The Brussels Post, 1967-06-08, Page 5PROCLAMATION HEREBY PROCLAIM SATURDAY, jUNE. 17th, 1967 A PUBLIC HOLIDAY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY C. R. )DUNBAR, REEVE e..e.ealileteek• atete.L' Church School U. A.M. Public 'Worship "In Remembrance or Me" Sacrament Sunday Organist: M. Thompson A.R.C.T, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS COUNCIL MEETING Morris Township Council met Lin Lite .itim.! with all members present. Dry Elm and Soft Maple Slabs $3.50 Green Hard Maple and Beech Slabs $3.50 1 Cord Cord All wood above in truckload lots of 7 cords, delivered, within 22 miles J. H. KEESO & SONS 495 Albert Ave. N. Listowel. Ontario Phone 291-4890 LISTOWEL DRIVE-IN* THEATRE THUR. FRI, SAT. JUNE 8-9-10 Theatre Uoes on Full Time Schedule RIOT ON SUNSET STRIP (Adult Entertainment) COLOR — snot — THUNDER ALLEY Annette Funicello "Fabian" Diane McBain Jan Murray Color (Adult Entertalnmen) 'MON. TUES. WED. THUR. JUNE 12 - 13 - 14- 15 KISS THE GIRLS & MAKE THEM DIE (Adult Entertainment) Color — and — GEORGIE GIRL James Mason - Alan Bates Lynn Redgrave (Admittance Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over) 4.1-it)ItS.UAN, JUNE Isth, i31061448 UNITED CHURCH. OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. m..,onnoton B.A. B.D. Organist; Mrs. Fred 'Stephenson 10:30 aeu, Chureh School .11:00 a.m. 1'LC/W.16R SUNDAe' • MELVILLE PRESB Y'l EALAN CHURCH, Minister REV. G. A. McCARROLL, TWO CENTENNIAL DANCES Township Central School CENTENNIAL BALL FRIDAY, J4JNE, 16 KEN WILBEE ORCHESTRA URDAY, JUNE. — JERRY & TH.E JESTERS • ANNUAL SLAB SALE Green Elm and Soft Maple Slabs (when available) $2.50 Cord MELVILLE W.M.S. The June meeting of Lim W.M.S. was held in tie auditur- tam Melville Church en Friday evening jur.e, ;and. Guests were present from, the other churenee of the village, also from. Melee, worth, Binecale and Belgrave. The meeting was convened by the President, Mrs. Gerald Gibeon, who read an introductory poem fellOwed by the hymn, Faith of Our Fathers, with Mrs. King accompanying oil the' organ. Mrs. George 116iliott read the Scripture Ileb. Uhapt. 13. and Mrs. Math- eson led in prayer. Two numbers rendered by' the Junior choir, directed by Mrs.. Thompson, and accompanied by Mary tGibsen, were enjoyed by, Lite audience. Mrs.: Mutter gave a reading, a poem "unawares — the Master came that Day -. lie offering- was ' received and dedicated, Miss Mary :Gibson played the offertory music on the pipe organ. Mrs, Walter Kerr sang the solo "I'll Walk With !God" accom- panied by Mrs: King. A. very timely message for our day "The, World's Needs" was then given by Mrs. McCarron. The closing hymn "The Lay Thou Gayest Lord" was followed by the benediction. The ladies were then invited to the Sunday School room for a cup of tea and a social hour, S E A F O R T H UPHOLSTERY Centre Strait For all kinds of upholstering Brussels Representative: Phone 4 cr 79 Brussels SELWYN BAKER THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA larisa Priest: The Rev. I-. G, Braby, B.A„ SAINT JOHN'S — Brussels Organist -- Mrs S. Elliott 8:00a.m. lioly 4ucharist 10;00 a.m. elattins Primary Church School SAiN7 ALEeel'S & SAINT DAVID'S Atwoog Orgarist — Mrs. C. Dickson 9:30 a.m. Mattins and. CnU.rdi School CRANBROOk.r. Personals Week-end guests with Mite. Lylle Gordon included Mre. ,Harold Miller and Mrs. himnia McCallum, St. Thomas, and Mrs. M, Baker, Listowel. elise Beverley lilvans, Kitch- ener, spent the week-end at her, home here. Mrs. Alex McDougall and Mrs. Harry- Manning, St. Thomas, viet- ed over the week-end with Mrs. Mac Engel. Brian Evans is in Scarborough for two weeks where he will be teaching beginning in. September. Mr. and Mrs. Clare veitch Were With triends in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. and Mm's : Stanley Fiedler visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Tibbo and family, of Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson and family, Moose Creek, and also attended. Expo at Montreal. Grey Twp. Centennial Don't Minns 11w they l'wp. Cen- tennial cei:•!Hation oei June 16-18 , at Grey Twp, Ceti' ra. Sch ool. Look for other further partieniaree Cenbrook Dart Club Enjoy Social Eening 'Members of the Dart Club and ladies had an enjoyable evening on .,'relay eerie 2, in the Commun- ity Centre. Approximately seventy sat down to supper served by the Cranbrook W. I. Trophies I were pesented to the season's win- 1 ners end later club members and. iI guests danced to the Music of Wlibee's orehebtta. me read and atioptleadst oni4meoe ttiiQuag Wolter Shortreed and James Mehe. The following motions 'were carried: Moved by Welter Sb.ortreed becundrql by William _Elston that eve 1;. the Board of Transport Culnims:iloncrs for Cana.da to re- consider their decision to close the. agent y at Brussels station.. Muted by William Elston sec- onded by Russ Smith we enter into agreement with Limon County and. Huron. County Library Board for insurance for Walton library, Moved by James Mair, 8.0C- end cd by Wm Elston that By- Law No. S, 1907; supplementary borrowing by-law be passed. Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Walter Shortreed that the provisiomtl by-law be adopted and the Court. of Revision on the Fifth Concession Brain in Grey Town- ship be held July 3, 196'i 1 to 9 pin, Moved by James Blair sec. (Dirtied by Ross Smith that By- Law No, 11. 1965 be rescinded and that $500. of the centennial grant available to Morris be Waived to Brussels Centennial project. Mmod by Walter Shortreed seconded by Win. Jai lston that that the balance Of the Centennial Croat 'be available to' Morris in the amount, of $685. be Waived to ellyth Centennial project. Moved by .fames. Mail` sec- onded by Win, Elston that road accolade in the amount of $38,292 as presented by road saperintend- od be paid. 'Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Walter Shortreed that gen- eral accounts be paid as present- ed: Moved by Ross Smith seconded by James Mair that tender of Lloyd Jacklin, RR 1, ListONVel, to supply and deliver approximately 12,000 cu. yds. pit run gravel on Morris `Township roads be ac- cepted subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engine- er. Moved by William 'Elston sec- onded by James Mair that we ask the Ontario Water Resources Commission to take steps to el- iminele the pollution in the Mid- dle Maitland River Which is in a deplorable condition as fish are eying and it is unfit fur swim- lug lit recreation areas. .,roi.ed by Walter Shortreed ,,fg;outled by Ross Smith that meeting, adjourn, to meet again ,llibel, 1967, at b General Account Brantford Builder's Supplies, tile fur McCall Drain Improve- 1.621.79; Hydro for hall 9.75; 'tinned of Bruseele, charge-back, Department of Health, insulin 6.67; Win. J. Henry, un- loading tile 9.75; Clem. Steffler, time and mileage 315.00; Murray Reid, sprayin cattle & warble fly powder 051.44; Logan 'Town- ship. charge-back 31.87; Melvin Carnochan, McArthur Drain 17.00; lack Shaw, buillozing 182.75; Ross Smith, mileage 10.70; Win. Peacock, MODA registration; 11.75; Stewart Procter) MODA regist.ation & mileage 20.00; George Michie, salary 45.00; Helen Martin, salary 119.40; Canadian imperial Bank of Com- merce. Income Tax & Canada. Pension $6,95; John. Brewer, part of salary 150.00. Road Accounts Oldfield. Hardware, tools 8,93; MI6. M. L. Hall, truck insurance 125.00, 2.lex Inkley fuel oil & tax 22030; .14.'74 S. Hubbell & Sons Ltd, lights, battery & bolts 64.36; Robertsteel (Canada) Ltd. ,cul- verts 1,044,25; Owen King Limit- od, Jamestown bridge 35,300.00; Id eal Supply Co. Ltd., plugs & points, filters 21,16; J. 0, McNeil. brush Spray, oxygen & bulbs 331.85; J. M, McDonald, lettering 0,59; Howard Smith, brush spray 320.00: Brussels Post, attVertis- ing sale of bridge & gravel 4.00; EL A. Shaw, cleaning up trees'. 25.00; Hydro for shed 33.77; Bob Heavy, stiles tax on bridge 57.65; Bank of CoMmerce. pension 25.92; insurance 5.92; Wm. McArter, wages, bookkeeping, & mileage 176.20; James Casemore wages 3S5.00; :Ram Smith, wages 136.00. Stewart Procter Reeve Helen 1), Martin WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU An invitation is extended former residents of Brussels and area to write The Post with greet- ings for former friends and actin- aintances. A partimilat invitation is given to those who will not be able to attend the Centennial cel(Thrut ions, But write NOW. The Centennial Committee are hard at work with plans for ev- eryone'S enjoyment on "Come ilothe Week. EXCELLENT CAR BUYS 1967 FORD LID DEM. 2 DR. HT 390 ENGINE, AUTO. TRANS., PS, Pla, RADIO 1966 PONTIAC, RADIO 1965 PONTIAC 4 DR., HT, V8, AUTO. TRANS., PB, PS. RADIO 1964 MERCURY 2 DR. HT. 1964 CH'EV. SUPER SPORT 1964 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE BRIDGE MOTOR YOUR MUSTANG FALCON, FAIRLANE, FORD and THUNDERBIRD DEALER PHONE 249, BRUSSELS PHONE 357-3460 WINGHAM 'inutes of 0