d t settee. JOHN W. BOWER, THE GIIF.ATEST WONDER OF M111tERN TIMES!-'I'hcPills Purify the Blood, cn.-dctnll disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Klein, y;e and Rowels and are invaluable In all enn'pnt ints in- cidental to Females. TheOintnuent is the only reliable reuunly'for load legs, Old Wounds. Korea and ricers. of howelver long standing. For Hron,hit is, Dlpht herla.( on,rhs,l'olds,Gout, itheurnatism and all skin Diseases. it has no equal. Hl$WARE OF AMERI('AN ('0t" TEIt- Fl{ITS.- 1 most respectfully (ale leave to tall the attention of the Pitblicgenerally to the fact that certain Houses in New fork are send ingto many parts of the glob' secmore eMIT ‘TIONS of my fills and Ointment. These frauds (sear nn their labels some address In New York. i do not allow my Medicine to be sold In any part of the United States. 1 have nn Agents there. My Medicines are only made hy ane, st :MI Ox- ford Street, London. in the !looks of 11111111ms &eyed to the spurious make is ,caution want- ing the Public against bdngdeccived hy coun- terfeits. iM nen be misled by this audacious trick. as they are the counterfeits they pretend to denounce. Thee counterfeits are purchased by nnl'rtnetppind Vendors at ane -half the price of my Pills and Otnt stent and are sold to you as my rennins Medicines. I meet earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which i feel sure 1 may ven- ture nein asking from all honorable persons. to assist me, and the I'ublfe, as tar as may lie in their ptwer,in denotmcingthis shameful Fraud. Fwrh Pot and Hos of the Genuine Medicine bear the British Government Stamp with the words "Hot.towAV's l'ILUt AND ('INTMrNT. LoNIa)N." angn ved thereon. On the label is =dress. 6E1 (Ilford 0treet, London. where aie■etheyss■Menuhettued. Holloway's Pitts end e.sas6rrJMt(Nistosite y' re Marks et these Mdress edi was Hence any one •ions, who may te for isle, will he M.1S WILIAM,51 ORfce.t atrose. PARMr. Jan t CINGAI'ESE HAIR RENEWER The e�pW1 4 pet K ss sNSI er *asset is • ksfinll/stl nese yr Nara Tau see call M ab All It !�! out, ,sat arts with reEseay ie =ils RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try it hal r .using any other. Sold hy an druggists. Priers M eta. a Dottie. Weir AGENTS W'D'ed• Rig �•stapt high 11. Cap�eb�wired. J t NOM